some things are just meant to...

By theresahudson8

5.5K 161 215

•A little fanfic dedicated to all the Anne with an E fans out there. ( Mainly shirtbert with some other chara... More

The ball is hunting minds
A day at the beach
The start of school
Why competitions is a good thing
The aftermath of a kiss
How to court someone in secret

The dress, the ball, the walk

638 20 17
By theresahudson8

A few days past with no real importance of event enough to be worth mentioning. Some homework's were about to be turned in, Marilla tried some new things in the kitchen and Jerry tried to flirt with Diana every chance he got. Nothing unusual. So now it was Saturday and then finally it was time for the so called yearly ball. All week Anne had mentally prepared herself. She had cried a little, just in case someone was mean to her then she would have already done that crying part at home and could act as if she was not caring about something someone said.

But something didn't feel right. Everything was not in place. She still missed a dress. And in the morning of the ball day Anne's prayers had been answered because when she woke up, a large package, very much like the one she got her first beautiful dress in, laid beside her.  Anne was so excited that a little scream of joy escaped her mouth before she could silence it. Quickly she jumped off the sheets and basically snatched the package open. Inside laid a beautiful dark green dress. It looked almost made out of some goddess dress from up heaven. The only bad thing about it was that it contained no puff sleeves like Anne had hoped but she could honestly admit that puff sleeves might even have made this gorgeous dress a little less dreamy. So beautiful!

She rushed down to Marilla and Matthew and jumped with it in her arms.

"Oh it's so gorgeous! I could have never wished for anything better! I am so overwhelmed and eager that I think my heart will explode into a thousand peaces. If that happens will you please pick up all the peaces and put them together with glue? I wouldn't want to miss my opportunity to wear it just because my heart would explode just looking at it now, would I?"

She giggled and danced with it and jumped around so light on the feet's that nobody would hear her if it wasn't for that mouth of hers. Marilla looked pleased and gave Anne a reassuring smile while sipping on her cup of tea next to Matthew who was smiling widely and watching Anne spinning around in delight. He was so pleased with her happiness that nothing could seem to ever break his own.

"I know you adore puff sleeves, unfortunately my search for it have been long and without any success. Hopefully this dress will due"

Matthew said with a little more disappointed tone but Anne never stopped giggle.

"Don't be hasty Matthew! This dress is far beyond pretty and I would trade my own soul and more just to insure that I got the opportunity to wear it one night of my life!"

Anne spoke with so big words.

"Do you fancy the color? Green is not everybody's cup of tea"

Marilla said with a more contained happiness. But deep down also she was very happy that Anne was. Her happiness had grown to become a part of her own.

"My adoration for this dress is more than I explain into words! Everything about it is beautiful, from the color, to the material and to the length of it"

Anne explained with a dreamy expression.

"Wait! I haven't even tried it on yet!"

She bursted out and quickly ran up her room to dress herself just to walk down a few minutes later with the green dress on.

"Isn't it lovely? I think this is the prettiest dress I have ever seen! And with that I include all of the dresses I've seem both Ruby and Diana wear. Well, their dresses are so pretty to so maybe it's wrong of me to compare them so each other but I think you get the point"

Anne cried while spinning around some more just to watch the dress move. Another scream of joy escaped her lips. Matthew laughed with a satisfied expression.

"At least she liked it"

Matthew said and looked to Marilla who now also smiled at Anne's happiness.

"Liked it? Oh you are so foolish Matthew, this dress is worthy of being called divine! Like it? You will have to expand your vocabulary to use words that can be proper enough to explain my fascination and now also fondness of it"

Anne said full of bubbles and life.

"It's lovely but you have to start your day! Go and get changed so you can help with the daily chores!"

Anne jumping up the stairs without any complains. Matthew laughed at Anne's enthusiasm.

"I'm so glad we got her that one. I have to admit I was worried it was not going to be of her liking since she adores puff sleeves so much"

Matthew said and looked to Marilla who still struggled trying to keep her happiness for Anne in a shelter inside her but now with Anne gone she could release some of it.

"She looked happy, that is all I care about. So we both can get our chores done properly"

Marilla implied and looked over at the smiling Matthew. Anne was so happy that she could as Marilla said do all of her chores properly. She gave it her best and talked to everybody all the time. She was even fairly nice to little Jerry once she met him in the barn while he was shoveling wheat. She didn't sound condescending or upset with him. They had a normal conversation, well, Anne did most of the talking and Jerry most of the staring since he couldn't figure out why she was so nice or happy. But the day went by in slow speed according to Anne. Washing her clothes must have at least taken a good 400 years, and the dishes twice as much. Let's not even speak about the cleaning. Anne was almost surprised when she looked in the mirror afterwards and no grey hair or wrinkled skin was there. But finally, finally, it was time to get dressed for the ball. Marilla helped her with her hair and showed her something called blush.

"Here take this on your cheeks"

Marilla said and handed over a small box of something pink in it. Anne was confused.

"What is this?"

She asked.

"That is a blush, take some on your finger and smear it on your cheeks. It makes them pink and sweet"

Marilla explained and it truly was to Anne's fascination that Marilla knew so much about beauty cosmetics.

"How come you know so much about this?"

Anne asked trying not to sound to surprise, not wanting to offend her. But Marilla never took things hard anyways.

"It's just something I grew up with kind of"

Marilla explained and then turned around and picked up a small little silver box. She opened it and out came a gorgeous silver necklace with a rose.

"What is that?"

Anne began questioning with a wide smile while Marilla put on the necklace on Anne.

"Oh it's nothing. Just a little thing I got from my mother when I went to my first ball"

Marilla said and the words itself was kind of hard but the way she said them, with so much emotions. Marilla's mother sure was a important peace in her life and that she now let Anne borrow this necklace was a huge step of trust i Marilla's place. Anne was really touched by this gesture and the necklace was truly beautiful.

"Oh Marilla, it's so beautiful but are you sure you want to leave something so much of emotional value to a clumsy girl like me?"

Anne asked with eyes almost in tears. When Marilla was done putting it on Anne's neck she rested her hands on her shoulders.

"Indeed I would. But you have to promise to be careful young lady!"

Marilla said more severe at the second sentence. Anne nodded and made a mental note to make sure that the necklace never to be in any sort of position that could cause it to break.

"I promise over my dead soul that I will not allow anything to happen to it on my watch. And if I break my promise I will allow you to burn my body, which is the most painful way possible!"

Anne said with full seriousness.

"I hope that will not be"

Marilla said and looked down to the dress and necklace. It was truly gorgeous.

"Charlie will be here any minute now! Go downstairs to greet him like a fine lady would"

Marilla hushes her away. Anne quickly jumped on her feet and lightly stepped down the stairs. And almost exactly as she had predicted a knock on the door was heard. Anne  opened the door and smiled to Charlie on the other side. He had dressed up in a dark blue suit. It didn't match her dress but still, he looked good considering how he used to dress. And he looked genuinely amazed by her dress so she was rather happy to see him.

"Hi Charlie!"

Anne greeted with a wide smile. Charlie smiled back.

"Anne! Your dress is gorgeous!"

He said and looked down to the green material. It was outstanding for sure, but gorgeous for sure to.

"Thank you Charlie, you look great as well"

She said and looked down to her black ballerina shoes. Anne thought of taking high heels but remember how hard it is to dance in those and decided to go with the little more simpler flat shoes she had in her closet.

"Shall we leave?"

He asked and looked inside to see if anybody was there. What he didn't know was that Matthew was working with Jerry in the farm house and Marilla was still upstairs.

"Yes, let me just tell Marilla i'm leaving"

Anne receipted and turned around to the stairs beside the door.

"Marilla! I'm leaving!"

She screamed. It took a few seconds before the answer came.

"Be careful and don't come home to late!"

Marilla said with her now rather familiar severe but caring tone.

"I will!"

Anne said back and then grabbed her coat and closed the door behind her and Charlie. All the way to the towns hall room Charlie talked without a break. Th conversation was rather unilaterally and Anne found it quite boring. He talked about his family's economical situation, which were stabile, and his fascination of dances. It was neither something Anne could relate to since it was her first dance and Charlie's family's economic was great unlike her family's more unstable one. After a while she stopped listening completely, sure it was rude, but if she hear him talk one more second she might have to shop her own head off. Or at least her ears. Diana had said that once at the dance she didn't have to be by Charlie's side all the time and could spend time with whoever she wanted to, that was now much of delight to her ears. Charlie could not be described as anything else than boring. Instead she looked at the flowers and the small insects they saw along the way. The sun was shining and the air was filled fresh oxygen waking up all of the bugs in the wood. They flew around her in large loops and looked so full of light that she almost felt like laughing. She needed their energy at the time. But after a long walk they were finally there. The sun was beginning to go down and they stepped inside the building together just when the sun was looking it's prettiest. Anne was almost about to suggest they skipped the dance and looked at the sunset instead but then remembered why she was there in the first place. The room was filled with people with pretty dresses and food were served on plates in the back of the room. After taking off her coat she searched the room for Diana, whom she found standing in a corner talking to Ruby Gillis and Jane Andrews.

"I'm just going over to talk to my friends Charlie"

Anne informed Charlie and he nodded in understanding.

"Of course! I'll go catch up with mine, see you"

He said and walked over to a group of boys.

"Hello Anne!"

Diana greeted when she saw Anne closing in.

"I love the color of your dress, it's amazing! Matches your red hair perfectly!"

Ruby said with a smile so wide Anne almost was scared. Ruby's happiness surely came from the fact that Gilbert had taken Anne's advice and asked Ruby to the dance. She was so excited when she first was asked that Anne thought she would pass out. But luckily she didn't and now she is here so happily. Anne thought it would feel good to see Ruby like this but instead Anne felt like she had swallowed a rock of some sort.

"Thank you, you look pretty as well!"

Anne replied with a smile painted in her face.

"I know right? Gilbert thought so too! I really think we will get together after this!!"

Ruby made sure to add even Anne's fake smile dropped.

"You look ravishing Jane! Those puff sleeves bring out the best of forms in your face"

Anne looked to Jane and she smiled back at the comment. Jane had come here with a Moody. He asked her and she said yes simply because she is a sweet girl that can't say no, but Moody is fine, he's just a little different in Anne's opinion. Not because it's anything wrong with that and Anne is sure that she would have a good time coming here with him.

"Thank you Anne, it means much to me coming from someone so cute in her own dress!"

Said Jane with general warmth.

"Have you heard about Josie Pye?"

Asked Diana then with a excited tone.

"No, I don't believe so?"

Anne said a bit confused.

"She and Billie was going together but he dumped her on the porch and lied that he was sick so that he didn't have to go to the dance!"

Ruby explained and giggled. Anne felt two things, both happy for a bit of payback on all the horrible things she have said to her, but also pity. It's really devastating to get dumped on her own porch and it's nothing she would want for even her worst enemy, not even Josie Pye.

"Was she upset?"

Jane asked and almost sounded a bit worried, she practically kissed the ground Josie walked on, even when she wasn't around. Josie had her lingered around her little finger at all times.

"The public story is that she didn't care and said she was planning on not going anyways"

Diana replied.

"But I don't believe it, I heard she even cried"

Diana added with a more sadder expression but also her showing that she did not at all fancy Josie but felt pure pity for her.

"She did?"

Ruby also now sounded surprised. Anne felt still that pity. Being rejected was something she was used to and she knew exactly how bad it felt.

"I think I should get back to Fred now, I mean I promised him a dance!"

Diana said and looked over to the boys, staring with heart-eyes at Fred. Anne was so happy for her friend and wished her nothing but the best of lucks with him. Some music began playing and Anne could see how Diana and Fred danced. With such harmony and peace. They talked while doing it and laughed occasionally at something the other one said, a dream couple for sure. Seeing Diana's happiness almost made Anne feel like proud mother. She was so happy that Diana was so happy. It was her best friend and it will always be so. Jane had even danced some with Moody. Anne was a little bit disappointed that Charlie hadn't asked her to dance, she loved dancing and really wanted to. Because by now everybody was either on the dancing floor or in the bathroom. Ruby had just left her saying she needed to attend the bathroom when a familiar voice was heard behind her, leaving her to sight and turn around.

"You look beautiful"

Gilbert said looking at her from tip to toe. That send a shiver down to Anne's spine. He looked at her as if he adored the ground she stepped on. He looked at her as if she thought she was the most beautiful person he had ever seen. He looked at her as if she were his princess.

"Thank you, Marilla outdid herself buying this dress..."

Anne began trying to make a conversation out of his compliment not to make it personal but was interrupted.

"The dress is sensational but I was talking about the girl wearing it"

He said and his eyes watching hers with so much warmth. It was like taken from a fairy tale. That was to much emotions to contain inside a small body. Anne could feel a deep blush covering her face. He really shouldn't say those things, it made her to weak to her knees and she intended to dance much and could need her knees for that.

"Thank you, you look presentable as well"

Anne said and looked up to what he was wearing. A dark suit, with a white shirt and black tie. Nothing could not match to do. Even Ruby Gillis yellow dress looked good next to those colors. Or maybe it wasn't about the colors he wore and the person itself. He was handsome, not because Anne would never admit it. And his hair was so curly and soft that Anne just wanted to drift her hands through them, just to feel it's softness. And his lips....

"Are you enjoying the ball so far? How is Charlie?"

He asked with obviously played politeness because Anne could hear the sharpness in his voice at the mentioning of Charlie.

"Charlie is fine and the ball is great. I guess I just figured it would be more...."

Anne couldn't quite find the words. She had thought it wouldn't be this formal, more like some friends hanging out but this was so planned and perfect. She liked to take things as they came and not have it all planned, because she knew that real life was that way.


Gilbert said on the same time as Anne spoke of the same word.


Anne finished and laughed at her speaking at the same time as Gilbert.

"Yeah I know, It's so planned and boring. I like more spontaneous, that word reminds me of a certain redhead actually. I used to call her carrots"

Gilbert joked and Anne faked getting hurt and laughed with him.

"I would not be so careless of my words since I was not the one getting a slate over my face. Perhaps I should start calling you slate face then?"

Anne suggested and looked to Gilbert with triumph in her wide smile. This evening was actually getting a little better. He laughed sweetly and Anne could once again feel how her cheeks heated up even if her comment actually was meant to make him back down.

"How are the plantations then? Did I do a okay job? Am I approved as a planter?"

Anne said sarcastically.

"I think you did a amazing job, the plantations are growing just fine. Next year we will get a huge amount of vegetables thanks to you"

Anne had first joked about her stakes but Gilbert seemed to be serious in this matter.

"Oh Gil, I was not being serious about me. But I am glad that the plantations are doing good"

She said. But after that she noticed that what she had said woke something in Gilbert. Something that lurked a very long lasting smile out of his mouth. And she could for everything not figure out what it was for.


She had to ask when he never told her.

"Oh it's nothing"

He said but keeping the smile.

"It's clearly something or else you wouldn't smile all goofy?"

She said sounding tough as usual.

"It's just what you called me, Gil. It's kind of my first nickname"

He said and she looked down to her shoes before his eyes could compel hers into a staring competition. Blushing cheeks was beginning to become a standard for Anne on balls. But as stubborn as she is she looked away and gave him no personal attention.

"I'm sorry I didn't realize"

She said and he replied quickly.

"Don't be, I like it. It's just unusual hearing anything but Gilbert"

"Bash never call you anything?"

Anne asked curiously and cursed at herself for being so curious in nature.

"Not ever. I've never had a nickname in my life. Well If you don't count my recent one, Slat face I believe it was?"

He asked and laughed. Anne wanted to laugh but kept her voice clear.

"You are perfectly correct Gil"

She said trying out the new nickname aware this time. He was right, she liked it too. It sounded just right on her tongue but it was mostly to annoy him.

"Would you care to dance?"

He suddenly asked her and her smile disappeared faster than the wind. How could he think she would ever allow that? Has he no clue of what Ruby feels for him?

"Are you out of your mind!?"

Anne practically screamed in his face, clearly upset even for him asking. Here he was being all funny and wonderful but then he chooses this moment to destroy it all. But he looked so unaware of that fact that he begged her to explain. She sighed before taking a deep breath.

"Of course you haven't noticed but Ruby Gillis is so madly in love with you and by even talking to you I'm risking my friendship with her. That is something I do not intend to do in the closest of futures so if you please could stop asking me such attention drawing questions and pay more attention to her I would be happy"

She said without breathing between the words. Gilbert waited a while before answering and he was looking as if he thought about what Anne had said. But he didn't get to answer because previously at that second Ruby Gillis showed up all happy from behind.

"Hi, Anne! Making Gilbert acquaintance I presume?"

She said still happy even if her own words seemed to hurt her a bit. Both Anne and Gilbert had a hard time talking after Ruby had interrupted their moment. So instead she simply nodded to Ruby. She smiled back and then looked to Gilbert.

"Dance with me, will you?"

She asked him and didn't wait for an answer but instead dragged him out on the dance floor. But just when he passed Anne he leaned in closer and whispered in her ear so quietly that only she could hear.

"It's impossible to pay attention to anything but how beautiful you are"

And then he was dragged away. Would it come as a shock that Anne blushed the brightest she had ever in her life? This was the words she expected from her own prince charming. Seeing that it would be Gilbert Blythe came as a surprise. A rather happy one. And even with all the people around she couldn't help but smile at his comment. He truly made her knee weak, that much she was sure of. And he made her heart skip some heartbeats and he gave her a fever every time he was around her. This was not how friends were supposed to act or talk to each other. Luckily she didn't have time to think more about that since Charlie finally showed up.

"Anne! I'm sorry I was gone so long, I saw a old friend and it took some time catching up"

He explained and she looked with a expressionless face out in the dance floor watching both Diana and Fred as well as Ruby and Gilbert dancing. It was hard paying attention to Charlie when she was alone with him, but now with Gilbert in the room as well.

"It was one of my oldest friends Jason, he is from Italy and have...."

Charlie kept on talking but Anne stopped listen after that. It was no point of doing so since she knew everything he said she would forget within a minute. But Gilbert's words to her still dunked in her head. Anne snapped up on some of what Charlie said. She recall hearing that Jason was from Italy and lived there only visiting once or twice yearly. And oh, also that he was a ladies man. Was this how balls were? So boring and sad until you finally finds a light and then someone steals it from you and your are trapped again with dark and boring. Anne could count so much better things she could spend her time doing at home rather than standing here pretending to listen to Charlie while staring at how happy Ruby and Gilbert seemed together. They danced so close to each other touching hands. Anne's stone in her stomach seemed to grow bigger for every second Ruby was in his arms. She was jealous and upset and she absolutely hated it. A good friend should not react like this. Perhaps she had began her womanly flower month early because this stone was really starting to get annoying. She pushed it to her limits until she couldn't hold back anymore and she interrupted Charlie in the middle of a sentence.

"Excuse me Charlie but my stomach hurts so bad. It might be something I have eaten but I think I will have to leave"

She explained looking at him with a expression telling him she was in physical pain. Charlie was of course a gentlemen.

"Anne? Of course I allow you to  leave, I'll just grab my coat and...."

But he was interrupted. Anne hated the way he said 'I allow you'. It was not like he owned her. She was her own and now disgusted by the way she was treated by him. Charlie Sloane sure didn't deserve her friendship. But to eager to get away from here she decided to this time ignore it and be polite.

"Oh dear lord no, I will not destroy your evening because of my problems! It's not that long of a walk and you should stay and enjoy yourself"

Anne explained and gave him a smile.

"Are you sure you are alright?"

He asked and Anne could see in his face that he was planning on staying. Thank god, she wouldn't have pulled up with his boring conversations and bubbling emotions. She had to get out of here because she had a hard time controlling her overwhelming emotions.

"I am sure! Now go and ask some girls to dance, and enjoy yourself. See you in school!"

She said in goodbye and turned around to the hall to get her coat before leaving.

"See you in school!"

She could hear Charlie behind her. Quickly she got her coat and the second she closed the main door behind her, tears were streaming down her face. And more tears came just because she was so angry with herself for reacting this way. It was everything but proper and she should be as happy for Ruby as she was for Diana. She began walking but it was dark outside and she had to watch were she was going. But she only a got about ten feet from the door before the could hear a voice calling for her.


Gilberts unmistakable and soft voice wondered. She didn't bother answering but kept on walking. Unfortunately he seemed to see her and ran to catch up with her.


He said once again once he was in her pace and tried to get his own coat on. She still didn't answer him and that is when he looked to her face and saw the where the tears had been streaming down.

"Are you okay? Have you been crying?"

He asked sounded worried as she kept on walking without even giving him a look.

"Do you always have to follow me everywhere? Whatever goal you want to achieve with me can be tossed aside. I'm no fragile snowflake needs saving from warmth to stay alive. I no help desire from you"

She said a little to harsh but she was still angry with him for some reason.

"I was just wondering.."

But he got interrupted by Anne.

"Why can't you just stay at the ball? Have you even considered the fact that I didn't want to be accompanied home?"

She breathed angrily almost yelling. Gilbert was quite and didn't respond. It was like he didn't want to say anything to cause her to become even more angry and the silence actually gave Anne time to think. Why had she snapped at him, he had been a gentlemen and followed her home when  he saw that she wasn't feeling well, he didn't try to play her savior like Anne had put it. His silence only made her guilt build up.

"I have to apologize for my harsh words and intolerant tone, that was unnecessary"

She said and waited for him to response. Anne maybe wanted to be angry at him, somehow she couldn't bring herself to do so.

"It's fine"

Was all he answered making her think how incredibly kind he is. He accepts all of her flaws and even embrace them from times to times. She as just treated him bad since she has this fiery temper and he had said it was fine. How perfect wasn't he?

"Now truly, tell me why you left"

He said with such a soft voice that she couldn't other than tell him, at least a bit of it.

"It's nothing, my stomach hurts"

She responded and he looked a bit more relaxed. It was now clear that she had kind of forgiven him for dancing with Ruby.

"Oh. I've heard it's good to drink tea against that sort of things. If you want to I can make you one at home?"

He asked and examined carefully her reaction to this question. It shocked her exactly how well educated he truly was.

"Thank you Gil but I think I will head home and sleep it off"

She said and smiled while drying her tears from her face with her hands.

"That is a good plan too. Perhaps even a better one, they say sleep is the best cure against..."

"You know you don't have to walk me home right? You should have stayed and enjoyed it instead of walking a emotional wreck with fiery temper like me home"

Anne interrupted and looked up to him, she was not accusing him or ordering him to do so, she simply wanted to give him opportunities. She was a little afraid that he had only followed her because he saw a crying girl and felt like he had to. Anne Shirley Cuthbert could handle herself.

"Yeah I know I didn't have to. But I want to. I see no flaws in having a fiery temper nor being emotional. From times to times it can even come in handy"

He said and that comment melted something inside her. He didn't have to care about her but he did, always. That was reassuring and Anne was starting to forget why she was angry in the first place.

"I mean what if the princess needs any dragons slaying on her way home?"

Gilbert joked and looked to Anne with a more relaxed face.

"Then she would have slathered them herself"

Anne replied and immediately took the change to prove her independence. That independence that she knew that Gilbert also knew about. He laughed at her comment.

"Fairly true but what else of an excuse can you think of for a boy to walk a pretty girl home?"

He asked and smiled widely. At that Anne turned quiet. He really had to stop doing this to her heart. It was by now beating so fast that she thought it would explode. Gilbert Blythe was going to be the end of her.

"Well he could always just ask her instead of trying to find excuses"

Anne suggested and didn't try to sound all to impressed by his flirting skills. Maybe if she played hard to get that he would eventually leave her alone?

"I think I just did"

He said and smiled to her with so much warmth that she found herself smiling too, without realizing. Well, her plan about playing hard to get have to be scratched then. The walk home was getting Anne on a better mood. Gilbert had his ways of cheering her up and they didn't stop talking and laughing until they realized they stood on Anne's porch.

"So.....we are here now"

Gilbert said and looking directly into her eyes now when she was turned to him.

"Yes we are indeed. I am sorry for arguing, I guess I was tired and have been overthinking things lately"

Anne said not either she breaking the contact. Gil laughed at that, like he remembered some memory or something. She loved the way he looked when he looked at her. He was so gentle and caring but still with the perfect amount of attitude and humor. She cared about him too.

They stood really close to each other. Only a breath away. A whisper away. A kiss away. All he had to do was just lean his neck down a bit. No more words was needed to get what was going to happened. Gilbert have always been taller than her and was just about to lean down and kiss her. But it never happened since Anne only could think of Ruby in that moment. A little regretful already she backed down and looked into the ground. Once she looked up he had leaned back and looked as heartbroken as she felt. Right now she hated Ruby Gillis! Absolutely hated her! Anne had told Gilbert that it had nothing to do with Ruby but oh it did. This could have been such a perfect moment but it was all destroyed. As the gentlemen Gilbert Blythe am and always will be he quickly recovered and was about to apologize even if the hurt expression on his face was heartbreaking, but Anne stopped him.

"Don't, just....Goodnight Gilbert"

She said and pressed her lips together as she opened the door and hide half of her body behind it, but still so she could see him. Gil's eyes looked around nervously and then he answered to, with the smallest hints of a smile.

"Goodnight Anne"

He said and then walked down the porch. Anne seeing Gilbert walk away gave her such a bigger stone in the stomach. Why did he have to be so nice all the time? It would have been a lot easier if he got angry, because then she would get angry and didn't have to get this regret. But what the hell? Why would Ruby stop her from doing things in her life. It's not like Ruby control her, Anne could do whatever she wanted without Ruby permission, right? And right now it was only one thing on her mind.

"Gilbert wait!"

She said and closed the front door behind her and rushed to Gilbert. He had only got about 10 meters and when he heard her voice he stopped and looked around in confusion. Anne stopped in front of him with red cheeks.

"Listen, I am not in love with you! And I will not ever be as long as Ruby Gillis is walking this earth or decides to marry another. This is not a peace offering"

She said intensely and blinked. Gilbert nodded slowly as her words sank in. He didn't want to say anything to upset her, he didn't like when they fight.


He answered and it was so obvious that he respected her words but that he wished otherwise. And then Anne looked down at his lips. Before any of them knew what happened she had tipped on her toes up to his face and brought her lips up to his cheek.

It was not on the lips, but it was a sign of what she felt for him. Only the little pale skin she kissed was warm and soft against her lips. It was so sweet and innocent but still such a big move for someone like Anne. She might be spontaneous like Gilbert says, but she is not foolhardy. The feeling was trapped inside her dreams thereafter and came to hunt her on daytime to, and the worst part of it all, she was actually starting to enjoy it.

I don't want to spoil but in the next chapter they will go to the beach! So stay tuned and I'll update whenever I have finished writing it!

Xoxo Theresa


Word count: 6190 words

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