Forever His (Connor x Hank)

By bi_sunflower20

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Hank and Connor are in love. When they both finally confess, their life together becomes a happier one. But s... More

Chapter One
Chapter Two
Chapter Three
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six
Chapter Seven *trigger warning*
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Eleven
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Thirteen
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen
Chapter Sixteen
Chapter Seventeen
Chapter Eighteen
Chapter Nineteen
Chapter Twenty
Chapter Twenty-One
Chapter Twenty-Two
Chapter Twenty-Three

Chapter Ten

1.8K 82 33
By bi_sunflower20

"I think you know why you're here right now, Anderson."

The Captain's sigh echoed through the glass room. Hank leaned back in the chair with his arms crossed over his chest. He had no regrets, even as his boss scrubbed at his own stressed features.

"I get it. You both have worked together nearly a decade. And since then you two have formed a romantic relationship, and believe me we at the station know all about that. But I asked you two specifically not to come in because of those your proximity to this case. I know you, Anderson. You've always let your anger get the best of you.. but this time was different." The captain paused to study the lieutenant, "you wanted to kill them."

"But I didn't." Hank clarified, barely looking up Captain Fowler. Another sigh was heard and a ruffling of papers.

"They aren't going to press charges but I'm being pushed by the DA to take action."

"Are you firing me?" Hank asked with a scoff, "they are rapists, Jeffery. And murderers. They have already hurt multiple androids, I read their damn file, they admitted to every single god damn crime! And you're telling me that I'm getting fired for being the only one doing something about it?"

"Calm down, Anderson. You're not being fired, just.. put on suspension. For now." Jeffery pinched the bridge of his nose before continuing, "all this shit is just tiresome. We have laws in place now for a reason, to be able to protect androids. But people who are in a higher position than us are just making it hard on us to actually do that."

"Speaking of which," the Captain continued, "I got an anonymous tip that there's going to be a protest at city hall."

Hank stiffened for a moment and then relaxed, playing it off like he didn't know anything about it. But in reality, Connor had mentioned it and Hank was all for it.

"I know how tempting it must sound but all I'm asking is for you two not to go. For now I'm just trying to keep us out of this." The Captain went on to say, and Hank resisted the urge to call him a big fat hypocrite.

"Yeah, sure, whatever. Is this the part where I turn in my badge and gun? I'm ready to get home."  To Connor, he added in his head.


When Connor ran out of Dr. Robin's office, he didn't go home. He was too ashamed of himself to face Hank. So he just ran and found himself at the park where he told Hank he'd be anything he wanted him to be.

He hadn't seen anyone there so he just sat down on the bench, and finally just let his tears fall. He felt so weak and fragile, he didn't used to be that way, he thought. He didn't used to be so.. useless.

"Hello.. are you alright?" A small voice brought him out of his thoughts, as he looked down at a small android child. Her hair was a whole bunch of bouncy dark brown curls that cascaded over her back, her eyes gentle and brown as she looked up with a thoughtful stare.

"Uh.. yeah. I'm fine." Connor forced a smile before looking around the park. "Where are your parents?" He asked in his detective voice, trying to hide the fact he'd just been crying.

"My mommy says that when bad things happen, it's okay to cry about it. My other mommy says that it's also good to talk to someone." The child with her golden brown skin jumped beside him on the bench.

"Well.. your mommies seem to be very smart. But what I'm going through, it's a little more difficult than that." Connor let slip, wishing he hadn't. There was no way he was going to explain that to a child.

"Did someone hurt you? My mom, when she was little, her uncle hurt her but no one did anything about it. It's why my mommies are going to that protest thingy. Are you gonna go?" She tilted her head to the side, as if she didn't share something extremely personal about one of her parents. Connor took another look around and found nothing, so he turned back to her with a sigh.

"I might. Not sure."

She just sat there and kicked her little legs over the edge, her multicolored socks bringing out the red in her shoes.

"Do you want me to call someone?" Connor suggested as she got up and started twirling around. The android had to admit that she was pretty adorable, as he found himself giving the scene before him a small smile.

"No sir, my mommies are on their way." She hummed, and right after that there was yelling coming from behind them.

"Mariana! God, why did you run off like that?"

Two women appeared in front of them, one seemed to be out of breath while the other seemed just fine. They both went and wrapped their arms around their child, while Mariana just had a grin on her little face. Connor felt awkward.

"I am so sorry, sir. She just-she just ran off while we were talking to someone. Turned around and she just vanished." One of her mother's said in a shaky voice. She was human, with a plus size figure and long red hair that was up in a high pony tail. She seemed to be a about eight inches shorter than her partner, who happened to be an android.

The android picked up her daughter and looked over to Connor. Her curls seemed to be the same texture as her child's and her skin just as brown. She looked Connor over and then her eyes widened.

"You're.. Connor, the android detective that helped free androids?"

Connor definitely wasn't used to that. It was usually Markus that got the recognition, and he was fine with that. He really didn't feel like getting recognized that day anyway, but he still gave them a polite smile.

"Yup, that's.. that's me." Connor let out slowly, watching as the android gently handed her partner their child before walking over to him with her hand out stretched. Connor took her hand and shook it, their skin fading to white-

Connor hadn't meant to interface, but he wasn't in the right state of mind, and then it was too late, he saw everything and so did she.

The name she was given was Valentina.. she was purchased by Sam's, her partner's, father, a lonely man who really cared about no one but himself. Valentina was used to take care of his needs but also take care of Sam, who she later found out was being molested by her uncle, and no one did anything about it, just like Mariana had said..

Tears filled Connor's eyes. He felt the moment Valentina became deviant. It was when eighteen year old Sam was pushed down, being kicked repeatedly in the abdomen by her uncle, while her father was too high to care.. the uncle had found out that he had got her pregnant.. she miscarried.. That night had been bloody, so very bloody. So much death before she and Sam were able to run away together. It was during the fight for independence when they fell in love, and when androids were deemed free they got their daughter, Mariana.

Their hands snatched away from each other, tears falling from Valentina's eyes as she moved to wiped them.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to show that to you-mierda!" Valentina cursed as she looked over to her partner with fear in her eyes.

"I won't tell anyone." Connor said before any more tears were shed. It'd been him to accidentally interface anyway. A lot of androids had to go through the same things to get away from their abusive owners, everything had been pardoned at the declaration of android independence by the president.

"This isn't the way we wanted to introduce ourselves to one of our idols." Sam said as she walked over to her wife. Mariana reached out and wiped a tear from her mother's cheek.

"It's okay to cry, mommy."

Valentina's face softened as she leaned into her daughter's touch. Connor felt awkward again, like he shouldn't be watching. But he was, and it stirred up that feeling again, a feeling he hadn't felt since the assault. He knew a child wouldn't make his problems magically disappear but he couldn't help but want it.


Unbeknownst to his android, Hank had been making a weekly trip to the local jewelry store. With everything going on, he wanted to let Connor know that he as going to be there for him as long as he could. And the only way he knew how was something he had already been planning before it happened.

"Ah, Mr. Anderson, you're back! Coming by to check the progress on the ring?" The older man asked as Hank approached the desk. The suspended lieutenant nodded as he placed his bandaged hand on the glass desk. He knew the jeweler saw but the old guy decided to mind his business. He turned around and went to check in the back, leaving Hank alone.

Hank had done a lot of thinking after that night, when Connor said he wanted him but Hank was too far gone in his own head to let himself give in, no matter how badly he wanted to. He realized that the only person that got to choose when Connor was ready for sexual intimacy, was Connor and only Connor.

Hank still has to remind himself that he wouldn't be taking advantage of his boyfriend, but that was something he'd talk to Connor about later tonight.

He was also going to have to tell Connor that he had gotten suspended, but he decided to wait on that one.

The jeweler came back with a small velvet box, a smile on his lips as he leaned over and opened it, showing Hank the finished product.


After many tears and apologizes the little family turned to take their leave, but Valentina had stayed behind a moment longer.

"I saw your memories as well. I know it's not my place but it'll really help you if you see Dr. Robin again. I know it's hard but it'll really be worth it in the end."

Connor forced a smile and nodded at her, told her he'd think about it. And he would do that but that didn't stop the fear.

When he made his way home it had been late, there was barely any light coming from the windows so he figured Hank must have been asleep. He used his key and walked right in, his eyes widening when he looked around and noticed how clean the house looked. The lights were off but candles had been lit around the room, a trail of roses leading down the hallway.

He could feel his heart beat in his chest as he called out Hank's name. He played with the ends of his sleeves as he walked down the hallway, biting his lip as he opened the bedroom door.

Candles, just the same as their first time, surrounded the area. Petals led straight to the bed and there are even some cascaded over the sheets.

"Hank.." The name slipped through his lips in awe as his fingers trailed over the petals. Foot steps came from behind him and he remained calm, knowing it was his boyfriend. A smile pulled at the corner of his lips as he imagined what they'd be doing that night. He wondered if Hank had thought about it and was finally going to make love to him. Connor turned around excitedly but his smile immediately faded into a shocked expression.

Hank, dressed in a full tux, his hair pulled back into a bun and his beard neatly trimmed; holding a black velvet box that held a ring, a ring that Connor knew was meant for him.

Connor couldn't help but scan the item. It was a silver band wrapped in rose gold, it sparkled in the candle light. With an engraving that read forever yours.

"Will you marry me, Connor?"

Every horrible feeling he had felt in the past weeks vanished from his being and the only thing he could think of was how damn happy this man made him. And the word Hank needed to hear the most right then flowed through the detective's lips easily, without a second thought.



Author's Note: this was kinda a filler but I loved it all the same.

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