Camping (part 2)

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Spencer's POV

Once the ten minutes were up we got on the buses and were dropped somewhere in Santa Barbara Mt. We walked in almost a line. Hayley was up front with Leo and Jackie and I was in the middle by Becca and Bailee and Max and Emma were in the back. Leo was about to go one way when Hayley spoke up.

"It's this way. You're looking at it wrong." Hayley said

"I got a 1590 on my SATs. I think I can read a map." Leo said

"Look, my dad would take us camping for three weeks every summer with only a campus to find our way. But, hey it's your call." she said

"Listen to Hayley." Jackie said

"Fine. This way." Leo said pointing the direction Hayley wanted to go

Then we continued to hike I didn't really talk since Hayley was with Leo and Max and Emma were talking.

"hey." Jackie said which surprised me

"Hey." I responded

"I just wanted to say sorry for everything that's happened I know I should have put you in the middle." she said with sincerity

"it's fine."

"Are you sure? I'm usually not like that."

"really it's fine, I know you only did it because you really care about Max."

"yeah, and do you?"

"Care about max?" I asked a bit confused and she nodded

"Of course, he's one of my best friends."

"I mean..." she said trailing off and now I knew what she meant

"uh....if I'm being honest I'm not completely sure...."

"Just be nice to him, don't let him get too much in his head."

"yeah, but you can do that. You guys can still be friends."

"I guess, but it'll be hard when I'm gone." she said walking ahead

"What do you mean gone?" I asked catching up

"I recently got in contact with my mom and she wants me to move to New York with her."

"Oh my god, Jackie, that's great. I'm so happy for you." I said

"Yeah, I just haven't been able to tell Max with our breakup and everything."

"You have to tell him before you go, and what about Hayley?"

"I haven't told anyone yet, please don't tell them yet."

"Of course, but-" I was about to say something when Becca yelled

"Found it! I found the first flag."  Becca said holding the flag up

"Nice job Becca." Bailee said

"Good thing we went this way." Hayley said to Leo

"Hey, how about we move the rock to point the other way to throw off the Eagles?" Becca said which I heard as I caught up to where they were

"like, cheating..." Hayley said

"Not really, just throwing them off a little." Jackie said

"It's dirty, come on guys let's win this the right way." Hayley said going in front and continuing the hike. Becca looked kind of upset

"It's alright Becca." I said and kept walking

After a while of walking we ran into the Eagles and started to walk together and once it started to get dark we stopped and pitched our tents and made a campfire. We roasted marshmallows and had a sing along, it was all really nice. I felt bad for Leo I caught looking at Hayley and Daniel a bit sad. Max and Jackie seemed to talk and made peace and hugged goodbye. Jackie then told everyone that she was leaving after this challenge to go to New York with her mom. Everyone, both Ravens and Eagles, hugged her. Once it got late we all went to bed.

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