Double the Trouble (AoKaga)...

By KneelingAngel

105K 3.3K 793

When Kagami left to go to America after The Last Game against the Jabawock's, little did he knew he was carry... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Author Update (DONT PANIC!)
Chapter 5
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Mini Update!
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Author's note
Update- Goodbye for now

Chapter 6

6K 230 56
By KneelingAngel


"I'm coming!"

Kagami sighed as the twins ran out of the car before he could even park the car properly. They were still grounded, don't get him wrong, they were still in trouble for what they had done at school a week ago, but they needed new basketball shoes for their upcoming game. He couldn't let them go out on their old shoes! They needed to look perfect for their game!

He didn't think they would be too long. Kiseki wore a size 9 so shoes for her was easy to find. She had slightly smallish feet for someone so tall, but DJ was a different matter. He had size 12! Such a pain! It was even bigger than his feet which was a problem since he could rarely find shoes for himself when he had been a teen in japan! Ugh! This round he didn't have Daiki to save him- not that he wanted that! Shoe size 12 was almost impossible to find around here!

"Dad!" Kiseki shouted and waved him over as he got out of the car. "Come on, you're slow!"

"I'm coming, I'm coming." Kagami said and locked the car before jogging over. He wrapped his arm around her neck and kissed her head before walking after Daiki who was walking ahead of them.

This was nice, to be out with his children like this. Maybe next time they could go out when they weren't grounded anymore. "Are you getting used to Japan yet, Kiseki?" Kagami asked his daughter.

Kiseki looked up and smiled brightly. "Besides the idiots at school, sure." She smiled. "I like the food. It's way better here than in LA. Like WAAAAY better. I think I'm finally getting a hang of the language though writing is still a little tough." She said as she walked beside her father.

Lately she had wanted to ask her father something about their other parent, how they met and what they did together... Maybe they could even meet him someday, but her dad probably wouldn't be okay with it. He never mentioned or talked about the man who fathered them so Kiseki figured it might be a touchy subject. She still hoped that one day they could meet though. She wondered what he looked like. Probably like her! Both Daiki and her dad had red hair, she was the only one with blue, so did her father have blue hair or something with blue in it? Or was it just a dumb coincidence that she had blue hair?


It was a short moment later that the Kagami family found themselves in the first shop and the three were all looking at sneakers. Even Kagami was getting tempted to buy a new pair if they had them in his size.

"You pick them for me." Kiseki told Daiki and giggled at the strange look he gave her. They always picked their own shoes. "What?" She asked. "I'm playing as a guy so it would only be normal that you, as a guy, would pick out my shoes. We're still twins. This time male twins so they probably expect for to to have the same taste. I don't want my shoes to be a too girly color." She told him.

"Last I remember they don't have your shoe size here, Kagami-kun."

Kagami looked behind him a little confused at first but then he jumped four feet in the air. "WAAAH!" He cried out and jumped back into the shoe rack, making some of the items fall off the display.

A familiar light blue haired male just stood there as the twins ran to their father. "Dad, are you okay?" Kiseki asked worried.

"Kuroko, what are you doing here?!" Kagami asked, watching the blue haired man in front of him. Kuroko hadn't changed one bit! Maybe he grew a little taller, but his eyes were still the same, he looked as young as ever. So unfair!

"I was out shopping with my wife and needed new shoes." Kuroko said and just as he did, Momoi, or Kuroko Satsuki now, popped up behind her blue haired husband with their baby in her arms. "Hello, Kagamin!" She beamed happily. "Don't worry, even though I'm married to your best friend you can still call me Momoi, or Satsuki if that helps." Momoi smiled.

The twins turned confused at their father. "Best friend?" DJ asked. "What's she talking about, dad?" He asked, having noticed Kuroko after his father had fallen to the floor.

Kuroko blinked. "You have children, Kagami-kun?" He asked and looked at the boy and girl next to his old basketball partner. His eyes went wide a little. Wait a minute! They looked like Aomine-kun. The girl with the dark blue hair had Aomine's hair color and eyes, but the redhead boy almost had the same face!

Kagami let Daiki help him up before pushing his twins slightly behind him. They were supposed to have been shielded from his own friends. No one needed to know about his precious children! He didn't want anyone fining out because if one of them did that meant the others would find out not soon after and with Kuroko being married to Momoi he figured she was still close to Aomine so that meant he would be closer to finding out. Aomine didn't have to know about the twins. Aomine probably wanted nothing to do with them anyways and it would spare his children from rejection from their other parent. He never should have returned to Japan!

Kuroko watched Kagami shield his children and it annoyed him a little. Sure they hadn't seen each other in a long time, but they were still friends right? There were many things he wanted to ask him. "Join us for dinner, Kagami-kun." Kuroko said, but even though it sounded sweetly, for a moment to Kagami, Kuroko sounded as demanding as Akashi used to be. "We have a lot of catching up to do." Kuroko said and wrote something down before handing Kagami the piece of paper. "See you tonight. Bye kids." He waved before taking Momoi's hand and walking out the store with her.

Kagami couldn't have been paler.


Kagami seemed to be driving extra slowly to Kuroko's house. He feared going but had to or Kuroko would probably come and haunt him. The twins were confused as hell. He had told them about high school days and how they used to be basketball partners, but that didn't make the twins understand why Kagami had been so worried about going. Wasn't he supposed to be happy to see his friend again?

Much to Kagamai's disappointment, they reached the Kuroko residents pretty fast. Why did Kuroko have to live so close? Honestly, Kagami was terrified of tonight. He just wanted to protect his kids from his past. No that the guys from Kiseki no Sedai were bad guys, he named his daughter after them for Christ's sake, but... He didn't want to disappoint them. He left for America to join the NBA, not to end up being a single teen parent. They would probably be really disappointed in him and he didn't even want to know What Aomine would think! He didn't even want to know how Aomine would respond to his twins.. Last he remembered, Aomine wasn't the gentlest of guys. He was straightforward and mean and lazy and amazing and- No! No! He didn't think amazing! He meant asshole! Yes! Yes, exactly that! Aomine was an asshole! A big one! ... But he was also really good in bad- FUCK! He had to stop thinking!

Ugh, he hated it when he started thinking about Aomine!

The family reached the Kuroko residence and got out of the car. "Please be good tonight, alright? It's important." Kagami told his kids, to which the twins gave him the exact same confused look. "What are you talking about, old man? We always behave." DJ said with a grin and gave his father a thumbs up.

Kagami rolled his eyes. Yeah, right! He knew his kids, they were a handful!

They walked up to the door and rang the doorbell to which a very excided pink haired woman opened the door. "Kagamin you actually came, so nice!" She smiled and let the family in. "Come in, come in, Tetsu is cooking." She beamed. Kagami stepped in first and then the twins, they all took off their shoes before continuing on their socks. "Tetsu, Kagami and his kids are here... What are your names again? I don't think your father ever said them." She smiled sweetly.

"My name is DJ, short for Daiki Junior, and this is my sister, Kiseki." Daiki introduced themselves, pointing his thumb to his sister as he introduced her.

Momoi blinked hearing those names and shot her eyes towards Kagami. He named his child Daiki? The child who looked exactly like her childhood friend Aomine Daiki?! Did Dai-chan know? He never told her anything!

"Good evening, Kagami-kun." Kuroko said as he sad the family enter the dining room, kitchen and living room area. "Hello children." He told the twins who waved in return.

Kagami took around awkwardly. It was a nice home they had. The walls were white and green, the furniture a brownish tint that made the home seem comfortable and cosy. Pictures were on the wall. Kuroko and Momoi's wedding foto's, memorable pictures from middle school, of their one year old baby... Kagami's eyes landed on a picture from High School when they had won the inter high. It was their team at the time Kagami was on it too, an arm around Kuroko's shoulder with a happy smile on is face.

Kagami wasn't the only one who saw it, the twins rushed to it and got a good close look at the picture. "Hey dad, that's you!" Daiki pointed out.

"Awww, the baby is so cute!" Kiseki cooed over Kuroko's daughter baby picture.

Kagami paled at the pictures that hung above it. It was a picture of Vorpal Swords after they won the game after the Jabbawocks, right before he left for America and right before his one time with Aomine. "Stop-" Kagami shouted, jumping in the air, getting a weird look from everyone. "W-well, what I mean- I- Just get over here!" Kagami shouted, to which his kids came over with a angry pout.

Their dad had been acting really strange.

Momoi had finished setting the table and went to take her and Kuroko's daughter out of the swing they had her in. Her name was Miku, she was 11 months and had very very light pink hair. At this age it looked white. Momoi wondered if it would turn pink of shift to her husband's blue.

Kuroko placed the food on the table and asked everyone to join him. Momoi took her seat besides her husband, as the guests sat on the other side. Kagami sat in front of Kuroko, awkwardly, Kiseki sat beside him and Daiki at the end of the table.

Food was put on their plates and thanked the hosts for the food before digging in, not really realizing the situation.

Kagami fiddled with his food and rubbed his chop sticks together, he was just uncomfortable and it was awkward. Plus, it didn't help that Kuroko was just glaring at him! Dear Lord, someone save him!


Once dinner was over, it was just the adults at the table. The twins had moved to the living room to play with the one year old. Kagami watched them with a small smile from the dinning table. He remembered when his twins were that old...

"Do they know?" Kuroko asked. "Does heknow?"

Kagami turned his attention to his old bestfriend and shook his head as he accepted a cup of fresh tea from Momoi. "No..." He sighed. "I don't want him to know either."

"Why not?"

"Why not?" Kagami repeated through gritted teeth. "What am I supposed to tell him? How am I supposed to explain that I got pregnant right after our last game, moved away and had his kids? I cant just walk up to him and be like: Hey, you're a father to twins, congradulations!" He huffed and threw his hands in the air before burying his face in his palms. Aomine and him weren't much to each other, they were rivals, nothing more. The man just happened to get him pregnant... "It's better this way." Kagami said, moving to look at his tea. "Its better than taking the chance of the twins being rejected."

Kuroko frowned a little concerned and sipped from his tea, glancing over at the children in the living room. He could hear his daughter squealing happily. It was the best sound in the world. "He isn't the same as in high school, you know. He changed. He's a police officer now."

Kagami shook his head again. "Nope, I don't want him knowing. You better not tell him I'm back or that he put two babies in me!" He warned with a glare.

Kuroko just gave his old friend one of his old smirks. Kagami didn't trust it for a second!

I know it's been a while, but hopefully this chapter made up for it^^
Is there anything you guys would like to happen in the next chapter? Just let me know!
XXX KneelingAngel

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