Been Here All Along

By emilyann-

91K 3.3K 234

"Ian Miller was the light. He made everything better and everything easier. When I had to wake up at 7 in the... More

Disclaimers & Cast
00| prologue
01| home
02| enlistment
03| psychological pain
04| seclude
05| reconcile
06| first
07| army man
08| habitual
10| worth
11| traumatic
12| woods
13| change
14| over
15| dreams
16| feelings
17| again
18| ajar
19| imagine
20| despacito
21| sanity
22| closer
23| kisses
24| secrets
25| sleepover
26| move-in
27| steps
28| past
29| essence
30| farewell
31| weight
32| forward
33| beautiful
34| growth
35| agony
36| lost
37| grieve
38| destiny
39| we
40| defense
41| endlessly
42| closure
43| teen
44| stunning
45| surviror
46| news
47| finale
48| epilogue

09| eins

1.9K 78 7
By emilyann-

"All these precious moments that we carved in a stone are only memories after all." - Shawn Mendes

*5 years ago*

   "Good morning, beautiful!" My favorite loud and obnoxious voice called as he swung open my bedroom door. This would've been annoying if it was actually morning, but it was 2pm on the Fourth of July so I was sitting at my vanity getting ready.

   "Hey, weirdo," I teased, spinning in my chair to face Ian.

   He was in a pair of khaki shorts and a plain white, v-neck T-shirt. His hair was spiked to its usual perfection. And as usual, he looked as good looking as ever.

   "Kiss?" He requested, bending down to meet my level. I giggled as I gave him a quick peck before I turned to continue my light face of makeup. No need to go overboard because I would just sweat it off or it would come off in the ocean or pool.

   Ian made himself comfortable on my freshly made bed, careful not to mess it up because he knows I'd fight him. I'm the only one that can mess up my made bed.

   "How long until you're ready?"

   "10 minutes?" I glanced at him through the mirror for a look of approval. He obviously wasn't going to say he's going to leave without me, but I had to make sure.

   "Alright, Papps."


   Some way, some how, we had managed to beat Mason and Kaila, who'd decided to drive together and separate from us. Usually they beat us places, because of me and my lack of time management

Unfortunately our spot on the beach wasn't that great since we all arrived later than most the guests. It wasn't that big of a deal, though, since we'd surely still be able to see the fireworks.

I was laying on my back in my bikini, letting the sun tan my skin while Ian was on his stomach next to me, reading a book.

Ian's love for reading is definitely something that always surprises people who just meet him. If you were to judge a book by its cover, you wouldn't imagine Ian to be a reader, but he reads like an alcoholic drinks. Not to sound cheesy, but it's so cute. I love hanging out with him and just watching him read.

   "Hey, party poopers," Mason's unmistakable voice shouted from right over our heads. I opened my eyes to see him standing over me, staring down at me.

   A true goof.

   "Hey, Mase," I said as I sat up. Ian didn't say anything for a second, probably finishing a line or a page, before he closed his book and put it in my beach bag.

   Ian stood up and did the weird bro-hug with Mason and gave Kaila a quick hug. I followed his actions of standing up, but gave them both hugs. I've attempted the bro-hug, but it's just weird. Definitely not for a sister.

   "Why were you guys so late?"

   Mason gave Kaila one look that said it all — she took forever to get ready. That's my best friend.

   "It's not my fault I was feeling rushed and kept forgetting stuff," Kaila defended herself, punching Mason's shoulder.

   Mason rose his eyebrows challengingly while Kaila crossed her arms over her chest. Ian and I were quick to intervene before they started feuding like brother and sister.

   "Drinks?" Ian suggested. The two nodded in agreement and we went to go find a cooler furthest away from adults.

   Mr. Westchester doesn't care much if we underage drink as long as we aren't blatant about it and we are responsible.

   "You DD?" Mason asked Ian, cracking open a beer can and pouring it into his tumblr cup he brought.

   While I did the same as Mason, never mind the fact I'm not big on beer drinking, Ian wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer to his side.

   "Yeah," he confirmed. He has JROTC training at 6am tomorrow and can't really risk a hangover. I'm not so sure that'd go over well with his instructors. Though he wouldn't mind if I got drunk like I know Kaila and Mason are about to, I'm choosing to only have a drink or two that way he's not babysitting as much. Kaila and Mason are a handful as is.

"Party on, baby!" Mason yelled, holding his cup in the air. We all clinked our cups together, including Ian's bottle of water. "Yo, E, volleyball?"

"Hell, yeah!" Ian leaned over and kissed my cheek, handing me his phone in the process. Like giddy children, the boys ran in the direction of the beach volleyball court that was currently prepping for a game.

This is the part in our day where Kaila and I have our own girl talk while the boys act like they are playing on the Olympic volleyball team. It's kind of amusing how hard they go.

   "Set me up, Mase!" Ian yelled, rubbing his hands together competitively. The whole crowd got a kick out of that as they laughed. They probably all thought he was drunk, but that's just him naturally. It's like whenever he and Mason are together, they are both instantly mentally wasted.

   I took a sip of my beer, cringing at the taste. Beer is so nasty, I truly don't understand how people can drink so much of it. "So, Kaila," I said, setting my cup in the sand, creating a hole for it. "How are you and that boy? Jayden?"

   She shrugged, "I think Mason scared him away."

   I rose my eyebrows, confused. "How so?" I mean, Mason is like a brother to us, but to scare a boy that's interested in Kaila away was out of character.

   "Not like that," she denied. "Just he saw me and Mason being our usual selves and thought we had feelings for each other."

   "Oh, that sucks, Kai, I'm sorry. Did you tell him it's not like that?" We've been best friends since we were 12, we are all just super close.

   I guess in Jayden's defense, that's probably what people said about Ian and I before we started dating too. But maybe not, because everyone seemed to have seen it coming besides me.

   "Yeah, but I'm not that worried about it. I wasn't that interested." I nodded, not surprised at all. She does this with every boy she goes out with: they go out on a couple dates, flirt, kiss, then she ends things. We've hosted interventions for her, basically explaining to her that she self destructs, but she brushes it off.

   I worry about her, but Ian always tells me that if she's not worried about it, I shouldn't be either. It's just hard because I want nothing less than the best for Kaila.

   "Hey, Jos," I heard Ian call from the sand court. As I looked up, shifting my attention away from Kaila, Ian had spiked the ball over the net and turned to flash me a proud smile. "I love you." Both of the teams and the entire crowd erupted in a mixture of sober and drunken 'awes' after he yelled across the court he loves me.

   Wow, I love him.

   "I love you, too, Ian," I said back, quieter, but he was watching me so I knew he could read my lips.

It's all of the little things Ian does that makes me fall for him more and more everyday. Like when he blows kisses to me at the most random times, yells I love you across a volleyball court, or even just offers to carry my bags. He's an amazing person all around.


   The night was growing closer to its end, Mason and Kaila were pretty much off-their-rockers wasted, I only had two beers, which was admittedly enough to get me tipsy, Ian was still sober, and fireworks were about to start.

   Mason and Kaila were getting to that point in their night where they could hardly stand, which is why they plopped down on the whole blanket and stared up at the sky to await the fireworks.

   "Guess we are standing," I joked, leaning into Ian's side. He put his arm and around my shoulder and rested his head on mine.

   The first firework of the night went off, cheers were let out from the entire beach as the beautiful mixture of colors lit up the sky right above us.

"Whoa, shit," Mason mumbled loudly. Amused, I glanced behind me at him. He was scrambling to get his phone out of the pocket of his swim shorts.

Speaking of his phone being in his swim shorts, you have no idea how many times Ian had to stop Mason from running into the water with his phone in his pocket.

"Get on his shoulders, Josie."

I looked at Mason like he was an absolute nut, which he actually is. Even Ian, who is accustomed to Mason's nuttiness, looked a little confused.

"Do it for the picture. Come on." Mason's stubborn as is, but it's heightened by 10 when he's drunk, so arguing was pointless. I sighed as I looked at Ian and he nodded. We both knew we had to do this or he wouldn't shut up.

Ian kneeled down so I could get on his shoulders and stood up with an exaggerated groan. I whacked him, lightly, upside the head for acting like I was that heavy. I'm not saying I'm as light as a feather, but he's acting like I weigh the same amount as a ferry boat.

"I'm kidding," he laughed, grabbing my hand to kiss it. From behind me, I could hear the obnoxious repeated clicking of Mason's iPhone camera.

"These are amazing!" Mason expressed.

"You can put me down now, Ian."

"I don't think I want to," he smirked. Though he was trying to be annoying, I couldn't help but smile.

I can't even begin to express the love I feel for Ian. He is my future. The one I see myself standing beside 10 years from now and 60 years from now. Ian Miller is the one.


This one is a little late due to a chaotic homecoming week and a super fun homecoming dance! With my busy week, I wasn't able to edit or post the chapter until now. However, think of it like this: a shorter wait until the next chapter (coming Friday)

I don't know how many of y'all had homecoming recently but if you did, hope you loved it and had a great time! Enjoy it while you can!

I hope you all are continuing to love Josie and Ian's journey, and please spread the word if you are!

If any of you know how to make TRAILERS for stories, please private message me! I'm interested in one being made for BHAA!

Also, if you are a reader of my other stories, I hope to be back on track with (at least) All I Want SOON!

Don't forget to...
Check out my other stories!

- Emily

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