Hero Alliance

By FangirlsTrash123

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"Don't you like saving the city? It all seems super cool, you and the others must love it." He looked out ov... More



88 3 5
By FangirlsTrash123

  I'm back from the cruise so expect the normal schedule to return!!

                   •••Kelly's POV•••

    Reese and I walk into school, talking about last nights fight.

"Did you see how Shifter swooped down and picked up that guy?" Reese asks.

"He looked like he was gonna piss himself!" I exclaim, laughing.

"Then SK came out of nowhere and pulled that guy into the shadows, you couldn't even see anything, all you heard was screaming!" Reese adds, grinning.

SK? Am I the only one that calls him by his full hero name?

"Then Duplicator created four copies of himself and turned invisible, then surrounded that other guy and when he turned visible again, the guy was so frightened!" I grin, remembering the recorded footage of the fight.

It's crazy how people could get so close! I mean, I understand that the city has cameras on the streets for reasons, but how do other civilians get the footage?

Hunter and Seth walk past, talking about yesterday's fight as well.

"Hunter!" I call his name.

"Huh?" He looks back at me, "Oh, hi Kelly." He smiles. Seth looks back also, raising an eyebrow.

"How's Daisy?" I ask.

"Oh," he smiles wider, "She's great, I'm sure you miss her." He says.

I nod, "My brother does too." Seth and Reese look between us confused.

"She had Daisy?" Seth asks Hunter.

"Estelle was his dog?" Reese asks me.

We nod. "I forgot to tell you, Seth." Hunter says sheepishly, scratching the back of his neck.

The bell rings.

"Hey, Kelly, can I talk to you right now?" Seth asks me.

"I don't think she should," Reese interjects, "Her parents would hate for her to get to class late." He glares at Seth. Seth glares back at him.

"Geez..such tension..." Hunter whispers to me.

"Uh..don't worry about it Reese. It'll only be a minute, right?" I look over at Seth. He stops glaring and nods.


"Come on, Reese's Cups, it'll only be a minute." I whisper to him.

He sighs. "Stop calling me that and then you can talk to him." Reese tells me.

"Deal." I grin, holding my hand out to shake. He shakes it reluctantly and glares at Seth before walking towards his first class.

"I'll leave you two alone. See you in chemistry later, Seth. Bye Kelly!" He smiles at me before walking off.

Seth waves at him, smiling. As soon as Hunter closes the door behind him, Seth turns to me, glaring. "Alright, where'd you find Daisy?" He asks..more like demanded to tell him.

"Excuse me?"

He backs me up to the locker, looming over me. "You heard me. Where'd you find her? And how'd you find her?" He asks.

"I found her in an alleyway, she was barking." I lie, "Why?"

"That's bullshit." He spat, causing me to flinch slightly. "I looked for her for days, I didn't find her." He replies, staring at me. He narrows his eyes down at me, "What really happened to her?" He asks.

"It's not something I should tell you.." I mumble, trying to duck under his arm but he blocks me. I push at his chest but he doesn't budge. Damn, I didn't think track was this good for the body..

"This is my friends dog we're talking about, I think I have the right to know, especially after what he's been through." Seth glares down at me.

I stomp on his foot and get no reaction. "What the heck are you, a cyborg?" I mumble. He looks as if he's about to laugh but quickly covers it up with an annoyed expression. "Alright, alright, I'll tell you." I say.

"Good." He says and backs away, giving me space to breathe something other than his cologne - which smelled really nice by the way.

"I just don't want Hunter to know." I tell him. He raises an eyebrow but nods, letting me talk.

"I was walking home when I heard whimpering and shouting from an alleyway. When I looked to see what was wrong, I saw a bunch of drunks throwing things at Daisy. I went to help her and she didn't have a collar so I didn't know who to return her to at the time." I explain, leaving out other major details.

"I knew he should've bought her a collar.." Seth mutters, chuckling. Gee, mood swings much? He looks over at me again and I stiffen but relax soon after. "What happened to those people?" Seth asks, leaning against the locker he backed me up against just thirty seconds ago.

"Uh..someone took care of them."

"Oh really? Who?" He cocks an eyebrow, smirking.

"W-well..he...I uh..he's-"

Seth chuckles, "Was it Shifter?"

"Y-yeah, how'd you know?"

"You were talking about him at lunch the other day." Seth shrugs.

"Right.." I mumble.

"I want to thank you, Kelly." He says suddenly, standing up straight. After what just happened about a minute ago? I don't want your thanks.

"Thank me?" I repeat.

He nods, "I haven't seen Hunter smile like that in a while." He frowns.

"Since Natalie.."

He nods, "Daisy really makes him happy."

"Actually Seth, I want to ask you.."

"Go on."

"Hunter was never an animal person, everyone knew that..well until Natalie moved away. Why did he get a dog?" I ask.

"Natalie isn't the only reason he got Daisy." Seth pauses, "His parents got divorced two days after Natalie moved away."

I gasp slightly and frown. "Poor Hunter. He's been through so much recently."

Seth glances at the clock in the hallway. "Lets go, I'll walk you to class." He says.

"You don't have to.."

"I don't have to..or want to, but our classes are both in the same direction." He shrugs, beginning to walk down the hall.

I glare at him as he walks. Jerk. I follow him anyway since I don't want to be late to class.

"Y'know, you shouldn't walk home alone." Seth says suddenly.


"The night you helped Daisy..you were by yourself right?" He asks, glancing at me.

"Yeah, but I was fine." I shrug.

He shakes his head, "You must really like being walked home by heroes then." He chuckles.

"What? No- wait, I never told you he walked me home." I stop walking, narrowing my eyes at him suspiciously.

He continues walking. "But I was right, wasn't I? A hero like him wouldn't allow you to walk home by yourself after what happened." He says.

"Yeah, I guess you're right." I follow him again and match his pace so we're walking side by side.

"Did you really think I was him or something?" Seth laughs, "Yeah right, I'm too busy with track to be a hero. It'd be pretty cool though." He sighs then stops walking. "See you around, Kelly." He smiles a bit before walking away to his class which is just a few doors down.

I had already stopped walking, seeing as how we were at my first class. "Uh..bye.." I call out to him. What a strange boy..


"See you later, Ian!" I call out to my younger brother as he walks to his other soccer teammates.

"How can he play so many sports?" Reese asks, shaking his head.

I shrug, "He's very athletic." I say simply.

"So I guess I'm not walking you home today?" Reese asks, looking over at me.

"Y'know, you shouldn't walk home alone."

"Actually, you can walk me home today." I smile at him.

"Really? What changed your mind?" He asks surprised.

I shrug, "Someone helped me realize it's dangerous to walk home alone."

He stares at me suspiciously, "It was Shifter, wasn't it?"

I laugh, "Actually, it was Seth."

"Ugh, that bastard." Reese rolls his eyes as we head on our way towards my house.

"Why do you hate each other so much?" I ask, cocking an eyebrow.

"You wouldn't understand.." Reese mumbles, sighing softly.

"Oh come on Reese's Puffs, tell me." I tease him.

"Hey! You said you wouldn't call me that anymore." He glares at me.

"I said I wouldn't calm you Reese's Cups, not Reese's Puffs." I laugh. He groans, realizing he didn't think it through.

We continue talking as we walk to my house, either about school, heroes, Hero Hunter, and just our future. About two blocks from my house, I stop walking causing Reese to stop too.

"Alright, I can walk from here. I don't want to bother you anymore." I tell him.

"I'm not bothered but if you say so. See you tomorrow, Kelly." He smiles and waves, jogging down the block towards his house.

I smile, watching him a second longer before continuing on home. Two minutes later, I hear something very..peculiar. It sounded to be coming towards my direction fast.

Terrified, I turn around slowly. Then I smile.


He looks down at me as he flies overhead. Before he continues on his way, he winks at me.

Did he just-

As soon as he flies away, I quickly pull out my phone to call Reese. He picks up quickly.

"Kelly, is everything okay?" He asks, a lot of cars honking in the background but I guess today people are out more.

"SHIFTER JUST WINKED AT ME!" I shouted into the phone.

"What a creep.." Reese mumbles.

I look down at my phone, scowling at Reese's contact and end the call. I'm gonna make sure to punch him tomorrow.

Heyo! I'm officially back from the cruise-


anyway.. expect me to update on Monday and Friday from now on..even though on this week, it'll be late in the day(well where I live at least) since I'll be at camp.

But if you enjoyed this chapter please like, comment, and leave feedback! Thanks! Bye bye!


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