Emblem Gamer

By Dracula117

39.3K 769 391

what if a Gamer was playing a game when suddenly something pulled him into his game? I do not own Fire Emblem... More

info and Harem
Fire Emblem Gamer
Prologue: The Verge of History
Chapter 1: Unwelcome Change
Chapter 2: Shepherd's

Chapter 3: Warrior Realm

2.7K 62 64
By Dracula117

Name: Y/N

LVL: 10

Exp: 30 / 100

Class: Ranger

Race: Branded

Gender: Male

HP: 28

MP: 42

Strength: 11

Magic: 9 [+5]

Skill: 12

Speed: 11

Defense: 10

Resistance: 10

Luck: 9

Gold: 2400

Weapons ranks:

Sword: C; 17%

Daggers: E; 69%

Fire: E; 9%

Thunder: E; 9%

Healing: E; 9%


It took a few days, but we finally reached the border and despite me wearing a winter coat, Micaiah and Mist huddled in my coat and cap. So for a good duration of the trip we were walking strangely and I had to deal with a pointed look from Greil since his daughter was pretty much using me a personal heater.

Dragon Laguz blood for the win I guess.

I also kept creating fire in my hand, so that could also be a factor of keeping my group warm. Good news is that my fire rank went up to C rank because of the constant use.

Fire magic rank went up! Here's a new spell!

Unleash a explosive amount of flames that attack nearby targets as well!

MP cost: 12 MP

I blinked at the sudden pop up, but grinned with complete excitement as the implications.

I've been talking to members of the Shepherd's to pass the time and thanks to Greil, I now know that Regna Ferox does have Arena's throughout the city's.

I know what I'm doing with my free time.

We finally reached the Longfort and I hear Lissa speaking "Brrr! F-F-Frebberick! I'm f-f-freebing!" She exclaimed while trying to warm herself up. Frederick spoke "Stand beside my horse, milady. She'll shelter you from the wind." Lissa quickly accepted the invitation and stood close to the knight.

I looked towards Titania and saw a slight frown on her face and asked "Why didn't she ask you for help? I mean you are her Knight after all." Titania spoke solemnly "I'm not really sure... maybe she just prefers Frederick." I shook my head in resignation. Lissa preferring Frederick might be the case but still it also sends the wrong message towards Titania.

I heard Robin speaking up "So this is the fortress?" Chrom nodded and answered "Yes, the Longfort. It stretches along the border of Ylisse and Regna Ferox." Frederick suddenly spoke up "The Khans that rule Ferox have grown quite wary of foreigners. Still, don't mistake a lack of hospitality for open hostility. This simply calls for a bit of diplomacy." I turned to him and saw that he is completely serious.

Despite the fire in my open hand, I facepalm, with the flames dying behind my head and slowly dragged my hand down my face. Both Micaiah and Mist giggled at my actions.

Good thing that my own magic doesn't hurt me.

Chrom openly admits "Negotiation's not my strong suit, but I'll do my best." He turned to everyone "Remember, everyone: your actions here reflect back upon Ylisse." Most of the Shepherd's nodded aside from me and a few others.

I know that I won't have any problems with Ferox. If anything, I'll be sure to have good standing with its warriors and leaders.

It took a few minutes but we reached one of the gates and Frederick was the first to speak "Trouble in the wind, milord: the Feroxi Guard are mobilizing." Chrom spoke up with shock in his voice "What?! Why?" Frederick shook his head "Who can say? But they look ready to let fly at a moment's notice. We'd best prepare for combat, just to be safe." Chrom nodded at his words.

Frederick than spoke again "Perhaps we ought pool our supplies and select which Shepherds to deploy? Loath as I am to trust her, Robin might offer some valuable insight in this..." He finished with a face that looked like it swallowed a lemon. Chrom nodded with a smile "Indeed, she IS our tactician, after all. So, Robin? What do you suggest?" He finished with Robin gaining a thoughtful expression.

It took a few minutes, but Robin was able to make a decent selection of our group.



Honestly it's a pretty good team. I then looked at the Fortress and wondered how many foes we'll be facing.

New Quest!

Warrior Realm

Objective: Defeat Commander!

Rewards: 600 gold, 50 Exp, 1 random skill book.

Bonus Objective: Defeat 5 foes with the Arms of Sparta!

Bonus Rewards: 2 random Stat items, 1 random skill scroll.

Failure: Death or banishment from Regna Ferox.

Enemies: 26 foes

6 Knights
4 Fighters
6 Mercenaries
4 Archers
6 Soldiers

I blinked at that and equipped the Arms of Sparta and tested the weight of the shield and spear. Satisfied with it, I got ready for the upcoming battle but heard "You just got a arsenal of weapons don't you?" I turned and saw Greil approaching me. I answered "I believe being prepared and skilled in multiple categories will keep you alive longer." Greil nodded in understanding.

He than spoke seriously "I agree with Robins strategy. You all need to gain more experience and fighting the Feroxi Guards will definitely be a good experience." I nodded at his words but asked "Don't believe the prince winning them over?" Greil shook his head "No. I know that the guards will never believe the words of someone they have never met. Action is the way to get things done here. This will also be a good learning experience for him. Strive for peace, but always be prepared for war" I nodded at that in complete agreement.

Greil spoke up again "I have a favor to ask you." I looked towards him and nodded "I want you to protect my daughter. Even though she has been training with a sword, she's not ready to fight experienced soldiers. Just protect her and let her patch up the wounded." I looked back at Mist, who was passing out some Vulnernary's to the others and turned back to Greil "Got it. And if she were to get into a fight, I'll be there to help her." He looked at me for a few seconds and nodded.

He walked away from me and I mentally relaxed from the experience.

[Y/N and Greil Support level: C]

I blinked at that and made my way towards the front of the Shepherd's and suddenly we all hear a woman's voice shout "Halt! Who goes there?!" We all looked towards the voice and say on top of the fort a armored woman. Observe.

LVL: 5
Class: Knight
Race: Human
Gender: Female
HP: 28
Weapon: Javelin
Faction: Feroxi

I closed my eyes in exasperation as Chrom spoke up "In the name of house Ylisse, I seek audience with the Khans!" Raimi glared down at him and announced "Not another step, my bold lad! I've lances at the ready!" Frederick strode forward and spoke "Hold milady! We are not your enemy! Exalt Emmeryn herself sent us to discuss matters of mutual interest." He finished.

Raimi didn't loose her glare and said "My only interest is keeping you out of Regna Ferox, brigand!" I saw Frederick flinch at the accusation as he spoked up in shock "B-brigand? Now see here--" Raimi cut him off "You think you the first 'Ylisseans' to try and cross our border? I have the authority to fell such impostors where they stand" She finished sternly.

Frederick shouts angrily "How dare you! You are in the presence of Prince Chrom, the exalt's own blood!" Raimi didn't looked fazed at all and spoke back "Ha! Yes, indeed--and I'm the queen of Valm! You do realize impersonating royalty is a capital offense, yes?" Now she gained a thoughtful look as she looked down at our group of misfits "Mmm... Then perhaps we should settle this the Feroxi way. You claim to be the prince of Ylisse? Then prove it on the battlefield!" She announced with a confident smile.

Chrom hesitated "Rgh... Emmeryn won't like this at all... Please, good lady! If you'd listen--" Raimi's smile turned into snarl at the disrespect that Chrom unknowingly showed and angrily shouts "I've heard quite enough! Attack!" The knights on the fort prepared there javelins.

[Sumia has joined the battlefield!]

The two lovebirds reached us and they dismounted the pegasus ad Sumia spoke up in relief "Oh, Captain, I'm so relieved I made it in time." Chrom smiled at her, missed her blushing, and spoke up "That goes double for me, Sumia! And this--is the same ornery pegasus we met on the road?!" He finished with a shocked expression as he looked at the winged horse. Sumia smiled and pats the pegasus "Oh, she's a sweetheart, isn't she? ...Once you get to know her..." She finished with a strained smile.

Chrom nodded at that and says "Well, many thanks to you both." Lissa than butted in the conversation "I think the pegasus is blushing!" Than Frederick announced "And I think we had all focus on the situation at hand!" The 4 and horse all looked towards the gates and saw that the battle was about to begin.

Robin shouts "Chrom, they're coming!" Chrom nods "All right. The Feroxi way it is!" He finished with confidence. I then looked at my weapons. Observe.

Arms of Sparta
Weapon Rank: --
Mt: 13
Hit: 90
Crit: 5
Durability: --
Special: Effective against armored units.

I nodded at that. I then walked towards Mist and asked "Wanna team up, Mist?" She was startled at the sudden question but nodded "Sure, you'll protect me and I'll keep you alive!" She replied happily. I then suddenly felt as if someone was drilling a hole in the back of my head, but shrugged it off.

[You and Mist have paired up!]

[+3 Mag, +4 Luck, +3 Resistance]

I perked up at the message and grinned slightly. I then looked around the gate and told Mist "Why don't we take the right side?" She turned to see the difference of both sides "Yeah, let's do that!" She finished with a smile. I then heard Sumia speaking "Phila said pegasi can fly far afield, but they're highly vulnerable to arrows. Don't worry, girl. I'll watch out for archers for both our sakes!" I blink at the obvious statement but shrugged it off.

Robin started dishing out orders with Mist and I, Mia and Celica, Stahl and Micaiah, Lyn and Virion taking the right side while the other take the left. I took a quick look at the Fortress top and saw no one, but that didn't help. I spoke up "Lets keep our distance from the fortress until we need to. Don't want anything sharp to be dropped on us...." My words brought some nods from my group and we made our way to the right.

[Sumia and Kellam has joined the Shepherd's!]

I blink but dismissed the message and did a scan of the opposition and saw three soldiers and two Mercenaries blocking the way forward, and thankfully I spotted a key dangling on the Soldier closest to the stair case at the end of the right flank. Our group strode forth as the guards charged at us.

The first was a soldier who tried to attack Mist, who was standing besides me, but I intercepted him with a block from my shield, and thrust my spear towards his chest. He was able to dodge the last moment but not without getting a gash on his side. He tried attacking again with a battle cry, but I sidestep him shield bashed him into the snow.

I then tossed my spear up, grabbed it midair, and chucked it right into the downed soldier. He went stiff and slowly fell into his final sleep.

[+40 Exp!]

I strode forward and try to gently take my spear back. Killing bandits who didn't care for anything except themselves is one thing, but this is a soldier who was protecting his home.

...It a pondering feeling...

But I shook my head, need to stay in the fight and protect Mist who was about to be attacked by a lone mercenary as the others dealt with the other guards. I quickly loosen the shield on my arm and tossed it towards the unsuspecting foe and it nailed the guy in the head. Then I tried warping to my shield.

[-10 MP]

Thankfully it works.

And stabbed him through the back.

[+40 Exp!]

[Leveled up!]

[+1 HP]
[+1 SKL]
[+1 Luck]

[MP fully restored]

I looked towards Mist and asked "You alright?" She nodded and spoke "Yeah, thanks for the save. How about you?" I shrugged "Eh, kinda hungry." She just smiled and shook her head at the humor. I look to the rest of our group and saw the enemy taken care of at the moment.

Mist and I rejoined them with Mist healing Stahl and I cast a cure on Virion and Celica, who both had cuts.

[-6 MP]

[+10 Exp!]

Celica spoke up "Amazing. Micaiah said you can use magic without Tomes and Staves, along with warping, but to actually witness it up close is spectacular. Thank you." I smiled and nodded towards her as the perv spoke "Yes, Tis marvelous show of abilities. But! I Virion, Archest of archers can prove that it doe- yeah yeah did anyone pick up the key from the last guard?" I interrupted the guy with a question about the door key.

"Yeah I got it!" Mia called out and I look towards her to see her twirling the key on her finger. We all made our way towards the staircase and just before we started our ascent to the top, my foot struck something.


"Son of a bi-- what did I hit!?" I snarled and look at the mound of snow and saw something under it. I brushed away the snow and saw something stunning....

I instantly dumped the bow into my inventory and looked towards my companions "Nice bow. Hopefully I can become proficient with it." I saw most of them nod, except for Virion, who looked annoyed about something.

Our group walk up the stairs and before we could get prepared, Mia unlock the gate and opened it, show three armored knights charging forward towards the suprised Myrmidon. I instantly jumped forward and toss a large ball of fire at the group.

[-12 MP]

The ball exploded in a small AOE that damaged the three, because they got closer together towards the narrow staircase, and sent them hurtling back.

I javelin tossed my spear at one and it stabbed through his armor with ease.

[+35 Exp!]

I turned to the other guards and saw beams of light kill the second and Stahl taking care of the third. I looked towards Mia, who was sheepish at the moment, and said "Don't do that please." She scratch the back of her head sheepishly with a tiny laugh. I picked up my weapon and quickly turned towards the center of the roof to see Lyn fighting two mercenaries with two fighters about to flank her.

I shield toss at them and warped after the shield nailed one in the back and stabbed the other with the spear through the chest.

[-10 MP]

[+33 Exp!]

I then felt a stabbing pain through my side and had to grit my teeth to keep the pained shout from escaping.

[-9 HP]

I turned around and saw a knight behind me with a bloody lance and quickly turned to him with my spear smacking the weapon from his hand and I rung his bell with a shield bash. He stumbled back a bit but I kept pushing forward as I cornered him at the ledge of the roof.

And I Spartan kicked him off the fortress.

[+35 Exp!]

[Leveled up!]

[+1 STR]
[+1 MAG]

[MP fully restored]

I ignored the pain as I walked back to the final foe, Raimi. Then I felt a soothing sensation and the pain stopped. I looked and saw my wound healed up. Turning to see Mist standing next to me with a smile and I smiled back towards her.

I made a quick glance towards the left part of the roof and saw the group just about finished with their side. I strode forward to Raimi and as soon as I reached her she spoke up "Your quiet skill, lad. Speak your name and Let our battle sound out the truth of your 'Lords' words!" I raised an eyebrow at that and replied "I'm Y/N, and he isn't my lord. Only my employer." She didn't seem to care as she toss her javelin at me.

I blocked it and rushed her, only to see her weapon already back in her hand, and dodged it as she attempted to skewer me. I lashed out with a thrust to her mid section, and while it did damaged her, it didn't seem to slow her down as she rammed her shield into my face.

[-10 HP]

I felt a wet substance, most likely blood, trickle down my face. I sent thunder through my spear and she screams "Arrrhhhh!!" And her body spasms.

[-7 MP]

I didn't stop as a familiar rush of energy hit me "This has gone on long enough!" I spun with my spear on my shoulders and it smacked her across the face and I thrust it towards her chest, but she brought her shield up in the nick of time to block it.

Some good that did, as the blow shattered her shield and launched her onto the floor of the roof. She looked up, only to see my spear at her throat. I spoke up while catching my breath "This battle is over, do you yield to fight another day or....." I trailed off and saw her slump in defeat, with her head nodding "I yield." I sighed at that and dismissed my weapons.

[+100 Exp!]

[Leveled up!]

[+1 HP]
[+1 DEF]
[+1 RES]

[MP fully restored]

Battle Results: Victory!

MVP: Y/N and Soren

Rewards: Axe of Leviathan!

Axe of Leviathan has been added to your inventory.

Quest complete!

Warrior Realm

Rewards: 600 gold, 50 Exp, 1 random skill book.

Bonus Rewards: 2 random Stat items, 1 random skill scroll.

I grinned as I helped her up to her feet and healed her along with Mist helping. She gave her thanks for the healing and the rest of the groups joined us.

She was the first to speak "A thousand apologies, Prince Chrom. I truly took you for brigands impostors. But no frauds could ever wage a battle as you just have! I will send word of your arrival to the capital and escort you there personally." She finished with a bow. Chrom nodded "That would be most appreciated, thank you." She nodded and walked off towards the gates.

Robin spoke up "Amazing. Her whole demeanor changed." Frederick replied "In Ferox, strength speaks louder than words. I should have known better than towards overestimate the value of diplomacy here..." I almost snarked at the easy target but stopped and whispered softly "Shouldn't let what the lady said about Chrom get to your head. Obsessive much?" I heard a snort and saw Celica covering her mouth.

I smirked towards her and gave a stern impression of Frederick and Mist, Mia, and Micaiah covered there mouths to keep the laughter in.

I refocused on the conversation "--let's get warmer." They nodded when everyone began walking back to the rest of the Shepherd's. I pulled up my inventory and used the skill book and scroll.

New Battle Skill gained!

You can survive lethal hits with only 1 HP left.

Skill Activation chance: % of Luck Stat.

New Gamer skill gain!

Crest of Flames!
This power once belonged to a man that was called the king of Liberation. It can heal it's bearers by 1/4 of the damage they deal to foes.

Activation chance: 1/4 of both skill and luck stats.

'Wonder where that powers from?' I thought to myself. I then pulled up the Stat items but gave the Dracoshield to Mist, for her defense, and used the Goddess Icon for myself.

[+2 LUCK]

As we made our journey towards the capital, I couldn'thelp but wonder what to do? I'm not sure if I will participate in the upcoming challenge or if I'm going on the bench....

...Wait what am I thinking!?

Arena, here I come!

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