Arranged | P.JM FF

Av KookieMonsterForTae

481K 17.3K 4.3K

"Look, you have to marry me. It won't be that bad. You're someone I used to know and you're honestly not that... Mer

- Final - 41


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Av KookieMonsterForTae

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ᴠᴏʟᴜᴍᴇ : ▮▮▮▮▮▮▯▯▯ —> Play Music

↻ ◁ II ▷ ↺
   1:05 ───⊙─────── 3:35

You sighed, exhausted of energy.
It's Friday. Try not to feel so low; Recalling false thoughts of motivation, you straightened out your white apron skirt atop the mustard yellow dress, and pushed the double doors open, walking out of the kitchen into the beloved cafe you so gratefully worked at.

  "Oh, Miss!" Yet another unfamiliar voice immediately called for you before you even got to take a breath.

  Quickly grabbing your beaten down notepad from your convenient side pocket, your eyes scanned around before you made your way over to the lady holding up her hand, indicating for service to take her order.

  She was sitting at a two person, rounded wooden table in front of a window with somebody else, though you hadn't paid attention to them as of yet.
The lady had short chestnut curly hair that was neatly put back into a low bun, and she wore expensive glasses, rimmed with gold, that framed her round face and upon her small wrist was a matching watch that looked to cost anything beyond your salary.

  For some odd reason, the moment you laid eyes on her, you couldn't help but stare as everything your parents told you about looking at strangers became a blur in your brain; trying to identify her to understand why she looked so unknowingly familiar to you.

  "I'd like just a simple coffee, two sugars," she specified with her two fingers, "and my son-" she indicated at the figure - from your peripheral vision - across the table, however, she was cut off.
"Give me a caramel macchiato." A voice butted in blatantly.

  Their orders echoed in the background and left your brain immediately as the only thing on your mind was; Who is she? Have I seen her somewhere before? I feel like I know her, it's right there...

There was an awkward silence and the lady was glaring at you in confusion as you simply stood there, holding the last of an A2 notebook in your hands, lost in your own world as if God had just cancelled your action.
Coming back to reality in a thankful 3 seconds, you shook your head, feeling hot with embarrassment. "S-sorry, could you repeat that?"

"Shouldn't you have been listening?"

  You glanced to the source of the deeper, drastically stern voice and was surprised at his classy look for an ordinary café; he wore a black suit upon a plain fitted shirt, complemented by a navy blue tie which was spotted with white. A gold broach sat upon the chest pocket of his blazer, shining with rich pride.
His face, however, you weren't able to decipher as his head hung low - hidden by his blonde silky hair - concentrated on his phone screen; which seemed to display angry messages with a contact named...Ji Eun?
What? You couldn't help but peek if it's right in front of you for show?

  "My apologies, I was a little distracted" You bowed out of respect and he just sighed - you suspected he saw you from the corner of his eye as he hasn't looked up from his phone.
"1 coffee, two sugars, and a caramel macchiato. Got it?" He asked at the end with a tilt of his head, hitting a sensitive nerve in you.
You were about to respond to this new jerk in your books when you were abruptly cut off.

  "And make it snappy. I have to be somewhere soon" he interrupted, once again his tone was hasty and business-like.
"Chimchim.." his supposed mother leaned forward, warning him like a baby.
He didn't react much, just glanced up momentarily and instantly back to his phone, tapping away at the screen.

  "Got" You paused briefly, emphasising the 't', "it."
"Good" he sarcastically praised, "now go."
You bowed and turned to the kitchen to put up their orders. Though, as soon as you had your back to them you took a deep, well-needed breath in and your eyes rolled upwards in pure indignation.

    ~ ▌▌~ —> Stop music

  "Hey, y/n- you okay?" Your friend, Mia's, hand was on your shoulder, and she was glaring you down in concern.

Mia and you had met on both your first day working here at the cafe. After the awkward, 'what's your name' and 'so, what do you like to do' questions were out of the way, you had gotten to know her; she was very sweet and quite a joker, especially when she forgot the put the lid on the blender before turning it on. From then on, you shared your happy days in the cafe; happy being a term used very loosely. Though, with Mia, you could just about get through the day without something going terribly wrong.

"Yeah, I'm fine. Why?" You brought yourself up from leaning miserably on the counter.
"I dunno, you just look super angry. Did something happen today?"
"Yeah, some guy being a douchebag. Nothing to mope about though"
"Ohh, are you talking about that guy from earlier?" She asked, suddenly sounding excited, jumping up and down.
"You are referring to?.." you started, urging her to specify her question.
"That reallyy hot guy in the suit with blonde hair"
Your eyes went anti-clockwise, "yeah-" you shot your wide eyes at her, "wait, hot?"
"Mh hmm" she nodded, gaze going elsewhere as she presumably daydreamed her heart away.
"How in the world is he hot?! He has no manners, no respect no-"
"Well maybe to you. Earlier on when he paid for everything, he gave me a tip and even complimented me" she pouted, her lips slowly going into a flustered grin.
"Oh, great. So he's an amazing person who tipped you, but to me, he's rude, snappy and a dick"
"I guess" her shoulders bopped up and down.
"I swear if he comes here again, I'm gonna have him kicked out" you muttered.
"Oh, no please don't do that." She whined lightly, then, noticing your straight lips, put her hand on your shoulder. "I'm just kidding. And plus, who cares about him anyway?"
"Yeah. Thanks, Mia" you smiled.
"No problem. Now, go home and eat something otherwise you'll be really grumpy"
"Shut up" you laughed, hitting her playfully.
"Heh, bye y/n. See you tomorrow"

  After waving back at her momentarily, you stepped out onto the warm evening street, welcomed with the aroma of food and loud muttering of people from the rest of the stores down the block.
Taking a deep breath of fresh air after being cooped up in that building all day, you hopped into your car, ready to drive home.


  After unlocking the door and entering your usually hushed house, you didn't expect to see your parents sitting next to each other on the couch, chatting away about something.
Usually, your dad would be asleep by now by how tired he is after work. And your mother would be watching tv, awaiting your arrival to make sure you were safe.

  "Mom? Dad?" You grabbed their attention and they both looked up at you, surprised and finally acknowledging your presence.
"Oh! Honey, you're home already?" Your mother spoke.
"Yeah?'s past 5 o'clock" you reasoned as the time for coming home at 5 on work days never changed. Shrugging off the obvious question, you were about to walk the opposite way into the kitchen to get something to eat when your father stopped you.

  "Y/n, come sit down. We need to talk to you about something", his voice wobbled and his words were slow.

  Turning back, you obeyed and sat down on the single chair that was opposite them.

  "Yes?" You asked, over-worriedly coming up with all the possible topics they would want to talk to you about so suddenly.
Were you in trouble? Or maybe you're moving house? Shit, they knew it was me who broke the lamp 10 years ago.

  "You're not in trouble sweetie" your father chuckled, reassuring you. "We want to talk to you about.." he gestured with his hands, pushing them outward, "love..."

What in the world...

  Your eyebrow quirked. ""
"Well.." your father started but you quickly interrupted him.
"Please don't tell me you're putting me up to another blind date" you begged.

  Your parents put you up to quite a few blind dates and the only thing you learnt from those dates were what horrible taste your parents had in suitors; None of them ended in your heart fluttering or your cheeks burning bright red with romantic glee. Only concluded with a big fat 'no' to your intrigued parents, wondering if he was a hit or miss and wasted flowers in some random vase just so they wouldn't die.

  "N-Noo aha." Your mother anxiously laughed, "And what, your father means is", your mother continued by hitting your dad on his arm and he winced in pain, eying her, "Has marriage ever occurred to you?.."


  Your face scrunched up in distaste.
"Marriage? Why would you ask such a thing?". By now you were leaning forward, agonised.

  "Well..ehe, to get straight to the point, we may or may not have arranged a marriage for you" your father muttered the last part, covering his mouth with his hand while turning away from your gaze, however it wasn't quite soft enough for your hearing range not to pick up.

  You turned white as chalk. Eyes and mouth frozen wide in stunned surprise, and although you were staring straight at your parents, you appeared to not notice them at all while your brain tried to cope with the words you just heard.

  "You weren't supposed to be that blunt!" Your mother whisper yelled at your father who just shrugged his shoulders.
"She had to know now or 50 minutes after your 'warming up' talk" he mocked, ignoring your darting eyes at the both of them.
Your mother's nostrils flared, "In '50 minutes' you're gonna hope that all I say to you is a 'warming up' talk because-"

  You lifted yourself up in disbelief, getting up from your seat, facing your now anxious parents.


  Your mother walked round to you and pushed your shoulders down so that you were back in your seat. "Shhhh calm down. Let us explain" you relaxed slightly with the touch of your mother, and was safely back in your chair, looking like a lost child at your parents. Not to say that you weren't a 'lost child' as of this moment right now.

  She took a deep breath and puffed up her cheeks, taking a seat on the armrest of your chair. "Ok, so we've arranged a marriage for you for the greater good. You haven't got a soul mate-"
"Is that just the reason why? I know you want grandkids and all, but don't you think this is a liiittle crazy?" you nervously chuckled.
She, stopped, glared at you sternly and continued, offended "And as I was saying we just wanted to help", she glanced at your father as he nodded.
"Ok ok ok," You babbled, "but who in the world did you possibly arrange a marriage for me with?" You questioned, yet later regretted it as your best bet would've been to run to another country pronto.

"You know your father owns his company alongside Mr Park." Your mother started. "You remember Mr Park right?" Your father continued.
"Well, his son-"
"His son?.." and just as your mother was about to elaborate, you recalled that he-devil who your parents were referring to "HIS SON?!" your mother jolted slightly at your sudden yelling, "YOU MEAN THE PARK JIMIN! THAT BAS-"
"Y/N! language" your father interrupted austerely.

"Park Jimin is rich, smart, and handsome. He's the perfect suitor for you. Also, we talked with his parents and they've consented to this as well as they've been trying to find the right woman for him. It all works out!" Your mother clapped her hands excitedly.
"I don't see why I didn't have any say in this" You hissed, crossing your arms.
"This will help you to y/n. How old are you? 22 and you still work in that cafe" your dad stated, though you took it more as a mock.

  The cafe.
You hated when he mentioned where you worked. Your dad never really approved happily of you working as a waitress 5 days a week, 8 hours a day.
He wanted you to work in the family business, said you'd be earning 10 times more and would be leading a much less stressful life.
And though that was all true, you never had the excitement to dressing formally every day, upholding a bossy attitude and simply filing paperwork constantly.
You had argued, asking why Mark - your younger brother by 2 years - didn't work there, but your dad said he was a runner up for when he finishes university.
Your real dream wasn't to work as a waitress of course. You wanted to travel the world. Explore cultures, taste new food, learn traditions.
However, you were stuck here for now.

  "I'm saving up money dad" you emitted a frustrate sigh through gritted teeth.
"Why didn't you just work at my company like I had reached out to you?"
"Because, dad, I want to earn my money my way...I don't need your shortcuts. Business isn't my forte anyway. I'd be a mess if I had joined your workplace." You rubbed your forehead.

  "But why can't Liz have married Jimin?" You continued, trying to change your position to your older sisters in hope to get you out of this conundrum.
"Ah, she's too old for him." Your mother swatted her hand in unhesitant denial.

  You rolled your eyes.
"Mom, I barely even know the guy! How can I marry him?" You tried arguing.
"That's why we're going to have a family get together with the Parks tomorrow evening!" She beamed a wide smile on her radiant face,  even after a long day of work.

  You groaned, shutting your eyes in emotional pain while leaning back against the chair. You were at a severe loss of energy and gave up.

"Please, tell me this is a nightmare"
"Nope!" Your mother popped the 'p', pinching your arm, "ow!" you flinched, rubbing the pained area and glaring your mother down.

  "Now, we need to get up early tomorrow to get you a beautiful dress you can wear at the dinner. We're going to Aliments Servis!" (basically French for foods severed. Random ass name don't judge lol) She clapped her hands excitedly, jumping up from the armrest. You sunk further into your chair, wishing it could eat you.

God help me.

𝟚𝟜𝟟𝟠 𝕎𝕠𝕣𝕕𝕤

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