Azure's Hope ( COMPLETED✔️)

By __BlueRoses

46.1K 2.8K 317

'It's a survival of the fittest, you've got to survive today to fight another day. Everyone wants to live thr... More

Disclaimer and Copyright.
Azure's Escape.
Azure's Billionaire.
Azure's Home.
Azure's Date.
Azure's Date 2.
Azure's Office Day.
Azure's Fears.
Azure's Sleepover.
Azure's 'best friend'.
Azure's love.
Azure's event.
Azure's Fight.
Azure's intimacy.
Azure's wants.
Azure's everything.
Azure's Takeover.
Azure's Traitor.
Azure life.
Azure's Imprints.
Azure's Calm before the Storm.
Azure's Words.
Azure's Deceit.
Azure's sacrifice.
Azure's Storm.
Azure's Rescue.
Azure's Courage.
Azure's Tragedy
Azure's Distance.
Azure's Grey.
Azure's Appearance.
Azure's Calm after the Storm.
Azure's Bundle of Joy.
Cast List😊😊
Song List😊😊
Sequel (My Strange Series)

Azure's family.

1.1K 89 10
By __BlueRoses

The day of the event drew near and Grey and Azure decided that they would visit her father after the event. The days had gone by so fast, it was either she went to Natalia's house or she followed Nick to work, sometimes, she visited the office of some therapists. Grey said it would be best if she chose the therapist she felt the most comfortable with and so far, she hadn't come in contact with anyone of that sort.
He also set her up for gym lessons, he claimed that exercising helped the mental health of a person, not to mention her extraordinary eating habit.
The event would be in the evening the next day and Grey and Azure sat on the sofa in the sitting room watching reruns on some random series.

"I've been thinking, what happened to the man that you beat unconscious that day? Is he alright? Did he say why he did that? Judging from the way you were angry, I'd believe that he was someone you trusted, like a friend who just betrayed you."

"You're right. He was my friend, I literally discussed everything with him. Everything that involved my work life and even my personal life. It wasn't too long ago that he started acting weird and all, always eager to leave my presence. I sensed something was wrong but he wouldn't ever say what, I really felt betrayed then, but now I only feel pity for him."

"Well, what happened?"
"A bunch of directors asked him to do it, he refused at first of course, but that was the problem. He got home one day and his wife wasn't home, there was a note saying that she'd die if he didn't do it. He reasoned it properly, even if the price was over a billion, it wouldn't dent the company's bank account, the death of his wife would however, break his heart real bad. I couldn't agree more with the decision he made, if I were in his situation and Natalia or our parents or worse you, were involved, I'd do exactly what he did. The directors have been arrested."

"And his wife?"

"I had my private investigator look for her. She was found in less than a day after he told it all to me. I gave him back his job by the way, although not as my legal team head. He works in another branch as a legal team head."

"That's good. It really wasn't his fault, I'd do the same as well if you or your family were in trouble."

"Good. By the way, what do you want to be done to Katherine. Do you want her to go to jail, or would you rather leave her on the streets helpless."

"Katherine is a monster. She is a heartless psychopath. Sending her to jail will be too good for her, I'd rather she stays on the street and faces the public she was so desperate to throw me to, as meat to be devoured. I want her to remain helpless on the streets forever, no one wanting to sell to her or buy from her because of her filthy attitude, I want her to suffer more than anyone ever has."

"And so shall it be your highness. " Azure let out a little laugh at his silly joke.

"You still haven't found a therapist of your choice?"
"No, they're either too mean or they've seen the news and are rather busy being curious about..... I don't know, they're tip toeing around too much and I feel it's unprofessional and disgusting. I hate being pitied by them."

"It's okay, we'll keep looking. Actually my mom wanted to be a therapist herself and she has a lot of connections with their kind of people. She could be of some help to you if you want. They'll be old of course, but the young ones aren't exactly of any help so far."
"We'll see."
There was some minutes of silence before Azure got tired of the deafening silence.

"Gosh, look at her body. It's like legit body goals, and she knows it like...... If I were a lesbian, I'd totally do her." She started, referring to the girl on TV wearing a teddy.

"Well you're not a lesbian and I am the only one you're allowed to do. You have a perfect body Azure I mean do you know how many girls would die to have your body? Take Natalia for example, she is always complaining to me that she is too fat and she wants to be like you. I've got her like a million gym instructors but she says no, says they ain't doing a perfect job getting her body to look like yours, she has her eyes set on your body shape. You're pretty awesome you know, give yourself some credit."

"She must be crazy then. How can she complain about her body and claim to like mine, she is like the definition of perfect."

Silence reigned in the sitting room for at least ten minutes before Grey finally gathered courage to say what he'd been trying to say all week long.

"I can make you feel good about your body if you'd like it."
"And how is that?"
"You'd have to come to the bed with me to figure that out."

"Grey, you know I am..."
"We're not having sex, I told you I wouldn't make you do it if you didn't want to. I'll just make you understand that you also have the right to feel good about your body. I'll help you through it."

"I trust you Grey, but just not tonight okay, I'm re..."

She was cut short by the sound of the door bell. "Are you expecting someone so late at night? " For Azure, she finally understood the meaning of the term, 'saved by the bell'

"No, I'm not. You?"
"I have no one to expect. I'll get the door, you just stay here."

"No Azure, I'll get it. I don't really want to take such risk" Grey had been really protective of her lately.

The day after the public appearance, they opened the door to go to work and they found a pigs head with a dagger in the middle of its forehead. There was also a writing on a paper glued to the wall and with the blood of the pig as ink, it said,

'Just because the world suddenly likes you, you think it's alright? I'm not done with you, you filthy monster, actually I'm just getting started with you. Good luck trying to avoid me. Did you think that if you caused a ruckus I'd leave you alone? No, you've only made my work easier since I don't have to work too hard to avoid being detected'

"Okay, you can go and check who is at the door. " She understood the reason he didn't want her to answer the door and she wasn't going to push on the argument. He only wanted what's best for her.

"Do you need a place to crash before the night?" Grey had no idea how to start talking to the people in front of him, how was he supposed to say 'what the fuck are you doing here so late at night and who the hell are you guys?' to old people.

"We want to see our granddaughter, Ruth." The woman was the first to speak.
"And you are? There is no resemblance between her and any of you. Not even the distinguishing hair colour."
"I had the red hair, but I dyed it. Imagine a man with red hair as deep as that, made me look like a clown."
Grey let out a little mental laugh at the thought of the man having hair as red as Azure's was.

Seeing how much time Grey was wasting, she decided to go and see for herself what was going on. The moment she got there, she saw Grey talking to two older people and so she stepped closer to take a good look on who they were.

"Ruth, my champion? Is that really you" The old woman who spotted her slowly stretched her hands and caressed Azure's face. "Grandma? Oh my gosh grandma!"

Azure threw herself into the arms of her grandmother. Her grandmother kept crying while saying phrases similar to 'I'm sorry, I'm so sorry we believed him that you were no more, I'm sorry. ' and Azure gave back phrases like, 'you didn't know, it's alright."

Azure's grandfather on the other hand maintained his stoic expression. He just waited for his extremely emotional wife to get done so that they could go inside.

After say two minutes, they all went inside. "It's so late, you must be hungry. I'll make you a light meal..." Azure wanted to spend some more time with her grandparents but she knew that they'd be tired after a long journey and not to mention the obvious fact that Grey would want her to get some sleep early so that she'd have enough energy for the next day.
"No, Ruthie. We're fine. We'll be able to catch up tomorrow won't we."

"No, grandpa. I have to attend this event tomorrow and I'll be gone the whole day."
"Even at that, we have two months. We could have come earlier but we wanted enough time with you and that's why we had to round up the next two months schedule in a week."

"You work?" This was the first time Grey was butting in.
"Of course I do. I own a lot of companies, I was going to hand over them to her once she she grew up but..... She died. I couldn't trust anyone not to bring my companies to the ground so I make some people CEO's, but it's just in name. I still have an iron grip on all of them."

"That's great and thoughtful. Would you like a room at the ground floor or another floor?"

"Ground floor please. I'm so tired, goodnight Ruth and you too my grand son in law."

Grey felt proud hearing those words son in law by her grand mother for some reasons. He led them to their room and bid them goodnight.

"You look really happy tonight. It's like you've found a reason to smile."

"You make me smile all the time and I'm grateful. My grand parents on the other hand are like a part of me that got lost, but now that they're here.... I feel really elated because they are a reminder that good things are coming our way. Suddenly I feel like my life isn't as bad as I always thought it was. I'm happy, but the truth remains, I wouldn't be if it weren't for you."

"I'm happy that you're happy. It's no wonder I never found them when I was looking for your family members while you were unconscious. Turns out he is a powerful man himself and you, my darling, are a heiress."


The next day, Azure had left the house even before her grand parents awoke. Grey assured her that he'd make sure they showed up at the event and she'd see them there. He also assured her that meeting his parents would be alright and that they were eager to meet her as well.

Natalia, Elisa and Azure had a nice time together. They visited a spa, had some facials done, got some massage with body oil, bathed in scented perfumed soaps. They visited some jewellery stores as well as some shoe stores. Not to forget, they made sure to stop for breakfast, brunch and lunch. Azure's nervousness had made her even hungrier than usual.

By the time they were done, it was already late afternoon. They had their make up done there at home and it was only eight o'clock when the guys arrived.
The two girls had gone to welcome them into the house and received the flowers they brought.
"Where's Azure? " Grey was anxious as to how she looked.

"I'm up here Grey." Azure said with a little giggle as she started walking down the stairs.

To Grey, he probably felt the way the Prince Charming felt when he saw his princess descending the stairs.
Only, by the time she reached the stairs, Grey had noticed what was wrong with her. "Azure?"
"What? Can't get enough of my beauty tonight? You're staring." everyone in the room burst into laughter at her courageous and narcissistic comment.

"Well yeah, that's true but, where are your shoes?" It was at that moment that the stylist who helped them get ready came running down the stairs with her box of shoes.
"How could you forget to wear your shoes Miss Ruth. You didn't even bring them out of the box." the stylist said as she made an attempt to bend and wear her the shoes but Grey stopped her and asked her to leave. The rest of them were busy roaring with laughter.
Azure was totally embarrassed, when the door bell rang, the two girls had finished and so they went to welcome them but she was still being worked on by the stylist. The moment the stylist went into the bathroom to wash some dirt off her hands, Azure stood up and left the room in a hurry. She was too eager to meet her boyfriend and she had forgotten to put on her shoes.

Grey got on a knee and helped her feet into the pair of shoes. "There, that's my sweetheart looking so perfect I can't seem to take my eyes off her. I can't get enough of your beauty." Azure blushed deep red as the others laughed again loudly making her blush even harder.

The three couples had taken different cars, each having it's own chauffeur while they sat at the back. Azure, of course made enquiries on how her grand parents would be getting there and as expected, Grey told her that a chauffeur was already sent to pick them up and that they were probably in there already.

The paparazzi present were more than expected and it got Azure nervous. She hated everyone doing this type of job, she felt they were no different from Katherine. One word and they could ruin your life, another and you could be free. She hated them because she began to feel like a person's downfall and up rise rested on their hands.

Grey sensed her discomfort and pulled her even closer to him by the curve of her back and gave her a reassuring smile when she looked at him.
They entered the rented huge hall and just like in the movies, everyone paused and all eyes were on them.

Nicholas' parents had located him and the beauty standing by him. They had longed to see her but Nicholas always told them not to worry, that she'd be the one to come to them. Holding each others hand, they took steps towards them.

"Nicky my baby" Nicks mother started as she gave Nick and hug. No matter his pleas to stop calling him that name, his mother wouldn't stop. She had gotten too accustomed to calling him that.

"Seriously mom, you can't call me that in front of people."

"Well, I don't see no stranger people around. All I see are myself, my husband, you and the ever loving lady Ruth. How are you holding up dear?"

"I'm doing good Madame, Nicky has been of great help to me." They burst in laughter as Nicholas groaned in annoyance to see that Azure was taking his mom's side.
"Yeah, he's always been a good man. Just like his father over here."

"Hello sir, it's nice to finally meet you all, I've been so anxious to meet you."

His dad let out a deep chuckle and playfully hit down the hand she extended for a handshake. He pulled her into a hug just like his wife did.

"You can't go around calling us Madame and sir like we are in the military. I'm Priscilla and my husband is Adam. Although I'd much prefer it if you called us mom and dad. You're going to get married to him anyways and we're going to become your parents non the less."

"Seriously mom, you're making her nervous. " Grey tried to butt in.

"I'm not nervous. Actually I think she's right, unless you plan on dumping me. Do you? " Grey was surprised that Azure was siding with his mother, if he knew this he'd have just given an excuse to not attend the event. One like his mother was enough trouble already, but with Azure siding her, he could already see what he was in for.

"No, of course not...."
"So then, it's settled. I'm your mom and he's your dad. Oh my, there is Natalia and her crazy folk of a friend Elisa coming in, let's go say hello."
The two ladies went over to where they were leaving the men alone.
"Mom has definitely won Azure over, how could she do that in a matter of minutes. It's not fair!" Adam laughed at Nicholas' disapproval at the relationship between his mom and girlfriend.

"Sorry man, we men are on our own. Especially when your mother is involved." He patted his son's shoulder and went over to where the women were to greet them leaving Grey standing there frustrated as he ran his fingers through his hair.
This event would definitely be one he will remember forever.

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