Captain America: Civil War (B...

By JEDI271217

328K 6.2K 1.7K

It has been two years since the events of the Winter Soldier. Y/N has been looking out for Bucky, even though... More

Chapter 1: 1991
Chapter 2: A Mission in Nigeria
Chapter 3: Garbage Truck on the Loose
Chapter 4: Taking Out Hostiles
Chapter 5: Getting the Weapon
Chapter 6: Mission Ends in Disaster
Chapter 7: Love Still Strong
Chapter 8: A Death in Sokovia
Chapter 9: Whose Fault From the Mission
Chapter 10: The Sokovia Accords
Chapter 11: Discussion About the Accords
Chapter 12: Steve Tells Y/N About the Text
Chapter 13: The Funeral
Chapter 14: The Death of T'Chaka
Chapter 15: Bucky is the #1 Suspect
Chapter 16: Finding Bucky
Chapter 17: Man in Black
Chapter 18: Taken Prisoner
Chapter 19: What to Do Now
Chapter 20: Tony Talks to Both Siblings
Chapter 21: The Interrogation and Bucky Controlled
Chapter 22: The Attack
Chapter 23: Bucky's Back
Chapter 24: Finding More Recruits
Chapter 25: T'Challa Wanting to Track Down the Siblings and Barnes
Chapter 26: Both Siblings in Relationships
Chapter 27: Another Member for Cap's Team
Chapter 28: The War Part 1
Chapter 29: The War Part 2
Chapter 30: The War Part 3
Chapter 31: What About the Others?
Chapter 32: Tony Finds Out the Truth
Chapter 33: Talking to the Prisoners
Chapter 34: Surprise Before the Rest of the Mission
Chapter 35: What Happened to Tony's Parents
Chapter 36: Another Fight
Chapter 37: Getting Out of This
Chapter 38: "Tony Stank"
Chapter 40: Bucky Kept in Wakanda

Chapter 39: Setting Things Right

4.8K 121 5
By JEDI271217

Tony went in his office and opened the package to find a phone and an envelope inside. He opened the letter and read it to himself.

Y/N and I are glad you're back at the compound. We don't like the idea of you rattling around a mansion by yourself. We all need family. The Avengers are yours, maybe more so than ours. I've been on my own since I was 18. Taking Y/N in along the way was hard, but worth it. We never really fit in anywhere, even in the army. Our faith's in people, I guess. Individuals. And we're happy to say that, for the most part, they haven't let us down. Which is why we can't let them down either. Locks can be replaced, but maybe they shouldn't. We know we hurt you, Tony. I guess I thought by not telling you about your parents I was sparing you and I told Y/N not to tell for the same reason, but I can see now that I was really sparing us, and we're sorry. Hopefully one day you can understand. We wish we agreed on the Accords, we really do. We know you're doing what you believe in, and that's all any of us can do. That's all any of us should. And Y/N has told me that she's sorry about what she did and if you can, she has invited you to her and Bucky's wedding.

Before he could finish it, he got some type of notification.

"Priority call from Secretary Ross. There's been a breach at the Raft prison," FRIDAY informed.

"Yeah, put him through," Tony said.

FRIDAY did so.

"Tony, we have a problem," Ross started.

"Ah, please hold," Tony requested.

"No. Don't--" Ross warned then was cut off.

Then Tony continued reading the letter.

So, no matter what. I promise you, if you need us, if you need Y/N and me, we'll be there.

And at that time, Y/N and Steve broke in the Raft prison and freed their team.


A/N Really crazy!

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