Vamp School~ {Kim Taehyung FF}

By NMusicBurst

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Vamp school couldn't be found with the naked eye. You needed very special eyes. Vampire eyes. Min Songi and h... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Christmas Special
Happy Birthday Tae! BDay Special
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Belated Valentines Special
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Halloween Special
Thanksgiving Special
Chapter 15 (Part 1)
Chapter 15 (Part 2)
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20

Chapter 16

918 49 0
By NMusicBurst

~Songi Point Of View~

I watched him walk and disappear behind the bookshelf. I let out a breath. For the second point. I didn't know it was still going! He got me good there though, because that was too close.. Literally. But how did he know I was embarassed? I put my free hand up to my ear, but it was covered by my hair. I went to touch my other ear, but it was also was covered by my hair. Then... how did he know? While thinking about how he knew, I started walking back to the table. When I was about to reach the end of the bookshelf, I stopped in realization. I lightly put my free hand to my cheek. No way.. It can't be! I shouldn't be blushing there!

Suga: Songi?

I snapped my head up to see Suga directly in front of me. How long has he been there? I quickly put my hand down to my side.

Me: Oh, hey Suga. How long have you been there?
Suga: Not... Too long. When I came here, your hand was on your face.
Me: Oh.

There was a pause and Suga's facial expression changed to a mix of disbelief, anger, and concern.

Me: Suga?-
Suga: Did Taehyung slap you?
Me: What?
Suga: Is that why you're touching your cheek? Kim Taehyung...

He started to head back, but I caught his arm before he could start walking. I turned him around.

Me: *Whisper yell* Suga! We're in a public library! Calm yourself! I'm fine!
Suga: Are you really? Then why were you touching your face like that?
Me: Because I'm slow in realization.

He raised an eyebrow.

Suga: And how does that have to do with your cheek?
Me: Because... I was blushing.. on my cheeks.
Suga: ... Oh...

Suga's facial expression changed back to normal, but with worry too?

Suga: Okay.. So what does this mean? Is it ok? It's just there. It's not like anything will happen, right? And if it does, he's different.. Right?
Me: I don't know... We'll have to see what happens.
Suga: But I don't want it ending up like last time..

I cringed. Bad memories...

Me: ... Let's not... Think or talk about that anymore. Let's just head back... And just so you know, Taehyung didn't slap me.

He muttered something under his breath and I couldn't really hear. He patted my back and we walked back to the table. We got back and continued to work on our homework. I opened my book and began looking at examples of my problem, but bad memories started tumbling back. Now isn't a good time to be thinking about this...

Chanu: Hey, are you ok?
Me: Yeah, why?
Chanu: Cause you took forever. What happened?

Oh, it's about that.

Me: I couldn't reach this book.

She snorted.

Me: What? I almost had it.

We went back to studying. I was actually getting my work done faster and with more ease. I guess books and resources, also known as my friends, are helpful when doing my work. I should do this more often. I got a little under half of my homework done before Ayeong's stomach grumbled loudly. She let out a tiny, sheepish laugh.

Ayeong: Hey, do you guys want to get something to eat or drink?
Jin: I was dying for someone to ask.
Suga: Then why didn't you?
Jin: Because you were all so focused on doing your homework, I didn't want to disturb.

Suga shrugged and we gathered our stuff before heading to the café. When we walked inside, the smell immediately struck my nose. I don't know what it is, but whatever it is, it's amazing. We walked up to the cashier. We ordered and paid for our own food. I ordered a pretty big brownie and a small iced coffee. Once everyone recieved their food, we sat at different tables since there wasn't a booth or table for all of us to sit in. Our tables were close to each other, so it's all good. Ayeong, Jimin, and Taehyung are sitting at the same table as I am. Ayeong is beside me, Jimin is in front of me, and Taehyung is diagonal from me.

Ayeong: Ooh, all of our food looks good.

Ayeong has a cookie with milk and caramel on the insides of the glass. Jimin has a muffin and iced sweet tea. Taehyung has some rasberry pastries and a frappuccino.

Taehyung: Yeah, they do. Can I try some of everyone's food?

We all agreed to try eachother's food. All of them had different textures, but I still liked mines best. It has 2 different textures. One was chewy and the other was melty. Chewy from the actual brownie, melty from the chunks of chocolate.

Jimin: I like Taehyung's.
Ayeong: I don't know about me. I liked everyones. It was all different, but it was all good.
Me: I like mine. I still think it's best.
Taehyung: Me too. I like Songi's. Can I have some more?
Me: Sure.

I broke off a piece and held it for him to take. He ate it off of my hand in one bite, slightly touching my fingers with his lips. He sat back quickly and I retreated my hand. He licked his lips, unaware I was looking at him. Songi... It's not nice to stare.. Don't think too much of it! It's normal to lick your lips when there is food on it, right? But why did he have to take it like.. that? He could have taken it out of my hand with his hands like a normal person would... I took my iced coffee and looked the other way.

Me: Fatty...

He laughed a little and I took a sip of my drink. Jimin took one of Taehyung's pastries and ate it. I looked back at their food before meeting Taehyung's eyes. Then he mouthed, Third point. He grinned and I crossed my arms and sighed with a small smile, shaking my head. I looked at Ayeong who was looking at me, questionably.

Me: *Whisper* I'll explain later.

She nodded and went back to finishing her food.

Me: I'll be right back, I'm going to use the bathroom.

I stood and walked to the bathroom. I looked at my face. I could tell I was blushing because my face is ever so slightly one shade more pink. Great.. I closed my eyes and squatted with my hands still on the sink. I don't want  this to happen again.

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