Tainted Souls {Damon Salvator...

By hogwartsmylife

234K 4K 1.4K

Lyanna Gilbert, cousin of Elena and Jeremy Gilbert, moves in with Aunt Jenna along with Elena and Jermey. Sta... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22- Finale
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Authors Note
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31- Finale
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42-Finale

Chapter 7

6.2K 119 50
By hogwartsmylife

7| Haunted

I woke up and found myself on the couch. After me and Elena talked last night we also had a cup of tea. There ain't much a cup of tea can do but apparently it was easy enough to get her sleepy and I happened to stay on the couch. It's not my fault I was sleepy and didn't want to move my lazy body.

I walked upstairs and into the bathroom to have Jermey and Elena arguing. This has been happening for the last couple of days and besides it's Halloween, yay...not. After my recent discovers of vampires I didn't like Halloween anymore but it'll make me look bad if I don't participate in the school's Halloween Dance Haunted Theme.


"Oh, no, it's cool, I'm done." Well that's a start. I grab my toothbrush and brush my teeth

"You're up early. Where are you going?"

"Police station. They're organizing the search party for Vicki, so..."

"Wait. Shouldn't you be going to school?" Oh, my god. This is not gonna end well.

"What? You're kidding me, right?" I spit into the sink and wash my spit down the drain. Then grabbing a mint mouthwash and swish it around my mouth for a few moments before spitting it again in the sink.

"You shouldn't skip school. If they find her, we'll know. That's what cellphones are for."

"Yeah, your lips keep movin'. I don't know why." I look at Jermey and sigh.

"Jermey. She's still your sister and only trying to look out for you. For God sakes is this all just about some girl who's freaking crazy and bonkers?! Forget about her Jermey, she doesn't care about you, Vicki doesn't care about anyone but herself and getting high." It was the half hard truth, Vicki's a Vampire and honestly I don't want to tell him that just yet.

I walked into my room. Yes you heard me right, my room. Elena and Stefan helped me last weekend to decorate it and move my things out from Elena's bedroom, plus a little extra for Damon since he helped carried my bed with Stefan, without taking it out and scratching any walls.

It was light purple with butterflies and horses painting on the walls and they glow in the dark at night. My bathroom had its own unicorn theme and Damon happened to buy a unicorn bath towel for me. Cliché? I know, but I happen to be a 17 years old that happens to like horses and unicorns and black.

I change into a Charlie Puth tee, black jacket, skinny black jeans with rips, and a black with grey sneakers. Elena called my name and I grabbed my phone and walk downstairs to see her holding her car keys, speaking of which, why haven't I gotten my drivers licenses yet? Dunno.

We get into the car and I notice that Elena is going to Stefan's home. Even though they have broken up apparently they're still working together to figure something out for Vicki or because she did something, yeah she's a vampire. Gotta keep that in mind. Once we reached the doorsteps of the house, Elena knocked on the door. A few moment later, the door reveals Damon. He leans against the wall and smirks. I swear I could slap that smirk off his face.

"Is Stefan here?" Elena asks.

"Yup!" Damon exclaims and I look at him like 'well where is he asshat?'

"Where is he?"

"And good morning to you, little Miss.-I'm -on- a- mission."

"How can you be so arrogant and glib after everything that you've done?"

"And how can you be so brave and stupid to call a vampire arrogant and glib?"

"If you wanted me dead, I'd be dead. We'd be dead."

"Yes, you would."

"But I'm not. We're not."


"Where is Stefan?"

"He's upstairs singing "The Rain in Spain". Knock yourself out."

Elena was really frustrated with Damon and sighs, letting herself in and Damon steps out. I could see that he got Elena in her nerves and he does get me on my nerves as well.

He walks away and I pick up a rock, throwing it at his back. He turned back to me and glares at me, using his vampire speed he was now face to face with me.

"Do you have a knack for making people hate you Salvatore?" I asked, filled with confidence, knowing that he'll probably kill me sometime later soon.

"Do you have a knack for making people like you Gilbert?" I grin and look at him carefully.

"At least I've got a human life and a family and friends that I can depend on. Much more that what you can have. Your dead and a vampire, and didn't you say it was for eternity? So tell me Salvatore, is being a vampire a blessing or a curse to you?" I saw Damon's face slowly falling, changing his expressions but soon has a grim look on his face.

"You don't know me or anything about me. You hear Stefan's side of the story and assume I'm the bad guy but again that's what I've always been all my life and constantly the bad guy. Did Stefan ever tell you of how I became a vampire and why we hate each other?" I look on the ground, feeling a little bit guilty. He places a finger on my chin and brought my face up to look at him,"Do you know the story?" He asked with a demanding tone in his voice.

"No. But I don't need to hear it from you. All I know is that you feed on humans blood, that you kill innocents for your stupid cravings!" Damon looks harshly at me and places his hands on my face a little bit harshly.

"Human Blood is what makes me stronger, faster, and healthier. I'm powerful than Stefan and when I talk about power I don't mean it to be internal glory or any of that crap, no, I mean that I can compel people, I can make them forget. I can do things faster and I can have any girl putty in my hand like a dog tied on a leash."

"Is that what you did to Caroline? Made her putty in your hand, slept with her, and then compel her into your obedience?! You are nothing better than a monster, and if you don't let me go, I swear Damon I will do everything to find something that kills vampires because guess what, no one lives forever." Damon removes his hands from my face as soon I said that no one loves forever and goes into the woods. I walked to the back yard and sigh. Damon must have either anger issues or trust issues.

I saw Elena coming out from the back, breathing heavily and placing her own hand around her neck, smoothing it. I walk to her and sigh, hugging her tightly.

"Are you okay? Did anything happen?"

"Vicki. That little slut happened!" I look shocked at my cousin and secretly smiled inside. She never cursed or swears before in front of me and Jermey so, that's a new.

"Well, call me a vampie and shoot me some blood, I believe my little cousin is all grown up. A woman." I fake a tear and smile. Stefan came out and looked at Elena carefully, studying her.

"She threatened me."

"She's on edge. Imagine every sense in your body operating at super speed. I mean, she's uncomfortable in her own skin. And then when you throw in her other issues..."

"How long before it settles? Hours? Days? Weeks?"

"There's no rule book."

"Well, how long before you learned to control it?"

"A while, But I didn't have anybody helping me. I had to do it on my own. The thing is it's hard to resist certain people especially when you're new, it's difficult to separate your feelings. Love, lust, anger, desire...it can all blur into one urge, hunger."

"What does that mean?"

"It means that Jeremy can't see her, not now. She might not be able to resist him, and she could hurt him."

"Or worse."

"I'm not gonna let anybody get hurt."

"I need to get going."


"Please Stefan. There's only so much I can take. Lyanna lets go." Elena was going to turn but I stopped her and looked at Stefan.

"Damon. He hurt me, you know I can't believe that this Salvatore bond was broken by some women. I'm sorry to say this Stefan, but you two need to get your crap together and start working together not against each other. I don't care if you've been at this for 145 years or whatever, work it out Stefan. Now before it's too late."

Me and Elena head on into her car and I sigh, looking out the window as Elena drove off. This is so not how I wanted to spend Halloween but oh well, apparently fate had a different plan for me.
Me, Elena, and Jermey arrive at the Halloween Dance. Elena went as a nurse and I went as my favorite Disney movie Princess, Belle. Jermey scares some kids and Elena gently slaps his arm and I giggle a little bit. Maybe tonight won't be as bad as I thought. Matt came over to us and smiles at Elena. Sometimes I feel like he's still in love with Elena.

"You went with last year's costume too, huh?" Elena smiles and nudges me in my ribs, thus my fake smile was plastered on my face.

"Yeah. I didn't know that I was coming till an hour ago."

"Me neither," Huh, coincidence? Perhaps, but again it could be something else. He looks at Jermey and gets confused,"And you're going as...you?" Jermey glares at him and leaves. Elena sighs and looks at Matt awkwardly.

"He's not talking to me right now. We got into fight." No shit. You two always be getting into fights.

"Yeah, I got into it with Vic too, when she got home. I'm trying not to smother her tonight, but part of me didn't wanna let her out of my sight." Me and Elena stares at Matt shocked.

"She's-She's here?" I stutter out and Matt nod his head.

"Yeah, you can't miss her. She's a vampire." SHIT! Wait a moment where's Jermey? I looked around me and couldn't find him near me. I tugged in Elena's shirt a little.

"Elena, where's Jermey?" She looked around and almost turned pale.

"Lyanna, Elena, what's the matter?" I grab Elena's hand and excuse ourselves.

"We..We gotta find him. Excuse us Matt."

Me and Elena searched throughout the party and desperately sigh. I looked all over and called all over his name. Elena was very worried right now and so was I. That bitch, I swear! She got him putty in her hands. We walked around more until Stefan bumped into us both along with Vicki.

"Thank God." Elena stops and looks at Stefan.

"What's the matter?" Elena was out of breath so I responded.

"We lost track of Jeremy. We was worried so much. But we still can't find him at all." Matt came over and looked at all of us. Elena was too tired to do anything.

"What's goin' on?"

"Hey. uh, everything's fine."

"I told you to quit bothering me." Vicki says to Stefan and I looked at her shocked.

"No. Vicki, don't do this." Elena replies, looking shocked as well.

"Matt, he won't leave me alone." Referring to Stefan and Matt looked like he was going to pounce Stefan.

"You need to back off, man." Matt! Damnit! It's really hard to keep a secret completely. Elena steps in and looks at Matt.

"Matt, it's...it's okay."

"No, it's not okay. What the hell is your problem?" I looked around and notice Vicki is gone and gasp. I tap on Stefan's shoulder and he looks at me.

"Stefan. She's gone." Elena left and Stefan grabs Matt and places him against a Wall.

"I'm trying to help her," He says as he lets go of Matt's shirt and I take his hand for protection,"Let's go find Elena."

I nod my head and held onto his hand to make sure I don't get lost plus it's a lot of people here tonight. I couldn't find Elena so I let go of Stefan's hand and slip through the back entrance. I see Elena and she sees Vicki attacking Jeremy and runs over to them as I ran besides Elena.

"Vicki, no!"

Elena hits her with a wooden plank. Vicki grabs her and throws her into a pile of garbage nearby. I run over to Elena and helped her up, making sure she'll be okay. Stefan grabs Vicki and holds her against the bus.

"Vicki!" Vicki disappears. Jermey and Stefan look at us.

"Go. get inside. Go!" Elena and I grab Jeremy and runs. Stefan continues searching for Vicki. Until I saw Vicki in front of us, I stepped in front of Elena and behind Jermey. Apparently that didn't work.

"Ah!!" Vicki pushes Jeremy out of the way and grabs me. She bites me and I start to groan out of pain. Stefan stabs Vicki with a wooden stake and I fall on the floor backing away from Vicki who's face was turning grey and veins taking over her face. Vicki dies.

"Vicki! Vicki! Vicki! Vicki!" I could hear Jermey's voice shout out in pain and heartbreak. Stefan held him back as calling someone on his phone and Elena came to my side observing my wounds.

"It's fine Lena, I'm not hurt I can still get up." I cry and Elena tries to sooth my comfort as she was crying with me. When I looked up I saw Damon as he spoke to both me and Elena.

"You should go. I got this." I stand up and get closer to him, staring at him with hate and anger.

"You did this. This is your fault." He had that look on his face, as if he didn't care at all.

"You confuse me for someone with remorse." You freaking bastard! I try to hit him but he grabs my hand and stops me.

"None of this matters to me. None of it."

"People die around you. How could it not matter? It matters, and you know it." I slap him hard and he lets me. I hope you rot in hell Damon Salvatore!

"You need to leave. Your wounds are bleeding and you need to leave."

Elena and I were leaving, heading home with Stefan and Jermey. No one should see Jermey in this state and I couldn't help but fall. Elena help me up and then Matt came up to both of us and I fought to hold in my tears.

"Elena! Hey, have you seen...Whoa. wh...what happened?" He says looking at us both of us.

"Nothing. Some idiot with some fake blood got both of us. We're gonna go home and shower." As we're about to leave, Matt asked a question that breaks both of our hearts.

"I...I can't find Vicki. She totally bailed on me." I felt really guilty now.

"We don't know where she is." She's dead Matt, I'm sorry. But once again I kept my mouth shut.

"Is this what I'm in for, a lifetime of worrying about her?"

"You're a good brother, Matt."

"Yeah, Maybe she went home." Or she went to hell like I've always wanted!



We walk to Elena's car and once we were inside she started crying and I hugged her as best as possible. Once she was not crying, she stared to drive home. I passed out as soon the engine turned on.

Once we arrived home, Stefan was waiting outside for both of us. I weakly smiled at him and went inside to hear Jermey's sobs, my heart shattered right in that moment as I grabbed a shawl to cover my wounds so that Stefan wouldn't crave anything from me or anything.

"Are you okay?"

"I, uh...I wanted to help her. But instead, uh...How's he doin'?" Elena came out and had a shawl on her as well.

"He's a mess. I don't want him going through this again. He's just a kid."

"Elena, what can I do? I...What can I do to help? I'll do anything." I remember what Damon told me earlier about forgetting, I piped up.

"Can you make him forget?"


"Stefan, please. We don't know how he'll ever get past this. We just want him to forget everything that happened. Please Stefan?" He takes a deep breath in and looks between me and Elena carefully.

"If I did it, there's no guarantee that it would work...Because of who I am. Because of how I live. I don't have the ability to do it right." Oh. Well this is a disappointment. Me and Elena frown at his answer before I asked him the question.

"Is it because you feed on animals blood instead of humans?" Stefan nods his head and I frown. Suddenly we heard another voice behind us.

"I can do it. If this is what you both want...I'll do it." All of us turn around and see Damon. I walked towards him and looked straight in the eye to see he's not playing me.

"This is what we both want."

"What do you want him to know?" I looked at Elena and she spoke up, which is the best thing for now.

"I want you to tell him that Vicki left town and she's not coming back. That he shouldn't look for her or worry about her. He's gonna miss her, but he knows it's for the best." Damon nods his head and walks inside the house. Elena looks at me and I smile a little,"Can you go and make sure Jermey is alright after this? I need to talk to Stefan." I nod my head and walk upstairs and saw Damon getting out of Jermey's bedroom and saw Jermey sleeping in his bed.

"So it's done? He doesn't remember anything." Damon looks at me filled with remorse? We get closer to each other, until our bodies literally touch.

"Yes, it's done," I nod my head sadly and looked down at his shoes. He gently picks my face up to look at him,"He'll be fine, you won't have to worry anymore." I smile and let a tear slip down on my face, Damon wipes it away.

"I'm worried about everything. Me and Elena have to take care of Jermey in order for us to give him the life he deserves and if Elena gets involved with Stefan again....well that means we'll see each other a lot more."

"Perhaps we can work on our relationship....meaning to be friendly just not as friends just someone to know...." He trails off looking at me before I knew what was happening, we almost lean in that was until I heard Elena's voice. I distance myself from Damon and smile a little, it's not a true smile but it's a smile.

"Good Night Damon Salvatore." He bows and grins.

"Good Night Lyanna Gilbert."

He goes downstairs and speaks with Elena. All I could see was us kissing, well almost. I took off my Belle dress and went inside the shower, deposing my bra and underwear. Relaxing in the hot shower and cooled off as soon as I got out, letting the cold air touch my skin. Slipping into a fresh bra and underwear and pajamas, heading straight to bed not caring about my hair.

I was beyond exhausted and I was beyond tired. This is just all too much to handle at once.
Heyyyyy, so it looks like Damon and Lyanna may have a bumpy road ahead of them. Seeing that Lyanna views him as a monster and he's just being well Damon. Yeppp that's what I wanted to say.....well this isn't awkward or anything.

(Next update will be in a few hours!)

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