
By megswriting

4.7K 371 95

[Tempest Series #5] In the aftermath of the Masked Battle, a storm is brewing on the horizon as both Camp Hal... More

Author's Note


76 9 1
By megswriting

[ab hinc]

The sun rose that morning, but Reese did not feel its warmth.

Reese stalked down the streets of New York. How ironic for the son of Apollo to no longer feel the warm rays of the sun. How ironic it was for the world to look so bright after so much darkness had infested it.

Reese scoffed. The universe liked to play some games, but these were dirty tricks, indeed.

Just before sunrise, Reese and Kaden had responded to a 'summons' from Menoetius. They'd gone out, pretended to have witnessed Tessa's 'kidnapping', gave themselves a few makeshift injuries, and trudged back home. Kaden would have circled around the long way back, to make it look like he'd gone by himself to search for Tessa. They'd meet up at the end of the block before returning to Nectar & Ambrosia.

According to Tessa's plan, the rest of their forces weren't to know the truth for two days.

Reese wasn't sure they'd be able to keep it a secret for long.

With a sigh, Reese turned onto Nectar & Ambrosia's block and found Kaden leaning against a streetlight, waiting. He looked up as Reese approached, shadows in his green eyes. "Hey."

Reese nodded by way of greeting. He jerked his head back towards the café, where an entire camp's worth of people would be milling about, realizing that their leader was missing. "Have you gone in yet?"

Kaden shook his head. "No, not yet. I was waiting for you." He pushed away from the streetlight, standing up straight.

"Right," Reese said. "Then we shouldn't keep our adoring fans waiting."

If Kaden had it in him to laugh, he would have. But instead, the son of Venus remained stony-faced and stoic as he and Reese marched down the block and into Nectar & Ambrosia, where demigods were shouting and rushing about. Their entrance stopped the madness in its tracks.

Reese cleared his throat. He didn't have to pretend to seem choked up or reluctant. "I'm sure you all are asking the same question."

"Where's Tessa?" One soul asked from within the crowd.

"That's the question." Reese looked down at his feet, gathering his thoughts before looking back out over the sea of half-bloods waiting for answers.

He wasn't as persuasive an orator as Kaden was. He wasn't as slick and resourceful with tricks like Dale and Mark. And he wasn't as powerful as Tessa.

He didn't have it in him to lie. Objectively, Reese was Camp Half-Blood's golden boy, righteous and truthful no matter temptation or crisis. It's what made him a good leader and a good strategist. He could see through the chinks in just about any plan, the light in the darkness of uncertainty.

But standing before him was a sea of uncertainty, made up of people he'd grown up with, lived with, fought with. And each one of them was waiting for good news, even though he could tell by their faces that they knew there was none.

Tessa had known that her plan would be difficult to uphold, not only for her own role but for the roles her friends and inherently her camp would have to play. They each were Atlas, carrying the burden of a sky filled with storms threatening their horizon.

But Reese was a fighter. He was skilled, strategic, and lethal. And he would lead it well in Tessa's stead.

Reese inclined his head, taking a deep breath. "Tessa Brennan has been kidnapped by Menoetius and his forces."

The room erupted into a stark contrast of reactions. People gasped, people sobbed, people demanded answers. The tempest continued to grow, but one stern look from Reese and it parted at his will.

"We all know Tessa. She is strong, and she is powerful. She did not go easily, but we must understand that her sacrifice, however unintentional, was out of hope for the future. We owe it to her to continue this fight, to rescue her as she's rescued so many of us," Reese announced.

Kaden stepped forward, and the crowd fell silent. "In two days, we march for Menoetius and his forces. We will end this war within forty-eight hours. Fight hard and fight true. There's a hero's heart in each one of you." He tapped his ring, and in a flash of golden light, raised his golden sword. "For Tessa!"

For a moment, he was met with silence. Then, one by one, the heroes gathered before them raised their swords, their javelins, their bows and their shields. They echoed Kaden's call, and Reese could feel its intensity in his bones.

Tessa was the daughter of the god of earthquakes, and even in her absence, she was still shaking the ground.


Reese slumped onto the end of his bed, running a hand over his face. "This is bad."

A wry laugh escaped Kaden's lips. "What gave it away?" He shook his head, casting a sour glance out the window. "She's too reckless."

"But brave," Reese countered. "She knew what she had to do, and she did it."

Kaden met Reese's eyes, and in that stare held heartbreak and worry and at the basest, fear. When he spoke, Kaden's voice was gravelly and raw, as if he'd been crying.

"But at what cost?"

Reese pursed his lips, unsure of what to say. There wasn't exactly much he could do in the situation. They'd helped Tessa go through with this first phase of her plan; they owed it to her to do their part. They were as much leaders of this army as she was.

Before Reese could manage something to say, the door to Reese's suite flew open. In stormed Mark and Dale, both wild-eyed and furious.

"Which of you let her go?" Mark boomed. He glared between Reese and Kaden.

Reese got to his feet. "Mark, it isn't what you think—"

"Oh, we know what it is." Dale interrupted, her voice cold. Her golden eyes shimmered like those of a serpent's, searching for a chink in her prey's armor. The comparison sent a shiver down Reese's spine, but he'd never admit it.

Kaden furrowed his eyebrows together. "Wait, you do?"

Dale gave Kaden a tired look. "It was obvious."

Mark huffed a breath, looking at the floor. "Leave it to Tessa to be stupidly noble." He brought his gaze up to Reese's eyes. "How'd she do it?"

So, Reese told them. Protected by the magic of Apollo's Arrow, Tessa arranged a rendezvous with Menoetius, where he would think he'd turn her to his side. From then on, Tessa would play the part of the obedient soldier, learning whatever secrets she could within the next forty-eight hours to take down the enemy from inside its ranks. Once the deadline was up, the truth would be revealed, and the camps would march, defeating Menoetius once and for all.

For a while, neither Dale nor Mark said anything. They just registered the plan, silently. Once Reese was finished, Dale simply closed her eyes and exhaled through her nose, as if trying to remain calm. Mark set his jaw and punched the wall.

"I know it was the only way," Mark's voice was low as he spoke. "But shit. This really sucks."

"It's Tessa," Dale tried to console him, but even Reese could hear the uncertainty in her voice. "She'll be ten steps ahead of Menoetius if this is the case."

But as optimistic as Dale sounded, Reese knew what was flashing through her mind. Through each of their minds. Images of Tessa being found out, captured, tortured, killed before the final phase of her plan could be initiated.

And with the death of their leader, the potential fall of Olympus and Western Civilization. Typhon would annihilate the remainder of the country, allowing Menoetius to gain full control over humanity and fill their minds and hearts with violence and jealousy, rage and sin.

The world would become a battleground.

Reese wasn't sure if the thunder in his ears was the boom of war drums or his own rapid heartbeat.

"Enough," His voice reverberated around the room. "Speculating won't help any of us now, least of all Tessa. We owe it to her to execute her plan and keep her secret."

At that moment, there was a knock at Reese's door. Everyone froze, remembering that whoever was behind that door believed that Tessa had truly been compromised. Actors or not, the four of them had a part to play.

"Come in," Reese called, glancing around the room as if to say be cool.

The door opened, revealing Sophia Ransom, flanked by her wife Alexia Prinz. Both wore grim expressions, as if they came bearing bad news.

"Sorry to interrupt," Sophia flicked her sharp gaze around the room. She must have thought that Tessa's closest advisors were mourning her capture. If only she knew—

"We've received word from Camp Half-Blood," Sophia said, each word like a swift punch in the gut.

Reese felt his heart sink to his stomach. "Good news or bad news?"

Sophia and Alexia shared a glance. The latter met Reese's gaze, and in Alexia's dark gaze, Reese found both familiarity and uncertainty, a frightening combination from the daughter of death.

"We're not sure," she said. "But Flynn said it was urgent. Amelie will portal you over once she receives the word."

Reese inhaled sharply, getting to his feet. He nodded to Alexia. "Give her the word."

Alexia nodded and dissolved into shadows. At the sight, Mark's eyes nearly bugged out of his head.

"Since when can she do that?" Mark stammered.

Sophia quirked a brow, a ghost of an amused smile on her lips. "Since always," she stated. "Are you forgetting that she's a daughter of Pluto?"

Dale elbowed Mark in the side, and he yelped. "It's called shadow travel, ya moron."

Mark rubbed the side of impact, eyebrows furrowed at the daughter of Demeter. "You don't have to be rude, y'know."

Dale rolled her eyes but looked at Sophia. "How are the patrols?"

At that, the daughter of Athena's expression darkened. "They just left. If they find any sign of Tessa, they have direct reports to come back to camp." Her eyes danced over Kaden, as if the mention of Tessa would send him reeling. She cleared her throat. "We're hopeful."

"Good," Reese's voice was gravelly as he spoke. "Hope's all we've got left at this point."

Sophia pursed her lips, as if she was about to offer a rebuttal, but before she could, a shimmering violet portal materialized in Reese's room and he was off.


Camp Half-Blood was almost unrecognizable.

From where Reese emerged onto Half-Blood Hill, he could see just how much the war had affected the training ground. Despite it being the prime of summer, the valley felt cold; the trees seemed to range from fully bloomed to naked husks of their former selves. The surviving dryads sat around tending to their life sources. The satyrs milled about the strawberry fields, playing tunes on their reed pipes that sounded like funeral marches to Reese.

And everywhere, half-bloods. Sitting on the stoops of their cabins with casts on their arms, legs, sullen from head to toe. Limping down the trails, aided by nymphs or medics to and from the infirmary, which was lit up like a second sun. Gods only knew how many were still within its walls, waiting for treatment or a miracle, whichever came first.

"I know," came Alexia's soft voice. Reese turned, nearly forgetting the daughter of Pluto was there. "Camp Jupiter isn't much better."

They started down the hill, and Reese was forced into a jog to keep up with Alexia.

"Have you...has it recovered?" Reese asked.

Alexia glanced at him through the corner of her eye. "What do you mean?"

"Project Maelstrom," Reese spoke, his words soft.

Alexia took a deep breath, forcing her attention forward. They were down the hill and well into camp by the time she spoke.

"Rome isn't so easily toppled," she said. "After the first earthquake, we had defenses set in place should anything breach the barrier again. They managed to withstand the next waves of Project Maelstrom, but the Vulcan kids have been quick to make repairs to whatever's been destroyed."

"That's great, then," Reese tried.

"It is." Alexia affirmed. They reached the infirmary and had barely entered the threshold before Reese understood what Alexia wasn't saying.

Because strewn across rows upon rows of cots were wounded half-bloods, nymphs, satyrs and fauns. Groans and muffled sobs echoed through the hall.

What good was a couple of buildings in an enchanted valley if they couldn't keep the people who called them home safe?

"Oh, good," a familiar voice that stopped Reese's heart and set it beating again chimed from behind them. "You made it."

Reese spun around and found himself staring at Imogen's smiling face, a twinkle in her jade eyes. Her blonde hair brushed the tips of her shoulders, immaculate, rid of the ash and debris and blood that had caked its entirety. She was in an orange camp shirt and jeans, her bow, Romeo, strapped across her back.

She looked as beautiful as Reese could have ever seen her.

He swept forward, picking Imogen up and spinning her around. She laughed as he carried her away from the infirmary, setting her down on the grass just beyond it.

"Oh my gods," Reese said into her hair, pulling her into a hug. It was as if he couldn't hold her close enough, as if she'd turn to dust if he let her go. "How?"

"Don't worry about how," Imogen said, pulling back enough to look up at him. "What matter is I'm okay."

Reese managed a shaky mix between a laugh and a sigh of relief. He pulled Imogen in for a kiss, one that seemed to restore every store of energy in his body and soul.

"Don't scare me like that again." Reese exhaled, running his hands down her arms.

Imogen smiled, cupping his face gently in her delicate hands. "Believe me, I'd never dream of it."

Reese beamed, giving her another kiss.

"Reese," Imogen said, pulling away. Her smile fell, her eyes darkening. "We heard about Tessa."

Suddenly, Reese felt like he was standing before a chasm. Tessa needed her secret to be kept until it was time to strike, but did he tell Imogen?

Reese took a deep breath. "Everything will work out just fine. Tessa's strong, and so are we." He pressed a kiss to Imogen's forehead. "Where's Flynn?"

"Checking on Chase," Imogen said, and Reese froze. When he met her gaze, she had her eyebrow arched, the way it always was when she'd figured something out. "Yeah, I know. Whatever's happening with him, be careful to keep it a secret. The Romans and the Greeks don't need any more secrets between them."

Reese nodded, but before he could respond, the words died on his lips. An idea blossomed in his mind, and he felt as if he'd been struck by lightning.

Chase was still in critical condition and getting worse as Typhon approached the East Coast. Menoetius had linked their life forces together, so without some miraculous way to sever the bond between them before Typhon reached full power, Chase would die.

But that wasn't considering Menoetius' actual plans to access and harness Typhon's destructive power. He needed Tessa to host Typhon's power, which was the whole reason why she'd offered herself up as bait to begin with.

What if Tessa could somehow sever that bond, saving Chase and destroying Typhon?

"Reese?" Imogen's voice shook Reese out of his reverie. "What's wrong?"

"Find Flynn, tell him to Iris-Message me as soon as possible. I think I have a way to save Chase and the rest of the world as we know it."

Imogen, confused, ducked into the Infirmary. Reese, feeling like he was running on a million volts of electricity, managed to dot around camp, rallying whatever troops he was able to.

If this plan worked, they'd be able to save the world.

All Reese had to do was see it through.

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