Naruto: Soldier of earth and...

By mickol93

108K 1.3K 514

Naruto has been neglected by his parents and godparents over his twin sisters, Mito and Naruko. He couldn't t... More

Chapter 1: F.N.G.
Chapter 2: Crew expendable
Chapter 4: Hunted
Chapter 5: Regret
Chapter 6: Safehouse
Chapter 7: Alien vs. Predator
Chapter 8: Alien vs Predator part 2
Chapter 9: Alien vs Predator part 3
Chapter 10: Alien vs Predator part 4
Chapter 11: Alien Vs Predator part 5
Harem 2
Chapter 12: Alien Vs. Predator part 6
Chapter 13: Alien Vs. Predator part 7
Chapter 14: Alien Vs. Predator part 8
Harem 3
Chapter 15: Alien Vs. Predator part 9
Chapter 16: Alien Vs. Predator final part
Chapter 17: Heat
Chapter 18: The sins of the father

Chapter 3: Blackout

8.9K 104 33
By mickol93

At the base, Naruto and the team is sitting down at a table. They all look at the monitors and they see a soldier executing a man. 

Gaz: Captain Price, Al-Asad just executed President Al-Fulani on national television. 

Price: The Americans have plans for Al-Asad. And it's too late to do anything for Al-Fulani. But in less than three hours, code-name Nikolai will be executed along with his young team. 

Soap: Nikolai, sir?

Price: Nikolai is our informant in the Ultranationlist camp. He supplied the intel on the cargo ship operation. Nikolai and his team are in heck right now. We're gonna walk them out...we take care of our friends. Let's move. 

All: Yes, sir. 

They all get up from the table to go get ready for the mission. 

Day 2- 01:31:28. Caucasus Mountains, Russia. Corporal Naruto "Fox" Uzumaki. 22nd Sas regiment. 

The team are in a swallow river. They look ahead of them and see some houses and docks by the river. Price looks at his team.

Price: The loyalists are expecting us half a click to the north. Move out.

Gaz: Loyalists, sir? Are those the good Russians or the bad Russians? 

Price: Well, they won't shoot at us on sight, if that's what you're asking. 

Gaz: Yeah, well that's good enough for me, sir. 

Naruto: Me too. 

Soap: Me three. 

They all move up to the first house. They see some guards on the dock. 

Price: Weapons free. 

They aim at them and take them all down quietly. 

Price: Good work. There should be a few more guard posts up ahead. Kamarov and his men will be waiting for us in a field to the northeast. 

They move forward in the water. They pass by the house and come up to more houses. They go under a bridge. Naruto looks up as he hears some vehicles driving on the bridge. They walk up to the next house and stand by it. Naruto peaks inside and sees two men inside. 

Naruto: There's two of them inside. 

Gaz: Soap, plant some claymores in front of the door, them get their attention. 

Soap nods and he takes out some of his claymores and plant them in front of the door. He knocks on the wall. The two men inside hear it and they walk out. Just then, the sensors of the claymores sense them and explode, killing them. The explosions wake up the other men in the other house. They run out to see what's going on. Naruto spots them and shoots them down. 

Naruto: Goodnight. 

Price gives him thumbs up and they move through the third house. They look around for the back door and find it. Price opens it and they all walk out of the house and enter the backyard. As they do, Price sniffs the air. 

Price: Gaz, smell that? 

Gaz: (Sniffs) Yeah. Kamarov. 

Just then, a Russian soldier comes out of hiding with his hand up. It's Kamarov. Just then, his men come out of hiding too.

Kamarov: Welcome to the new Russia, Captain Price. (Looks at Naruto) Naruto, my boy. Look at you. You're a grown man already. 

Naruto: (Smiles) Hello, Kamarov. 

Price: What's the target, Kamarov? We've got an informant to recover, along with his team. 

Kamarov: (Points at the hill) Bm21s on the other side of the hill. Their rockets have killed hundreds of civilians in the valley below. (Walks)

Price: (Stops him) Not so fast. Remember Beirut? You're with us. 

Kamarov: Hmm...I guess I own you one. 

Gaz: Bloody right you do.

They all move up the hill. Kamarov's men whispers to him to in Russia. 

Kamarov: This way. There's a good spot where your sniper can cover my men. 

They come up to a big house and they see a village down below. Naruto sees the Bm21s firing rockets in the air. They move down some fences and they aim down below at the enemies. Naruto looks down and sees Kamarov's men in the village, preparing to attack.  

Price: Sniper team in position. Gaz, cover the left flank. 

Gaz: Roger. Covering left flank.

Price: Naruto, cover the right flank.

Naruto: Copy. 

Price: Soap, switch to your sniper rifle.

Soap: Yes, sir. 

Soap puts down his gun and takes out his sniper rifle. He aims down. 

Kamarov: (Talks on radio) all units, commence the attack. 

His men throw grenades and they explode, killing some enemies. The enemies go behind cover and fire at them. Soap fires at them and takes them down. Machine gunners are at a window in a house is firing at the units.

Price: Soap, take out the machine gunners in the windows so Kamarov's men can storm the building! 

Soap nods and aims at the window. He fires and takes them both down with headshots. Naruto fires at one of the Bm21s and with the help from the units, they destroy it. After that, the alarm in the village goes off. The units storm the building. Just then, Kamarov spots some helicopters coming.

Kamarov: Dang, enemy helicopters! 

Price: You didn't say there would be helicopters Kamarov. 

Kamarov: I didn't say there wouldn't be any either. We need to protect my men from those helicopters troops. This way!

Price: Make it quick Kamarov, I want that informant and his team...

Kamarov: You have nothing to worry about. We'll take out the BM21s and carve a path straight to your informant, Captain Price. 

He leads them to a burning house. He kicks open the door and leads them inside. Kamarov is whispering in Russia as he leads them. Gaz looks at him.

Gaz: We should just beat it out of him sir. 

Price: Not yet. 

They make it through the back door and enter a hillside. Naruto looks up and sees more rockets being fired in the air. And he sees they're by a power station and a wooden shed. Gaz spots helicopter troops coming down the hill. 

Gaz: Sir, we've got company! Helicopter troops closing in fast! 

Everyone gets behind cover as Naruto and Soap enters the shed and duck behind the windows. They fire at the troops. Soap uses the grenade launcher on his M203 and fires it at the troops. Three of them get caught in the explosion and die. Soap fires again and hits two more. Naruto fires his rifle and takes down some of them. Just then, more of them come down the hill. Soap fires another grenade and takes down four more. Naruto takes out a grenade, pulls the pin and throws it. It lands by two men. They see it and try to run. It explodes, killing them both. A troop does the same. Naruto sees him and the troop throws it at him. Naruto smirks and catches the grenade. He throws it back. 

Soap: Did you just do what I think you just did? 

The grenade lands by the troop and his last two men. It explodes, killing them and ending the fight. Just then, Kamarov looks down at the village and sees his men are in trouble. 

Kamarov: Captain Price, my men have run into heavy resistance. Help me support them from the cliffs. 

Price: What about our informant and his team? They're running out of time! 

Kamarov: Then help us! The further my men can get into this village, the closer we will be to securing your informant and his team! 

They run to the cliffs as Soap takes out his sniper rifle again. They open fire on the troops below. The troops all groan and scream as they're all getting shot at from above. Naruto sees an enemy tank coming down the street. He points at it. Kamarov nods at him and talks on his radio in Russia. The team continues gunning down the troops. Then, the units take down the tank. The troops retreat back and the units push forward. 

Kamarov: Good! Now we are making progress. Follow me to the power station. 

They follow him up the hill and enter the power station. Kamarov looks at the battle as the team looks at him. 

Kamarov: Look. The final assault has already begun. With a little more of your sniper support we are sure to be victorious. Captain Price, I need to--

Gaz grabs him and pins him against the ledge. 

Gaz: Enough sniping! Where is the informant and his team? 

Kamarov: (Speaking in Russia)

Gaz: Where are they?

Kamarov: The house...the house at the northeast end of the village! 

Gaz: (Lets him go) Well, that wasn't so hard was it? Now go sit in the corner. 

Price: Soap, Gaz, Naruto. We've got to reach that house before anything happens to them. Let's go! 

They walk to the ledge and prepare to rappel down to the village. They grab some ropes and rappel down. After that, they run to the last house, where the remaining troops are in. The units then destroy the last two BM21s. The team helps them out. Soap and Naruto run into the house to take them down. Naruto tosses a flashbang inside and it goes off, blinding the troops inside. Then, he runs in and opens fire on them. They all scream and fall down dead. One last one tries to get him from behind, but Soap sees him and shoots him down. The units outside all cheer and yell now that they have victory. The team run outside and they see the house at the end of the village. 

Price: Bloody heck let's move. They may still be alive. 

They approach the house and reload their weapons. 

Price: Gaz, go around the back and cut the power. Soap, Naruto, get ready! 

All: Yes, sir. 

They all stand by the door as Gaz goes around the back. They wait until he cuts the power on the troops inside. 

Price: (To Gaz on radio) Gaz, do it. 

Naruto hears Gaz doing something and then, the light by the door goes off. 

Gaz: (On radio) All right I've cut the power. Go. 

Price opens the door and they walk in slowly. They put on their goggles and go to night vision. They look around and they see a troop, playing with a light switch. He speaks in Russia to someone in the house. Naruto aims and shoots him in the head. 

Naruto: These night vision goggles make it too easy. 

Price: Bloody right. 

They move further in the house. They hear another troop whispers in Russia by the stairs. Soap takes him down too. They advance upstairs. A troop is by the stairs door, panting as he points at the door, but can't see anything. Naruto smirks and takes him down quietly. Another troop from behind a table shoots wildly in the dark, trying to hit them. Price takes him down first. Then, a door cracks open and a troop fires blindly. Naruto and Soap fire through the door. The troop screams as the door opens and he falls down on the floor dead. Gaz comes inside through the railing door. They approach the last room. Then out of nowhere, a troop holding a flashlight. He shines at them. He fires at them, but they jump into cover. Soap takes him down from behind cover. The troop drops his flashlight. The team moves in the room and they see a man and a bunch of kids. Price picks up the flashlight and shines it on them. 

Price: It's them. 

Gaz: Nikolai, are you all right? Can you walk? 

Nikolai: Yes...and we can still fight. Thank you for getting us out of here.

Naruto approaches the kids and he kneels down to them. He smiles at them.

Naruto: Jeremy, Aelita, Yumi, Ulrich, Odd, William, you're all right. Thank goodness.

Aelita: (Smiles) We're happy to see you too, Naruto. 

Yumi: Thank you for coming to get us. 

William: Yeah. We'd better get out of here before more of them show up. 

They all pick up some weapons and move out of the room and go out the same way Gaz came in. 

Price: (Talks on radio) Big Bird this is Bravo Six. We have the packages. Meet us at LZ one. Over. 

Big Bird on radio: Bravo Six this is Big Bird. We're on our way. Out. 

Price: Let's go! Let's go! 

They all run out the door and down the stairs back outside. Just then, the helicopter arrives. They run around the house and pass some fences and go on the field by the house as the helicopter lands. They all get in the helicopter and it takes off. 

Jeremy: I'm glad we're out of there. I thought we were dead for sure. 

Odd: Yeah. I think they were also ready to torture us to death before you guys showed up. 

Naruto: (Chuckles) Then be graceful we did get there. Oh, guys. This is our new teammate, Soap. Soap, these are my friends, Aelita, Yumi, Jeremy, Odd, Ulrich and William.

Ulrich: (Nods at him) 

Aelita: Nikolai, ask Price.

Nikolai: (Nods at her and looks at Price) Have the Americans already attacked Al-Asad? 

Price: No, their invasion begins in a few hours! Why?

Nikolai: The Americans are making a mistake. They will never take Al-Asad alive.

Yumi: He's right. They're just playing his game. That's what he wants from them. Trust us. 

Naruto looks at them and at Price. They both frown and hope the invasion will success. The helicopter continues flying away from the village and heads back to base. 

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