Beast of me | Yoonmin

By iGYSmetahuman

115K 7.2K 1.4K

A desperate broke student faces a heartless beast and applies to be his personal slave. Started: 06/01/18 End... More

Beast one
Beast two
Beast three
Beast four
Beast five
Beast six
Beast seven
Beast eight
Beast nine
Beast eleven
Beast twelve
Beast thirteen
Beast fourteen
Beast fifteen
Beast sixteen
Beast seventeen
Beast eighteen
Beast nineteen
Beast twenty

Beast ten

4.3K 307 53
By iGYSmetahuman

A week passed by in a flash, it has been a week since Jungkook and him went to Busan together, he started hanging out with him and his two friends since. The beast wasn't giving him a bad time ever since the cake incident either (which he was thankful for), not even in their school. In fact, he just gives him a quick look and pretends he doesn't exist which was a good thing on his part, he doesn't want to deal with him inside campus as much as he can nor in the house.

Yoongi never really talked to him since last week, he's glad he wasn't ordering him around or being like the massive jerk he is. He's basically ignoring his presence! Jimin was cool with that, psh, of course! Hence if they do fight again, Mr. Min wouldn't be there to save him because of the business trip in he had in Japan.

Jimin was humming to a song while preparing himself a sandwich snack before he goes back to cleaning the house, it wasn't a part of his job but he wanted to contribute at least a little with the chores. It was the only payment he can think of to repay Mr. Min's kindness.

Jin and Nabi were probably out doing errands and stuff while Yoongi had Saturday classes for advance learning. Ugh! A definite no-no for Jimin, five days in school is already enough to make his brain hurt. He sat down on the chair and ate a portion at his jam-filled sandwich. And they said he has no jams, ha! Not anymore! He was happily enjoying every bite of it, also humming a cheerful tune to match his happy mood.


...Uhm, what the frick was that?

He turned his head sideways and arched his eye brows in confusion when he saw no one was around him. He shrugged thinking it was just a bird and continued to eat his snack in the same euphoric mood. As he was about to make another one, he heard the same sound again coming from outside.

His eyes went wide and gasped in realization. This wasn't a coincidence, somebody was out there taking photos of him! Oh shit! He didn't realize he was this famous to be stalked at! This is bad! He must've looked so ugly in those candid shots! He needs to look really handsome in every photo!

Okay, setting the jokes aside, he was extremely frightened by this. He sprinted back upstairs to his room and locked himself. Who knows if this creepy stalker guy (or girl because he doesn't assume on genders) was a murderer and he'll trap him inside the house? He quickly fished for his phone and called the first contact that appeared.


"Jin hyung! Thank god it's you! I think I'm gonna be murdered by a stalker today! Please come home!"

"Hold on, what? You're not making sense! What do you mean get murdered?" The older on the other line tried to calmly state.

"Well technically I'm just being paranoid but someone's really stalking me hyung! What if I get killed?! If I die hyung, I want you to know that thank you for being a friend of mine, Nabi too. Tell my friends that I really love them and tell my teachers I've been cheating often at exams. Also, thank Mr. Min for me about everything and don't give my corpse to my evil aunt! She'll feed me her pet ducks—"

"Jimin! Stop it! Are you at the mansion right now?"


"Alright, don't leave where you're at. I'll come home as fast as possible, okay?"

Jimin could only hum in response and shoved his phone back to his pocket when the call ended. He sighed deeply and turned to his heel only to regret doing so. Dang it! This wasn't his room! He can't go out and waltz to where his actual room is, the stalker might be lurking inside the house! More so, Jin told him not to leave. And to makes matters worst, this is the beast's room! Not even Nabi's even if her room stinks like a bitch!

He mentally slaps himself and prays that Jin will get home soon before the beast catches him hanging out in his territory. He has only entered here for three times and those were at least small periods of time, this was the only moment he got to familiarize it. The room was pretty neat and simple for a guy like him. There was a middle sized bed with blue striped sheet that matched his pillows. A side table on the left part of it that carries a lamp and a picture frame.

There was a desk at the corner where his laptop was neatly placed along with books, pens and sticky notes glued to the wall. What caught his eye the most was a keyboard standing right next to it that made him wonder if the beast enjoyed playing it. Overall, one could tell that Yoongi is a boring guy, really boring compared to him.

He walked up to the table near his bed and picked up the frame, perplexed to see a tad bit older girl smiling behind a frowning Yoongi with her arms wrapped around his neck as if suddenly jumping into him. His brain stopped functioning for a while and tried to puzzle the pieces together.

He gasped loudly and snapped his fingers as if he knew the answer, a faint 'aha' left his lips. "Actually... no, I still have no idea. Usually when people do this they'd figure it out."

But thinking about it more deeply, he did hear Yoongi moan about a girl when he drunkly and one-sidedly made out with him. He also mentioned that he did have a girlfriend... Maybe this was the girl. Tch, basing how he acts he still probably hasn't moved on from their break up, that's why his attitude is so sour towards people.

The sound of footsteps and dangling of keys caused my almost sudden death due to a heart attack. He softly placed the frame back on it's place while panic starting to rise up in his body, trembling and shaking, not knowing what to do. When he heard the doorknob wriggle, he dove down and hid himself beneath the bed. Ugh great! The most cliché and obvious hiding spot in horror movies! This is where the stalker will first look at!

He saw the door opening with an eerie noise but didn't see the person's feet. He shut his eyes and covered his mouth with his palm to contain his breathing, mentally praying that he will survive this fiasco. The light footsteps was audible in the room, almost circling around him and it was not a good sign. He was praying to all of the saints he knew, hoping at least one of them will hear his dying wishes.

The sound abruptly stopped that made Jimin wonder, did the stalker leave? His breath hitched in both relief and mental stress, he managed to live longer. When he opened his eyes which he regretted on his part, he saw a little person crouching down on the floor eyeing him in the most empty eyes he has ever seen and with no sound coming out, he mouthed the word 'boo'.

"AHHHHH—" He let out a blood-curling scream. Forgetting he was under the bed, he lifted up his back and hit his head on the wood hard and he fainted.

Uh-oh, this is bad...


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