Three Crazy Weeks With You ➳...

Von Kjmonkey

448K 14.8K 11.7K

If Harry and Louis never tried out for the X-Factor would they still have met? Would their lives have still... Mehr

Three Crazy Weeks With You » Larry Stylinson
* Author's Note *
Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Cover Change??
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three
Chapter Twenty-Four
Chapter Twenty-Five
Chapter Twenty-Six
Chapter Twenty-Seven
Chapter Twenty-Eight
Chapter Twenty-Nine
Chapter Thirty
Chapter Thirty-One
Chapter Thirty-Two
Chapter Thirty-Three
Chapter Thirty-Four
Chapter Thirty-Five
Chapter Thirty-Seven
* Epilogue *
* Character Ask » Closed *
Bromance Awards??!?! Voting is open!?

Chapter Thrity-Six

8.3K 281 178
Von Kjmonkey


*calms self down*  Phheww Okay, so there is just one more chapter and an epilogue left after this one so prepare yourselves guys!  *burst in tears*  I can't prepare myself.  I am so sad it it almost over, but excited to write other stuff too. . I don't know how to feel!  I will just let you guys go ahead and read this and I hope you enjoy it, cause I had a lot fun writing this one :)  Love you all, enjoy! c;

xXxX Vote, Comment, and Share! XxXx


Louis’ POV

I watched as the slick wooden door opened slowly with a green eyed, curly haired, boy that I call my boyfriend to be revealed on the other side of the door.

“You know you don't have to knock anymore, right?”, He said smirking and eyes bright.

“Hazza!!”  I screamed maybe a bit too loudly, but who cares,a dn leaped into his arms, thankfully he didn't drop me.

Giggling in my ear he held me tight against his chest with his strong arms for a minute or two before whispering softly against my skin,”Missed you, Lou”

I felt my heart flutter in my chest at his words and whispered back into his neck,”I missed you more.”

He dropped my leg to set me down on the ground but still holding me against him a huge smile on his face as he says to me,”Not possible.”

“I beg to differ” I say narrowing my eyes challenging at him.

He inched his way closer to my face narrowing his green eyes back looking straight into my own,”You won't win this, Lou.”

“Fine, just kiss me, already.”, I say moving him closer to me our lips only inches apart small giggles escaping his lips.

“Won’t say no to that”, he said closing the small gap between us placing a sweet kiss to mine lips, my body reacting with a bolt of electricity.  

Harry’s kisses are something I have missed horribly these last few days.  Without them my body feels like it is on auto pilot, but just having this close to me I feel more awake than I ever could be, fluttering electric pulses rushing through me.  We kiss for a little while longer, forgetting about the world around us, trying to make up for all the time we have missed these few days.

I heard someone cough behind us and then lean in to speak to me,”Lou, I know you miss Harry and all, but I am still holding a really heavy box over here and you're blocking my way in.”

Chuckling into our kiss I lean out away from Harry’s lips and say,”Sorry babe”, and then whisper into his ear,”We will continue this later”, and send him a small wink.

A small blush made it way onto his cheeks as he nodded and released me from around him.  I moved out from the doorway and into the room so that Hannah could get in.

The second I was out of her way she bolted past me and into the room setting the box down on the coffee table in there.  She turned back to look at me saying with a sigh a bit exasperated,”Thank-you for finally moving your big bum out of my way, Louis”

Harry moved to place his hands on my hips standing behind me causing me to blush,”Hey, I like his big bum.”  

Strike that I wasn’t just blushing, but more like burning my face at Harry’s word, now realizing Gemma and his mom were in the same room as us, but Harry didn't seem to care much.

Gemma made a face and said,”Ew, do you have to talk about you love for his bum with us in the same room, Harry?”

I felt him chuckle behind me saying,”You’re just jealous you don't have a bum like his.”

I just placed my hands over my face blushing so hard,”Harrryy, do we have to talk about my bum?”

Wrapping his arms around me he said enthusiastically,”Of course!”

We all started to laugh at this and as we did I for the first time took the opportunity to actually look around.  It was really clean and everything looked so put together.  The couch was made, and the place looked like it had been recently dusted and vacuumed.  Gemma and Anne both sitting with amused smiles on their faces as they sit comfortable on the couch, looking nice.  As I moved my eyes over to the other side of the room I found there were signs that said ‘Welcome home, Louis!’ tapped on the stairs in fancy letters, all colorful, and bright, making my heart melt.

I pointed over to the signs and turned my body so I could see Harry as I asked,”Haz, did you make those for me?”

I watched him glance his eyes in the direction of where I was pointing a blush creeping onto his face as he spoke,”Uhh yeah, we wanted you to feel at home and celebrate you moving in somehow, but Gemma helped me make them.”

I turned my head to look at Gemma as she said with a small chuckle, Yeah you should have seen him when he asked me to help make them.  He was like a little kid all excited and hyper.”

I giggled and smiled at him and he just laughed and said,”I can help it, you are the best thing that has ever happened to me.”

Anne cooed from the couch and I just leaned up and pecked his lips softly before saying,”Thank-you Hazza.  I love it.”

“Your welcome, Lou.”, he said smiling.

“Okay, well we should probably start hauling everything in now, yeah?”, Anne said catching our attention.

“Yeah with how much is cramped up into my car this might take awhile”,Hannah said narrowing her eyes playfully at me.

“Oh, shut up.” I said to her rolling my eyes and taking Harry’s hand into mine to pull him over to the door as she just laughed at me.

We all headed outside and I handed them all boxes as they started to take them inside.  I stayed outside to grab them all out of them.  I offered to help take them in but Hannah said, that I was the smallest of us all and that It would be easiest if I crawled around to get the boxes.  As much as I wanted to disagree with her, because she was only an inch taller than me, I didn't cause I would rather not have to lug in all the heavy boxes.  I was content with just handing them out.  I was done with lugging for the rest of my life after these last few days.  My arms already felt like jello.

After we had successfully taken all the boxes in I met up with everyone inside.  When I got in there I found that everyone was eating something and I went over to the kitchen to find Harry in there looking a little upset, but he perked up when I walked in.

“What’s wrong, Harry?”, I asked taking one of his hands into mine.

He sighed a small giggle behind it,”Well, I just can’t believe I forgot I made you a whole breakfast and then just let it sit for hours while we lugged everything in.” He ran a hind down his face probably frustrated with himself.

I grinned because him getting so worked up over a meal he made for me made me feel flattered and said,”Haz, Its fine.  Looks like everyone is still eating it anyways.  Its the thought that counts, right?  So thank-you.”

He fiddled with his hand in mine, still upset a bit,”I just wanted to make it perfect for you.  Not food that I covered before you got here and then microwaved an hour later to heat it back up.”

“Hazza, look at me.” I said with a small smile on my face as he looked up over at me, looking defeated.

“I don't want everything to be perfect, okay?  If everything was then I wouldn’t enjoy it.  It is all the imperfections that I love most, so I will say this again, thank-you Hazza.  I really appreciate you making me breakfast.  It was very sweet of you.”, I said kissing his cheek and taking a pancake from the pile that was just microwaved and setting it on a plate for myself adding some syrup.

I took a bite humming in happiness because these really were good,”See these are still so good even now Haz!”

I watched him smile fully, his pearly whites flashing at me, before becoming serious and saying saying,”Thanks. . for everything.”

I just responded by kissing him gently and saying once I backed away looking into his eyes,”I love you, Hazza”

He kissed me again smiling brightly as he said,”I love you, boobear.”

I just rolled my eyes as he giggled enjoying my annoyance at the name that he loves to use.

We spent the next half an hour eating the amazing breakfast that I still can't believe is this good even after sitting out a while, in the living room.  Anne and I got to chat a bit more since we haven’t really had the chance to since we met as much as I would have liked.  She is a really lovely person and she definitely gave her charm to Harry because she is so sweet.  Gemma laughed with Harry who was sitting next to me while Hannah told embarrassing stories about back when we were dating.

“Harry I really hope his kissing has improved over the years, because when we first kissed, he was so nervous he was so stiff all over and his lips were shaking so much he could hardly kiss me.”, she said from across from me.

My cheeks by this point were flaring up with my embarrassment but I laughed along with everybody.

Haz turned to me and said,”Don’t worry he has improved a lot then cause his kisses are always the amazing.”

I leaned in and gave him another kiss on the lips cause they never get old,”Mmm yours are as well.”

I heard Anne giggle in the corner of the room having just taken all of our dishes to the kitchen and wash them,”You two are so cute!  Louis, I couldn’t be more happy to have you here.  I’ve never seen him this happy.”

Harry giggled and I said,”Well he makes me very happy too.”

“Well, I am gonna go show Louis his room now.”, he said getting up and holding a hand out for me to take which I did as he pulled me up,”See you all later.”

“Bye guys.”I said as he held my hand and led me up the stairs the chatter of the room slowly disappearing with each step.  I had no idea which room was going to be mine having not really been to more than the bathroom and Harry’s room up here.  He walked through the hall Harry’s hand still in mine.  He stopped me in front of a white wooden door and turned to look at me.

“Okay, so this used to be the guest room, and I didn't want it to feel like a guest room, but rather your room, so I added a few things to make it more yours before you, you know unpack all of your things.  Anyways the point is, I really hope you like them.”, He said biting his lip nervously and opening the door for me,”Welcome to your new room.”

I took a few steps into the room looking around to find the room was painted a light of blue with small white stripes at the top as a small detail that added to the room.  The bed was a white frame with a few blue pillows, and a blue and white striped comforter.  There was a white dresser across the room and a closet in the corner of the room with white shutter doors.  

The whole room seemed very soft and bland like a guest room should be, but what made it different was the rows of boxes stacked against the wall, and the couple of poster that were on the walls.  Once was of the band, The Fray, that I knew both Harry and I liked so he must have given me one of his old ones, and the other was from the London olympics a few years ago, which I am sure he just added to fill the walls somehow, which made me chuckle.  I glanced over to the bedside table to find a lamp, and picture frame that was facing away from me.  

I looked back at Harry with a raised eyebrow,”What is this?”

He just shrugged a small smile making its way onto his face popping out one of his adorable dimples,”Take a look.”

I walked over and picked up the silver frame to find tears well up in my eyes at the sight of it.  It was the song lyrics and doodles he made in the piece of paper I found in his room awhile ago with a picture of Harry and I in the middle that we had taken a few weeks ago randomly.  We were both smiling and laughing.  It reminded me of the same picture Shannon had of my mother and her from back when they were our age.  

Harry walked over to me looking a little nervous still waiting for me to say something,”So do you like it?  I mean if you don't I can put something else in it?  I don't want it to be to be cheesy or something and it was a last minute thought so you really aren’t hurting my feelings if you don't an-”

I turned around and crashed my lips onto his to silence him a warm tear falling down my face as I did.  When I pulled away he looked a bit shocked and wiped the tear away,”So you like it then?”

I laughed and hugged him tightly, his arms wrapping around me,”Harry, I love it!  It is beautiful.  thank-you.” I pulled away from him and looked straight into his eyes,”Seriously, Thank-you.”

He smiled and said,”It was nothing.”

I rolled my eyes and set it back down slowly making sure to not drop it or something like I had with Shannon’s.  The rest of the day was spent with Harry and I unpacking all of my old things.  He laughed at me when he found my old action figures, but I ignored him, because they are cool alright.  We placed all my clothes in my closet and dresser barely able to fit it all because I have so many, and put up some more posters.  I changed out the old sheets and put mine in with my blanket and added my pillows in.

Harry distracted me a lot of times with kisses and sweet words, but by the end of the night we had finished, Hannah having left hours ago.  I had called my mother as well and told her all about the day.  She said she already missed me and I missed her too, but it was a step we had to make,a nd one i don't regret one bit.  

Harry and I currently are cuddling on the bed with the door open for Anne since that was one of the rules.  I am sprawled out on Harry’s chest, his hands in my hair, threading his finger comfortingly through the strands.  

“Harry?”, I say to him no really wanting to ruin the moment, but needing to.

“Hum?”, He said in response very at ease.

“Tomorrow, I was thinking since you don't have to work. .”

“Yeah?”, He said his hands still working their magic.

I fiddled with the blanket in my hands before saying,”I was thinking you should to talk to Charley?”

His hands froze, his body going stiff around me as he choked out,”Erm C-Charley?”

I looked over at him, starting to sit up,”Yeah?  I mean you really need to talk it out, and since I can be there with you and you have it off from work I think we should talk to him?”

He was silent for a moment and I waited for him to respond but he never did lost in his own thoughts.

“Harry, we don't have to it was just an idea..”, I say back gently feeling bad for having brought it up. I knew how he felt about the whole Charley incident, and I didn't want to bring it to his attention if he wasn't ready.  I was lucky enough to not have that happen to me, and to pressure him when I don't know what he is feeling isn’t fair.

He sighed and looked up at me,”I know I need to talk to him, but. . I’m just scared.”

I rubbed my thumb over his hand feeling really guilty,”I know, I’m sorry for bringing it up.”

“No, no. Don't be sorry, Lou.”, He said trying to reassure me it was okay but I still felt bad about it.

“I just didn't want to make you upset.”, I said looking down at my hands in his.

He was silent for a moment but then he said taking a deep breath,”If you come with me, then. . I-I will talk to him.”

I turned to look over at him unsure if he was sure about this,”You sure you are ready?”

He smiles at me and pulled me closer to him,”I have missed him and if I can fix this then I have to try right?”

I smiled back at him,”Right.”

He placed me back down on his chest and said,”Now, lets just cuddle for a bit longer, okay?”

I yawned,”Okay, but you can’t sleep in here with your mom’s rules so don’t fall asleep.”

He yawned back,”I won't”

We were both asleep only mere minutes later. .


AN:  Awww aren't they adorable!!  I think so anyways ^-^  So Louis moved in and loved his new room!  Harry is a cheese ball and wanted to make everything perfect, but Louis loves him even when he isn't.  Hannah and Laura are doing great.  And Anne loves loves Louis :)  So many good things!  Butttt  Charley might not be so let me know how you think that will go and whatever else you want to say int eh comment below.

The Dedication goes to @niallsmofo95 because she really loves this story and has been really patient waiting for this update!  She is great to write and talk with!  Check her out :) xx

Love you all! c;

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