The Lost Fairy

By goldendragon225

275K 5.7K 2.3K

Over 400 years old, part of a secret scientific experiment by that era's Magic Council. F/n L/n, a wanderer... More

Chapter 1: The Hurting Hero
Chapter 2: The War Begins
Chapter 3: Phantom's Arrival
Chapter 4: Secrets Revealed
Chapter 5: Lost Shirt
Chapter 6: Trains...
Chapter 7: Womanizer M/N?!
Chapter 8: Break The Ring
Chapter 9: M/N's Anger
Chapter 10: New Home/ Nightmares
Chapter 11: Ninja
Chapter 12: Truth's Revealed
Chapter 13: The Ultimate Roar
Chapter 14: Arrival In Edolas
Chapter 15: Edolas M/N
Chapter 16: Return To Earthland
Chapter 17: The Cloaked Man On Tenrou Island
Chapter 18: The Power Of A God
Chapter 19: Training/The 7 Year Time Skip
Chapter 20: An Ancient Dragon Slayer
Chapter 21: Focux
Chapter 22: Neptune Vs. The God of Dragons
Chapter 24: Horace and Bora
Chapter 25: The Original Dragon Slayers
Chapter 26: M/n Vs. Thor
Chapter 27: M/n's Enemies
Chapter 28: The Fight For Humanity
Chapter 29: Rage of The Dragon God
Chapter 30: We Don't Trade Lives
Chapter 31: The Light Alliance
Chapter 32: Feelings Revealed
Chapter 33: The Grand Magic Games Begin
Chapter 34: The Grand Magic Games Pt.2
Chapter 35: Pandemonium
Chapter 36: Dragon Force
Chapter 37: Mercurius Rescue
Chapter 38: The Hungry Wolf Knights
Chapter 39: The Death of The Dragon God?!
Chapter 40: The Party
Chapter 41: We have a pool?
Chapter 42: The Eclipse Spirits
Chapter 43: The Sun Village
Chapter 44: Love
Chapter 45: Tartaros Begins
Chapter 46: Tartaros Vs. M/n
Chapter 47: Rockwell's Sacrifice
Chapter 48: Rage of The Water Dragon
Chapter 49: The Will
Chapter 50: Father and Son
Chapter 51: Fairy Tail Zero- The Lost Fairy
Chapter 52: The Dragon God Returns
Chapter 53: A Darkness Within
Chapter 54: Ankhseram
Chapter 55: Neptune's Final Atonement
Chapter 56: Armageddon Part 1
Chapter 57: Armageddon Pt. 2
Chapter 58: Broken.
Chapter 59: The Strongest Dragon Slayer
Chapter 60: Wood God Dragonslayer
Chapter 61: A Broken God
Chapter 62: Magnolia

Chapter 23: Pushed To The Limit

3K 74 16
By goldendragon225

Mira POV

I rush over to his side, and feel his coat was damp, I run off to grab the communication lacrima and call Elfman to come help me move him. But once I do, I see something on my hand... Blood... Wait...? I run back out to M/n, and touch his coat again, I see my finger now has blood on it too... His coat wasn't damp from water, it was from blood. I light a lantern next to us and set it down, and sure enough... blood stains... I hadn't noticed the true color before due to the lighting in here... I unbutton his coat, and am met with a fairly gruesome sight. M/n's entire torso was laced with deep lacerations and trails of both dried and wet blood. I quickly begin cleaning them, and when Elfman and Lisanna arrive she begins helping my bandage them as Elfman brings us supplies. Once we're finally done with his torso and arms though, I knew we had to check his legs as well. And sure enough, they were also covered in deep gashes. It took us almost and hour to completely clean and bandage his wounds, and we also had to try and cover the cuts on his face without messing anything else up, they were so close together it was hard to bandage each of them separately. As we finish we get a pair of shorts on him and Elfman carries him back to our place. We place him in Lisanna's room and she sleeps with me for the night, but every once in a while, I'd go to check up on him. He did save my life twice after all... At the guild hall during Gajeel's attack, and at Tenrou Island, I have to make sure he makes it through this... The next morning Lisanna goes to the guild with Elfman to take my spot for the day. I decide to go down and make something to eat, I didn't have a chance to get dinner last night, and haven't had breakfast today yet.

Your POV

I wake up in an unfamiliar room. I feel my body stinging all over. I sit up and swing my legs over, only to realize I'm covered in bandages. Somebody tried to help me? Just where did I end up last night? I think to myself rubbing my head. I groan as I stand up, and limp downstairs, but on my way down I see a picture, the Strauss siblings? Wait...? I smell something cooking, and it's good... Really good... Mira? I walk down and see her standing in the kitchen I walk over and put a hand on her shoulder. She jumps and turns around.

Mira: "M/N!" She screams and hugs me. "I was so worried!" Worried? B-but why would she be worried about me? Even in this condition, she doesn't know me well enough to care about me like that.

You: "Uh, yea, I'm good now." I say, trying to ignore the pain of her hug on my wounds.

Mira: "Are you ok? Do you need anything?"

You: "I could use whatever it is you're cooking." I say peering over her down at the food on the stove.

Mira: "Sure! Go make yourself comfortable, I'll have it ready in a minute or two." I nod and go sit down at there dining table. God, I feel extremely hungover right now... A few minutes later Mira walks out with sausage and eggs. I begin to dig in, Mira's cooking was the best I've had... Well, since my mothers cooking... Then I hear her stomach rumble. I raise a brow at her, but she just laughs, saying she's fine.

Mira POV

He pushes his plate over to me, a bit over half eaten. I look up to him, and he smiles at me and leans back.

You: "Eat up, your stomach obviously wants you to, so don't ignore it." I nod and begin eating, surprised he gave up his food. M/n wasn't one to give up food easily. He once cracked Natsu's head open for stealing his piece of bacon. He walks over and lies down on the couch as I finish. I sit across from him as he throws a small ball up and catches it over and over. I begin studying him, he had messy H/C hair, pure E/C eyes, and was extremely fit. You could still see the definition even through all of the bandages around him right now. He was actually very attractive, aaaand he's in nothing but his underwear... Has he been like this the entire morning? He looks over and smiles at me, I look away immediately, feeling my face heat up. I hear him chuckle and sit up.

Mira: "So, Erza's one lucky gal then isn't she?" He looks at me confused.

You: "Uh, sure?" Did he seriously not know what I was referring to?

Mira: "Well, I mean she is, if she's with someone like you." He laughs and waves it off.

You: "No No, Erza and I are just good friends, for now, maybe later down the road, she does have nice... features..." He says carefully, like he was scared of how I would react.

Mira: "Well, so do you, and from what Cana says not only is your body in great shape..." His cheeks turn a shade of pink.

You: "Greeeaaaat..." He says, smiling through the embarrassment. "Well, once Laxus comes back you'll have him again." WHAT?!

Mira: "What are you talking about?!" Nobody knew how I felt about him, I had made sure of that, so how did M/n figure it out when he knew Laxus and I for a month, then he was expelled.

You: "Oh, come on Mira, let's not hide it. I've figured out who everybody likes already."

Mira: "Really?" Hmm? Maybe his ships match up with mine?

You: "Lucy and Natsu is obvious, they're always together. Gray and Juvia most likely. Elfman and Evergreen I think is going to happen eventually." Wait?! They Were Serious About That!? "Hmmm, Erza and the Tower guy seem really close too, wouldn't be surprised if she ended up with him." He says scratching his chin.

Mira: "Wait? Don't you like Erza?"

You: "Sure, but her and Tower guy were a thing before her and I, so it's her choice really."

Mira: "Ok then, anybody else?"

You: "Yea..." He grumbles out.

Mira: "Who?"

You: "Well Carla and Happy will definitely happen at some point, that cat's too persistent to give up. Levy and Gajeel of course will become a thing sooner rather than later... And finally..." He grumbles out. "Wendy and Romeo, as much as I don't like it, she talks to him WAY too much to not like him..."

Mira: "AWWW!! You're Like A Protective Father!" He groans and lies back down.

You: "Am not. I just don't want her dating yet, I was told to protect her, and boys as young, and even older teenagers are just not a good thing. Romeo isn't necessarily the problem, I just think her age is too young." Hmm, so he did like Romeo, I was starting to think, by the way he was talking, Romeo was somehow a bad influence. "Man... I'm gassed, I'm going to go lie down in bed for a few minutes, then we can head to the guild, sound good?" Minutes?

Mira: "You're going to sleep for a few minutes?" He shrugs.

You: "Can't sleep without someone else, no use in wasting time."

Mira: "I'll Do It!" I scream out, both louder and faster than I wanted to.

You: "Really? You don't have to, I hate to force people to." I nod and walk in front of him upstairs. "Okey dokey then." We both fall onto the bed and pull the covers up. A few minutes later, I feel his arms around me, and his head on top of mine... He was so warm... Man, I could get used to this, I guess I'll have to send Erza away more often, his arms were so strong, yet he wasn't squeezing me or anything. Jeez, I can see how he has managed to sleep with so many women before. I roll over and snuggle into his chest, I wish this feeling would last forever.

Your POV

I wake up with Mira snuggled up next to me. I yawn and slowly get up, trying not to wake her. I walk over into the bathroom and begin removing the bandages. Man, these were some nasty ones. Each of them must have been at least a few inches long, and they were all fairly deep as well. Once I get all the bandages removed on my torso, I begin healing each of them, although after the first few, I realized they were all going to scar... God, damnit... I groan as I take off my pants and begin doing the same thing. Once I finish, I sit down on the countertop, using even that much of my healing abilities was taxing on my magical energy. Finally, I begin healing the ones on my face, putting more energy into them, hoping they wouldn't scar as much. It actually worked pretty well, only two of them left noticeable scars, and there were quite a few of them. One directly to the left of my left eye, and the other was low on my chin. I put back on my clothes and walk downstairs, surprised to see Mira finishing up cleaning a glass.

Mira: "Hello M/n! Sleep well?" I nod and sit down on the couch there.

You: "Yea, thanks for that."

Mira: "No Problem! Come back anytime you need someone to sleep with!" Well, that was slightly arousing. 'Stoooooooop...' I laugh to myself, this dragon never lets me have fun anymore. 'No, it's because of Miss Scarlet you've led her on too far to go back now.' Oh... right... Damn relationships. This is bullshit. It's been weeks now... WEEKS. I stand up and tell Mira I'm heading off to the guild, she hurriedly finishes and follows me out. "So, how are you and Erza doing?" Waaaiiiit...? I look down at her, raising a brow, was she inferring "that" again... How?! How do people know this stuff?!

You: "Uh, we're great... friends..." I say smiling and swinging my arm, only to receive her laugh in response. Damn, it didn't work.

Mira: "I can see why Erza finds you so amusing, she's always complaining about you." What? What was I doing wrong? "But everybody knows she only complains about people she likes." Oh thank god, my heart was quaking during that moment. We arrive at the guild and I decide to go take a job while the others were away, just a normal S-Class job, but it paid fairly well, so I decided to take it and walk out... About a 3 hour jog later, I arrive at the town. I decide to get a hotel for the night and shower. As I'm in the shower though, I couldn't help but feel like something big was coming... I wake up the next morning and try to find whoever sent this job request. I was supposed to take down some group of guys or something, although the flyer didn't make them out to be bandits. Eventually, a little girl comes up to me.

You: "Hello." I say with a smile. "How can I help you?"

Girl: "Are you the one here to save mommy!" What?

You: "Yes. Where is she?"

Girl: "Follow me! I'll bring you to daddy! He knows!" She grabs my hand and runs off. A minute or two later we arrive at a small light blue house with a white picket fence and large yard, filled with toys. "Daddy Daddy! Mr. Wizard Is Here!" I see an averaged sized man walk out, although he didn't look too good. Lack of sleep, unshaved, greasy and messy hair.

Man: "What is it Clare?"

Clare: "It's Him! Mommy's Hero!" The man raises a brow and looks up at me.

Man: "Are you actually? My daughter has a tendency to run people here who aren't actual wizards." I hold up the flyer and smile.

You: "Nope, it's me." He looks rather shocked, then waves me to him. I sit down on the porch with him as Clare plays in the yard.

Man: "Are you sure you want to do this? It's not easy."

You: "Yes, now, I need info. Tell me everything you know." He takes a deep breath and nods.

Man: "There's a large group of low life's who have a base just North of this town. And, well, they're sex traffickers." I feel myself tense up.

You: "They took your wife?" He nods slowly.

Man: "And my eldest daughter." I look down and see my hands in fists.

You: "Just North of here, right?" He nods and I stand up, not wasting any further time.

Man: "You're seriously going alone?"

You: "I'll be back before nightfall, don't worry, I'll get everybody out of there safe, but anybody who's working for those people. Is going to die." I walk off, feeling my power begin boiling. I walk North, and eventually come up on a metal hatch along a path of shrubs that had been pushed down. I kick it in, but when it gets stuck on the way down, I simply blast it. I jump down and land on a knee. "Come Out! I'm Here To Return These Women Home!" Then the lights turn on, and I see I'm surrounded by a hundred or so men. But I also see... cages, with women in them. "What The HELL! IS THIS!?" I activate my Dragon Slayer Magic. No prisoners. As the first one charges I release my claws and stab him through his heart. "You are all dying today, there is no use running now..." As they all begin charging in on me, I realize this is going to be far more difficult than I expected, at least half of these men were wizards and half of those were strong ones. I continue to fight them off, but I was fading fast, my Dragon Slayer magic really shouldn't be getting used right now. I block an attack above my head, only to have a spear driven through my already busted shoulder. I kick the man in front of me back, then turn around and sink my claws into the man's chest. I try to move my left arm, but it wouldn't budge, damn... Now I'm fighting one armed too. There were at least 50 left too, this wasn't going well. I need to get out of here fast. Wait, I can't leave, these women are still trapped. I block another attack and begin fighting back, now fighting with my Dragon Slayer Magic. Even with only one arm, I'm still able to hold my own for a while longer, but I couldn't keep this up. As soon as I get the chance, I look around, and see maybe 10 left, but most of them were also mages... Then I feel my power drop immensely, my magic... The Dragon Slayer magic... Shit... I was breathing heavily, and I could feel myself getting lightheaded from the blood loss. I need to end this now, but without my magic... I hear them charge from behind, I roll out of the way at the last second, but then am blown back by some kind of air wave. I look up, and see that same bastard from the forest, but he wasn't the same as before... Something had changed...

Erigor: "Now, you will answer to me." I feel sharp gusts of wind begin hitting me, slicing into me. Once he's finally finished, I wasn't even able to stand. Damn magic, if only I didn't have this ring, or I didn't have to use it against Acnologia or Neptune... Now, this might be it for me... I look up to him as he walks over to me. "You have grown weak over the years, Dragon God." I chuckle at that. "What do you find so amusing? You are about to die."

You: "I'm no longer the Dragon God, that magic is far too stressful on the body to maintain it."

Erigor: "But you just were using it, were you not?"

You: "Yea, I was, but it wasn't nearly as powerful as it could have been. You see, I'm a mortal, an old one, but a mortal nonetheless, and using a God's power with a mortal's body, well the two don't mix well." I say, coughing up blood afterwards.

Erigor: "Such a shame. I was hoping to beat you at your full power." I laugh, but end up coughing blood in the end. "Again, you laugh."

You: "You would have stood no chance against me if I could use my full power. You must be on some kind of drug to think that." Then I feel a massive pain across my chest, I look down and see a large gash across it, I look up to him, and see his scythe damp with blood.

Erigor: "Is it still funny to you?" I could no longer even speak, every time I did, only blood would come up.

Women: "Please! Get Up!" W-what...? I look over and see a girl, maybe in her late teens looking at me, although I could be wrong, my vision was getting extremely blurry. "You Can't Lose! If You Do We're All Going To Die!" Then I hear her scream. I look up to Erigor and see his hand extended towards her. I roll over onto my stomach, and punch the ground, trying to push myself back up. Come On God Damnit! Get Up M/N! I continue to try, but keep falling to the ground. Then I begin trying with both hands, ignoring the excruciating pain in my shoulder. I manage to push myself up on to a knee, then use the wall to stand. I turn back and face Erigor, completely out of breath, just from that.

Erigor: "How...? How did you do that? You were mere seconds from death... How Are You Still Living!?" He extends his hand at me again, and I feel the razor like gusts of wind begin slicing me again. yet, I couldn't get out of the way.

Etherion POV

Impossible... H-he can't die... No...

Your POV


I feel something changing, as his attack finishes, I know what must be done. I hold my hand out, and put any remaining magical energy into it. And I fire it, aimed at the lock on the cage.

Erigor: "What?!"

You: "RUN! All Of You Get Out Of Here!"

Erigor: "No You Don't!" He sends a wave of air at them, but I jump in front and get blasted back into the opposite wall. I look over, and see them all standing there.

You: "What Are You Waiting For! RUN!" I stand back up, my vision was now tinted red as well, what the hell is this? I begin limping towards Erigor, trying to give the women time to escape, before I realize my mistake, there were at least a dozen cages... I can't do this... M-my body... It's giving out... I-I only have one option left... I raise my hand above my head, and begin withdrawing energy from anything that could lend it, but I could feel it, it's power was insane... W-where is all of this coming fro- I'm cut off when I see all of them holding their hands towards me.

Woman: "Do It! Defeat Him!" I was stunned, t-they were giving me their energy...?

Erigor: "NO!!" I turn back to him.

You: "Heavenly Dragon Secret Art! Etherion Withdrawl!" I crush the ball of energy, and immediately feel my power return. My vision returns to normal, and I feel my shoulder's pain lessen. "Now... Time for you to pay..." We charge each other, but when our punches collide, he goes flying back through the wall. I immediately run over to the cages, and begin cutting through the locks on them with my claws. "Hurry! You All Need To Get Out Of-" I'm cut off when I feel something pierce my side, I cough blood, and look down, seeing Erigor's scythe through my side. I turn around and blast him in the face. Then continue cutting through the locks. But a minute later, I hear him charging me again. I turn back and grab him by the throat, then lift him up over my head and throw him onto the ground. "Stay." I limp over to the final cage, and cut through it's lock, my side was beginning to burn horribly now. I could feel the power of the spell waning as well I didn't have much time left. I blast the ceiling of the cave, and keep going until I see the surface. I summon my wings and begin helping the women out of here. As I come down for the final time though, the power gives out. I fall to the ground, and I could feel my throat and lungs begin filling with blood. I could no longer breath properly anymore, and my vision was blurred and red. I could see Erigor though, he was getting back up. "Run... Now..." I say. Between coughs and gasps for air. "Go! Go Now!" They run over to the ladder, and I stand between him and them.

Erigor: "Get out of my way." He says, although it was pretty muffled now, I couldn't hear much. I look back, and see the last of them climb up. I look back to him and smile, then fall to my knees. The last thing I see, was an extremely large man standing in front of me, between Erigor and myself...

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