Him & I

Av Nicolettes8

6.1K 207 34

Highest Ranks: #1 in grumpy #180 in GoodGirl #37 in Wattys2018 Hope: Her mother died in a 'mugging' and h... Mer

Chapter One:
Chapter Two:
Chapter Three:
Chapter Four:
Chapter Five:
Chapter Six:
Chapter Eight:
Chapter Nine: Part One
Chapter Ten: Part Two
Chapter Eleven:
Chapter Twelve:
Chapter Thirteen:
Chapter Fourteen:
Chapter Fifteen:
Chapter Sixteen:
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen:
Chapter Nineteen:
Chapter Twenty:
Chapter Twenty-One:
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three: Part One
Twenty-Four: Part Two
Epilogue: Prom

Chapter Seven:

243 6 3
Av Nicolettes8

My room was a mess with bathing suites. I didn't know which one to wear they were old and barley looked semi- decent on me. I looked around at the mess of bathing suites I made on my bed  and just threw myself backwards onto my bed. I turned my head to the left and saw a blue and white one piece bathing suite I brought a couple weeks ago. Undressing myself of my pajamas and threw on my bathing suite. I then searched my bed for my white dress cover and threw that on over my bathing suite.  Leaving my room I grabbed my both bag and cellphone as I walked out my room.  I was already late so I rushed down the stairs and being the klutz that I am I fell down them. Laughing at myself I picked myself up and walked towards the door. Just as I was about to open the door it was being opened from the other side. I frowned and took a step back as the door opened and reviled my brother. I smiled widely for a second before running into my brothers arms.

"I missed you so much! How college?" I asked as I stepped out of his grasp.

"Hey! I'm here too where's my hug?" Someone said stepping out from behind Justin. I squealed when I saw it was my brothers best friend Jason and ran into his arms.

"What are you doing here?" I asked breaking free from his bear hug.

"Justin told me he was coming to see you so I thought I'd tag along an see my favorite girl!" He said with a shrug. I rolled my eyes but smiled at his comment and gave him another hug. Jason Grant has been my brothers best friends since before I could even walk. I had a small crush on him when I was nine and he was eleven. But I mean who wouldn't fall for this goofball. He had blonde hair and sparkling blue eyes that you seem to always get lost in. But I lost all those feeling for him when I turned sixteen and my mom dad and my dad starting drinking he helped Justin take care of me. Then my dad starting working away and these two become both my parents. 

"Where are you going?" Justin asked looking at what I was wearing.

"A friend invited me on his boat and per-usual I'm late." I Said with a sigh.

"Since when did you have friends that were guys?" Justin asked and telling by his voice he didn't like it.

 "I already don't like him. You're not going." Jason said walking over to the couch and lay on it.

"He's just a friend and I'm not even really going for him. His litter sister wants me there." I said crossing my arms at my two overprotective brothers.

"Guys and girls can't just be friends, one always falls for the other and there a fifty- fifty chance you will be the one to  get hurt. Your're not going." Justin said turning on the tv and moving Jason's feet so he could sit. My phone beeped letting me know I got a  message.

Your late. Get here now or we're leaving without you. 

Just by the tone I knew it was King. Rolling my eyes I added him to my contacts. I quickly responded  to his text and ran out the house. I quickly unlocked my car getting in and locking my doors. On the corner on my eye I saw Justin and Jason running out the house. I chuckled and started the engine to my car and speed out of the drive way knowing that I was going to be in a lot if trouble when I got home later. 

I then put his address into my phones maps and started the short drive to Kings house.


Pulling into Kings apartment complex my heart started to race. I didn't know how this was going to play out and that was what scared me the most. The not knowing. I shut off my car and stepped out the car. I started walking towards the door but was stopped when I heard my name being called from behind me. I turned and saw Samantha running towards me. I walked vastly toward her. When she reached me I opened my arms and she jumped into my arms and I hugged her tightly.

"I missed you Hope!" she said against my neck.

"I missed you two Sammy!" I said squeezing her tighter. 

"Are you two done? We need to get going we're already late as it is.." King said pooping out of nowhere. I nodded putting Sammy back down on the floor. Sammy took my hand as we followed King across the street and towards his four-by-four gray and white truck. The boat was connected to his truck by a trailer. The boat itself was big and looked like it could fit loads of people.  Why did two people need this big of boat?

"I can't wait to go on the boat!" Sammy said jumping up and down.

"We just went on the boat last weekend pumpkin." King said with a chuckle.

"I know JoJo but this time Hopes going to be with us!" She said with excitement in her eyes. it made my heart flutter. I know I only met her yesterday but I already love this little girl so much.

King didn't respond to what his sister said but only told us to get into the car. I helped Samantha into the car and buckled her in seeing as King was busy doing whatever. When he saw what I was doing he looked over at me and said thank you I was shocked by this. I never thought he would say those words but none the less I smiled widely and said your welcome. I couldn't stop smiling even after he go in the car, started it and drove off. The car was silent. I didn't like it. Silence always made me worry. Luckily God was on my side and Samantha spoke.

"JoJo can you put Moana on?"

He groaned but did as his little sister asked. I didn't get the chance to watch Moana but I heard the movie was great. Listening to the songs now even though Sammy was screaming on the top of her lungs I could tell they were good.


The rest of the ride was good. I was just happy we were going to be on the water in a couple of seconds King was just setting everything up. When he was done he opened his arms for Samantha to come in. She did what he wanted and he placed her in the boat. She was so happy she started dancing weirdly. I laughed at her. I was watching Samantha so I didn't notice King holding his hand out for me to take. Blushing I took his hand and he helped me onto the boat.

Sammy and I were sitting on the seats on the back of the boat as King reversed the boat out of the dock. I looked down at the water as he did and the water no matter how dirty looked beautiful. I was mesmerized. I don't even remember the last time I was on a boat.... Hmm. Oh. It was for my birthday the year before my mom died. I frowned not as excited to be on a boat as I was seconds before.

"Hold on tight." King said breaking me out of my daze.

"Are you ok Hope?" Sammy asked noticing my sad expression.

"Yeah, I'm ok. I'm just remembering someone close to me." I said with a small smile on my face.

"Who?" She asked.

"My mom. She went to heaven a while ago and now she's with all her angel friends." I said looking down at her sad face. I didn't mean to make her sad. "What's wrong Sammy?"

"Do you think my mommy and your mommy are friends?" She asked and I was confused for a second before understanding her question.

"Yeah, I think they're the best of friends!" I said just as I felt a bump and jumped screaming a little. I laughed at myself. Then another bump hit and I jumped even higher.

"Weeee!" Sammy screamed as another bump hit.

We were on the ocean and it looked so beautiful I couldn't stop staring at the water till I saw the beach houses. They were so big and beautiful, I couldn't stop starring at them. I wondered if people actually lived their or if people just brought the houses to show just how much money they had. 

"Do you think people live there?" I asked voicing my thought.

"Retired people probably. People who want to get away from the world who been it all their lives." King said answering my question.

"They really are living the live then." I said amazed at how big the houses were. I don't understand how people needed that big of a house just to retire. 

"We have a big house like that!" Sammy said excitedly.

"Really!" I asked surprised.

"No, we don't remember pumpkin we sold that house?" King said taking his eyes off the ocean for a couple of seconds to look at his sister before giving his full attention to the water in front of him. 

"Oh, yeah." Sammy said with a small frown on her face. When we passed the beach houses I was kind of disappointed because I didn't want to stop staring at them. I wanted to live in something like that one day. But I don't think that would happen unless I marry someone rich. It was either that or I get really successful doing that something. The last option pleased me better than letting someone else buy me something I wanted then if we got divorced they could just take it away. If I wanted something I wanted to buy it on my own. 

The boat stopped and King ran to the front of the boat to throw the anchor down. He groaned hitting himself against the edge of the boat.

"Do you need help?" I asked worried he might really hurt himself. He just ignored me and moved away from the edge of the boat back to the middle of the boat to where the steering wheel was and took off his shirt and I couldn't take my eyes off his abs. I mean I wanted to because it's rude to stare but like I said its hard. He has a nice body.

"You know it's rude to stare." Samantha says from beside me.

"I wasn't." I lied looking down at the seven year old blushing.

"Sure." She said making a cute face and shaking her head at me.

"Alright maybe I was starring a little." I said with a chuckle.

"I'm going to tell Jojo!"She said with a smirk  on her face. I didn't get a chance to stop her because before I knew it she was running over to her brother. "Jojo, Hope was starring at you!"She spoke smirking at me. Oh, yes she really is King's little sister. 

"Oh, was she now? Did you like what you see?" He asked showing off his body making me really embarrassed. Sammy started laughing at her older which made me laugh and when I started laughing I couldn't seem to stop. King even joined in much to surprise. That was until our eyes meet and per- usual he started glaring at me. I really don't understand him sometimes. At times he was okay with me being around and other times it was like he hated the idea of me being even close to him. I shook my head and moved toward the end of the boat. I watched the little kids splash each other in the water and smiled as the other little kids riding jet ski's fell off because they were going too fast. I lost my smile when I saw a family play in the water. The dad had his daughter up in the air and threw her into the water not too far from where he was. The mother then threw the beach ball at her husband as their son laughed. My heart hurt watching other families when mine was so messed up. I could only wish for more time like that with my parents. 

"Hope can you make Jojo let me go in the water? He never lets me go in and I really want to go swimming with you!" She wined.

"I don't know if I can persuade him honey, if you didn't notice your brother doesn't like me very much." I said cautiously.

"Please!" She begged tears forming in her eyes.

Ugh not again.

"Fine!" I said groaning and walking over to King.. "Um.. Hey King?"

"What." He growled out.

"Your sister begged me to come over here and ask if she could go swimming." I asked and he looked at me with a straight face but raised an eyebrow at me. He didn't speak for a couple second before smirking and looking at his little sister.

"Sam, I'll let you in the water for a thirty minutes but only if Hope let's me throw her into the water. " He said still smirking. Sam's eyes went wide. She looked at me for a second and I shook my head at her before she looked at King and nodded furiously.

"Please hope! Pretty Pretty please!" She begged running over to me. 

"I-" I started but I couldn't finish my sentence because I didn't know what to say. Just the thought of King's hand on my body had my heart racing and my palms sweating. Imagine what I would look like if he actually had his hands on my body. I looked up at King who was smirking at me with a raised eyebrow. If I said no I would be disappointing Samantha and she wouldn't be allowed in the water. I would feel bad.  

"Fine." I groaned not wanting to do this. My heart was already starting to race and my palms were starting to sweat. He slowly towards me his eyes not leaving mine. When he stopped right in front of me I took a step back not wanting him to hear how fast my heart was racing. " Just let me take this off." I whispered softly pointing at my cover up. He took a small step back and kept smirking at me. I lowered my hand to the bottom of dress and slowly took it off. When it was off I dropped it on the floor and King took a couple steps closer to me. With the way my heart was beating in my chest I'd bet King could hear it. 

"Do I make you nervous love?" He asked softly taking me into his arms. 

"Yes." I said without thinking and blushed when I realized he could actually hear or feel my heart beating. 

"Good." He said grabbing hold of my body and without much warning threw me over the boat and into the water. I screamed going down but when I came up for air I laughed. I looked up and saw Samantha smiling down at me. I gave her a small wave. 

 "Alright let's get you in the water." King said picking up Samantha and walked over to the latter and placed her down the latter.  When Samantha got into the water she swam over to me and said thank you. I just smiled at her. I guess it wasn't all that bad. 

"I'm coming in!" King yelled before jumping off the side of the boat and into the water. When King resurfaced Sammy quickly swam over to him and spoke so softly I couldn't hear what she was saying. I took this time to dive under the water and swim. When I resurfaced the salt water didn't feel good at all in my mouth or my eyes and rubbing my eyes made it worse. I swam closer to Sam and king when I reached them King was whispering something into Sam's ear that was making her giggle. I wandered what he was saying until salt water was splashed in my face repeatedly.

"Hey!" I screamed laughing and trying to throw some of the water back at them.

"Ow!" Samantha screamed  and I stopped pushing the water toward them and worriedly moved closer to Samantha to see if she was ok. I knew she was ok when she giggled and began throwing more water in my face.

"Nice!" King said smiling and giving her a high five. I glared at him and began swimming over to them. I glared at King but he didn't look affected because he was just smirking at me! I moved closer towards King and pushed his head under the water. He didn't see it coming so he actually went under. I held him there for a couple of seconds before he overpowered me. My eyes widen as he started moving closer to me. I started swimming away but it wasn't long before he caught up to me. Being in his arms and so close to him made my heart race for the hundredth time today.

"Now that wasn't very nice was it Hope?" He said moving closer to me. I moved back not wanting him to know how I was reacting to his touch. He moved closer to me and I stood frozen looking into his hazel eyes. I couldn't look away even though I wanted to but it was like I was under a spell. I don't know how I felt about that. 

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