Your dark side

By xIHeru

38.3K 1.1K 952

After one of his best friends died, Eijirou tries to learn more about the circumstances of this death. It alw... More

Important Informations
My strange neighbour
A secret is revealed
The sweetest taste
This fire in me
I can't believe it
Some things are hard to say

Bonus: My dark past

1.7K 57 47
By xIHeru

Attention! These story includes the following things:

· Death

· Violence

· Psychological terror

In addition, the relationship between Bakugou and his parents is not as described in the manga / anime (alternative universe you know).

Short summary:
His parents annoyed him, his whole, fucking life, just annoyed him. Training is the only thing in his life that somehow means anything to him ... until he met this guy who completely changed his life and turned it into an absolute nightmare.

(1,2,3) Explanations at the end


I would like to tell you that this story is divided into smaller sections here. I've never done it that way, but never before had I written such a detailed flashback. However, I will always indicate if and how much time has passed, only I will not write down every single event exactly but only the most important (otherwise this could be here equal like the main fanfiction^^)

Besides, you will always read a quote at the end of each phase. These are Katsuki's direct thoughts on this memory fragment from that time.

More: The story is quite long with 16k words as pure text ... sorry for that (not really haha)
As an additional 'pleasure tip', the author recommends that you let the appropriate, scary / sad music play in the background.

But enough of the forewords: have fun with "My dark past"

My dark past

"I always knew that my life is really shitty. But I didn't know that I would meet the devil in an early age, and was condemned all my life in this hell. I just want to get out. Get out of this hell, back to the freedom stolen from me. But I did not know what price I had to pay for it. "

"How about you just fuck off and leave me alone, stupid old woman?" Came the loud screaming voice and the door slammed shut, along with an angry "KATSUKI". Puffing, 15-year-old Katsuki walked down the street, kicking an empty can until it thundered and thumped against a car as he continued furious across the street. To be honest, what was her fucking problem? The old woman was really upset about everything. Only, because the shitty cops brought him home earlier, she got no reason to escalate like this. That's none of her fucking business.

Katsuki had seen this transport by the cops as a free taxi and rubbed his stave on the cheek, to which a thick plaster stuck. The cheek itself was swollen and throbbing, but he really wanted to workout. His coach had told him that he was making good progress and Katsuki didn't want to fall behind. The only thing that meant anything to him was the training in the club. His coach was the only person who didn't see him as a bad boy, but a young man who had social problems, nothing more.

The blonde was not an innocent boy. He had often been noticed by the police, which was mainly due to the countless fights he was involved with elders. He didn't allow that motherfuckers to spit at him, just because he was younger. His parents, however, saw it differently. His mother and he argued almost every day, because of the behavior that the blonde showed. His father did not know how to continue and at least tried to calm his wife. For a long time now, he couldn't reach Katsuki anymore. When exactly they had become like strangers, the blonde didn't know and he didn't care.

Again he kicked something in front of his foot while he went to the club. Around his shoulder he wore the sports bag, which he always carried with him when he went to the boxing training. In his mind he went through the last exercises from the training again and paid particular attention not on the way. Only when he collided with someone, he was torn from his thoughts.

"Can't you be careful, you stupid brat?" Snapped the guy he had jostled. He had brown hair that was shaved on the sides, his nose was ringed and his ears were pierced. He had a cigarette in his hand and a glass bottle of beer in the other. His two buddies looked alike, all in heavy leather jackets. Grimly, they stared at Katsuki, who raised his eyebrow. "Fuck yourself. It's not my business if you stand in my way motherfucker." The answer came promptly and the brunette grinned widely. "Aw, how cute", he said, approaching Katsuki.

"I guess mommy forgot to teach you to respect elders, didn't she, brat?" He asked, reaching for the blond, who slammed his hand directly away. "Don't touch me, stupid peace of shit", he snapped and found himself surrounded by the three of them. "He's really cute, isn't he? Like a little cocky puppy, but he needs some training. We should smash his other cheek too", the bald guy said, grinning broadly, revealing two missing teeth. The third of them, he had a crooked nose and dreadlocks, had a knife drawn and wanted attack Katsuki as his wrist was grabbed and turned backwards. "Wow, three against one. You little cocksuckers must be really weak." He heard a male voice behind the guy.

Katsuki looked confused at the guy who had shown up. He had black hair that, like his, was quite fuzzy from his head and turquoise eyes that seemed to pierce one. His right nostril was pierced, as were his ears, four on each. He also wore the face, for Katsuki very questionable spots, piercings and most of his skin looked very strange. He had a dark, purple tone, like burned and rotten flesh, reminding of that horror-filled ghoules. The piercings looked like the skin was stapled in the places where the weird color ended. Fuck that looked really cool.

The guy was dressed entirely in black and turned the guy's arm even harder so that he whimpered before he was pushed on his buddy. Immediately, the bald man attacked the black-haired, who skilfully dodged and hit his knee in the face and the blonde heard the bones cracking. Katsuki was sure that there were more teeth missing now. Bloody face, he landed on the ground and got up in shock and ran away the next moment. What a weak performance.

The other two stared briefly at the man before running away as well. "Really?", He shouted in amusement. "Now you're running like little whores? What a piece of shit!" He laughed in amusement and his piercing eyes went to Katsuki, who stiffened immediately. If the guy had the idea to attack him, he would give him the figh of his life. His kick in the face of this donkey was very impressive, but Katsuki wouldn't be intimidated by this shit. Even if something inside of him that he should be careful, even urged that he should run.

"Uh, don't show me your claws, kitten. I'm starting to shiver", he said, grinning at him in amusement, and Katsuki tensed even more. "Don't call me like that!", Katsuki growled and the turquoise eyes flashed. "Do you prefer the name dog?" He asked amused and put his hands in his pocket. "You're a rough boy, huh? Facing this motherfuckers all alone. How old are you, dwarf?" He asked, pulling out of his bag a box of cigarettes and lighting one before putting it back in his pants.

"That's none of your fucking business!", he answered and another amused laugh. "You're a little cocky one", he said and once walked around the blonde. Katsuki didn't want to show it, but he was really nervous and tense. This guy was dangerous. That's what his subconscious told him and he was breathing a little flatter. Still, he stared doggedly at the man. "Just so make things clear", the blonde started talking "You didn't help me! I could handle this asses easy on my own!", he said annoyed and the stranger just grinned. "I didn't help you", he confirmed. "I've just give some motherfuckers, I can't stand, a beauty correction. It was pure coincidence you were here at this time", he confirmed and blew Katsuki the smoke in the face, which he grimaced. "The name's Dabi. What about you kitty cat? What's your name?


"Stop giving me such shitty names!" He demanded sourly and got a provocative grin again. "Tell me your name and I'll stop", he offered and Katsuki became calm. He actually knew that he shouldn't talk to strangers but fuck this shit! The guy had really impressed him and looked damn cool with all those piercings and that weird skin. Whether those were tattoos? "Katsuki", answered, trying to get himself out of his thoughts. "The name is Bakugou Katsuki."

Dabi grinned at him. "See? That wasn't that hard and snow stop looking so snappy, or I'll be afraid you'll bite me", he said and slowly the blonde relaxed a bit. "That was fucking nice", the blond muttered now, reaping a surprised look. "The way, you kicked this fucker's face. It was pretty cool", he added and Dabi grinned slightly. "I can show you how it works", he offered and now had the blonde's full attention. But he said nothing more and looked at his watch. "Maybe next time. I've got to go." With these words, Katsuki disappeared down the street and didn't notice the evil look and the evil smile anymore.

"People often talk about fateful encounters. I never believed in that shit until I met Dabi ... "


"... and he told me, that I could join the junior tournament! But my shitty mom is against this. She wants me to concentrate on shitty school and not to think about that", the blonde huffed and took a sip of his Bottle of water. "Yo, your old woman is really tense, huh? Are you really such a problem child? ", He got the answer of the black-haired. They had settled in a playground on the climbing tower to escape the warm sun.

It had been a month since he and Dabi first met. There were always short conversations and the blonde could not help it: he thought that Dabi was really cool. He lived so freely. Without shitty rules. Without fucking parents, who prescribed everything for him. He was free, like a bird, and Katsuki wanted that too.

"Tense? That is very mild. The woman is always on the cookie. 'Do this', 'Do that', 'Behave yourself finally' and such a fucking shit", he snorted, leaned against the wood and looked at Dabi, who had spread wide on the floor. "Parents are a real pain in the ass. I'm glad I got rid of mine", he said, biting off the rubber bar he'd taken from a store. "I'm away from home since I'm 13 and enjoy my freedom as you can see", he said with a grin and Katsuki blistered his gum.

"And you got along all alone?" He asked and Dabi laughed arrogantly. "Do I look like I'm having trouble? I'm fine and I can do what I want. No shitty rules for me." For Katsuki, who was totally misunderstood and oppressed by his parents, it sounded like a blessing. He wanted it too. This freedom, to live without rules. Dabi's life sounded so nice, so easy.

"I guess I've to admit, that you're really cool", Katsuki said. Dabi was about three years older than himself and lived in a darker district of the city. In addition, he had learned that Dabi got a thing for demons, ghouls and other stuff like this. Even the skin he had tattooed in these places (1) to make it look like the skin of a ghoul. Katsuki himself would never go that far, but that was up to everyone. Katsuki looked at the ceiling of the small wooden roof and wondered what to do, before they were already interrupted.

A few guys, about Daby's age, came up and said that they were looking for him because he had beaten their buddy. The black-haired man didn't need a second invitation and attacked the guys, Katsuki right after him, because one of the guys said something stupid to Katuski. The fight didn't last long before the sirens of the police were heard and Dabi kicked the guy in the face before wiping the blood from his lip and grinning at Katsuki before steaming off with the younger and moving through the streets.

As they came to a stop in a darker alley, Dabi grinned at him. "Looks like your training makes good profit for you. Some of those punches were really nice", he said, spitting the blood out of his mouth while Katsuki wiped the blood from his nose. "Your kicks weren't that bad either", he returned the compliment and his breathing slowly calmed down again. "We're a nice team, Katsu", he said and got a confirming "Hm" in response.

Dabi lit a cigarette and sighed contentedly. "There's nothing better than the good old cigarette afterwards", he said, holding out the glowing stalk to the blonde. He had never smoked in his life and was not sure if he should do it, but somehow he didn't want to act like a pussy and grabbed the cigarette and took the first draft of his life and coughed painfully when the smoke in his throat scratched. This was accompanied by Dabis loud laughter and a subsequent introduction, how to smoke.

"The longer we were together, the more I envied him for his damned freedom. I also wanted to live without shitty rules. I wanted to live like him and just be free "


"What's that?" Angrily, the package of cigarettes was thrown on the coffee table and Katsuki rolled his eyes. "Obviously cigarettes", he answered annoyed and his mother put her hands on her hips. "Oh, really? I didn't know this. Thank you for your fucking education", Mitsuki replied and tapped her index finger on her hip. "Why the hell do you have them? Damn it, Katsuki! You're 15 years old!" He pressed his jaw together before he shouted back:"So what? It's my fucking business what I do with my damn pocked money!" Mitsuki angrily shook her head. "How the hell do you get them? You're not allowed to buy them with 15, not to mention to consume them(2)!"

Annoyed, Katsuki rolled his eyes repeatedly. His mother was just a huge pain in the ass right now. "It's none of your business," he answered sourly. Couldn't she just make it easy? Couldn't she just leave him alone? It annoyed him so much. He was so pissed of that she wanted to talk to him every fucking time. That she wanted to tell him permanently what he had to do. It pissed him off. He wanted to leave. He just wanted to get away from here.

He had enough. Katsuki had already switched to draft while his mother talked to him. At some point, she caught his attention again. "Do you even listen to me when I'm talking to you?" Katsuki clicked his tongue and looked away. "Yeah", he said annoyed and just got up. "Katsuki, stop!" "Leave me alone, dammit", he yelled at her and disappeared upstairs to his room, popping the door loud and turning the key. With a loud cry of anger, he threw himself on his bed before reaching for his smartphone and puffing a message.

>Things are getting worse and worse. The old woman is a pain in the ass!< 'He typed and sent the message to Dabi and closed his eyes with a sigh, before he felt the vibration and looked at his display. >>You probably should leave. To be honest: what's holding you there?<< A good question ... what was holding him? In the six months he was now friends with Dabi, it seemed to him that the black-haired man understood him better than his parents ever could. Even his coach didn't understand him anymore and said he had changed and that for the worse. Pha! Motherfucking bullshit! Nobody understood him!

Yes! He wanted to leave. Determined, the blonde got up and pulled out a backpack under his bed and rummaged around in his closets. He was looking for some things he needed: a wallet, smaller things he could sell and one of his favorite jackets if it got cooler, a pocket knife and his charger. Surely Dabi would let him recharge again and again. Katsuki squatted in his room and let the time go by. It was late evening and his father knocked on the door. "Katsuki? It's mealtime", he said, hoping her son would at least come to dinner. "I'm not hungry", said the blonde, hearing his father sigh before disappearing.

Katsuki closed his eyes again and waited until night fell. He put on fresh clothes, grabbed his backpack and slowly slipped out of his room. He went downstairs, where he heard the television in the living room and remained stiff. Was anyone still awake? Fuck! He peeked in and saw his father fall asleep in front of the TV while he was watching some documentation about photography.

With a rumpled nose, the teenager disappeared from the house and walked through the night, before he came to the place where he and Dabi always hung out. "You did it? For real?" Asked the black-haired man who emerged from the shadows. "Yeah, I can't stand this fucking shit at home anymore", he said. Dabi ruffled his blond hair and nodded slightly. "I understand you, kid. I felt the same way back then." The thieving grin of the black-haired wasn't noticed by Katsuki and he followed Dabi, who led him through the streets.

Soon they reached a run-down apartment building, which Dabi entered, closely followed by Katsuki. Inside the house, it stank of urine, vomit and much more disgusting stuff. What exactly, he didn't want to know that. He held the sleeve of his college jacket over his mouth and coughed in disgust. "You'll get used to it", Dabi said, opening the door to an apartment.

This was furnished in a rather ordinary style and not particularly intoxicating. Living room, kitchen, bathroom and a bedroom were well available and everything was very minimalist. Inside it didn't smell like in the staircase, but the air was a bit stuffy and smelled of cigarettes. The blonde walked around a bit and looked around more closely. "It's not a big deal, but it fulfilled my needs", the black-haired man explained, lighting a cigarette directly while Katsuki opened a window in the living room and looked out onto the courtyard.

"I think it's pretty cool", he answered and looked at Dabi. "After all, you have your own home. I like that." Katsuki threw himself on the soft couch and held out his hand to Dabi. "Give me one too. My old one has discovered my box", he grumbled and caught the pack before he used it on. "Actually, I'm impressed that you leaved mummy's lap to do your own stuff" Dabi said and went into the kitchen, only to return with two glasses filled with whiskey.

He handed one to Katsuki and he looked at the alcohol. He had already been drinking, it was not like that, but so far he had always enjoyed it with caution. But Dabi would not give him anything that hurt him, wouldn't he? After all, they were buddies. "Let's celebrate you step into adulthood, Katsu" Dabi said, nudging him. The blonde grinned slightly and took a sip. Two sips, three sips and soon the glass was empty and the blond could feel the alcohol flow through his veins. He grew warmer.

"You know, Katsu. I could introduce you to a special person. He's organizing me my jobs. I'm sure he would like to meet you, because he's always looking for new faces", he said, grinning as he noticed the blond man's foggy eyes. "Katsu?" He asked thievingly and looked at him with a strange look. "Uhn ..." Katsuki grabbed his forehead as he felt dizzy and the surroundings faded in front of him.

Dabi's lips twisted into a cruel grin as the blonde started to stand up and shake violently. "What's going on?" He asked in a lurking voice, getting up too. "Did you really get an booze after one glass, kid?" The grin took on superhuman traits as Katsuki toppled over and Dabi caught him. "Hmm, looks like the pill is kicking in pretty fast. Sweet", he hummed and reached for his cell phone. "Boss? I have promising fresh meat", he said with a grin and lifted the unconscious man in his arms. "Let's have a lot of fun, Katsu", he purred, carrying Katsuki out of the apartment.

"I was stupid to think that he was my friend. How much I had been wrong and what he was for a fucking asshole, I would learn soon. "


When Katsuki woke up again, he lay on a hard cot. Groaning, he grabbed his head and sat up slowly until he heard the clank of the chain. Confused, he looked down at himself and saw that a leather band had been tied around his neck and chained to the wall of the cot. //What kind of SM shit is this??// he asked himself as he heard footsteps. Only then did Katsuki realize he was trapped in a cell and looked at the cell door. His eyes widened as he recognized Dabi, who stood there grinning broadly. "Ah. Our Sleeping Beauty is finally awake, boss", he said, grinning, and moved aside to make room for a man. This one was more than a head, taller than Dabi and broad in stature. He had dark red, a beard and piercing turquoise eyes...almost as piercing as Dabis eyes.

He was of a well-trained physique and had hard, angular features and a stern, almost piercing look. "So that's the brat, you've been talking about? The one who's really promising? You think, that he'll become a big deal?" He wanted to know and Dabi grinned slightly. "I've seen how ruthlessly he deals with opponents. Of course, he is a diamond in the rough and not yet properly educated, but what do you expect from a 15-year-old brat? "

Katsuki growled angrily and started to storm for the door, but the chain held him back when he was about halfway across the room. He was ripped off his feet by the force of tension and made a gagging sound as the tape pressed against his throat. "You see that? He is wild and murderous in nature. That's exactly what we need." He said and the man looked at him again so stinging. "This fire in his eyes is truly interesting. Let's see if he survives", he said and Dabi rubbed his hands together. After the man left, Dabi leaned against the bars. "I'll hope you'll entertain me well, kitty cat. Maybe the boss will choose you then", he purred and Katsuki wanted to hit his throat. "You fooled me, you son of a bitch!" "You got it, Babe", Dabi grinned. "Do you want to know, what's the best part about that? You were stupid enough to trust me", he added and disappeared laughing.

Katsuki remained in the void before he heard the soft sobbing and whimpering. He glanced aside and noticed another bunk on which another boy sat. The little one was much younger than he was. Katsuki guessed he was not older than ten. He could not make out much in the dark, but he could see the green hair resting on his knees. Apparently the little boy had his head on this and cried.

"Shut the fuck up!" He yelled and immediately the boy startled and looked up at him with wet, green eyes. "E ... Ex ... Excuse me ..." he stuttered and Katsuki snorted in exasperation. "Shut up you fucking crybaby!" He huffed and straightened up again. This fucking collar annoying already! He wasn't a fucking dog! What was this shit about? And what did that ass mean with his "Maybe you survive?"-Shit? What did these sick perverts intend to do with him?

"Y ... you were also ... k...kidnapped?" He heard this kid talk again and puffed slightly. "Finally would you SHUT THE FUCK UP?!" With only a few steps, he reached the small bundle that seemed to die with fear and held his arms trembling in front of his head. It seemed as if the boy was just waiting for a punch.

Confused, Katsuki lowered his arm again, which he had raised to actually hit him. The green-haired boy was still sobbing and shivering, and close by, Katsuki could see the hematomas on his forearms. "Have you been her for a long time?", he wanted to know a little calmer and the boy shook his head. "M ... my aunt has beaten me ... always", he replied. "I do not know ... why ... why I'm here ... I want to go home...I'm scared", he sobbed, trembling again like aspen leaves.

"Stop crying ... eh ..." "Izuku," the boy sobbed. "Midoriya Izuku is my name." He wiped his swollen eyes. Katsuki's eyes fell on the smaller one, who sobbed slightly and shivered again. He could see the fear, the boy felt and if he was honest to himself: he was no different. He, too, felt fear beside the unruly rage. Fear of what would come next. He had probably heard in the news that children and young people disappeared again and again ... he never would have thought that this would happen to him, because he did not really doubt that this had to do with it ... "What will happen to us now? I'm afraid..."

//If I could tell you...//, he thought and raised his hand again and held it out to the green-haired boy who flinched. But Katsuki put his hand on his head and stroked it briefly. "Stop crying. That's annoying like shit", he muttered, and in fact the kid finally stopped flapping. "Look...if you don't fuck me up, we two will have no problem. You do what I tell you to do and I will not smash you face, okay?" A nod followed in response. "Good." With that, he disappeared back onto his bunk and stared into the void. "A...are you telling me... your name?" He asked quietly and the blonde sighed. "The name is Katsuki", he replied, before it became quiet again in their cell.

"Common emergencies can weld together, or how to label this shit. I didn't think I'd find a friend in this damned crybaby to whom I gave safety and he kept my slowly-suffering mind together. "


"Damn, Deku! How many times do I have to tell you to fucking work harder?" Katsuki spat at the green-haired boy who lay on the ground rubbing his head. "Sorry, Kacchan," he begged, and quickly scrambled to his feet again, patting the dust off his clothes. "You're really a hopeless idiot", he sighed annoyed and reaped an embarrassed smile. "I'll never be as good as you ... I'm not a fighter type." The blonde snorted. "Even informants must be able to defend themselves. If you can't do anything, the old man will kill you. "Deku looked down at the floor. "I know ... but ..." "If you fucking know it: get up already!", he ordered and Deku did as he was told. "Again from the beginning," he growled.

It had been a year since they moved into their new "home". Two days after being detained there, Katsuki, this Izu-guy and another twenty children were taken to a room. There were old pitchforks everywhere, boulders and whatever else of trash was left. They had been told that they should survive until the time was up. To complicate the task, one was chained together with his cellmate. And even before any child understood what was going on, they had let these dogs go on them.

They were bloodthirsty, starving dogs. Dogs that hadn't been fed, only minimally, for months. Hungry dogs, with their teeth bared and loud, snarling at the children. Not a minute after the animals were released, the first death screams were heard as two dogs began to feed a boy alive. The sound of teeth tearing the skin, and the blood that was spreading immensely, was still burned in the blonde's head. Never before had he seen a sight like this: the flesh was gnawed by the bones, the dogs snarled at pieces of meat as the sinews parted before they ate the chunks. Offal was torn and the dogs ate the skin of the bones of the child with pleasure, he saw the bare eaten bones, the fragmented leftovers and soon the smell of blood was in the room and he could hear the choking of some children.

Katsuki, too, had had to control himself so that he wouldn't vomit. Instead, he had reflexively put his hand in front of Izukus eyes. "Don't look", he had mumbled to him, and felt the tears on the palm of his hand, as well as the violent tremor of the boy. He had tried hard to calm him down before one of the dogs came up to them and Katsuki had frantically faced the smaller ones. Why he had done that at that moment, he hadn't understood until today. Maybe it was the regret, because Izuku was so young. Because he didn't even understand, what was going on. Whatever the reason was, Katsuki was grateful that he had done so and reached for a large boulder near his feet.

Katsuki didn't know until today, how he had survived, but he had done it. He had suppressed most of it. All he remembered was that he suddenly had held a bloody boulder in his hand, and in front of him was the battered skull of a Doberman. The blood had spread to the floor and Katsuki had parts of the brain on the rock and fingers. The nausea rising in him was hard to control.

Katsuki knew that they would only survive if he resisted and fucking fought! He didn't want to die! So he started to fight back, a crying Izuku near him, hiding behind him so as not to be a burden to him. Of the twenty children, exactly ten survived. And these ten become introduced to the great Endeavor, who was the man with the grim look. Endeavor made them an offer...Either they would choose to follow him as his new Yakuza family members he ran...or he would free them from their lives here and now.

Katsuki, of course, had decided to live. He didn't want to die. He didn't want it. Otherwise he would have let himself be eaten by the dogs. Although his brain was not yet clear about the fear and the shock, it was so clear in his mind, like nothing else: he wanted to live.

To his bad luck, or luck, Izuku had been there too. The dwarf had begun to follow him like a shadow. At some point Katsuki had decided to give him the name "Deku", because his behavior reminded him so blatantly to the critters from a video game. At first the little one had been very irritated, but he had accepted the name and beaming that it was the first time anyone had given him a nickname.

Katsuki had taken it that way, but he hadn't expected Deku to become an important person to him. It was not long before he got used to the little coward, he was really a natural crybaby. He also realized that Deku's honest, sincere way was a bit of a balm to him. He helped him not to go completely crazy and meanwhile he and Deku were as close as brothers knew. He could not even deny that he had developed a brotherly protective instinct and Deku? He also seemed to admire him as a little brother did. Somehow the feeling that someone looks up to him, was very pleasant and he didn't want to disappoint him.

That's why he took him so hard in this training. Endeavor let Deku live only because Katsuki worked for it. Because he worked twice as hard as others. Because Katsuki had already made a name down here after only one year. He learned fast, effectively and only his temper was a problem. Often he forgot the tone he was supposed to use and was then given a spanking habit. "If the boss did not consider you valuable, you would be dead," one of Endeavor's people had once told him.

Wasn't it strange that a boy was considered "valuable" in less than a year? Katsuki had often wondered but at least he accepted it. And this turned, to his surprise, more and more on Deku. The kid practiced doggedly, using his existing intellect to serve Endeavor in this way, as an informant. Something he used, but didn't need as much as Katsuki's ability in combat. Recently, he was also instructed in the use of firearms.

Katsuki was just learning how to build those. How to assemble, disassemble and soon. It was interesting and he liked that. Katsuki liked learning new things and this was definitely new. //Guess it's not that bad being here//, he had thought and slowly he started to get used to this. The recognition he got wasn't bad, if he was honest. It felt good...

"Ignorance does not protect against harm. A lesson I would also learn after these stupid, naive thoughts. Crap..."


"Why the fuck do I have to learn this shit?" Katsuki was annoyed at the chemistry books that dealt with all sorts of fabrics that were beneficial to the explosives production. He felt a big, warm hand go down his head and looked up when he saw the old man sitting in front of him looking at him with soft, blue eyes. "The more you know, the more benefits you will gain. Endeavor will get higher use for you and you don't need to worry, that you'll die", he said quietly, and Katsuki snorted in annoyance. "Besides, I think explosions fit perfect with your temper, boy", the old man added.

"It's almost as bad as fucking school", he complained and heard that hearty laugh. "Ron" was probably the oldest man who lived in this madhouse and also the heartiest. He had made it his mission to take care of the young newcomers and help them wherever he could. Quickly the old man had realized how smart and intelligent Katsuki really was and what a shame it would be for Endeavor to kill him for his temperament.

"Oh, come on, don't get upset and look at this again" Ron demanded, smiling softly at him, and the blond looked again at the old man's notes, who explained everything to him again. Grumbling, he looked at it again and wrote himself something up. The man watched him smiling, before he took something out of his can and gave it do Katsuki. These were cinnamon sweets. Katsuki grabbed the candy and shoved it in his mouth, concentrating on the work again. It would be laughable if he couldn't do that shit.

But, Katsuki was glad that this man was dealing with him. He was a kind of caregiver who had no problems with his nature. He even reminded him a bit of his own father with that stupid, meek smile and the loving expression in his eyes. Katsuki felt comfortable and accepted in his presence. Yet he also often felt that there was a trepidation in him that he didn't like, for at that moment he wondered what his parents were doing. How were they doing? Are his parents looking for him? Or did they just give him up? Would he ever see them again?

Katsuki blinked as he felt the old man hug him and stroke his back. The blonde sighed obediently and closed his eyes. Something he had missed in the last year. Deku had become something of a little brother, but Katsuki had more hold on the little guy than the other way around. Here he had his retreat and the 16-year-old appreciated that. He had no idea that this bondage made him so vulnerable.

"I didn't think t find a place in this fucking hell where I feel good. I didn't know that my commitment would lead to a crappy disaster. "


"I didn't expect you to do that well, Katsuki", Endeavor's voice sounded through the room. He was sitting in his cozy chair behind an oak table, looking at the blond standing in front of him. "You truly make yourself a great name in the past three years and you did good jobs for me. I'm constantly being asked to send you to my partners, what satisfies me", he said and the grin on his lips was inhumane. "You did a good job back then and I expect you to do your next one the same way", he said and handed Katsuki a suitcase.

"Three kilos of the best cocaine. A good business partner of mine will complete the deal with you. If he behaves suspiciously, just kill him", said the tall man and waved Katsuki, who clenched his fists in his pocket before lowering his head slightly. He took the suitcase, assured his boss that he did it right away and was released. As soon as he had left the premises, he gritted his teeth and clucked his tongue unhappily. How he hated that ass and his shitty clan!

His naive thoughts, which haunted his head three years ago, were soon gone. With each day that Katsuki became more skilled in combat and weaponry, it got worse. At first he had resisted to do the tasks that led from the threat of debt collection and drug trafficking to murder. However, he had learned even faster that contradiction only brought disaster: if one resisted and resisted too much, one was led into Dabi's chambers and these, Katsuki had heard so far, were worse than death itself, because the black-haired man Katsuki once found incredibly cool was not only the right hand but also the personal torturer of the Yakuza leader.

Endeavor used all his power to subjugate, frighten, and pressurize people who weren't one hundred percent with him. So does Katsuki. Endeavor had often threatened him that he would do something to his charge, he wouldn't hesitate and Katsuki had hated himself to have a weak spot. He had no choice but to obey, though never to Endeavor's complete satisfaction.

So far, Katsuki's offenses had never been so bad that he had to go there. It had always only meant that his bloodhounds had beaten him. It was pain that his body endured and only his pride suffered. But, it was the worst thing that had happened to him so far, because Endeavor hadn't figured out yet his game. Katsuki was not stupid and played his tricks skillfully. Only Deku knew something about his plans and the blonde was sure, he would shut up. Should it come out, the blonde would probably be dead.

He entered the room, which could be compared to the boarding-school rooms, and saw the green-haired man lying on his bed reading something. Probably some comic about superheroes again. Who thought that they led a comfortable life here, had been wrong. They were penned into rooms for two and if they were not in those dwellings, then they had to train or do work for Endeavor. Katsuki hated this place and the people who lived here. Only Deku and Ron were tolerable, even if the little crybaby sometimes strained his nerves.

When the smaller one noticed him, he turned and smiled. "Kacchan!" He exclaimed happily and jumped to his feet. "Welcome home!" "Mhn," was all he could say to this warm welcome and put the suitcase on the table between her beds before he squatted on the floor and removed some wooden planks. A stuffed bear was stowed in the gap, which Katsuki pulled out and gently tugged open the zipper. Inside the bear were several bags of fine, white powder.

Katsuki gave Deku the bear, who took him carefully and watched as his 'brother' took two small bags out of the suitcase. "Another courier service?" He asked, earning an annoyed nod before tucking the bags into the bear. "Kacchan", Deku whispered, fearing that someone would hear them and looked into the red soul mirrors. "Don't you think that's too dangerous? If they catch you ... " The green-haired sounded worried, while he started to talk. "As long as you shut the fuck up, they'll not catch me", Katsuki snapped at the green-haired man and his eyes had something warning as he pulled the zipper back and tucked the bear away.

"Endeavor has no idea what kind of game I'm playing so don't mess it up, Deku", he said. Katsuki intended to escape from this hell. That's why Katsuki kept shutting off Endeavor's drugs, which he secretly sold himself. He saved the money to eventually buy himself and Deku out of Endeavor's clutches. Katsuki had once seen someone do it. You had to be skilful and Endeavor wasm't allowed to notice anything. "You want to get out of here, don't you?" He asked again and the smaller one nodded. "Then stop questioning my fucking deeds!" Katsuki's plan was so save. Nobody would find his little bunker. Katsuki was too careful ... at least he thought so.

"Trust is fragile, and yet I dared to trust. A shitty mistake, as I soon discovered. "


"I didn't think you were that stupid but you thought me better", Endeavor said, looking at the blonde standing in front of him, his hands tied behind his back, looking hatefully at the man who was standing, Boss scolded. In his hand he held that plush bear that Katsuki had hidden in her room. "Really smart: Consuming minimum quantities of my cocaine to sell them behind of my back."

The redhead walked around Katsuki, who still did not fully understand why his secret had been revealed. Until the answer was presented to him. He realized how, when Dabi entered the room. He had his hands on Deku's shoulders, looking at him in panic. "Deku?" Disbelief was in the blonde's voice as the kid trembled violently. What did that mean? Why was he with them? Why did he look at him so panicky and ruefully ... // Don't tell me...// The blood froze in his veins as he went through this suspicion in his mind and Dabi opened his mouth and spoke. "You did a great job, Izuku", Dabi Dabi purred and stroked his head.

"You did good, telling us about that evil plans, Katsuki had. You played so perfectly that you'll be on his side, just to give us the information." The black-haired grinned at Katsuki in the most abominable way that there was only. Katsuki literally stabbed him with gaze before he saw Deku. "You can't be serious...", he mumbled, feeling an incredible surge of anger, mixed with something else: disappointment. After all that he had done for Deku ... after all the years he was there for this little bastard ... that was the way Deku said "Thank you"?

"K ... Kacchan ... I'm sorry I ..." Deku tried to explain, but Katsuki didn't want to hear a fucking word. "Shut the fuck up!" He hissed at the green-haired man. He looked at him startled and pressed his lips tremble together. "I'm sorry, Deku" he began, his voice overflowing with rage and hatred. "I'm sorry I saved you're fucking life back then when we were supposed to be fed to the fucking dogs, you damned traitor", he snorted, seeing the green eyes fill with tears that soon rolled down her cheeks. "Kacchan...", Deku tried again, but the blonde haunted disgusted on the floor. "Go to hell, fucking traitor!" He bellowed and was dragged away. "Take him to Dabi's room," Endeavor ordered, and Katsuki stabbed him and the others with gaze as he was forcibly dragged out of the room. But the blonde struggled with body strength, until he got a thump on the back of the head and the surroundings became black. The last thing he heard was Deku's desperate "Kacchan!" before he lost consciousness.

"The bad thing about betrayal is that it's never committed by your damned enemies."


Katsuki soon came back to himself and groaned painfully. The back of his head ached from the punch he had received. He wanted to grab his head, but had to pretend that his hands were still tied to his back. He also noticed that his torso was naked ... Damn shit. He slowly came to his senses and looked around. This was clearly Dabi's torture chamber. He glanced his way through the half-dark chamber. "Chamber" was actually the wrong term. It was a huge cellar complex that joined next to the cells. On some of the chains, attached to the wall, hung the skeletons of his last victims.

Katsuki got an absolutely disgusting smell in his nose and he saw the reason for it. On one wall hung a half-decayed corpse, from whose skin mites and worms peered through the rotting flesh. It was so quiet that Katsuki could hear the pincers driving through the flesh. The brick wall, as well as the cobblestones, were covered in dried blood and something was dripping somewhere. The sounds and the smell turned his stomach around, but he controlled himself and managed not to vomit.

The silence of the room was interrupted by footsteps and soon he could hear Dabi's deviant hum. The black-haired man stepped into the light and had a smile on his lips that sent a chill down the back of the otherwise bleak blonde. "What a surprise. Who would've thought that you will ever do me this favor?" Dabi's voice was amused as he squatted in front of him and picked up his chin, playing with a knife. "It was really heartbreaking", he started and smiled malicious. "The way little Izuku cried out for you: Kacchan ~, Kacchan ~, Ka ~ aaccha ~ aaan", he sang, and Katsuki tore his head away and glared at Dabi.

"Oh no, the kitten pulls out the claws again", he said amused and ran the blade along the blonde's cheek. "I wonder how long you can do this, Katsuki~" The blonde felt a burning pain in his cheek and felt the blood running down his cheek as Dabi made a thin cut in his cheek. "Mhh, red suits you really good" the older one said, letting the tip of the blade stroke his neck.

"Too bad ... the boss said I'm not allowed kill you, because you're a valuable toy", Dabi said, coming closer. "But" he added, as he reached Katsuki's ear. "I can play with you, as long as you survive~" he whispered, grabbing Katsuki by his jaw. With a wicked smile he licked the fine band of blood on his cheek and dismissed the younger one again.

Could a gaze kill, Dabi would probably now die a painful dead. However, Katsuki only offered him more space for his stupid provocations. "You know what? I have always loved your eyes. So proud", he continued, walking behind Katsuki, his arm cuffs bandaged in a hook. "Let's see how long it takes for me to break that pride", he said and Katsuki felt Dabi chain one of his ankles to the ground.

"In this camber, time doesn't matter. We'll have a lot of fun, Katsuki", he said, marching to a lever that he gently stroked. What Katsuki couldn't see was that his shackles were attached to a hook attached to a chain. This rose to the ceiling, where a crank and metal slats were attached, to its lever. "I would be really happy, if your sweet voice won't rest in silence for too long, Babe", he whispered in a good mood, before he had already activated the lever and the apparatus began to move.

The gears cranked slowly and pulled on the chain, forced Katsuki's arms so slowly up and the blonde soon felt an unpleasant train in his back and shoulders. His arms were raised and tense as Dabi stopped for the first time, letting him pause in this slowly aching pose. His muscles tensed even more and Katsuki did not try to think about the unpleasant pull. Just when he thought he might be acting, he felt something wet, icy cold in his face.

Dabi grinned at him contentedly. Next to him had a metal bucket standing, in which he cared water and ice cubes. Again, Dabi reached into the water with his hand and sprayed Katsuki's face full. The cool drops burned on the skin and, since it was also pretty cool here, he felt the cold only stronger. "We've just started, my dear", he said and splashed ice water on his face and neck several times before taking the bucket and pouring half of the contents over his head, which Katsuki gasp for air.

"You're really a tuff guy, aren't you? But I'm not surprised since you've always proven you stubbornness. That's what I love most about you", "he said and the grin became more mean again while Dabi went back to his lever. "I love good challenges." He said, pushing the lever, which, like a car clutch, had three gears. "Please don't disappoint me, Katuski." He had set the slowest gear and Katsuki felt the chain move slowly and relentlessly upwards.

He wanted to get up to relieve the pressure, but the shackles prevented him from, being so close to the floor, that Katsuki couldn't move. He clenched his jaw and his teeth were grating, his fists tightened so tightly that his ankles came out white as Dabi kept the apparatus running. He could hear his bones groaning under the pressure on them, and suddenly he could not control his voice.

Katsuki let out a tormented scream as the apparatus tugged his arms over his head, dislocating his shoulder joints with a loud 'pop'. He felt the tugging of the cuffs on his wrists and foot and the burning of his back, which was tense throughout. Dabi's enthusiastic laugh reached his ears. "Fuck yes! That's it! That's what I wanted to hear!", he whispered enthusiastically, hugging his aching back a little, pressing against his tormented joints. "Your voice is cute when it's so full of pain", Dabi said, getting an angry "Fuck you" as answer.

Katsuki felt the black-haired loosen the anklets and force Katsuki into a standing position. His body protested against it, but Dabi's chains made him stop, his arms over his head. "Looks like our doc has a good job to do, when I'm finished with you", he said amused, reaching for a wooden baseball bat.

Humming, and without further warning, Dabi struck the blond with the bat, making a soft moan, before he fell silent and stared stubbornly at the floor. Dabi grinned wider, before he licked his lips and pulled out again. This time he hit hard on the blond's chest and Katsuki gasped in pain. "Ah, the kitten starts purring", he said in amusement, slapping his thigh, his upper arm, and Katsuki literally heard his bones groan and hurt. Dabi struck spots and grinned contentedly as he looked at Katsuki. The dull spots soon formed on the skin and Dabi grinned satisfied. "Mhhh the colors suit you really well", he said and threw the bat in a corner.

He reached for his belt and pulled out his knife. With this Dabi played again, eyes fixed on his victim. "You know, Babe", he started talking and looked at him like him as a predator looks at his prey. "I asked myself, how it would be if you were here. What would I do to you and this beautiful body", he continued grinning like a maniac. "But I was pretty sure, to leave a present on your body. Something that'll remember you about me, whenever you look at it", he whispered, walking around him again. "Do you know the best part about my job?" He asked with a grin and came closer. Even before Katsuki could answer, he felt the stinging pain in his chest as Dabi cut it slightly. Not too deep, but deep enough that he was bleeding.

"I know how to make people bleed without letting them die." Grinning, he licked the blade and looked at Katsuki. "Mh, you've got such a pretty body. Where do I just leave my present", he mused, moving around Katsuki, leaving small cuts that burned more than expected. "Fuck you, Dabi!" He growled and Dabi punched his face.

"Better watch out, that I'm not fucking you", he said, grabbing Katsuki's chin. "Actually, I'm more a fan of another blonde, but I would make an exception for you", he said grinning as he saw the younger man turn pale. Dabi laughed loud and dirty before letting go of the blonde and turning around. "Hmmm", Daby hummed before turning around and Katsuki gasped painfully. He looked down at himself as he felt blood flow down his stomach. Dabi had rammed the knife into his stomach and Katsuki sensed the metallic taste of blood in his mouth, which ran down the corners of his mouth.

"I think I've found the spot", he whispered smiling, pulling the blade a bit, creating a deep cut before pulling the blade out of his body and looking enthusiastically at the blood flowing along the metal. "Hmmm that's what I love", Dabi purred, licking the blood off the blade before looking at Katsuki. "That's better than sex", he said with a grin.

Katsuki's stomach ached, the blood in his mouth again and he felt how dizzy he was. "Ah, ah, ah, Kitty. Are you losing consciousness?" Dabi asked with a grin and grabbed the blonde's chin again and licked the blood from the corner of his mouth and drove the blade along Katsuki's cheek. "Show me more", Dabi whispered in amusement before slicing his blade back into the skin. Arms, legs, chest. Katsuki had stopped thinking about where his pain came from. He felt almost nothing and slumped to the ground when Dabi finally released him from the chains.

He had lost so much blood from his cut on his stomach that he had trouble keeping his eyes open. He widened his eyes and he groaned in agony as Dabi stepped into his cut again. "Who allowed you to faint?" He asked dissatisfied, turning Katsuki on his back and squatting in front of him. "Hey, I'm talking to you, Kitty", he said with a grin and, before Katsuki could do anything, he was torn from the blackness by the stinging pain and bellowed in agony.

Dabi had put his index and middle fingers in the wound and grinned almost psychopathically at Katsuki. "Yes, that's exactly what I want to hear," he whispered, licking his lips as he pushed his ring finger into the wound as well. He pushed his fingers deeper and felt the intestines that were in the blonde's stomach, felt the muscles contracting under the stress and the tremors of the body.

It was the best kick Katsuki could give him. It was exactly what Dabi loved. What he enjoyed. Torturing and killing. That was his passion. "Mhh feels good, right?" He asked humming as he leaned over Katsuki. "I'll tell you something. I'd like to slit your throat and hear your gurgling until you bleed to death", he whispered, pulling his fingers out again and grabbing him by the throat and squeezing, enjoying the suppressed wheezing of the blonde. "Unfortunately, the boss wants you alive", he whispered, licking the half-open lips Katsuki had bitten during the ordeal.

"Mhh, your eyes are still so full of pride", he whispered, his grin increasing in malice. "I'd like to entertain you a little more, but you would not survive if I don't stop yet", he said, sounding dissatisfied. Grinning, the black-haired broke away and stepped again to the younger, before he pulled out his smartphone. "I'm done here", Katsuki heard Dabi saying, before slipping into the darkness and losing consciousness.

"I saw life passing in my mind and soon enough, all I felt was the cold emptiness that enveloped me before everything was numb ..."


Katsuki came to breathing heavily and looked around inquiringly. Where was he? What happened? He needed a few moments to find his bearings. "Katsu, you're awake!" He glanced aside and noticed the moon face. What was she doing here? Why was she staring at him so worriedly with her big brown eyes? "How do you feel? Is something feeling numb?" She asked and the blonde shook his head. His throat was dry and his stomach hurt like hell.

Slowly the memories came back and Katsuki jumped upright, before he moaned hoarse with pain. Not a moment later, Ochako was next to him and had pushed him back on the pillows. "Do you wanna die so badly?" She snapped, removing the blanket before staring anxiously at the wound on his stomach. Thank god it was not open. "That was a pretty close thing, Katsu", she said, stopping at the infusions.

Ochako was pretty much one of the few people who knew anything about medicine. Old Chiyo had taught Ochako a lot. "Chiyo-san said that you were really lucky that Dabi was holding back. Otherwise he would have killed you", she explained, feeling his shoulders carefully. He hissed painfully and looked at her venomously. "Don't give me that look! I didn't do that to you...", she said, pulling her lips together in a sulky pout.

Katsuki leaned back and looked at the ceiling. He remembered what had happened. "I'm gonna kill them all", he whispered, and Ochako was terrified. "W ... what are you talking about?" She asked incredulously and Katsuki looked coolly at her. "I'm going to kill every single one of those motherfuckers." Ochako blanched even more. "You can't say that! Endeavor will kill you! "She sounded extremely worried, but Katsuki turned his head away. "Not if I kill him first." Ochako slapped her hand on the bed. "Stop talking nonsense, Katsuki. That's really not funny..." Ochako sounded worried. Of course, she had often treated him with minor injuries and as well as Deku's.

Deku ... Katsuki's gaze darkened and he stared at the ceiling. That filthy, misguided traitor. He had trusted him, he planned to get both of them out of this fucking hell. He would have helped the little asshole, had taken care that they had come through all of this. And all Deku did, to thank him was to tell everything to Endeavor. The taste of treachery lay bitter on his tongue. "Katsu ... I do not know why you're sent into Dabi's camber, but that's why I want to stop thinking about such nonsense..." Her eyes grew gloomier.

"I don't care about your words" he said more annoyed. "That's why you're always in trouble", Endeavor's voice sounded, and both Ochako and Katsuki stiffened. "So you're going to kill us all?" He asked, holding one of Katsuki's firearms in his hand. "I gave you a good life, Katsuki. Treated yourself well and taught you a lot", he said, pointing the gun at Katsuki.

"It's a shame that you're such an ungrateful brat", he said, smiling viciously at him, so the words were not credible. Katsuki bit his lip. "You want your freedom that much?" He asked with a grin. "Without a home? Without a future? "He asked, looking into Katsuki's eyes. It was clear that the Yakuza leader was looking for something in his eyes. In fact, he seemed to have found it. "Fine." He took the gun down. "Once you're recovered, you get the chance to earn your freedom", he said and Katsuki looked at him in disbelief before Endeavor left again.

Was that serious? //I'll get my fucking freedom back//, it shot him through the head. "Katsu ... don't believe him... Endeavor would never release someone for no reason" Ochako said, but Katsuki did not hear them. //I'll get back my shitty freedom//, he thought, looking happier.

"A spark of hope can ignite a fire. As with me ... and I let the flames flare up, in absurd, immature hope that was nipped in the bud. "


"Are you sure about that? Offering the brat an offer like this?" Dabi looked at Enji and played with his knife between his fingers again. He pressed the tip against his thumb so that the blood came out of the small puncture wound and dropped it on the blade to watch it fascinated as it flowed along the metal. He waited for the answer of his boss.

"Do you doubt my decision, Dabi?", He asked sharply and the black-haired man raised an eyebrow. "I would never dare to, boss. I just don't trust that brat", he said and his boss grinned. "It's an interesting experiment," he said now. "How will the villain get his life started? Will he even get it done? "He got up from his office chair and looked out of the window. He felt the skeptical look of Dabi in his back and decided to explain his plans more precisely.

"I want to see his hopes break, Dabi. I want to see what he does when he realizes that he has nothing. Friends? Family? I doubt that anyone will support him after everything you've told me", he said and Dabi grinned slightly. "You're so cocky, boss", he said in amusement and Enji grimaced. "I want to humble him. He'll come back, crawling on his knees, begging us to take him back and then I'll weigh his worth. I give him a year in 'freedom', before he will perish. He is 19 years old, has no proper degree and no perspective. What will he do? Does he want to prostitute himself?? Someone like Katsuki? Certainly not, "he said and went to his display case where he filled a glass with scotch and took a sip. "Do you have some news about Shoto?" He asked and the black-haired man smiled. "He is rebellious as always, but he fulfills his duties. You can say, his lovely mommy is too important for him, to be too rebellious", he said and Enji nodded. "Keep going on" he said and the black-haired man bowed briefly before disappearing.

Enji sipped his glass and smiled coolly. What he'd started here...It was risky, of course, but he was pretty sure Katsuki would never pass his test. And even if he did, he would surely be broken after this. //Once you're broken, you'll never again waste a thought on something like freedom. I didn't raise you to a perfect weapon for nothing//, he thought and his lips twisted again. That would be an interesting game.


His recovery took three weeks. Chiyo didn't want to let him go earlier and so Katsuki had surrendered and rested. What else was left for him? The old lady would have chained him to the bed if he had become rebellious again. So Katsuki had recovered well in the three weeks and was now on the way to Endeavor, who already expected him in his office.

"Oh, kitten, you've finally recovered", he heard Dabi's voice, standing in the hall, looking amused. The blond gave him a hateful gaze before he stepped into the office of Enji Todoroki and saw him standing directly in front of his window. "There you are", he said in amusement, looking at the blonde, who clenched his fists. "Of course you're here", the tall man continued, walking around Katsuki. "You really want you freedom this much that you even betrayed me", he laughed. "You also dared to tell me, that you will kill me." Katsuki could almost hear the evil smile.

"I should've allowed Dabi to kill you." That was a fact the blonde was aware of. This ass didn't need to pronounce her. Dirty bastard. "But I have the tendency, from time to time, to make small bets with my men", he said, stopping now in front of him. "Betting?" Katsuki could not resist the skeptical tone. "Bets," Enji confirmed.

"You'll get a small task from me and if you'll do it successfully, while I'm watching, you'll get you freedom", he started the explanation and went back to his office table and sat down in his chair. "What happen to me, if I fail?" Enji looked at him. "If you fail, you'll stay here for the rest of your life and...bring joy to my men", he said coldly, and Katsuki shuddered inwardly. "I could never let you run free again. You understand that for sure."

Katsuki gritted his teeth and looked at him. "And why are you so 'friendly' all of a sudden?" He wanted to know suspiciously and Enji smiled. "I want the joy of the game. If you win, you'll get your freedom. If you lose, my men will get a new toy." Endeavor smiled coolly at him. "Everyday life here can be quite boring and this is a great way to make it more interesting", he said, getting up. "So, do we have a deal?" He asked and Katsuki looked at him skeptically. "What happen to me, if I disagree?" Endeavor's eyes flashed. "If you disagree, the same thing will happen to you. You'll become the toy for my men", he explained Katsuki, who gritted his teeth. So he left him no real choice? Motherfucker! "Agreed", he said and Endeavor grinned at him satisfied. "Very good."

"If I had known what makes this test will be ..."


Katsuki stood in the middle of a room he would never have liked to enter again. It stank of rotting meat, feces and urine. On the floor lay the bones of the last humans that had once been here. Katsuki knew this place. He hated it. It was the place where he and Deku had to survive.

But this time there were not twenty children here and he was not tied to anyone. He was all alone in here and had his weapons with him. In the lounge above him, Endeavor stood behind the bulletproof glass and spoke to him. "The first part of this game is known to you. Survive ten minutes", Endeavor demanded, before pressing the button and Katsuki heard the wild growl before the dogs came out of the cages and stared at him, slobbering and snarling. "To make it more challenging for you, we didn't feed them for two weeks" the man added, seeing the first dog fall on Katsuki.

He skilfully rolled over the ground so that the dog jumped over him and stayed in a half crouching / half-kneeling position, aiming for the first dog to land with a deliberate headshot. He clicked his tongue as he realized he was surrounded by the critters and then dodged one of the dogs again and shot at two more and tried to stay on his feet until he felt a stabbing pain in his right shoulder where a dog had bitten when Katsuki was getting up. //Shit// He held the bullet to the dogs head with the other hand and shot him in the skull.

One bite was followed by another in his left forearm before he had killed all the animals and stood breathing heavily in the room. The bites burned hellishly and his clothes became full of blood. "Congratulations. You made it surprisingly well. You only got a few bites", said Enji, and Katsuki heard the typical warning signal before another screen door was opened and hisgorillas stepped into the pale light. In their arms they had a severely abused man, hands and legs, chained like a felon.

Katsuki's eyes widened in shock as he recognized the person thrown on the ground in front of him, among all the dogs corpse. "R ... RON!" Katsuki stormed toward the old man. Carefully, he hugged the old man, who was coughing heavily. Ron looked directly into Katsuki's eyes. "Katsu, my boy", he mumbled, looking worried as he noticed the blood spattering the blonde's face. He raised his chained hands and tried to touch his protege's cheek, but the pain made them sink to the ground again.

"What a heart-wrenching sight", Endeavor's voice rang out, and Katsuki glared up at him hatefully. "What did you do to him, you damn ass?" The redhead lit a cigar and looked at the two figures below. "I have given him the necessary punishment he deserves. He secretly tried to contact the police", he said, smiling. "Traitors must die if they are worthless. You should know that, Katsuki", he said, pointing to the old man. "The second part of your task: execute this traitor."

Katsuki glanced disbelievingly at the Yakuza leader before looking at Ron, who was coughing heavily. Endeavor reached into his pocket and pulled out a watch. "I'll give you five minutes. If he's not dead after this time, you lost", he informed him. Katsuki sat there and didn't know what to do. Ron was one of the few people he liked here. Who really meant something to him. He had found a caregiver in this man. He was so like his own father. He couldn't...

"Katsu", the old man said, coughing heavily again and gently adjusting his eyes to the red of the younger. A sad smile lay on his lips. "Do it", he whispered, and Katsuki's eyes widened as tears began to gather in them for the first time in years. This man reminded him so much of his father. The same, stupid, gentle smile! "I can't..." he whispered, tears streaming from his eyes and he couldn't help it (3).

"You want your freedom such much, don't you?" Ron asked, groaning in pain. "Do it then. I've lived my life and have nothing to regret", he said, sighing as Katsuki helped him sit down and reach for a weapon, sobbing. "I...Ron..." Katsuki hated himself so much that he had no strength to speak. He was ashamed of it, but the old man looked meekly to him and the smile did not disappear from his face. "It's okay", he said, closing his eyes.

Katsuki stood there with his gun aimed at the man, his face full of tears, trembling all over his body, before closing his eyes and shooting. The bang sounded inhumanly loud and his hand sank powerlessly down and the gun slipped out of his hand before he opened his eyes and saw the man rushing backward. In front of the blonde, this happened in slow motion and for a short time Katsuki thought that his brain played a trick on him because he saw his own father tilting backwards.

"Hah..." Katsuki tried to gasp, but it was like cut off and he grabbed the neck. "I'm really surprised. You come over all expectations", Endeavor said, grinning maliciously when he saw the hateful look of Katsuki. "I am a man of honor, Katsuki. Deal is deal and you're free", he said and turned away. Katuski heard him tell his gorillas to take him away.

"It is said that time heals all wounds, but at that moment I realized that there were things that would not be matter how long the time span might be..."


"What a tragedy." Sero leaned against the wall, a cigarette in his hand, looking at Izuku, who had searched for him. "He's going to be damned", he added, his smile on his lips, but Izuku didn't seem to be misled. "Sero, please..", he started again and the black-haired man sighed hard. "And what benefit do I get for doing that?" He wanted to know and the green-haired man bites his lower lip. "You know the business here: nothing is for free. Even if I like you, I need to survive too. At least I'll risk my life, you know", Sero said, blowing the smoke into Izuku's face.

"You know for sure that you don't get in trouble if you do that skillfully. After all, you're good at fooling others", the smaller one said more seriously, and Sero made a soft "Tcheeh hehe ". "That may be true, but I take risks for me, if I help him", he said, noting the stubborn look of Izuku. "Why is it that important to you anyways? I thought he hates you?"

Sero had probably caught a sore spot, because Izuku now looked sadly on the floor. "I know that Kacchan did that only because he feels deeply betrayed...I hate myself for my fear. For being too cowardly and for having betrayed my best big brother. I feel so guilty." Izuku's voice trembled slightly. He seemed close to tears. "I also know that it doesn't matter if I ask you to keep an eye on him but...he won't forgive me that easily, but...I can't just stand there and watch if he's out there all alone...I...Sero I beg you...I don't have a lot, that I can offer you...actually, almost nothing...but I don't want him to die because of me", he said and tears now flowed over the cheeks of the green-haired man.

Sero sighed heavily. He hated it when people cried in front of him. Something he had never liked before. "It's not that easy..." Sero said, scratching the back of his head. He closed his eyes and opened one of them and looked at Izuku before sighing heavily. He couldn't take this heap of misery. Shortly, he weighed the risks and the benefits he got from making this guy, who was Shotos precious friend, happy. He knew that the young Todoroki was attached to Izuku, who was the only person who really had anything to do with him. So it would be worthwhile continuing, to make good contacts with that man. He could still consider a consideration. Nevertheless, there was a problem: Bakugou Katsuki himself. The guy didn't want any help and was terribly proud. That could be a difficult birth.

"I can't promise you that he'll accept my help. You should know him better but...I can try it. If he declines, I won't do anything again", he began now and Izuku looked at him with wide eyes. "Sero..." The black-haired man raised his hand. "I'm only doing that because you and Shoto are good friends and I know that he needs Katsuki for his little plan", he said directly, groaning in the next moment as Izuku had sobbed at him.

"It's okay. I'm so happy, that you will try to... thanks, Sero. Thanks! "Again, the older one escaped a heavy sigh as he looked at the chick. Izuku was really a thing of his own, but Sero simply could not say 'no' when he looked at him so sadly. In addition, he himself was in good contact with Shoto, better than with Enji himself, and wanted to continue to offer his support for his plans. So it was only logical that he should help Shotos good friend too. He rolled his eyes slightly as Izuku didn't calm down and thanked him again and again.

"Thank me after he survived", the black-haired mumbled, continuing to stroke Izuku's head. //I'm not a damn babysitter (4)...//, he thought and smiled slightly. He really liked these two chaotics. //I hope you don't do anything stupid, Katsu //, he thought, and broke away from Izuku before disappearing into the shadows of the alleys. "There's a lot of work to do", Sero hummed.


Katsuki stood in a phone booth and did not know where to go. It had started raining. The gorillas of Enji had dragged him to his room where he was allowed to take his few belongings and after he finished packaging, they put a sack over his head before they had dumped him somewhere in a city. He had bared his bite marks and thought about what he should do before it had started to the rain and Katsuki had saved himself in the phone booth.

He stood in front of the communication device and wondered what he should do. It took an incredibly long time for Katsuki to make a decision that was difficult for him. Almost in slow motion, he picked up the receiver and threw some change into the device before turning the dial wheel and listening to the monotone 'toot'. Katsuki's heart beat inexorably and he felt an incredible nervousness (5).

It was a sheer endless time as the other side took off and Katsuki's heart stopped. How long, he had not heard her? The voice of the person, with whom he'd been fighting every fucking day? But just this was all that had to hear and his lower lip began to shake. >> Bakugou, hello? <<, it said at the other end and Katsuki took a moment to catch himself. His breathing was shaky and the woman became impatient. >>Is that some stupid joke?<< She asked annoyed. She sounded like she was going to hang up at any moment. It was also this tone that made Katsuki say "".

At the other end of the line he heard it falter, and it seemed the woman needed a few moments to understand who was there. "K ... Katsuki?" She asked in disbelief and the blonde leaned his head against the phone. The wounds burned terribly and he was tired. His eyes burned because he cried hours before and his vision blurred again as tears gathered in them. He didn't think it would make him cry, to hear his damn mother after such a long time. Katsuki took a deep breath to catch his breath. "No, it's Santa Clause", he said, not sounding half as sarcastic as planned.

"Oh God, Katsuki? You sound awful. What happened? Where have you been? Do you damn brat even have any idea how worried we were?", She asked now angry and Katsuki closed his eyes obediently. "I know..", he murmured and noticed how the woman calmed down. "I'm just not in the mood for this...I..." He stopped and searched for the words. "I made shit ... I really need you right now", he murmured and felt the water in his eyes increase. It was humiliating to come to his parents like a kicked dog. Surely they didn't want to have anything to do with him after all he had done. He himself would at least act that way, and since he was the child of his parents, he thought that they were just as vindictive.

He was wronged and his eyes widened when he heard his mother asking where he was. The blonde gave this information because there was a street sign nearby and waited in the rain. He was nervous. What should he say when he faced them? Their last meeting was four whole years ago. And this was a hard fight. That was the last time he had seen his parents. He hadn't made any calls with them, nothing. Did they think he was dead in a ditch?

The time he waited dragged like chewing gum and Katsuki felt his heart beat wildly as he recognized the car of his ancestors. Still it was the same old shitty car. How much he missed that sight. When the doors opened and a woman stepped out, who was looking alike him, his breath caught for a moment. To hear her was one thing, but to see her was a completely different one. And then his old man appeared too. Inevitably, the images of the past few hours came into his head and his eyes glimmered suspiciously while he looked at his parents.

They stared at him in disbelief. He probably looked like a poodle, as wet as he stood there, the wounds as makeshift as possible and red-swollen eyes of the fucking crying. "Katsuki...", she said and, before he could say a word, she had bridged the meters and taken her son in her arms. "Where have you been?" He heard her shaky voice in his ear, feeling as if a thousand needles were being chased through his chest. "I...", he started and stopped. He had expected everything. He had expected her to hit him, shout at him and anything else. But not that she hugged him and was happy to see him and cry tears of relief that he was back.

He looked at his father, who also arrived and fought tears. "We were so worried about you, boy", he said, stroking his cheek and Katsuki felt the trepidation rise in his throat. "I know...", he said, unable to stop the tears from running down his cheeks as Masaru wrapped his son and his wife tightly in his arms.

Katsuki closed his eyes and tried to ignore the pain of hi wound. It didn't matter. At this moment, the only thing that counted for him was that he was here with his parents and for the first time, after all this years, he felt safe again. A feeling of 'home' spread throughout him and he had to admit again that he had missed his parents. He had been such a fool.

"Instead of being rejected, I was welcomed with open, loving arms ... I didn't understand for a long time why my parents were still recording me and were there for me, where I was just a damned nuisance ... (6)"


"Katsuki? Wanna join us to watch a movie?" The blond looked up from his smartphone as his mother spoke to him. It had been four months since he had called his parents and they had taken him back. Since then, he lived in his old room and searched newspapers and internet for work, because he didn't want to leave his parents on the bag.

"No, thanks. Don't hesitate to look at your smooching", he said and the blonde shrugged before moving to her room to get ready. The blonde made a "Mhn" as his parents left the house and leaned back before staring at the ceiling and lighting a cigarette. A vice that he couldn't get rid of and after some discussion with his parents, they had given it up. Katsuki was still stubborn.

The last months had drained him. He had told his parents that he was in a kind of teenage gait and things had just gone awry and he had run away. Inaugurating them into the story with Endeavor would have been the death sentence of his parents.

Alone, that he was here, was enough risk, so he urgently needed a job and get out of here. But it was not that easy when you just had completed middle school and got no further education. He snorted in annoyance before staring at his smartphone, which began to vibrate, telling him he had a message.

Completely confused, he reached for it and read the message. >> Come outside, Katsu <<, stood there and immediately the blonde tensed and got up, only to go to his room and take one of his dessert eagle. He unlocked it directly and didn't even put it in his belt, but kept it in his hand, before he left the room and to the dresser of the front door, where he grabbed the keys and went out.

He did not trust his eyes outside the door. At the entrance of the fence that separated the property there was a person he had not expected. "What do you want here, Cheshire?" He asked directly indignantly, and moved quickly to the larger one to hold the gun to his chin. "You better give me a fucking good reason for not shooting you right here", he said and Sero giggled his well-known "Tchecheche" before raising his hands placatingly.

"I am glad to see you're doing well, Katsu", he said, squeezing his eyes 'cheerfully' before opening them again and dark shadows over his eyes. "Put that thing down. I'm not your enemy", he said, and the blonde snorted, before actually doing what Sero asked him to do and took the gun from his chin. He kept it in his hand, however, and warned the black-haired man. "One wrong move and I'll fucking kill you", he warned, and Sero laughed softly again.

"Killing me brings you more trouble than you can handle", he said, lighting a cigarette. With relish he inhaled the smoke before it remained in the smoke and it disappeared in the air. "I'm here because I heard you were gone", he began, and Katsuki snorted. "Obviously", he replied indignantly and Sero smirked. "I'm not here because I want to talk big about Endeavor, but I want to make you an offer that falls within your area of your expertise," he said and the blond raised an eyebrow.

"Well? Do I have your attention?" He asked pointing to the house. "We should continue our chat inside", he suggested, and Katsuki glared at him before he cleared the way for him and let Sero into the house. Sero undressed, as befitted himself, the shoes and went into the living room, where he threw himself on the couch and continued to smoke with relish. "I heard, you're looking for a job", he said and Katsuki snorted contemptuously. "Fuck you. I'll not bruise a finger for Endeavors Yakuza", he intervened, and Sero gave him a deadly look.

He was a relaxed person, but if you pissed him too hard, Sero could be dangerous. "Let me finish, Katsu", he said, taking another pull as the blonde crossed his arms and hissed. "As you know, I'm the one organizing Endeavors orders. I collect everything that is of benefit to a yakuza and then refer to the valued gentlemen: potential dealers, murder orders and so on", he said, leaning over to the blonde. "And that's where you come in", he said, raising his index finger. "I offer you a deal you'll lick all of your fingers for: I'll give you that orders to chose one, before I'll give them to Endeavor. The name "Ground Zero" is still a big number in the underground, you know. There are many people who pay nice pennies, to make sure, their jobs are done by this guy. They are so stupid, they wouldn't even notice, that you're no member of Endeavors yakuza anymore, as long as you do your work good."

"You won't offer me such a shit out of charity. What's in it for you?" He asked and Sero laughed again. "Smart as always. Like everyone else, Endeavor naturally deducts all revenue for itself. I get a pittance from the money, which is just enough for me to get the essentials", he said and sets up a mock funeral. "In return, I get half the revenue as 'administrative and silent money'. Well, what do you say? "Katsuki was silent for a while before he answered. "I didn't want to work in these fucking circles again."

The room was filled with Sero's loud laugh. The black-haired man curled up on the couch and wiped away the tears of laughter. "Not in these circles ... Jesus fucking Chirst, what do you think? That you can just work somewhere like a normal human being? God how cut!" Another laugh followed, followed by Katsuki's annoyed gasp before it was suddenly quiet. Sero became unusually serious and the grin disappeared from his face. "Be realistic: You've been in these circles since you were 15 years old. You don't have a proper degree and education. Until recently, you were considered missing. What I offer you is simply earned money in an area that you are already familiar with, isn't it? "

Again the crafty grin returned to his lips. "Killing is in your blood, Katsuki. Dabi had felt that and brought you to the Todorokis. Endeavor has always referred to you as an unfinished diamond and honed you to one." He reached out and opened his hand. "Think about it: you're your own boss. You'll never have to do as someone told you. You take control of your own life", Sero said and Katsuki clenched his teeth. Sero played with nasty cards and addressed things that had annoyed the blonde even then when he was under Endeavor's hand.

"All I'm asking for is fifty percent of the payments. That's more than fair, don't you think so?" Katsuki didn't look seem to agree and Sero sighed heavily. "Come on, Katsu. I never gave you a reason to hate me.", he said and the blonde closed his eyes in annoyance. "But also no reason to like you", he replied and Sero grabbed his heart and sighed theatrically. "Aww, you just broke my heart."

Sero got up again and looked Katsuki in the eye. "You should think about that, Katsu. I would still refer you as Ground Zero and nobody would know that you're still in this business. Endeavor thinks that you have already died of starvation or any infection and I could simply say that someone is getting your name. Wouldn't be the first time something like that happens", he said, grinning slightly. "This is the chance for you to get your life under control" With these words he went to the door. "You have my number. So, if you've thought about it, call me, baby", he shouted to him, sending him an over-the-top blow of air and putting on his shoes before leaving. //I did what you asked me to do, Izuku. Now it's up to that stubborn idiot//, he thought, and grinned slightly. Actually, he was in good spirits. He knew he had named points that irritated the blonde. In addition, he loved to shoot it with his guns, often enough he was in the practice halls for it. Laughing, he disappeared into the shadow of the night.

"Ron once told me that certain things in life are predetermined. I was at a loss as to what to do, but I knew I should decide ... "


Two weeks had passed since Sero's visit, during which Katsuki had kept thinking about accepting this offer. Now he had decided on it and had clarified with Sero the details: He should move out of the Shizuoka prefecture. Sero had told him right away that Katsuki would have to make some moves before he could really find his place to settle down. This should also serve to cover his tracks in the underground.

The blonde was sitting in the kitchen eating with his parents. "I've something to tell you", he began, looking at the two. His parents, who had just talked about something, interrupted their conversation and looked questioningly at Katsuki. "What is it about, my boy?" Masaru asked, becoming more serious when he saw the blonde's face. "You know that I've been looking for a damn job for a while now", he began, reaping a quiet nod. "And that's what it's about here: I want to move." Mitsuki's mouth fell open and Masaru dropped his spoon. "Why?", His mother wanted to know immediately and the blonde sighed hard. It had been clear that she would question that. He could not blame her. After all, they had found him again after four years and he wanted to go leave directly, after all these interviews with the police were completed.

"Because I got a damn job", he said, gritting his teeth. "A 'friend' who helped me out of the shit made things clear", he explained, leaning back. "And that's not one of those guys in this gang?" Masaru asked worriedly and Katsuki shook his head. "As I said: He helped me get out of this and I once asked him if he made anything clear to me, after all he knows a lot of people", he explained, trying to make it as believable as possible. Shit that was what was feared. He could hardly say that he was in a yakuza for four years, who had made him a murderer, and things like that. They would immediately put him in the fold. It was hard enough to make clear that he didn't want and needed therapy. Masaru noticed that his son was feeling unwell and wanted to continue their conversation.

"What's this job about? " His father wanted to know curious and Katsuki closed his eyes. "I got a job in a security company. A friend of him is probably looking for someone and I'm trained in handling fists and shit like that. Also I'm not intimidated", he lied and his father nodded slightly, he seemed to believe him. He was sorry that he was lying to his parents here, where they had come together again, but Katsuki couldn't tell them what he was up to. He never wanted to see anyone die again...never again.

"And where will that be?", Mitsuki clicked into the interview and Katsuki looked up. "Chiba Prefecture", he said. "I know, that's a bit further away, but in desperation the devil eats every crap fly", he growled, and Mitsuki nodded. "You call us regularly?", She asked now stricter and Katsuki puffed exasperated. Why was he not surprised about that? "Yes, I will call you regularly", he said and Mitsuki smiled satisfied. "Fine! That means we have a lot to prepare for your move! Should we start? "She asked. Katsuki looked at her in surprise. They were satisfied with that? Just because? Or did they fear that the misfortunes of four years ago would be repeated if they pressed him too hard? For whatever reason, he wouldn't question it and the three started planning the move.

"Needless to say I have damn good parents who always support me? I have thanked them too seldom... "


Katsuki lit a cigarette and stared at the house in front of him. For four years he was back in the business and worked with Sero. During this time he had moved five times and this should now be his final apartment. At least for now. Katsuki blew out the smoke and took the apartment keys out of his pocket. The old lady, which lived here before him, had probably moved out because she got sick and her son wanted to rent the apartment quickly. This is how Katsuki had naturally accessed, since he had wanted to move to Tokyo for some time and there he stood now.

He entered the house, which was inhabited mainly by old people, and climbed the stairs. The last floor where his apartment was located was spacious and had two apartments. One of them was his. He went to the door, which had his name tag and looked at the name tag of the neighboring apartment as he passed. >> Kirishima <<, stood there. Bakugou paused for a moment and pulled out a few notes from his sports bag and rolled his eyes as he found the name. "Kirishima Eijirou, 22" was on the list.

Great. Of all the neighbors he had to receive the youngest. Well, hopefully he would be nice and quiet. Katsuki had chosen this house after all, because there were many old sacks living here who would question little. Blowing out the smoke, he unlocked the apartment and looked at it. The moving people had done a great job. What someone could do with a little more change was amazing.

The blonde went to his new living room and closed his eyes. It would take him a while to settle in, but everything was better than the awkward Fukuoka prefecture. How good that he was gone from there. His ex-girlfriend had been so annoying that Katsuki didn't want to stay there any longer. He desperately hoped that he would find some rest here and do his job.

"I had no idea that this new neighbor, who hadn't noticed me yet, would be the person who would turn my whole life upside down ..."


(1) That's what I think in this AU a very logical explanation
(2) Smoking is generally allowed in Japan only at the age of 20 years.
(3) Yes, I would feel the same as him. Even someone like Katsuki who is under stress becomes emotional.
(4) Apparently, Sero ^^
(5) If I were also in his place. In addition, the whole thing nibbles at him.
(6) No matter how much crap you build, your parents will ALWAYS be there for you, Katsu.


That was the special to Katsu's past.

To ask if it has liked is not quite as appropriate here. Are you shocked? Do you think everything would have turned out differently, could not he have been so influenced?

See you in the main story: 3


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