Greenhouse Academy

By 0804writer

19.2K 213 47

It's season 3 of Greenhouse Academy. Aspen left and Spencer Green is taking her spot. Hayley chose Daniel ,bu... More

The Meeting
The Beach
What's That?
The Gala
Author notes
Let's Talk
The Wait
Author Notes
Going Back
Thoughts... (edit)
Camping (part 1)
Camping (part 2)
The Hospital
wake up


639 8 0
By 0804writer

Spencer's POV

I woke up hoping it was all a bad dream. I opened my eyes and it was all real. I looked at Kennedy; she was still in the como. I looked at my louie. It was 3 a.m. my parents texted

Be there around 10 a.m. See you soon.
~ Mom

I walked into the next room. I saw Nate. His parents were both asleep in the chairs. I walked up to his bed. I thought he was sleep when he started to walk up.

"Where..where am I?" He said in a daze

"In the Hospital. Do you remember anything?"

"No, what's going on?"

"You and Kennedy.."

"Who's Kennedy?"

"What? Do you know your name?"

"No, What's going on?"

"I'm Spencer and I'm want to help. I'll be back in a second.."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be right back."

I went into the hall way up to the nurses table.

"I think we have a problem?"

"Um who are you?"

"I'm Spencer Green my sister's in that room and her boyfriend is in that one and he doesn't remember anything."

"Okay come show me."

"Hey." I said

"Spencer who is this?"

"This is someone who's going to help you."

"What do you remember?" The nurse said

He just looked at me. He was almost asking me if it was okay. I nodded

"I don't remember anything."

"What's your name?" She asked

He looked to me again. I nodded

"I...I...I don't remember. Spencer what's going on."

"I don't know but I'm going to help you."

I walked over to his bed. The nurse left to get a doctor.

"Are you comfortable?" I asked

"Could you help me sit up?" He asked

"Sure." I got him to sit up right.


"Yes thank you." He was still the kind Nate I always knew

"What's my name?

"Nate. Actually Nathaniel but you liked Nate."

"Oh.. then keep calling me Nate. Do you go by anything else?"

"You always called me Spencer but you can call me Spence."

"Okay Spence. Tell me about me. If that doesn't sound too self centered."

"No, not at all. You are 17. Your full name is Nathaniel Vincent Carter. Those are your parents." I didn't know if should mention Kennedy.

"How old are you?"

"I'm 16. Also your kind of a genius."

"I'm a genius?"


"I'm a genius who can't remember anything."

I didn't know what to say.

"I'll be right back." I wanted to see where the doctor was. I got up when he grabbed my wrist.

"Please don't go."

"I have to go see where the doctor is. You should get some rest."

He was still holding my wrist.

"I'll be right back."


"Fine."  I grabbed a chair and sat next to him. He fell asleep when I realized he was holding my hand. I slid my hand out and went to the nurses table to see where the heck the doctor was.

"Where is the doctor?

"He's coming now. He lives 20 minutes away."

"Thank you. Do you have any idea what's going on?"

"I think we should wait to the doctor."


"Well When some patients loose their memory the first person they come in contact with that they trust will be who they look to." (I have no clue if this is true; just go with it.)

"Do they usually get it back?"

"If I'm being honest I have no idea."

"Will they always be dependent on that person?"

"It depends on the bond they make and the person."

"Thanks for the help."


I went back in the room. He was still asleep. I walked to the other room and Kennedy was the exact same. Then I heard shouts.


I ran into Nate's Room to see him in the corner with his parents trying to talk to him and the nurse their too.

"Spence thank goodness these people were trying to touch me."

I walked closer to him.

"These people are your parents."

"I don't trust them."

"Let's get back into bed."

He got back into the bed.

"Mr., Mrs. Carter I'm sorry but I don't think it's good for Nate to have you here." The nurse said

They looked so hurt and tired. I felt awful. Their only child did want them to be near him. The nurse left too.

"Hey Nate."

"Spence where did you go?"

"I was looking in on someone else."

"That's nice of you."

"Those kind people were your parents."


"The people that raised you."

"I..I don't remember...."

I wanted to be there for Nate but I still had to be there for Kennedy.

"I'll be right back."

"Spence where are you going?"

"My sister is here."

"Oh... can I meet her?"

"She' a coma....."

"Okay. Please don't leave me."

"I'll be in the next room. Get some rest."

I went into Kennedy's Room. I sat in the chair by her bed. It was now 3:30 a.m.
I was just sitting there when her stats began to dropped. The monitor began beeping. The nurses rushed in. I get pushed into the corner. Kennedy was crashing. I stood there frozen.

"We have to get her into surgery now!" Said a doctor

They took her out of the room. She was fine five minutes ago.

"Spencer, I'm back." It was Nurse Jenny

"What's going on?" I said with tears in my eyes

"It seems that something has ruptured and they need to do another surgery."

"I...I uh.... I have to call my parents. Do you think she's going to survive?"

"It's too early to say."

"Don't  give me that?"

"I don't know, but I hope she does."

I took my louie out

They are taking Kennedy into another surgery. Get here as fast as you can. ~ S

I was going to tell about her condition but I didn't have it in me. I looked up to see Nate at the door. He looked like he was going to fall.

"You have to get back in bed."

"What happened?"

"My sister is going into surgery."

I walked over to him. The nurse was about to help but I mouthed I got him. She went back to work. Nate might have gotten upset again. I had him lean on me and he sat in a chair.

"How do we know each other?"

"'re my sisters boyfriend....."

"Oh...the one who went into surgery?"

I nodded. I wiped more of the tears away.

"Why are we here?"

"Well....there was a car crash."

I sat down in another chair.

"Oh...was I driving?" I didn't know what to say

" wasn't your fault though. There was a drunk driver that crashed right into you at an intersection."

"I have a girlfriend who is in surgery but I don't remember her."

"...pretty much."

"Is she still my girlfriend, if I can't remember her?"

"....I guess that's up to you.... I don't know..."

"Are we good friends?"

"Not really... you always just thought of me as Kennedy's younger sister."

"How old is she?"


"Can we be good friends now?"

"If you'd like."

"I want us to be friends."

"Okay. Actually we've all known each other since we were kids. Our parents were friends."

"How did I end up with your sister?"

"Well for a while she only thought of you as a brother then you got a girlfriend. Her name was Lauren. She was nice. You guys only dated for a few weeks then she moved. You were 15 at the time. Kennedy didn't want you guys together so that's when she realized she had feelings for you."

"Oh... what about you?"

"What do you mean?"

"You probably saw this happening."

"Well I was 14... and I had liked you since we were like 11. I tried to help but I didn't know what to do."

"Oh...did I know?"

"I think once you turned 14 you kind of forgot about me..."

"I'm sorry."


"Because I know now that I shouldn't forget you. I'm assuming you don't like me now."

"It's complicated.."


"I'm going to school at Greenhouse and I knew I would have date you because you were dating Kennedy and I would do anything for Kennedy and you. Once I got there these two guys....let's just say it got way too complicated."

"Oh... what now?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you still like me?"

"Wow...most people don't just ask."

"Well I don't remember those other people. So?"

"you have a girlfriend my sister and you guys are happy."

"That was a different Nate. I don't remember that guy. I don't know your sister so how is she my girlfriend? Anyway that doesn't matter, I'm asking about the way you feel. So?"

I didn't know what to say. I hadn't thought of him at all since I got to Greenhouse. I have to deal with Max and Leo. I don't know any more. Nate is the guy I grew up with. The one who always there when I needed it. He was the guy who made me laugh when I really didn't want to. Now I have Max and Leo who noticed me. Then again this is a different Nate, yet the same Nate without the memories.

"You've always been important in my life and always will be but you are still technically dating my sister who might.... die... so I can't say anything. Sorry."

"Don't be sorry, I completely understand."

"Want to get back to your room?"

He nodded. He leaned on me and we walked into his room and he got back in the bed. He was tired so he went back to bed. I wanted to see how his parents were doing but first I needed coffee. I walked to the cafeteria. I got my coffee then I saw the Carters sitting at a table nervously. I sat down at there table.

"How is he?" Daphne asked looking stressed as ever

"He's very tired and he doesn't believe that he's the same Nate as before."

"That's not true. He's the same Nate he's always been." Quinn said upset

"In his eyes he is a different person because he doesn't remember anything of his old life."

"That can't be he's the same Nate that I raised." Quinn said angry and with tears in his eyes

"Why is he only trusting you?"

"Well when he first woke up I was there checking in and he trusted me. The nurse said when some patients loose there memory the first person they see and trust is someone there dependent on."

"He really doesn't remember anything?"
Daphne asked

"No I'm sorry. He only knows the things I've told him. He doesn't have any of the memories we've made with him."

"What have you told him?"  Daphne asked

"Whatever he asked. I told him about Kennedy. He doesn't know if there dating or not."

"Of course they're dating." Quinn said

"But he doesn't remember." Daphne said

"What else?" Quinn asked annoyed

"He asked how we know each other and I explained us growing up. That's about it."

"Thank you so much." Daphne said

Then the nurse ran in the cafeteria.

"Jenny what's going on?"

"The doctors here and Nate's freaking out."

I got up and followed Jenny back to the room.


"I'm here to help."


I look at Daphne and Quinn they looked so hurt.

"Honey it's okay that doctor here to help you." Daphne said moving closer.


"Hey Nate. Nate, I'm right here." I said moving closer

"Spence who are these people?"

"They are here to help you."

"I don't want them to come near me."

"Okay. Everyone please step back."

He walks back and Daphne leaves the room crying. Quinn goes after her

"Where did you go?"

"I went to get coffee."

"I woke up and you were gone but those people were trying to put that in me."

"That's an IV."

"He's very dehydrated." The doctor said

"Can they please put it in now?"

"Fine." He took my hand and the doctor came over slowly and put it in

"Done." The doctor said

"What now?" I asked the doctor

"Well we need to see his back because he was having some trouble with moving them."

"He was walking 20 minutes ago."

"We just need to check."

"Nate can you flip to your stomach please?" I asked calmly

He tried but he couldn't.

"What's going on?!" I was starting to panic

"I can only tell his parents." He walked out side and talking to them then Daphne started to cry even more and Quinn started to cry.

"I'll be right back."

"Where are you going?"

"I'll be right there."

I walked over to them

"What is it?"

"He's...he's...he's never going to walk again." Then daphne said to cry even more

"It seems he's damaged the bottom part of his spin." Quinn said holding Daphne.

Tears came to my eyes. I ran. I ran to the bathroom. I started to cry I couldn't stop. Nate doesn't remember anything and now he can't walk. I was just helping him walk. I wiped the tears away I had to see how Kennedy was doing. I walked up to Nurse Jenny.

"How's Kennedy?"

"She's still in surgery. When are your parents getting here?" I looked at the clock

"In 4 hours."

I walked back into Nate's Room.

"What happened?"

"I got some not good news."

"Can you tell me?"

"That's up to your parents."

I looked at Quinn in the hallway. He nodded.

"'s about you....we've just found out... you won't be able to walk again.... it seems you've damaged you spinal cord."

"Oh... I only remember walking once anyway." He laughed. He always had a way to see the good in bad situations

"I think your the same Nate just with the memories."

"What do you mean?"

"You are the same kind and funny guy I've know my whole life."

"Is that good?"

"Definitely. Now you should get some rest."

He fell asleep once again. I went into Kennedy's Room and started to read the book I brought. I fell asleep after a while. I woke up to my mom shaking me.


"Spencer!" My parents gave me a hug and I was okay with it

"When did you guys get here?"

"Just now. Where's Kennedy?"

"In surgery."

"How's Nate?"

"Not good. He's lost his memory and now he only trust me and he's probably never going to walk again."

"How are you?"

"I...I could be better. I should go see if he's up."

"Can we come?"

"You can stand in the door way but he doesn't want people near him."

We walked next door

"Hey Nate." He seemed even more tired then when I left

"Hi Spencer. How's your sister?"

"She's still in surgery."

I heard my mom say

"He knows who Kennedy is that's good."

"Nate are you feeling up to seeing your parents?"


I walked up to them.

"Nate's up to see you guys."

They got up and walked in the room

"Nate these are your parents."

"Honey, how are you feeling?" His mom asked


Then she started to cry and she went up and hugged him. He just sat there confused.

"Can you stop?"

"Sorry yes." She got off him

"Why She's your mother?" Quinn said

He hasn't excepted what's happened to Nate

"I don't know her." Nate said

"She's still your mother."

"I still don't know her or you."

"We are your parents and you are Nate. Our Nate."

"I'm Nate but I'm not the Nate you know but maybe I am. I don't know. What I do know is I trust Spencer and not you."

"She's just your girlfriends little sister."

Wow I know he's angry but what the hell did I do. I didn't spend time with my sister, I decided to help him. It's not like I chose for this to happy. I should have just stayed with Kennedy. She might die and I wasn't with her.

"I understand your upset but there's no reason to unkind to me. You know I grew up with him as much as Kennedy and you know for a while she didn't notice him."

"You understand what it's like to have your child not want you to go near them?"Quinn said annoyed

"I do know that I've been worrying about my sister and Nate. I didn't choose to be put in this situation but that's what I have to work with. You do too. Maybe your angry at the whole fricken world well I am too but you don't see me being rude." I said calmly as I could

Then I saw the doctor that was doing the surgery going to my parents.

"Excuse me I have to go do something."

I walked over to them.

"Are you the Green Family?"

"Yes." My mom said

"I'm Doctor Andrews, I performed the surgery today. Kennedy had a lot of damage when she first got here and I decided to put her in a medically induced coma. Earlier today her stitches on her stomach busts. We got there in time and she should be waking up soon."

"Thank you so much Doctor." My mom said over the moon

"Could there be any complications?" My dad asked

"We will have to wait until she wakes up and that should be in a half an hour or so."

"Thank you again." My dad said

Kennedy's going to be just fine. They went to her room but I wanted to see how Nate was getting along.

"Hey Nate."


"Have you talked to your parents yet?"

"No, that one guy was really rude."

"You need to talk to them. They're really scared because of everything."

"Will you be here when I do?"

"I think you have to do this on your own; if your up for it."


I walked over to them

"Nate will talk to you guys, but I'm going to suggest that you don't touch him and that you talk calmly. I think it will be the easiest if you do those things but that's up to you."

I started to walk away.

"Thanks you." Daphne said

"No problem."

"We're sorry about before. It's just been really hard to deal with."

"It's fine."

I walked back to Kennedy's Room and sat with my parents. Everything was starting to work out.

Author Notes: I didn't want to make a whole chapter. I was wondering, what do you guys want to see happen? Thanks for reading and voting. Bye.

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