We Will Shine {Book 6 in the...

By Smile_its_Elli

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Everything started 14th July. As a new year begins for Astra and her friends, they're all worried about th... More

Author's Note
Chapter 1 - Blue Hair and Runaways
Chapter 2 - Happy Birthday
Chapter 3 - Miracles
Chapter 4 - Midnight Visitor
Chapter 5 - Already Proud
Chapter 6 - A New Partner
Chapter 8 - Patrols
Chapter 9 - Mundane Things
Chapter 10 - Decisions, Decisions
Chapter 11 - Break It
Chapter 12 - Gideon and Vinnie
Chapter 13 - The Seer
Chapter 14 - The Snake
Chapter 15 - Trelawney
Chapter 16 - Threats
Chapter 17 - A Deceitful Friend
Chapter 18 - Over
Chapter 19 - An Irreparable Mistake
Chapter 20 - The World All Wrong
Chapter 21 - Throwing Trash
Chapter 22 - Unforgivable
Chapter 23 - A Little More Normal
Chapter 24 - Broken Again
Chapter 25 - Impulsiveness
Chapter 26 - The Dying Star
Chapter 27 - Seeing Things
Chapter 28 - Fidelius
Chapter 29 - Morstimulus
Chapter 30 - Apologies
Chapter 31 - Think of the Children!
Chapter 32 - Agendas
Chapter 33 - Opening Up
Chapter 34 - Bad Memories
Chapter 35 - Murder Upon Murder
Chapter 36 - Numb
Chapter 37 - Not Quite Friends
Chapter 38 - Gray Area
Chapter 39 - Away From Prying Eyesss
Chapter 40 - The Clouds Begin to Part
Chapter 41 - A Boggart
Chapter 42 - Bad Habits
Chapter 43 - Ciara and Nico
Chapter 44 - The Easy Way Out
Chapter 45 - Fred Weasley's Girlfriend
Chapter 46 - A Change in Tone
Chapter 47 - Secret Keeper
Chapter 48 - Close to Home
Chapter 49 - What's in a Name?
Chapter 50 - Just Seer Things
Chapter 51 - Punishment
Chapter 52 - The Problem with Adalyn Lostry
Chapter 53 - The Plan
Chapter 54 - The Future
Chapter 55 - Foolproof
Chapter 56 - Idiots
Chapter 57 - The Children
Chapter 58 - Mistakes
Chapter 59 - Hope Lost
Chapter 60 - And Found
Chapter 61 - And Lost Again
Chapter 62 - Aftermath
Chapter 63 - My Fault
Chapter 64 - Shining Brighter
Author's Note

Chapter 7 - Hogwarts Express

963 55 336
By Smile_its_Elli


James sighed as the door slid closed. "Tell me if I'm going mad, okay?"

"You're going mad," Colette said immediately, not looking up from her book. James had given up on learning the spell she'd taught us, and that had pissed her off, I had a feeling. I didn't exactly blame her, since it was a useful spell to know, but getting upset with James for giving up on a spell where you had to give it your full concentration wasn't very fair. James had trouble concentrating most of the time.

James rolled his eyes. "I didn't even tell you why I think I'm going mad."

She looked up then, raising an eyebrow. "Oh, you have a reason? I thought you just meant in general."

"Shut up."

I shook my head at both of them. "Why do you think you're going mad, James?"

"Don't laugh, okay? I know this sounds insane. But... I feel like Wren isn't telling me everything? Because the night Stillens confronted her about what Zaria Hempsey said, we were all listening in on the mirror. You know, it connects to one Dad gave her, just in case anything goes wrong. And when I heard her leaving, I went downstairs to wait. But it took a little longer than I thought." He shook his head. "I don't know. I think something happened while I wasn't there, like Zaria did something to her. No one will let onto it, of course, but... it all just seems a little strange."

I tried so very hard to keep my face neutral. He was exactly right, but Wren had made me promise not to say anything. I had made her promise to tell James at some point, of course, but it seems "some point" hadn't arrived yet, over a month later. As much as I felt like he deserved to know everything, about Zaria threatening his girlfriend's life even if it meant literally dragging her to Hell, it wasn't my place to say. I had to act dumb. "Huh. That's weird."

"I know. I sound paranoid or something. But..." James shrugged. "I don't know. She told me Zaria said she would prove she was a traitor, but I didn't hear it. So I'm afraid more happened that she's not telling me about."

"Why on earth would she do that?" Colette asked. I was very grateful she was here, if only because there's no way I could've made it through a conversation like this on my own.

James tilted his head thoughtfully. "I don't know."

"Exactly." Colette picked her book back up. "No reason to worry, then."

He seemed to think about that for a second. "But I'm still worried."

Colette sighed. "Of course you are." She put her book down again, seemed a little frustrated now. "Listen, what to do you think she's hiding from you?"

"I don't know," he said, glancing at the two of us. "Has she told either of you anything.?"

"She's told us everything she told you," I said. It wasn't a lie, exactly, but it wasn't quite the truth, either.

"And if she didn't tell us something, that's her choice," Colette said. "She gets to decide when she's ready to share things, not us. But I don't think there's anything she's holding back right now, at least not about this."

He wasn't convinced; I could tell. He simply looked resigned to the fact that Wren wouldn't tell him until she was ready. At least he seemed satisfied that he wasn't the only one in the dark. I hoped he didn't figure out the truth.

"I just... I wish she knew she could trust me," he said, sighing. "I don't know how to show her that."

I patted his arm. "She knows she can trust you, James. I promise she does. There's a reason she's going out with you, after all, and not someone else."

Colette nodded in agreement. "She's the most at ease when she's with you." I smiled, surprised by the comment; Colette's strong suit was not encouragement. It was even something that she was trying. Touching.

James smiled. "She is?"

"Definitely," I affirmed.

"Thanks," he said, seeming content now. "Sorry. I don't know why I was getting so worked up."

"It's fine. I think everyone's been a bit worked up this summer," I said. "Nothing's really been normal."

Colette nodded. "Did you hear Parliament's started holding mass trials?"

I'd heard that, because Colette had ranted to me about it a few days ago when it had first showed up in the Quibbler. The Potters didn't tend to be as up to date on current events as Colette, of course, and that wasn't the sort of thing Wren would find out. I wasn't surprised when James asked, "What on earth does that mean?"

"They try six or seven 'public threats' at a time, basically just generally saying they're all guilty and ushering them away. Mainly people they think are DA members." Colette sighed. "Things are not looking good."

James seemed alarmed. "Wait, are they just throwing people in Azkaban left and right, without even proving they're dangerous? They're throwing DA members in Azkaban?"

"Oh, no, no one's gone to Azkaban," Colette said, rolling her eyes. "They've created detention centers to hold people until they've found a way to prove themselves innocent. Which is impossible, of course."

"Mr. Longbottom's being considered for Azkaban, isn't he?" I asked.

"Yeah. If they can catch him, that is. He's disappeared, and no one knows where."

James nodded. "I knew that. Did you know Mrs. Longbottom was fired?"

I gasped. "No! She's an amazing healer!"

James shrugged. "She's also the wife of the leader of the DA. And I guess she wouldn't give any information about where he is."

"Do you know?" Colette asked.

James shook his head. "I'm not sure even Dad does. He's just gone, but Dad said not to worry about it. He's still leading the DA from the shadows, apparently."

"Wait, so who's the new matron?" I asked.

"I don't know," James said. "Why? Planning on spending as much time in the hospital wing as you normally do?"

I narrowed my eyes. "Stuff it. You've been in there a good bit too, James."

"If you're referring to last June, that was Well—"

"I heard that no one knows anything about the detention centers," Colette said loudly, cutting James off. We both blinked at her; she normally just watched our fights with amusement, and left Wren to change the subject. Right now, though, she seemed a little uncomfortable. "Russey refuses to give any information about them," she continued. "No one's been let out yet, so we don't know what goes on inside.

"Um," James said, obviously trying to adjust. "That's not good. What do you think is going on?"

Colette shrugged. "Probably some basic interrogation tactics, bordering on torture."

I pursed my lips. "That doesn't sound legal."

"It isn't. Well, shouldn't be, at least," Colette said. "Russey's going to pull his 'great endangerment to the public' card, though, and say that locking these people up was his only option. As long as no one can prove he's doing more than simply locking them up, then there's not much the Wizengamot or Parliament can do, and the public probably won't care."

James frowned. "Why do you think they won't care? That's a bit pessimistic."

Colette shook her head. "People don't care about the suffering of others unless it directly affects them."

"That's not always true," I said.

"It generally is. In my experience, people will ignore suffering until it gets so horrible that it makes them uncomfortable."

"That's a dark view," James said. "What about the people in the DA? The ones actively fighting to keep people safe and protected?"


James pursed his lips. "I think you're a cynic, Colette. And I think it's because you've been around the wrong type of people."

She rolled her eyes. "Have I really? Are my mum and dad the wrong sort of people? I'm utterly shocked." She made a face at him. "Perhaps you're just sheltered."

James glanced at me questioningly. I sighed. "She's not exactly wrong about that, though I don't think most people will ignore others' suffering once they realize it's happening. And... I suppose people do sort of go out of their way to... to..."

"To stay in ignorance?" Colette offered.

I nodded. "Right. But that doesn't mean they're inherently bad or anything. I'd say it's more that people are afraid."

"If they're afraid, it's their own fault," James said, frowning.

"Aren't you ever afraid of anything?" I asked, sighing.

"I'm a Gryffindor."

"And that has nothing to do with this," Colette replied. "I'm afraid of heights, and I don't see the Sorting Hat chucking me out of our House because of it."

"I'm afraid of things, too," I said. "Like, all the time. You can't be scared of nothing."

"If Stillens doesn't scare you, you're a bigger moron than I thought you were," Colette said matter-of-factly.

James frowned for a few seconds, thinking that over. "I... I mean, I guess he's a little frightening."

"He's more than that," I said, shivering.

James shook his head. "I'm just... I'm not really scared for myself. I don't think I'm going to die, but I don't care if I do, as long as I'm fighting." He looked down. "But... I guess I'm scared for other people. You guys, and my family. And mainly Wren." He sighed, running a hand through his hair. "And that goes back to what I was saying earlier. Sorry."

"Don't be," I said, scooting closer so I could pat his shoulder. "We're all scared for her."

To my surprise, Colette nodded instead of being sarcastically critical. "We don't need to worry, though. Wren's smart. She can hold her own. And if it comes a time when she's actually in danger, your dad will protect her. That's what those DA safehouses are for, right?"

James shrugged, and slumped into silence for a while. Colette went back to her book, and I was left to staring out the window. That grew boring quickly, so after a while I pulled the blinds up and settled for people-watching. First years running around, already in their robes. Sixth and seventh years, towering over them, smiling and waving at me as they passed. Lacy and Iris stuck their heads in to say hello, explaining that they were on a hunt for Luke and River, who had both mysteriously disappeared. Unrelated, one of the bathroom doors was locked despite the fact that no one had gone in or out of it for over twenty minutes, according to a third year.

After a while, I noticed prefects making their way down the corridor. Scorpius poked his head into our compartment. "Hey! Prefects are out, but Wren and Albus got stuck with patrolling. I think it's Eris's fault, but just wanted to let you know where they are."

I blinked. "Eris's fault?"

He nodded, rolling his eyes. "She's head girl this year. Ever heard anything more awful?"

"I mean, I've heard your sister," James said.

Scorpius made a face at him. "Might I remind you that Slytherin would've won the Quidditch cup by an even bigger margin last year if my sister hadn't been so generous? She didn't have to forfeit." He grinned then, since we all knew Ciara would've kicked Tommy Ortega off the team no matter what, considering he almost killed Elcie.

James raised an eyebrow. "Was that really generosity? Or just a raging crush on Fred?"

Scorpius blinked, then burst out laughing. "That's a good one!"

"I'm not joking!" James said indignantly as Colette and I chuckled.

For a second, Scorpius stared at him. "Are you serious?"

"It's my middle name," James said huffily, then shook his head. "But yes, I am!"

"No way." Scorpius shook his head. "James, did you get knocked on the head? My sister and Fred Weasley?"

"It's kind of ridiculous," I said, frowning at him. "Are you really still on about that?"

James shrugged. "What? I swear, it's real. They're both lying about it, but there's something there."

"And that something is called hatred, James," Scorpius said slowly. "Ciara and Fred can't stand each other. It's even deeper than the Malfoy/Weasley thing. They just hate each other as people."

James shook his head, muttering about how we were idiots. Scorpius just rolled his eyes. "Well, anyway, heard you visited your dad again, Astra? Is he doing well?"

I nodded. "All right. I mean, as much as he can be. You know I've been writing to him?"

Scorpius smiled. "That's really cool."

"Would you look at that," Colette said. I glanced at her, then followed her gaze out to the corridor. Walking past our compartment just then was Marcus Dillam. And he was an absolute mess with uncombed hair, haunted eyes, and a distinct lack of arrogance.

"Wow..." I said, blinking. "What happened to him?"

Scorpius frowned. "I don't know. Someone at the meeting said his parents got divorced over the summer. There's a rumor that his dad works for Stillens, and his mum found out."

James nodded, perking up. "Colin told me his mum's getting paid to keep quiet about it all."

Colette nodded. "The official story is that Mr. Dillam decided to get a little too close to one of the interns, and Mrs. Dillam finally found out about him in June."

Scorpius frowned. "Marcus is a pretty horrible guy, but I kind of feel bad for him. If that rumor's true, that's a crummy thing to find out."

I shook my head. "He deserves it."

Scorp patted my shoulder. "I suppose he does, yeah, after everything he did to you."

"Maybe he won't be so much of a nuisance this year," Colette said. "At least he won't be printing that you're a whore in the paper anymore."

"By the way, are either of you in Care of Magical Creatures this year?" Scorpius asked.

Colette made a face. "Why on earth would I be in that?"

"I am," I said, rolling my eyes. "Seemed like the easiest choice."

Scorpius grinned. "I'm taking it too! So far I haven't found anyone else. How fun would it be if it was just us and Hagrid? I always loved him in class. It'll be even more great now that everyone who couldn't care less is out!" He smiled again, stepping towards the door. "Well, I'm off to find Rose! See you guys at the feast! And if you see Ciara, please be nice. Eris was... Well, not very nice, we'll say."

"What'd she do?" I asked.

Scorpius shook his head, sliding the compartment door open. "Ask Ciara. She's more pissed about it than I am. Bye!" And with that, he was gone.

"Eris Prince, headgirl." James shook his head. "What is the world coming to?"

"Absolute chaos," Colette said, giving him a weird look. "Honestly, this is the least of it."

James rolled his eyes. "I wasn't being literal."

I stopped paying attention as they started arguing. I was watching the corridor to see if Ciara would walk by. I doubted she'd come in, considering who I was riding with, but I wanted to make sure she was all right. Eris was one of the nastiest students I'd ever met, and if she'd started singling out Ciara we were going to have some problems. Ciara and I didn't get along very well, but I wasn't about to let Eris Prince bully her. She was my cousin, after all.

It was about five minutes before I saw her. I jumped up and slid out into the corridor, startling her out of her thoughts. "Hey! Scorp was just by. I hear Eris Prince is being her usual pratty self."

Ciara glanced into our compartment and made a face. "She scheduled prefect meetings right in the middle of one of Slytherin's Quidditch practices. She won't change it, either."

My eyes widened. "No way."

Ciara nodded. "She said I could take it up with the headmistress, but..." She shook her head. "Kimmel is mad. And I think she really likes Eris for some reason."

"I'm sorry."

Ciara sighed. "I'm going to have to talk to Madam Hooch about it. I don't really know what to do. I can't miss practice, because my team won't know what to do without me, but I don't think she'll give us another time slot. She'd have to change the whole schedule, and she hasn't done that in years."

I grinned. "I can't do anything about that, but I can make Eris's life hell, if you want. I don't have a position to lose, and at this point, I really don't think Hogwarts will expel someone unless they actually succeed in straight up murdering a person."

"You'd do that for me?" Ciara asked, surprise in her voice.

"Of course. You're family. One of the closest things I'll ever get to a sister, however annoying you are."

Ciara smiled. "Honestly, that would be great. Just don't get in too much trouble, please. Not that I care what happens to you, but it reflects badly on our family."

I shrugged. "I'll blame the Lewises. Upbringing really affects a person."

She turned to go, then stopped. "Thanks. I know we haven't always gotten along, but I'm really glad we've grown up a bit. You're a good person."

I blinked, surprised by this uncharacteristic compliment. "Thanks, Ciara. You know, I don't hate every minute I spend with you, either. You're not so bad yourself. Besides, with all James has been going on about all summer, about you and Fred Weasley supposedly dating, I've gotten used to defending you."

Ciara blinked. "He thinks what?"

"That you and Fred Weasley are a couple. I swear, he really believes it."

I chuckled, but Ciara seemed uncomfortable. "Why does he think that?"

"I don't know. He always says it's because you guys started being civil at the end of last year." I shook my head. "He sounds mad, I know."

She nodded slowly, seeming slightly weirded out by the idea. "Very mad. I really don't understand how you can stand to hang out with him. Or any of them, really. I suppose Albus isn't so bad, but the rest..."

There was a time when her saying that would've made me tackle her. There was also a time when her words would have been dripping with as much malice and hatred as she could possibly fit into so few words. Now, however, her tone was one of an amused if exasperated cousin, and I just laughed. "They're pretty cool, honestly. As if your friends are any better." It occurred to me that I didn't really know who those friends were. Ciara didn't jump to anyone's defense, and I decided to move on. "Since when did you start liking Albus Potter, though?"

"He argued my point at the meeting, after Eris had taken points from Slytherin for my attitude and basically told me to stuff it." She shrugged, smiling. "He didn't have to do that. It was really nice of him."

"He's one of the nicest people I know," I agreed. "Him and Wren."

Ciara pursed her lips. "We're going to have to agree to disagree about her."

As much as I wanted to argue, I resisted the urge. She didn't know Wren was a spy, I reminded myself. She didn't know just how brave and good my friend really was.

"We're only about twenty minutes out," Ciara said, offering a smile. "You might want to change into your robes."

"Thanks," I said, reaching for the compartment door. "See you later, dear cousin." She shot me a smile over her shoulder as she walked away.


We waited next to the last carriage for Albus and Wren for a full ten minutes after everyone had gone on. I stood next to the thestrals, since James and Colette couldn't see them, and tried to tell them that it would only be another minute or so, surely. I'm pretty sure they didn't understand me, since they were thestrals, but Hagrid always told our class that the Hogwarts thestrals were incredibly smart. AT any rate, they didn't try to run off without us in the carriage.

Finally, Wren and Albus came out, leading a little Slytherin girl with tear-stained cheeks who was hugging a white kitten closely. The kitten didn't seem too happy about the arrangement.

"Sorry we made you wait," Albus said, sighing. "This is Elinor Anders. She's a second year."

"We helped her find her cat," Wren explained, patting the girl's shoulder. Elinor cast a wary look at us and scooted closer to Wren.

"We're going to be so late," Albus said, sighing, as we climbed into the carriage. "I bet Eris'll convince Kimmel to write us up for it."

"Sorry," Elinor said in a small voice. She'd sat down in the corner next to Wren and seemed to be trying to make herself as unnoticeable as possible.

"Oh, no, it's not your fault," Albus assured her quickly, smiling warmly at her. "We were happy to help!"

"That's a nice-looking cat," James said kindly, resting his elbows on his knees so he could lean forward and see her past Wren. "What's its name?"

"Bella," Elinor said softly.

"Is she new?"

Elinor nodded. "I got her for my birthday."

"Awesome! Happy late birthday, too," James said. His grin managed to draw a small smile out of her. "Well, anyway, I'm James Potter. It's nice to meet you, Elinor. You might know my sister? She's a fourth year, but she's in Slytherin."

Elinor nodded a bit. "I know who she is."

"I'm sure everyone does," Albus said, laughing. "Our sister is a bit insane. We still love her, though."

"I'm Astra Lestrange," I said, offering her my hand across the carriage.

She took it shyly. "Hello."

Colette was reading, so Wren just pointed at her. "That's our friend Colette."

Elinor's eyes grew wide. "Is she the one that made the glitter bomb?"

That got Colette's attention. "How far has that bloody spell spread? It's not even the finished version!"

Elinor wilted. "I... No one knows how to actually do it..."

"Everyone's just heard about," Albus said, rolling his eyes. "I did use it in the middle of the Great Hall."

"And Haverna implied to our entire Charms class that you'd made it," I reminded her. "Word spreads fast at Hogwarts."

"Anyway, Elinor, are you excited for second year?" James asked, shooting a frown at all of us.

"I think so," she said. "I haven't gotten to see any of my friends all summer. And I don't have an owl, so I could only write them when they wrote me."

"Your parents don't have an owl either?" Albus asked.

Elinor shook her head. "They're muggles."

"That's really cool!" James said, before any of us could react otherwise (a muggleborn in Slytherin? That was unheard of). "My grandfather loved muggles. He used to tell us all about all sorts of muggle inventions. He made it all sound really cool."

"It's not as cool as magic," Elinor said, giggling.

James nodded. "Fair enough." He started asking her about all sorts of muggle things as if he didn't know anything about them (dishwashers? Really? He knew exactly what dishwashers were, and I knew that because I was the one who had told him).

While he worked at making Elinor comfortable, Albus turned to me. "I didn't know James was good with kids."

"He never stops surprising," I said, chuckling. "But tell me about the prefect meeting. Is Eris really headgirl?"

By the time we'd reached the castle, Albus had told me every horrible detail of the prefect meeting. Eris really was headgirl, for some reason beyond our comprehension. She could take points from prefects, and she and Emmanuel Beck were in charge of creating patrol schedules. Albus was worried he'd get paired with Ciara or Marcus or someone equally awful.

"Ciara isn't bad," I said defensively as we walked toward the castle. "In fact, she was complimenting you earlier, Al."

"She was?" Albus blinked. "What did she say?"

"That you argued her point with Eris, and it was a really nice thing for you to do. She also said you weren't so bad, which means a lot, coming from her."

Albus smiled slightly, seeming very surprised. "Wow. I don't think she's ever said anything nice about me before."

We reached the large doors to the Great Hall. Albus opened them a crack, then tiptoed back to us. "The Sorting Ceremony's already started. I think we should wait till it's over."

I'd never missed a Sorting Ceremony before. It felt a little weird, standing outside the doors and listening to the distant cheering as each first year was sorted. It seemed to take forever, much longer than it did when we were sitting inside, watching it all. Elinor watched through the cracked door, much more invested that any of us were been; I suppose it made sense, since she was only a second year and all.

As soon as the Sorting Ceremony had ended, Albus pulled the doors open and slipped in under the cover of the chatter that sprang up immediately. Kimmel managed to get silence just as we were sitting down.

"Welcome back to another year at Hogwarts!" Kimmel said, smiling warmly at all of us. I couldn't help feeling annoyed. How could she stand up there and act like such a good person, when she'd just stood by last year and let Welling torture students?

She has making the headboy and girl stand just then. Rousing cheers from Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw drowned out James' and my boos.

"Now, there are a few new faces here at the staff table that I need to introduce. First, Hannah Longbottom has decided to step down as Hogwarts matron—"

"As if," James whispered, rolling his eyes.

"So please help me welcome our new matron, Jericho Cantha." A woman on the far end of the table stood up. She looked rather stern, at least compared to Mrs. Longbottom. I made a mental note to try to avoid the hospital wing this year.

"And we have our new Transfiguration professor, Priscilla Edwards."

A girl who seemed vaguely familiar stood up, smiling widely. "She was a Gryffindor," Albus whispered. "Graduated with Toire."

"Oh, okay, I thought she looked familiar."

"Isn't that a little young to be teaching?" Colette asked.

Albus shrugged. "I don't know. I suppose it doesn't matter how old you are, as long as you can actually do it."

Kimmel was continuing her speech. She'd just announced that Professor Milligan was the official Head of Hufflepuff. Milligan knocked over his chair as he stood up, and had to take a minute to get it upright again. Then he quickly sat down again, his face the color of Rose's hair.

"And, finally, I would like you all to congratulate Professor Haverna. She is our new Head of Ravenclaw House, as well as deputy headmistress!"

I blinked. "That's the most ridiculous thing I've ever heard."

Albus shrugged. "Dad says it's better than anyone else. It's a good position to have a DA member in, and Haverna's not likely to be suspected."

"Yes, but that doesn't change the fact that she sucks," James said.

Colette frowned. "She doesn't have more power than the other professors, does she?"

"I think she might, a little," Albus said. "Why?"

Colette groaned. "I swear, if she tries to stop me from creating spells again..."

The food appeared, and everyone started to fill their plates. Wren gave Colette a small smile. "I mean, once you turn seventeen, it won't be illegal anymore, right? It's just underage spell creation that's not allowed."

"No. Haverna's reason is that it's dangerous, and she doesn't think I take the necessary precautions. Despite the fact that I do. Legality doesn't concern her at all."

"Maybe... Maybe it would," Wren said. "She's not so bad, if you don't actively try to hate her, you know. Maybe after you turn seventeen she'll be more open-minded."

"That's not for two months," Colette said. "What am I supposed to do till then?"

"Use the Room of Requirement," Albus said, rolling his eyes. "Do what you've been doing. She can't prove anything unless she catches you, right?"

Wren frowned at him. "Al, that's against the rules."


"You're a prefect!"

"Oh. Well, this rule is stupid."

James frowned. "I think Wren's right. It's a stupid rule for Colette, because she knows what she's doing, but most students wouldn't. It's not a stupid rule, by itself."

"Wow, who would've guessed, James saying a rule isn't stupid," Colette said, rolling her eyes. "I'll do what I please, and you can all stay out of it, thank you."

Wren and James exchanged a look, but didn't press the matter. I tossed about for a way to change the subject. "Oh yeah, James, did I tell you that Ciara said the idea that her and Fred Weasley are together is mad. So there goes that."

James rolled his eyes. "It's mad, but it's true. She didn't deny it."

Wren sighed. "You're going to make her angry soon, James."

"Can't you just drop it? It's not even funny anymore," Albus added.

"It's not a joke! It's true!"

Colette rolled her eyes. "As I said earlier, you're mad, James."

James muttered something about us all being gits. I took that as a cue to change the subject once again. "I can't believe Kimmel made Eris headgirl. What was she thinking?"

Albus sighed. "This year's going to be awful."

Wren pursed her lips. "We've got to make the best of it. Eris can't ruin our whole year. We can't let her."

"She's going to ruin every prefect meeting, most likely every patrol, every detention we have to supervise—"

"It'll be okay, Albus," Wren said. "As long as we do what we're supposed to do, she can't really do anything beyond normal."

I wasn't so sure about that. Eris really hated all of us. If she wanted to hurt Albus and Wren, she'd find a way. She had never had qualms about abusing her power. It wasn't an even playing field anymore, and Eris would take advantage of that as often as she could. I just hoped Wren and Albus would be ready for it.


Star of Gryffindor just hit 30,000 views! I am absolutely floored and so grateful for all of you who've read it! Thank you for putting up with cliches and plot holes and confusing shipping! I couldn't be more thankful for all the support I've gotten over the years I've worked on this series! You are all absolute blessings, every one of you, and I'm so grateful for you!

Also... Did I make them miss the Sorting Ceremony because I didn't want to write another song? That's... That's ridiculous... Who would... Who would ever—fine, yes.

Question of the Day: What would your animagus form be? (From DrakeyDrake24)

Answer: I think mine would be some type of bird? I don't know to be honest. My Patronus according to Pottermore is a horse, but I'd rather die than have that as my animagus (unpopular opinion: horses are terrifying).

Vote and comment!


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