Moving Forward ~1

Por Vampirediaries1996

608K 15.1K 8.2K

Mystic Falls has always been the same. Nothing happens here. Everyone knows each others business if you like... Más

New Year, Same Me
That's Not Hate
Match Made In Heaven
Darkness Is Coming
Aftermath of the Attack
Comets Flying By
Dinner Disaster
Team Spirit
Founder's Parties All Day
Carwash and Cemeteries
Temporary Breakups
The Truth Comes Out
The Beginning of The End
Life Turning Upside Down
Decade Dance
Tomb Games
Isobel's Past
Eligible Bachelor's
Double Date
Another Funeral
Drunk Stefan
Facing Bonnie
Miss Mystic Jitters
Where Is Amber?
Hospital's and Kisses
She's Here
Vampire Carnivals
Research Becomes Reality
Wolves and Barbecues
Cat's Out of the Bag
Masquerade and Danger
Kristen Stewart
Making Deals
Losing Part of Yourself
True Intensions
Hosting a Killer Dinner
The Fun's Just Getting Started
Warnings from the Witches
60's Dance
Smoky Mountains
Doppelgänger Blood
First Day of the New Year
Ghost World
Hybrids and Coffins
Birthday or Funeral
Beginning of Darkness
Mother of a Ball
A Mother's Love
Makeup and Betrayal
Dark Times
Another Funeral
Hunters and Hallucination's
Miss Mystic Round 2
Is Silas Real?
The Cure
Can We Cheat Death?
Grieving and Moving On
Three Sacrifices

Towel Girl

7.3K 204 106
Por Vampirediaries1996

I'm glade you all are enjoying Sofia and her story. I can't wait for you all to know more about her and love her like I do.

Elena's POV

I'm happy that Sofia and Matt are doing well together. I never saw them as a couple but now I can't imagine them apart. He really cares for her and she's been there for him when no one else has. I've been keeping a secret from both of them and it's killing me. I wanted to spill to my sister this afternoon what is really bothering me about Stefan and the real reason we broke up. I shouldn't be keeping things from her but this is too big of a secret to share. Her knowing could put her in danger more than she may already be in.

"Ah, the famous Elena." The blonde girl from earlier stands in front of me with shots in hand.

"Towel girl." Is my only response.

"I've been called worse. Here." She hands me a shot and I take it but don't drink it.

"I didn't know that you guys could drink." We move to a table to rest our glasses on.

"Oh, yeah. It helps curb the cravings, but makes for a lot of lushy vamps." She quickly takes the shot and downs it.

"You know, I've never seen Stefan drunk. He always seems so..."

"Uptight?" Lexi finishes for me.

"Yeah. But not with you."

"Well, that's the benefit of knowing someone for over 100 years. You can just be yourself."

"Yeah, he can't be himself with me.

"Well not yet. The first step was him telling you. The rest comes with time."

"You seem so sure."

"The love of my life was human. He went through what I imagine you're going through. Denial, anger, et cetera. But at the end of the day, love really did conquer all." I don't know what to say to her. I talked things through with Sofia and she said to take things slow with Stefan. "Are you going to drink that?" Lexi asks pointing to the shot.

"Oh, no." I hand it over to her. "Go for it. I'm scared."

"But you're here. Cause you're crazy about him. I get it, ok? I mean, what's not to love?" We both gaze over at Stefan playing pool and I can't help but smile. "Take it from someone who's been around a long time. When it's real, you can't walk away."

"Hey Lenny, Matt asked if you want to play a round of...Oh hi. Sorry, I'm Elena's sister Sofia." Sofia shakes hands with Lexi and Lexi does that staring thing again.

"Hi, I'm Lexi a friend of Stefan's."

"Oh, right the girl in the towel."

"Sister's talk."

"Yes, we do."

"Who's older?" Lexi asked interested in Sofia.

"Elena is by like what twelve minutes?"

"You're twins." She seems surprised by this like it's something that is out of the ordinary.

"Yeah, not identical so you can still tell us apart but we do look a lot alike."

"Interesting. I was just explaining to your sister that when you know it's real with someone you don't walk away and now I'll leave you two to chat." Lexi waves goodbye and takes the other shot.

"Everything good now with you and the girl you hated like a few hours ago?"

"She's nice and I judged the situation too quickly." I keep looking back over at Stefan. Sofia reaches for my hand.

"I will support you in any decision you make. I love you, Lenny."

"Love you too Sof."


"What?" I look around for a possible problem.

"Caroline is wasted and is draping herself all over Matt."

"Go, I can handle myself."

Sofia's POV

I race over when I see Matt give me a please help eye. He's too much of a gentleman not to help and take care of a girl when she's wasted out of her mind. Caroline is still getting over what she and Damon had and alcohol is not helping it.

"Hey, Care how are you feeling?" I move to sit next to her trying to keep her head up while Matt steadies her as she keeps wanting to slip to the floor.

"I slim...I slipped. A very nice but not handsome bartender was very kind to me tonight."

"We can see that. Here let's get some water into your system." I push Matt's water glass over to her and she takes some sips.

"Unlike the rest of the global humanverse. Are those curly fries?" Thankfully a waiter comes over.

"Coffee for the drunk girl." Matt orders. Caroline moves to lean her head on my shoulder while I stroke her hair. I only pray she doesn't puke on me like she did one time.

"Am I shallow?" She looks up to me and then to Matt.

"Is that a trick question?' I smack Matt's shoulder.

"I don't mean to be. I wanna be deep. I wanna be, like the abyss deep."

"No offense Caroline, but deep's really not your scene."

"Matt!" I scold.

"No, it's true Sof. I'm shallow. I'm worse than shallow. I'm a kiddie pool." I pull her into a hug trying to calm her down.

"Caroline. You're not that shallow. You have a heart of gold. You're one of our best friends."

"But I'm a complete bitch."

"No, you have bitchy moments but don't we all." She smiles but it quickly fades.

"Can you take me home?" She looks sadly into my eyes. I look to Matt who nods.

"We'll take you home Caroline." Matt says as we move out of our table. I try to steady Caroline when she gets up but she keeps falling. Thankfully Matt takes the initiative to scoop her up making it easier on both of us. He hands me the keys to his truck and we make our way out.

We stop dead in our tracks as we see police squad cars outside the Grill and Caroline's mom with her back to us. She runs over to us when she sees us with Caroline.

"What happened? Is she ok?" She asks Matt and me.

"Like you care." Caroline slurs and I want to facepalm myself. Getting caught by a parent drunk when you're underage is never a fun moment.

"She's drunk?" Sherriff Forbes scolds us.

"As a skunk."

"Are they serving you in there?"

"We were going to take her home. I'll stay with her all night just to make sure she doesn't hurt herself." I offer and Sherriff Forbes smiles.

"Thank you, Sofia. I would appreciate that. You know where the extra blankets are."

"Yes, ma'am."

"I'll drive them both to your house. I haven't been drinking."

"I would appreciate that Matt. Thank you. You and I will discuss this later."

"Can't wait." Caroline lifts her head enough to roll her eyes at her mother. I usher Matt towards his truck wanting to avoid any further lectures from Sherriff Forbes.

Caroline falls asleep in my lap on the drive to her house and Matt can't help but chuckle at it.

"It's not funny."

"I'm not laughing. But you despite what you say you are very maternal."

"No, I'm not!"

"Not everyone would nurse their friend back from a drunk abyss just to avoid disapproving looks from their parents."

"Maybe guys don't. But girls take care of each other. Caroline is really down right now and needs someone there for her. Even when she makes me crazy I love her anyway. She always tells me the truth if I like it or not and she really does have a heart of pure gold. I stroke Caroline's hair as she clings to me more.

"I know this could be bad timing but I've saved up enough money and how would you feel about going on an official date with me this week?"

"Do I get to know what we're doing on this date?"

"Nope, it will be a surprise. But you will love it."

"Can't wait." I help Matt get Caroline into her house and laying her propped up in bed. The last thing we need is for her to choke on her vomit.

"Is she going to be ok?" He asks turning back around when I told him it's safe to. I got Caroline out of her dress and into her comfiest PJs.

"No." Caroline answers for him.

"She'll be fine."

"I wish I had someone to love me like you two love each other." She mutters and I hold her hand which she gladly takes.

"We all love you Care."

"Not in the same way."

"You need to get some rest Care." I tuck her into bed but she grips my hand.

"You're not leaving me, right? I need you." She pleads with me and I look to Matt who kisses my forehead.

"I'll never leave you Care. I have to lock the door and I'll be right back." I assure her. She nods and begins to doze off. I show Matt out and stop at the front door. "Thank you for being the sweetest guy I've ever met."

"Anytime. And what Caroline said back there. It could be too early but we've been through a lot with each other and I know you feel the same or I hope that you do..."

"I love you too Matt." He closes the distance between us and kisses me with so much passion that I almost forget all the horrible things that have happened in this town.

"Bye, Sofia. I'll call you in the morning."

"Thanks for driving us."

"Anytime." I wave to him as I shut the door and make sure it's locked. I head back to Caroline's room who's waiting with open arms for me.

"There's my best friend." She slurs." I quickly change into pj that I leave at her house for sleepovers and climb into bed with her. "Thank you for not leaving me."

"Love you, Caroline." I kiss her forehead and let her rest her head on my chest as she looks to me for comfort. We're all a little broken and just need someone to guide us back to the light.

It came time for Matt and my date. He told me to dress comfortable and to bring a jacket. He still wouldn't tell me where he was taking me, but from how giddy he got around me when we saw each other I can tell he's excited. Bonnie and Caroline want me to give them every detail of it the next day. Since neither of them is in a relationship they are living their romantic lives through me. Elena is once again preoccupied with Stefan and his family drama. She won't tell me what's wrong or what is making her worry so much. I thought we got closer after we promised not to keep secrets from each other but here she is again becoming guarded. I can only guess it's because she's back with Stefan and he's a walking billboard for secrecy.

I push all of those worries out of my mind when Matt picks me up for our date. He's handsome in his flannel and jeans. Every time I went on a date with Tyler I hardly ever got the butterfly feeling in my stomach when I saw him, but with Matt, it feels like it's all my stomach does. He makes me so nervous but feels so loved. I was worried that saying I love you to each other so soon would have affected our relationship, but it seemed to only strengthen it.

He wouldn't give me a clue at all even the whole drive to the location of our date. I kept guessing all the way until I saw the twinkling lights. Matt's perfect date for us was going to a Fair one town over. He remembered how much I love eating Fair food and playing the overpriced games. It's one of the things we used to always do as a family. I would save up my babysitting money for months so I could lose it all in an attempt to win a giant buy I could probably buy for less at the store.

"I can't believe you remembered." I kiss Matt as we head over to purchase our tickets.

"I knew this Fair was coming to town for weeks. I just needed to wait for the right time to take you. Are you ready to lose at ring toss?"

"Only if you are prepared to be defeated in ski ball?"

"You're on." We race each other to pick the first game. We played for hours letting our competitive sides come full out. He won the ring toss, but I schooled him in basketball. Overall, we had a blast not having to be interrupted by friends and family drama. We had time to finally be Sofia and Matt. Nothing stopping us from show our love and affection for one another. We even posed for character painting. And the date ended with the perfect kiss and the biggest stuffed bear a girl could ask for. Even though I decided Matt should have it. He worked hard for it and it gives me a reason to visit him more.

"You know I can't remember the last time I went to a Fair where I've had this much fun."

"I'm glad. You've been looking a little down lately and I needed to make my girl happy."

"I love when you call me your girl." I wrap my arms around his waist, resting my chin on his chest. "Though I don't have the best nickname for you. I'm not the biggest fan of baby or anything like that."

"You're so cute." Matt kisses my cheek before walking me up to my front door. "Thank you again for everything you did to help me with Vicki. I know we never really talk about it, but I do miss her and it helps having you by my side."

"Of course Matt. I know if Jeremy was in the same place you would do everything your power to help. It's the least I could do."

"Do you think she will be back? Have I lost my sister forever?"

"She loves you, Matt. She just needs some time to herself." I kiss Matt one last time. "I'll see you at school boo."

"Boo?" Matt chuckles at me.

"Yeah, that's not a good one either. I'll just stick with Matt and Matty."

"Sounds perfect."

Who else was shocked with how the Originals ended?

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