The Girl With No Home (Legola...

By 101_classified

134K 4K 968

-completed ; edited- -highest ranking #6 in Legolas- Y/n is from the kingdom of Rotml, a kingdom that was rul... More

Authors Note


1.8K 63 10
By 101_classified

6 years later_

The clanging and the screams stopped and stilled for a moment. A year ago the family were taken away so I've been sat alone and I think they're gone. Free. In the world away from fire, heat and screams.

"Have——g-kill—human," I over heard snippets of a conversation, nothing was there that I could create an idea of the conversation around.

"Get the girl," I heard one of the Uruk-hai say with a little growl as their footsteps started to approach my cell. When they opened my cell door I just let them drag me away. I've just given up fighting, it only gets me hurt, scarred, bruised, bleeding. They dragged me down the corridor, up the stairs, out of the tower and threw me on the ground, under the sky.

"What-? What na- going bo? (what-? What is going on here?)," I asked no one in particular due to them not being able to understand Sindarin.

Someone was yelling something over a crowd of orcs and a bunch of evil creatures that worked under...the white wizard? What happened to the white orc? What's happened since I've been trapped in that same area?

Questions were running through my head but the answers had to wait because I was being dragged to the front of the crowd where a hanging booth was stood waiting.

"Of all the things why this?" I mumble to myself as they throw me onto the wooden boards. Having no one holding me down, I quickly stood up and frantically looked around for a way out, the creatures were laughing, to me, I don't know but the problem of the situation dawned on me when a rope was tied around my neck.

I scanned my surroundings when I noticed the family of humans that I instantly recognised. When they realised it was me they tried to fight against the warriors holding them captive.

"To start our new world, we'll be cleaning out our dungeons of this elf that has been with you for many years, causing problems, yelling the place down, teaching humans how to speak her language. Today we'll be free of this disaster starting today," the wizards voice echoed over everyone, Gandalf used to say he and the wizard (who's name has escaped me) used to be good friends and he trained Gandalf in everything he knows, the wizards are very close but this is crazy, whenever Gandalf spoke of him, he would say that there wasn't an evil bone in his body but this doesn't fit his description, his appearance does but his personality, that's not right.

They started counting down from 10.

Nows the time where panic thinking comes in to play. My dark magic, I forgot all about it because I had been reducing myself to using it for ages.

"I mornië within save i rimbë i's keeping tye tame ar varna. Help túc- me at- ana i kal," I chant a spell and complete it just as the counting hits '0' and the floor below me opens up. I drop and struggled for a moment before the rope snapped and I landed on the ground safely and started running.

"Catch that girl!" One of the orcs yelled as I started fighting my way through the crowd. I was quickly surrounded by armed Uruk-Hai's and orcs and goblins and anything malicious.

I felt the magic of the elves boiling inside so I starting wishing that Gandalf and Legolas, my family, even if I would deny it. I just wished they would appear out of no where and start helping out.

Jumping up to get myself a height advantage, I then jumped from head to head as I ran across to the family. Once there I swiftly grabbed their chains and and ran with them trying to keep up behind me.

"Ok... start running," I say as I push them to a water pipe in the side of the hill that connected to the wall.

They looked at me thankfully before pulling the chains off and then running through the pipes, running close behind I turned to see orcs running through the pipes behind us.

I grabbed a random slate that was lying on the ground, yelled 'speed up!' And then threw it at a loose stone on the roof where all the tunnel started falling in really quickly.

When we got out of the tunnel the land was barren for a few miles until a forest, the dark forest, hit the edge of the barrenness.

"We need to get as far away from here as possible," Camryn said looking at his family and smiling at me, "thank you for getting us out."

"It' problem," I say before whistling for h/n.

"Are you ok? We haven't seen you in a while," Jake asked looking over at me.

"I'm fine," I say before ruffling his hair and noticing the galloping horse in the distance, "that's my ride over there. So I'll see you around?"

"Yeah, do you know anywhere we can go on foot?" Camryn asked me as he watched h/n approach.

"No where on foot but I can get three horses for you all, two on each horse. Works out quite well," I said after whistling three times.

"Oh, if it's a problem please don't," Lynn said quickly jumping to stop me.

"Oh no, no. It's no problem, and anyway, you could travel with me," I say defending the decision and running to h/n happily stroking his head.

"Everyone, this is h/n. I raising him from a foal," I said to them, h/n bowing his head in acknowledgement as the three horses I just called started to appear. It took them a few minutes but they arrived and they all helped each other onto a horse and after I jumped onto my horse we started riding south, far from the misty mountain, the white wizard and everything that happened over the past six years. 

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