Let's Go To Hell, Doctor! ( W...

By LoverboyisReckless

603 19 0

Annabella and Tom escaped the time war and went to New york, 1998. 14 years later Annabella finds the Doctor... More

Let's Go To Hell, Doctor!(On Hold Till October)
See I've come to burn, Your kingdom down
Salem Day 1 part 2
God's Never Spoke Of The Complexity Of Hating The One Hate More Than Lucifer
Salem Day 3: Priest-Napped
Love Won't Waste Away In Salem/ The Green Eyed River

Salem, Day 1

60 3 0
By LoverboyisReckless

(Doctor's POV)

"So you want to go on an adventure?" I asked trying to get River to stop staring, no glaring at Annabella. Looking at her I blushed. Her thin body wasn't as thin as I had thought. She had many curves and was attractive. No, I stopped myself. She will murder you in your sleep. She almost did, too.

"Put some bloody clothes on!" River finally exclaimed. Running to her room and passing her a robe "What do you even want? To kill him again?"She said face to face to Annabella.

"Oh, darling! I don't kill until I save a planet or two!" She said say smiling innocently. Taking the robe from River. Then, Tom and Christpher walked in.

"Where is Amy?" I said then I sighed "Where are about to have an adventure!"

"Right here Doctor!" Amy said walking into the TARDIS hand in hand with Rory.

"A TARDIS party!!" I shouted. Then set the TARDIS to a random time


(Annabella's POV)

"Where are we going Doctor?" I said. I finally did get dressed. Wearing a black wavy dress and black knee boots.

"The question is when not where?" The River said. Man, I hate this chick! Amy is cool but doesn't bad mouth her own daughter.

"We are in the year 1692, Salem, Massachusetts!" He said rumbling in his chest under the control panel. "Amy Wear this black wig." Tossing her one from the box.

"Why?" I asked.

"They sometimes believed that those who were ginger where witches." River said.

"Cool!" I said. Looking at Tom sleeping on the seats. He is so adorable!

"Should we wake them?" Pointing to Rory and Christpher who were also sleeping.

"No" I said "Tom is a drag!"

"Then lets go!" the Doctor said.


Walking outside the Tardis I saw many girls in chains. Most were black, I forgotten this was the time of slaves. Sadly. As we walked Amy and the Doctor had numerous conversions about what happened to make people think people were witches. River also joined in the conversion talking about how people were also said to be witches because of hair color. Even though the Doctor said that earlier.

Then, we finally got to town square where stood a 20 foot cross with logs at the bottom. And a line of maybe 5-6 girls being soaked in holy water and gun powder. To get ready to be burned.

"Doctor Darling, we should leave." I said. "There probably is going to be a burning tonight and I won't be able to stand seeing that."

"We'll leave before than." The Doctor said. "But, we have to save those girls first." pointing to the 3 younger ones. One was about 15 the others two were about 6 and 11.. The 15 year old had blonde hair and blue eyes. The 6 and 11 year olds both had orange hair..

"Okay" I said "But, why those girls?"

"The oldest one is my friend Rose's great-great-great-grandmother." The Doctor said staring at her face.

"How do you know?" Amy asked.

"Her face" River said almost sounding jealous. Speaking of Rose was killing her, Rose and the Doctor must have been in love. "The exact same face."

"What's the plan?" I said. I must have said a really funny joke because they were laughing extremely loud.

"All I have to do is sonic the ropes and get them into the TARDIS." He said.

"Doctor, if you sonic anything you'll be the one burning a sunset. Witch craft is what science is considered!" I said. Then he started to pace deep in thought. Amy

Had thought it a good idea to stretch and her wig fell off causing several stares and whispers.One woman threw holy water on her. Three others placed crosses on her heart. Then a priest and police officer came up to us.

"Eye witnesses say they saw you flinch as holy water was thrown at you. I belive it was a natural response because it was unsuspecting. This is a warning you have 2 left." The officer said, eyeing me.

"Also" the priest started turning to me "You have been asked to marry the prince. The wedding us tomorrow but, we first have to ask your parents."

"Excuse me, but I decline." I said. "My husband is away and will be coming soon."

"Please, I beg of you think it over." He said before bowing and leaving. As soon as he was far enough away I couldn't see him.

"Let's grab the girls and get the hell out of here before I'm forced into marriage!" I said.

"We need a plan." River said.

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