Imagine Knowing Him (Ryden)

Von ThnksFrPrttydd

7.2K 184 122

Ryan Ross is a famous singer and Brendon Urie is his biggest fan. Fortunately for Brendon, they live in the... Mehr

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30 - Epilogue

Chapter 22

239 6 8
Von ThnksFrPrttydd

Jesus Christ, guys, 1k reads?! Are you kidding me? This is literally so much, I honestly never expected to come that far and I'm genuinely thankful for that! So, I hope you enjoy the next chapter, because I really enjoyed writing it for you can see the length of it. :D have fun!

Brendon's POV:

Oh my god, I'm so excited for tonight! Ryan and practically the rest of the band invited me to go clubbing with them. I don't exactly know what I did, but they seem to love me, even Pete.

Anyways, I can't wait for this. Jon is coming too, this is like so cool!

We decided to meet up before, because he knows I can't choose outfits for shit, so he wanted to help. Then we're gonna meet the rest of them at the club.

I hear my apartment buzzer go off and immediately buzz Jon in. "Hey, bro." he comes out of the elevator. "Help, I try to find something to wear for two hours already." I cry at him before he even puts off his shoes. "Jesus, Brenny. Can you not even say hi anymore?" he complains. "Jon, I'm hopeless, you gotta help me out here." I look desperately at him, while he lazily walks to my closet and picks out a casual, but not to casual looking outfit. "Wear this" he tells me.

I look at him confused. "What?! That fast, that easy?" I'm doubtful. "Yes, that easy, believe me! You're not going there to find a hook-up, Ryan already loves you!" he says smirking. Yea, I told him, of course he is my best friend. I blush profoundly. "I guess, you're right, well then." I tell him, still slightly unconvinced. "Err... B, I kinda have a question." Jon starts asking cautiously, should I be scared? "Sure, spill." I say, while changing into the clothes Jon gave me.

"So, did you already tell him?" he says unsurely. "What are you talking about?" I say totally out of it. "Don't play dumb, Brendon. I mean did you tell Ryan yet?" I nervously scratch my neck. "Well, uhm, not, uh... really, I kinda didn't have the chance to yet." I stammer. "Brendon Boyd! Are you seriously telling me you didn't have the chance to do it in five months?! Damn, Bren, you are unbelievable." He scolds at me. I look ashamed at my bare feet. I know he is right, but I couldn't do it up to now. It's just so new. Still, I do know I have to do it soon. "I'm sorry." I look at him with my sad puppy eyes, but I should know Jon knows me for too long, so he won't have any of it. "Don't say sorry to me, B. But I'm telling you, this boy trusts you, go and tell him before you lose his trust. I'm being honest and you know it!" he tells me in a stern voice. Fuck, I should listen to him...

"Now, let's go, but after tonight, you have to tell him, or you'll regret it! Imagine he finds out without you. That would be a catastrophe."

"Fine." I say quietly.


As we walk to the club, Jon's mood improves and he isn't angry at me anymore.

When we arrive at the Blue Lagoon, which is the name of the club, I stop in my tracks, because damn! The cue is so long. So, they weren't joking when they said it is the most popular club in the city. I, myself, tried a couple of times to get in it, but I never made it. Apparently, Ry told me they would of course get VIP passes, so I don't think we're gonna have a problem with getting in today.

From afar I can make out Zack since he is so tall, so the group around him should be our guys.

Right as I spot the rest, I see Spencer running towards us hurriedly. "Jonny boy!" he exclaims and throws himself into Jon's arms. "I missed you big time!" It's then that I recognize he is slurring. "Spence, how much did you already have?" Jon asks in between being amused and annoyed. "Not that much, baby. I swear!" he crosses in front of his chest. I chuckle to myself and leave them to themselves for I see Ryan already happily watching me. I grin excitedly back at him. When I'm close enough he grabs my face and gives me a heated welcome kiss. I guess someone missed me as well. "Yea, I missed you too, sugar."

Then I start to greet the rest of the crew and I recognize four unfamiliar faces. And weirdly enough two of them are girls. I thought it was gonna be a boys night out, but fair enough, Ry and Spin have dates too. "And who is that lovely company you have there, Petey?" I ask Pete, who is standing next to one of the girls.

"Oh, yea, sure. This is Marie, a very gorgeous friend of mine. Patrick's date is her best friend, Lana. And those two doods are Tyler and Josh." Pete explains to me. "Hey, buddy." Josh greets me, he has fire red hair. Not my style, but I gotta say it suits him. Tyler seems to be more the shy type, he doesn't meet my eye and just nods in my direction. Somehow, he reminds me of Ryan. And Lana is preoccupied with Trick, but at least he smiles at me in his best manner.

"It's great to meet you, Brendon, right? Ryan told us so much about you." Marie says to me with a beautiful smile. I might be gay, but I can admire female beauty, when I see it. And, damn, that Marie chick is stunning. "Nice to meet you too, Pete's friends are my friends. Also, I gotta say your jumpsuit looks splendid on you!" I tell her honestly. "Thank you so much!" she slightly blushes, which makes her even more beautiful. Apparently, Pete recognizes this too and gives her a kiss on the cheek. "Haven't I told you, honey?" he whispers in her ear, but I can still hear it. "Yea, but there's a difference between a straight guy and a gay guy telling you, you look good. It's something just women understand, Pete." She says quietly and chuckles. She's cute also. Nice catch for Pete! Hopefully it will last longer than the last ones though, she deserves it and seems to be capable of handling a Pete Wentz.

"So, should we get in? I think Zack got everything ready." Patrick says. Around that time Jon and Spencer joined us too, so we all agree and go inside to our private VIP room.


"How about Peach and Lime Daiquiris?" Ryan whispers-screams into Pete's ear over the loud music. "Peach and Lime Daiquiri it is. I'll go tell Zack, then it should be here in a minute." Ryan nods at Pete, who gets up, pecks Marie on the lips and walks over to Zack.

My gaze wanders around for a split second over all my friends and the red velvet cushions of the VIP couches until it lands on Ryro again. He looks at me through his hazy eyes, which show he is already intoxicated, and comes closer to whisper something in my ear. "Would you like me to suck your member?" he fails to sound seductively. "Ry, we need to work on your dirty talk." I supress my laughter. He looks at me confused. "What do you mean?" he questions innocently. I'm wondering how much he drank with Spin before. "I'll explain later, babe."

"PEACH AND LIME DAIQUIRI PARTY, BITCHES!" Pete comes back with Zack and a waiter and a shit ton of alcohol.


After probably our fourth or fifth round of alcohol literally everybody in our group is shitfaced. I look around in our VIP lounge and see probably half of the people making out.

Jon and Spence are inseparable, sucking each other's faces off. Marie and Pete are pretty much doing the same and I don't even want to know where Pete hands is right now. Lana is wearing Patrick's signature fedora, while Trick just smiles sheepishly at her and Tyler and Josh are quietly whispering to each other, maybe a little bit too close for straight guys, I can also see them being clearly intoxicated.

Funny how alcohol operates differently on each of them.

Then I turn my gaze back to Ryan who stares at me like he wants to do the same as Jon and Spencer.

But oh no, I might be drunk as well, but we are in a club, so now I want to dance! I whisper-yell into Ryan's ear: "Let's go dancing!" he looks at me sceptically, but I give him my puppy eyes, so he sighs and says "Fine, but don't laugh at me. I'm horrible when it comes to dancing." I snicker. "It can't be that bad." He cringes. "Oh, you don't know yet, baby boy. But pleeease let's ask the others as well, so we won't be so alone?" he pleads with an obvious slur in his words. "For sure babe. Everyone: TIME TO DANCE!" I scream out loud.

Spin parts from Jon, turns around and grins joyfully at us. "Hell, yea!" He yells in Jon's face, who just nods forced. I know Jon hates dancing, but I think he doesn't want Spence to be alone in such a crowd and such a state with everybody knowing who he is. So, he slowly stands up with Spin helping him.

Marie seems to have convinced Pete to come too and the rest of the guys excuses themselves and stays back. Six people should be a big enough group for Ryro, so he doesn't feel all too alone. I know he has anxiety issues, but there are enough people to take care of him.

As we make our way to the dancefloor I feel myself slightly struggling to walk straight. We pass Zack to tell him what we're up to and then enter the floor.

I always say Dancing's not a crime, because I love the feeling you get when the music is blasting so loud, you hear nothing else around you. It's a time to just let loose and don't bother with anything, just be in your own little world and let only the people in you actually want to let in. In my case that is Ryan.

I do know now why he said he hates dancing. As much as he is taller than me which makes him masculine, he is a very feminine dancer. But boy, does that look good when he sways his hips to the beat and sticks his ass out. Makes me wants to do things to him.

About half an hour into dancing, I feel the alcohol once again doing its part. I have to pee. Now. I lean in to whisper into Ryan's ear that I'm going to the restroom and he just nods lazily at me, intoxication still clearly showing. Looking around I see the others in their own worlds as well, but I think Ryro can handle five minutes without me.

So, I make my way over to the toilets and relieve myself. Quick check up in the mirror, I discover that I don't even look too bad for how much I drank and danced.

As I step out of the loos, my head feels dizzy. I look over to our spot and the first thing I recognize is that Ryan is not with the rest anymore. I let my gaze wander over all of the sweaty bodies on the dancefloor up to the bar, until I spot a familiar, slightly curly haired head at the bar.

But I wasn't prepared for what I saw next.

A tall, dark brown-haired man was standing next to my Ryan talking to him. I was devastated. Am I not enough? Doesn't he like me anymore? Is he just looking for a quick fuck? Or maybe he is super intoxicated? I don't know what to think, but I couldn't just stand here and do nothing.

So, I slowly walk over to the pair, inspecting the intruder intensely. For fuck's sake, he is really attractive, probably twice as much as me. No wonder, Ryan is talking to him, he needs someone in his league, who can compete with his good looks and I'm only a joke next to him.

Inconspicuously, I stand behind the guy Ryan is talking to and eavesdrop on their conversation. "Come on, you're Ryan Ross and I'm probably the best catch you can get tonight." He gazes around the room. "Definitely." He makes a disgusted face at the dancefloor. "L-Like I said, I have a boyfriend. Now, p-please just leave me alone."

"So, you have a boyfriend, how cares? Where is your boy tonight?" he touches Ryan's arm and strokes it. In that exact moment Ryan's look meets mine and I immediately recognize something is wrong, he doesn't want that guy to talk to him. His eyes practically scream for help. So, that's what I do. Brendon to the rescue.

I round that tall guy and protectively put my arm around Ryan's shoulder. "Here is his boy." I prance in front of him. It doesn't work to intimidate him though. "Who the fuck do you think you are? I was talking to that gorgeous guy! Do you even know who he is?" he looks at me disgusted, Ryan next to me just pulls on my sleeve to get away from him, but I stop him. With one look to Ry I make sure to him that he is boyfriend and I will protect him. However, I'm a fucking weakling, so I have to use words and not fists.

"Listen up, motherfucker. Of course, I know who he is because he is my boyfriend for half a fucking year now, so back the fuck off. And no, he is not one for a quick fuck, so don't you even dare to fucking offer that to him. He is more fucking precious than your pathetic ass will ever be. So, if you don't want to meet outside with me you better hurry to get back to your miserable little life. Oh, and when I say me, I of course mean me, his bandmates, our friends and hey, let us not forget our big boy Zack over there. He will surely like to punch some sense in your big as mouth, you fucking piece of shit. So, if you'll excuse us now." The guy just looks at me disbelievingly, mouth agape. I nod one last time and then pull Ryan with me and head to our lounge room again.

He is just baffled, looks at me kind of shocked, but also proud. "W-wow... Bren. I didn't know you could do that, thanks!" he tells me, watching me admiringly. "Well, Ry. I guess you bring out the best in me. I have to protect you at any cost, you know. But seriously, how did that happen, I was gone for like five minutes?" I ask him, because I honestly wanna know. "I don't know, Bren, really. You were gone and I just kept on dancing. Then he came up and tried to dance with me, but I felt super uncomfortable, so I left to the bar. He followed me and didn't stop talking about how amazing he thinks I am. Of course, he knew me, I told him I have a boyfriend, but it didn't seem to impress him much. Then you came thankfully." Ry finishes his story, I can't believe how some people are not respecting others. "I'm sorry, Ryan. I shouldn't have left you alone." I apologized. "Not your fault, B. You needed the toilet." He laughs, but I can still feel him being tense. He also seemed to sober up really fast.

"Hey, honey, do you rather want to leave?" I ask him, because I see he doesn't feel comfortable at all anymore. "I think that would be nice, we've been here pretty long already." I nod at him and we go to say goodbye to our friends and grab our stuff.

On the way out Ryan whispers in my ear "Also, it was kinda hot how you defended me against that guy, so I think you deserve some sort of reward, daddy." He kisses my neck. I giggle, to cover that I am actually really turned on. "Now, that's what I call dirty talk, baby."

Okay, so one thing please don't come at me for not doing Peterick. I had to do this for my friend, she begged me to do that. :D Anyways, hope you liked that and enjoy the last fluff you get, because after that chapter, it all goes down. Love yaaa!!  Oh, and thanks for 1k again, you're awesome!!

P.S.: Who wants to count the song references in this one? :D


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