Going Back

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Spencer's POV

I woke up leaning on Kennedy's bed. She was awake for some  reason. I looked at the time it was 6:00.

"Hey." I said waking up

"Hey." She seemed upset

"What's wrong? The doctor said you'd make a full recovery."

"I know it's just, Nate."

"I'm sorry about this whole thing."


"Because if I wasn't there none of this would of happened."

"I know you were only helping."

"Still, since you're okay are you okay if I go back to Greenhouse?"

"Of course but I thought we could spend your birthday together. It is tomorrow."

"Oh..I completely forgot. I kind of need to get back."

"Okay, Do you want to go back today?"

"I've already missed two days."

"What are we going to do about Nate?"

"I have an idea, can you walk yet?"

"Not a lot."

"What about to a wheel chair?"

She got up and took her IV with her. I pushed her into the next room very carefully. Nate was barely asleep.

"Hey." I said

"Hey Spencer, who is?"



"Hey." She said

"Nate, you and Kennedy should talk." I said


"Everything. Since I'm going back to school you are going to need to talk to her." I said

"What?! You're leaving."

"Yeah, you'll be fine. You have Kennedy and you're parents." I said leaving the room

I went into the hallway to see my parents there.

"That was nice of you." My mom said

"They belong together. Can I go back to school today?" I asked

"Sure, but if you'd like you can stay longer."

"Thanks but I don't want to miss anything else."

"Okay, Happy Early Birthday then." My mom said hugging me

"Happy Birthday Spencer." My dad said hugging me

"You can find Ryan in the parking lot." My Mom said

"Okay, see you soon." I said I grabbed my bag and went outside to the parking lot.

I saw the car. Ryan is there driver. I got in.

"Hey Ryan, can you take me to Greenhouse?"

"Of course Spencer."

He drove me to the school. Once we got there I got out.

"Thanks Ryan."

"Call me if you need a ride."

I went inside. I went to Raven house. I took my louie out and opened the door. Everyone was still asleep; since it was 6:30 in the morning. I didn't want to wake anyone so I went outside on the deck. I watched as the sunrise. I just sat. I needed to think and collect my thoughts. I know I was going to answer Hayley soon. I still don't know what to do. I know it's selfish and wrong but I they're both great guys. I lost track of time. I looked at my louie at 7. I went inside and went to take a shower. I got out and got changed. I was wearing a white shirt, jeans, and red converse. I blow dried my hair and when I finished it was 8:00. I walked out and people were starting to get up. I saw Emma.

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