Short Stories

By alysa-marie_heppy

789 66 170

Short stories, poems and thoughts. Short stories: The sin that killed Louisa Dearland. New Moon. Love Let... More

My eyes.
Short 1 part 1.
Short 1 part 2.
Short 1 part 3
Short 1 part 4
New Moon
How exactly?
Love Letters
Love letters
Are you okay?
Love letters
Sweet Nothings.
Summer (2)
Summer (3)
Hear Me.
I'm not dead
New Moon (2)
The rain.
The Floods
Caution : slippery when wet !
New Moon (3)
Summer (4)
Christmas special (1)
My heart, your weapon.
Christmas Special (2)
Untitled Part 35
Spy For Hire (1)
Spy For Hire (2)
Spy For Hire (3)
Spy For Hire (4)
Spy For Hire (5)
Untitled Part 43
1st Summer
If the stars fell.
The Abyss
SR 1.2
SR 1.3

Summer. (1)

13 1 2
By alysa-marie_heppy

The summer that I knew him was the best summer I ever had. 

My heart was tested, twisted and coiled... Not to mention broken... in several million pieces.

It was a complete tragedy...I regret nothing. 

Before my world swallowed itself, became a black hole and shit on me. My summer was better than I could ever imagine. 

It's funny how one person could change so much in your life if you just let them.

My vision on life was very narrow before I let him in. Before I opened myself to the different possibilities life offered. We fixed each other. Filled in the spaces and gaps we both shared. It was crazy because I never felt that way. Ever. I never thought that I could.

Who was this charming young lad that managed to sweep me off my feet you may ask? That would be Alejandro Smith. The boy next door. 

Wow wow wow, before you go ahead and start thinking that this is the typical boy next door story. I can assure you, its not.  Alejandro wasn't the typical blonde hottie who was the most popular guy at school. He was the complete opposite.

He was a dark and mysterious brooding figure who crawled in the darkest shadows of our school. He was virtually invisible, a nobody. But I always knew he was there. 

And I wasn't the shy, nerdy girl. Well maybe I was but my friends were "popular" and I tried to adopt their attitudes. That's a lie... I never cared really I mostly just went wherever they went but I never really talked nor did I engage when they were with other "popular" people.

That bullshit is overrated. I realized I function better when I'm by myself so for the next and final year of my high school experience, I'm rolling solo.

Now back to Alejandro. Sigh, the tall, dark  mysterious guy that lived next door. With his dark brown, curly, frizzy hair. His sloppy smile that just hinted mischief. His eyes, those dark eyes that glinted with deviance... how could I resist? Hispanic and Caucasian mixed. It's a shame nobody knows who he is... If he was popular everyone would've wanted him. I'm glad he's not though. 

How did this all start you may be asking? Well you see the blissful idea of Alejandro Smith happened to spontaneously hit me one cool and crisp summer morning. Literally. 

"Ouch!" I exclaimed as my hand shot up to rub the right side of my head. I looked up from the book I was reading to see a black Vans laying next to me on my bed. Marking the page I get off my bed swiftly and peak out the window to see him looking for a way up to my room. Grabbing the shoe I hold it up and shout down to him, " what the hell Smith!" He looks up nonchalantly, not even a smile present on his face as he says, "sorry. I was testing something. Can I have back my shoe please?"

At that point I didn't resist throwing the shoe at him. Of course he caught it before trudging back inside. I stand at the window for a while until I see him reappear in his room which is right next to mine.

"What madness were you doing Smith?" I ask squinting to try and see what he was fiddling with. 

"Nothing of your concern, Young." He mocks my name.

"Well it is now considering your shoe assaulted me." 

He finally looks up and his dark eyes cut into mine harshly. It makes me stop and gulp down my nervousness. "Ametheist. You don't have to pretend to be interested in my life. There are many other guys that are just waiting to get in your pants. Just hit them up." He was dead serious.

"What are you talking about Smith?" I say astonished.

"It's okay Young. You're a pretty girl. There are tons of guys waiting on your phone."

"Smith... I don't understand. You think just because I'm talking to you I want to have sex with you? Wow, that's messed up thinking. Even for you." I scoff.

"I get it you know. Your little pact with your friends for the summer."

Now I really had no clue what he was talking about and I think he finally saw that on my face.

"You don't know do you?" I shook my head and he almost laughed. Almost.

"You're stupid friends made a pact to rack up an impressive body count this summer. I thought you would be included."

I focused my vision on a random object, put my hand on my hips and nodded. I did that for a few seconds before turning back to him and say, "thank God they didn't include me then."

He looks bewildered now but I could tell he just didn't want to question me. " Is that all Young?" he asks. 

I smile and nod before walking away from the window. Sitting on my bed. I was about to do something stupid. Shooting back up I rush to my window.

" Hey Smith, actually... Do you want to hang out?" 


This story was inspired by a really good movie called "To All The Boys I Ever Loved" and my own experiences and feelings. 

It's a mix because I related to that movie so much and this past summer for me has been a world  wind of similar situations so a lot of this is going to be a unique twist on everything. This really isn't the cliche " Bad Boy Next door" kind of book. Read on and you shall see.

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