A thousand years [Book 3 of H...

By TheOddOneOut_04

588 2 3

Hazel is now in her senior year of high school. Anti and Dark are proud of their little girl but start to sus... More

1: A Tragic Start
2: Smiles in the Dark
4: Crush
5: Supressed Feelings
6: Monster
7: Family
8: Chase
9: Finding Out
10: Not Normal
11: On purpose
12: Heartbreak
13: Suspicion
14: Memories
15: Let them go
16: Wet Dreams
17: Comfort
18: Friend or Foe
19: The first clue
20: Back to the Fu-Past
21: Nevermind then
22: Finally Free?

3: Work

17 0 0
By TheOddOneOut_04

Hazels POV

"If you follow, follow the voice in your heart. Always know, that's how to find who you are. So ho-"


I screamed dropping the soap bottle in my hand. "Ugh, Dad!" I heard him laugh behind the door. "I didn't know you could sing. I bet Keith would love it." I rolled by eyes as I rinsed the shampoo from my hair. "So what do you want dad?" I heard him open the door, Uh rude. "Hurry up! Other people want a shower as well." I laughed remembering I was only on shampoo. "I might just go slower because of that." I heard my dad huff but I tell he was smiling. "Hey dad?" I asked when a question came to me. "Yes hon?"

"What do you and father do for work?" My dad didn't answer causing my to worry. "Dad?" He coughed before speaking. "Well your father  works with the Ipliers, and I work with the septiceyes." I rolled my eyes. "Uh duh! But what do you guys do? And why are your businesses called that?" I heard my dad sigh. "Well they're just names, we investigate murder scenes. Then your father and them find out the cause." I nodded. "Cool! Kinda strange that we get thousands of dollars just from those jobs." I heard my dad laugh before the door opened again. "Hurry up Hazel." Then he was gone. I sighed and quickly got my shower done.

Antis POV

I heard Hazel get out of the shower and waited till she was in her room before I quickly walked into darks office. Unlike mine which was dark green casting an eerie green glow on the room with blue monitors, Darks office was pure black, black computer screens, black everything. All was black except for his blue and red coffee mug. "Dark we need to talk." He didn't look away from the screen and kept typing away.

I sighed and walked over and removed his headphones. "I heard you Anti, I just need to finish this up." I laughed and put the headphones which were guess what, black, on his desk. Resting my head on Darks shoulder I read the article on the screen. "Man found dead in his house, murder, or suicide? Victim  was found with multiple stab wounds to the chest. A suicide note crumpled up in his hand." I hummed and patted Darks head. "Good job, though you could have put mysterious man with green hair glitched around and stabbed him a bunch."

Dark smiled and pushed my hand away. "No cause then you'd be killed. Besides, he deserved it. Cheating on his wife with multiple women." I smiled and kissed his cheek. "I like your natural self better Anti." I smiled and made sure the door was shut before making my pale skin turn back to its natural green, my green hair returned and my natural green and blue eyes came back. "That's what I miss the most, your eyes." I smiled and nodded. "Yeah, But you know why we're have to hide them." Dark nodded before turning away from his computer.

"So why do you want to talk about?" I pulled up a chair and sat in front of him. "Hazel was asking about work." Dark sighed. "What did you tell her?" I scratched my neck. "A mixed version of the truth. I told her I investigate the crimes and you find out who did them." Dark nodded while rubbing his eyes. "What would she think. If she knew you killed people and K covered them up. That Brian and Greg were search engines called Bing and Google, That Robbie is a zombie, yandere is insane?" I shook my head. "She'd hate us, run away, I-i don't know! I just know that she can't know." Dark nodded. 

"Come on, Hazels probably done in the shower." I laughed with a smirk. "You say that like your going to join me." He smirked and tapped my nose. "Maybe i will." I laughed before punching him. "Go make Hazel some lunch!" He laughed and we both quickly changed it human form before stepping out of the office. 

Darks POV

Hazel skipped down the hallway with a smile on her face. "Hey guys!" I winked at Anti laughing when his face turned pink. "Alright Hazel whatcha want for lunch?" I said following her to the kitchen. "I can make my own lunch father!" She said giggling. I picked her up smiling when she squealed. "Nope, I'm making lunch today." She rolled her eyes and sat at the table. "Fine, do you know what i want?" I nodded opening the fridge. "A hot dog with mayo and relish on it, with some barbecue chips on the side, and an apple juice." She clapped and nodded her head. 

I smiled and pulled the hot dog out of the fridge and put it in the oven. "Father?" I turned around a nodded. "I've been having these weird dreams. Sometimes nightmares." I frowned and sat across from her. "What are these dreams about?" She put her head in her hand and sighed. "Well there's these dreams about our family. Like Brain and Greg have yellow and blue hair, they can bring up the Bing and Google search bars from their finger tips." I gulped but kept a straight face. "Then there's dreams that Henry is named Host and the glasses on his eyes are actually bandages. Sometimes Robbie is a zombie and Yanny is a murderer!" 

I purposely arched my eyebrows in fake confusion. "But here's the weird part. You and dad are different as well. Dad has green hair, has a green AND blue eye, then you have this weird ghost red and blue thing floating behind you. But the scary thing is that you guys kill people." I couldn't help my eyes from widening. Does she know? 

"They said all

Teenagers scare
The living shit out of me
They could care less
As long as someone'll bleed
So darken your clothes
Or strike a violent pose
Maybe they'll leave you alone
But not me!"

"I rolled my eyes at Anti screaming in the shower. "You know some elope sing in the shower, he screams." Hazel laughed before continuing. "But the weirdest part was me. The dream took place back when I was three or four. I dreamt that we were going to save dad and the others like Brian and Robbie, but instead of theee year old me I saw me as a teenager. With glowing pink eyes and pink hair. I dreamt that I killed someone." I nodded as the hot dog timer went off. "Oh, well there's my hot dog! Thanks Father!" I stared into nothing as Hazel got up and grabbed her food.

I quickly got up and walked into me and Antis room. He screamed and grabbed his towel. "Due I'm still naked!" I rolled my eyes. "I see you naked all the time calm down." Anti shook his head. "What is so important that you storm into here?" I took a breath and shut the door. "Hazels having dreams. About the truth."

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