Handle it

By alexmarie__

11.6K 441 4

Nique's boyfriend is playing her will she pull a him on him or will she stay with him and just take it More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chaptet 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chaptet 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 43
Chapter 44
Chapter 45

Chapter 10

341 12 0
By alexmarie__

Aiden's Pov
I walk upstairs in the room and I see Nique sleeping and I walk over to her and I get her phone. I look at her phone and I see some dude blowing her up. She wakes up and looks at me and she snatches her phone back. I look at her and say. "Nique who the fuck blowing up your phone." She looks at me. "Nigga none of your damn business,do you pay my phone bill?" She gets up and walks in the bathroom. I walk downstairs and I get my phone and call Serenity and I wait for her to answer.
Phone convo
Lil boo😍😍: wassup bae
Me: you know you can't call me while I'm at home
Lil boo😍😍: I just wanna see you today
Me: hmm aight ima see if I can come thru
Lil boo😍😍: you gone see? man aight
Me: don't be doing that bs you know how nique is
Lil boo😍😍: okay and I don't know why you just won't leave her
Me: leave her for what?, to get with you
Lil boo😍😍: duh nigga
Me: nah cause I don't love you,I got love for Nique now bye
End of convo
I hang up the phone and I walk back upstairs and I see Nique getting dressed and I look at her. "Why you got that on and where you going?" She looks at me and say. "I'm going out don't wait up." I shake my head and she walks downstairs. I get my phone and I send Serenity a text. I walk outside and I get in my car and drive to Serenity's house and I turn on the radio and I think to myself. I turn the radio up and I pull up at Serenity's house 40 minutes later and I blow the horn and wait for her to come out and she gets in the car and looks at me. "Where we going?" I drive off and glance over at her. "We going to the mall." She looks at me and she looks out the window. I continue driving to the mall and I pull up in the parking lot 30 minutes later and we get out and walk inside the mall. Serenity looks at me. "Can we go in Forever 21 first?" I look at her and nod my head. We turn around and start walking towards Forever 21 and I see Nique. She walks up to me and Tanisha follows behind her. I see some dude running over to Nique. She looks at me and say. "I hope she was worth it cause me and you done."She walks off and the dude follows behind her and grabs her waist from behind. I walk over to Nique and I try to talk to her. The dude looks at me. ""Nigga she don't want to talk to you." I walk off and I shake my head. Serenity follows behind me and I turn around and look at her. "Don't start Serenity." She looks at me. "You mad cause you got caught, she was going to catch you eventually."
Nique's Pov
I grab Cameron's hand and I drag him in Forever 21 and he looks at me. "Oh hell nah Nique I'm not coming in here." I turn around and look at him. "Boy I'm only coming to get a few things,you act like I'm Tanisha." Tanisha looks over at me and say. "Bih what that suppose to mean?" I look at Tanisha. "It means I don't take all day in one store and come out with 1 item." Cameron looks at Tanisha and laugh. "She's right you do be doing that." Me and Tanisha walk off and go in the girls section and I pick out me a few tight dresses and crop tops and some shorts and Cameron looks at me. I turn around and look at him. "What,why you looking at me like that?" He shakes his head and Tanisha walks over to us. "What y'all two love birds got going on?" I look at her and roll my eyes. I walk to the front of the store and stand in line and Cameron walks up to me. "You sure,you good Nique?" I turn and look at him and say. "Cam Cam I'm fine." Tanisha walks up to us and say. "Cam Cam?" She looks at me and shakes her head. I look at her and say. "What?" She looks at me and doesn't say anything. I put my clothes on the counter and I get on my phone and wait for the girl to ring all my clothes up and I get my money out my purse and pay her. I get my bag and I stand to the side and wait on Tanisha. She pays for her stuff and we walk out the store. Cameron looks at me and say. "You should stay at Tanisha's house tonight." I turn and look at him. "Why?" Tanisha looks at him and say. "Yeah why Cam Cam?" He looks at her. "Don't call me that."
Cameron's Pov
We walk in Forever 21 and Nique and Tanisha walk off and Carson looks at me. I walk in the men's section and I find me some jeans. I see Nique and I walk over to her. Tanisha walks over to us. "What y'all two love birds got going on?" Nique looks at her and rolls her eyes. I look at Nique. "You sure,you good Nique?" She turns and looks at me and say. "Cam Cam I'm fine." Tanisha walks up to us and say. "Cam Cam?" She looks at Nique and shakes her head. I look at Nique and say. "You should stay at Tanisha's house tonight." She turns and looks at me. "Why?" Tanisha looks at me and say. "Yeah why Cam Cam?" I look at her. "Don't call me that." She looks at me and say. "Why nique just called you that?" I look at her and then at Nique. Carson walks over to us and says. "Cause he got a thing for her, you don't notice it." I push him and Nique looks at me and says. "I knew you wanted me Cam Cam." I look at her. "I mean I wasn't hiding it but you just got out of a relationship so we can be friends for now,until you ready." She walks over to me and hugs me.

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