Let's Talk

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Spencer's POV

I woke up around 7. I had a class at 11. I again was the only one up. I went into the bathroom and took a shower. I brushed it when I got out and put my glasses on. I just let it down and put my outfit on. It was red shirt with a denim skirt and black converse. I walked into the main area around 8:30. I saw Leo at the table reading a book. I walked over and sat down.

"Hey." I said

"Hey Spencer."

"What are you reading?"

"The Picture of Dorian Gray."

"That's one of my favorites."

"Mine too."

"What's your favorite part?"

"I think.... the part when he meets Sibyl Vane's brother. You?"

"I can't pick."

"Of course you can't." He says sarcastically

"Hey what's that supposed to me?" I laughed a bit

"It's just you seem like a very thoughtful person and that means you have to look at it as a whole not as parts. It's not a bad thing or anything."

"Thanks... I guess."

"Are you always up this early?"

"Yeah, if I sleep too late it feels like I don't get a whole day in."

"I couldn't do that." We both laughed

"I'm going to get breakfast want to come?"

"Sure." He put his book mark in the book and we pushed our chairs in. We were about to leave when Hayley walked in

"Leo." Hayley said ignoring my presence

"Hey Hayley." Leo said

"Hi Hayley." I said

"Where are you going?" Still only addressing Leo

"We're going to breakfast, want to come?"
Why Leo, why, why did you have to invite your ex girlfriend who hates me. Maybe she won't say yes.

"Sure, is that okay with you Spencer?"
I bit my tongue.

"Of course." I said politely

We walked downstairs. I got a cup of tea and a croissant. We sat down with awkward silence.

"So...have you guys talked since you know..?" I asked scared of the response

"How does she know?" Hayley said

"I told her."

"You go around telling strangers about out relationship!!" Hayley was annoyed

"Spencer isn't some stranger, she's my friend."

"So.. no" I said

"Okay since your friend brought it up, how did you move on so fast?" She said annoyed

"Fast? It wasn't fast, Spencer came a month after this all happened and you know it."

Wait what!! He was upset her when I got here I thought because it happened recently.

"Once she got here you were going after her."

"Why does that matter? You didn't want me." Leo said really hurt

"Just because I decided to date Daniel doesn't mean I automatically stop caring about you."

"Its been almost two months."

There was a pause of dead silence.

"Well... I see this is a sore topic. I'm going to go...."

"Since you brought it up your going to have to hear all of it." Hayley said

"Okay since I'm apart of what ever this is now, why do you hate me so much?"
I genuinely wanted to know why since the moment I got here she's be after me.

"Why is that?" Leo asked

"I knew she was bad news and would only leave you hurt and look she did."

"Spencer did say no to me but she made sure I was okay afterward. You came back from your time off dating Daniel and I had no clue. Do you know what it's liked to get asked about you and what happened when I didn't even know." I saw the hurt in Leo's eyes. I think it took him a lot to say that

"Leo I had no idea.." Hayley said

"How would you? We never talked."

"What is that my fault?"

"I thought you didn't want to because you kind of just stopped talking to me."

"I didn't know what to say. I knew I hurt you I thought it was better for you to just forget about me."

"Us not figuring this out is all I thought about. I had no clue what happened so all I had was my own ideas"

I knew they were both hurt. Leo because Hayley just left him hanging. Hayley because she thought Leo got over her way too fast and that I was a bad person ir something.

"We have to get to class." I said

We all got up. It was an awkward dead silence. We sat in class and learned about the civil war. The period eventually ended and I basically ran out the door, not wanting to finish that conversation. I went to the Greenhouse. I walked in and looked for Adams Journal. I pick it up and walked back to the house. I sat on the deck and opened it.

This book belongs to Adam Green.

Today is my 25th birthday and Luke got me a journal and I got him a new gym floor put in. He's really excited. I don't know if I'm going to keep writing but for now I will. I want to write my history so this might take a while. If you want the to hear the full story it's going to take a while.

I stopped reading because I didn't know if I had enough time to finish so I closed the book. I took the book and headed back to the house. It was around 12:30. I walked in and put the book in my nightstand. I saw Hayley at the table and I wanted to talk to her.

"Can we talk?"

"You want to talk to me?"

"Yeah but somewhere private."

"Okay, why?"

"I have a question."

We walked outside on the deck and I closed the doors.

"I think it's about time we actually talk." I said

"Okay I'm listening."

"I just want to know why you have it out for me and be honest. I won't say anything to anyone. It's up to you if you believe me."

"...the thing is I still really care about Leo and I don't think I should and when I see you guys together and see the way he smiles at you... it makes me annoyed and when I see that smile taken away because of you it makes me annoyed."

"Great. Everything I do annoys you. If you care so much why don't you tell him?"

"Because though I might have confused feelings about Leo I know that Daniel makes me happy and these past few months have been really nice."

"I don't know what to tell you. I can't say I'm never going to hurt Leo and I can't say I'm going to stop being his friend either"

"I know...I have a question for you?"

"Which is?"

"Who do you like Max or Leo?"

Uh oh....

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