Love Me More Than Her [FINISH...

By ghoulishly_foolish

74.8K 1.8K 5.2K

Kyle and his family aren't what you expect. They're smartasses but are for a reason. They murder. Kill. Anyth... More

Chapter 2: Jealousy
Chapter 3: Planning
Chapter 4: Rivalry
Chapter 5: Blackmail
Chapter 6: Torture
Chapter 7: Normal
Chapter 8: Persecution
Chapter 9: Missing
Chapter 10: Stop
Chapter 11: Lying
Chapter 12: Kiss
Chapter 13: Simple
Chapter 14: Crush
Chapter 15: Flower

Chapter 1: Manipulate

12.1K 218 1K
By ghoulishly_foolish

Stan closed his locker in the hallway after gathering his books for first period. "What games do you wanna play on your Wii U after school?" Kyle asked, also by his side and getting his books for a different subject of class.

"I don't know dude," Stan replied. "What about Mario Kart?" He slammed his door closed and put the lock on the handle.

"Hell no, you always beat me in it!" Kyle replied, playfully shoving him as they started walking down the hallway. Kids started going to their classes in a hectic flurry but didn't get in the way of Stan and Kyle. Not on purpose, of course.

"So when are you going to buy that new game that Nintendo-" Kyle started to ask, until he was cut off by a feminine voice that came from, the one and only, Wendy Testaburger.

"Hi Stan!" Wendy greeted her boyfriend, giving him a kiss on the cheek. "Hi; Kyle..." she then greeted Kyle, but flatly. They had a grudge on each other, it was annoying to them that they both wanted to gain Stan's affection, but in a way that only one of them can have. It was war.

Kyle remained silent while Stan half heartedly followed the striking conversation that Wendy put up. He was so struck by her, he didn't even remember that his super best friend was right by him. Disgusted, Kyle started towards his class, it was getting annoying to see them together. What gives HER the right to blast our conversation into pieces, let alone talk to MY Stan?! Kyle tattered and pondered in her head while class was about to start. It's MY Stan... not HER Stan... I could just... Kyle kept clenching and unclenching his fists, digging nail marks in the soft skin of his palm. He realized what he had to do.

She was her next 'subject of murder'.
Subject: Wendy Testaburger
Age: 10
Personality: a leader, trailblazer, bossy, manipulative
Reason of murder: messing with MY Stan, only my Stan. Nobody messes with MY. STAN.

He thought about it a bit more. He realized, how would Stan feel after her death? He wasn't paying attention to the lesson as he plotted Wendy's death until the bell rang. He was sure to get an F on his classwork. Well, that wasn't really true, all the teachers adored him, usually thinking he was a straight A student. They didn't even mind him getting a bad grade on his homework or a test. They would just give him an A on each and every assignment. A+ A+ A+ A+. Consider him a successful teacher's pet. He didn't have to worry about that then. All he had to focus on was his little crush, and the obligation for his crush's girlfriends homicide.

He went to each and every class, practicing what he would do to get her killed like every other person he murdered. He murdered multiple students before, but not as wicked but aware as this one.

~ T i m e S k i p ~

Stan hurried out of the school to go to his house, to get ready for a night of friendly fun. He hurried inside to greet his mom. After changing, having dinner, and setting up the Wii, all he had to do was wait for Kyle to arrive.

He finally heard a ring from his doorbell after waiting for what seemed like 10 minutes. He rushed to the door and gladly opened it for... not Kyle? It was Wendy.

"Hi Stanley~" Wendy said in a semi-seductive voice. "Something was on my mind and I wanted to get it off my chest..." she leaned forward to Stan to make a little bit of her cleavage visible to him. "I want you to spend more time with me tonight, maybe I can stay over~? It was a Friday today anyways so I can leave in the morning!"

"U-Uhm..." Stan stuttered, struck with a tough decision that probably was sort of easy to answer. "I have... I have a sleepover with Kyle tonight... s-sorry..." Stan said with a flat but accident-struck voice that was hard for people to resist feeling sorry for him. Wendy bought it.

"Aww, it's ok Stan," Wendy accepted his apology. It wasn't really accepted to her, due to the hatred for Kyle to be spending so much time with Stan. But she dared to call Stan her own. "I-I'll be going now, see you on Monday Stan~" Wendy put back on her facade to go out with a bang just as Kyle reared over the street with a blue duffel bag to greet Stan at his already open door. Wendy passed him as a start to go to her own respective house.

"Kyle." he said his name as a greeting with a hint of anger in it.

"Wendy." Kyle returned the rather rude reply, but instead of anger it was a boasting, a head start towards winning Stan over.

Kyle passed her with a cold shoulder and his heart warmed when he finally got to see 'his' Stan.

"Hey dude! Why was Wendy here?" Kyle made it up the steps and acknowledged Stan talking to his... girlfriend.

"...don't count on it. You still into trying to beat me in Mario Kart?" Stan wavered off of the fact he had chose Kyle over Wendy to sleepover; His girlfriend over his best friend.

"Hell yeah I'm down!" Kyle said with glee. Kyle went past Stan into the house that he has always known as a second home and joyfully went upstairs to settle down for the night. Stan followed and turned on the new and rather shiny Wii U he had gotten. That night was a night for fun and it wasn't going to get wrecked by anything or anyone. Not even Wendy.

Words: 977

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