The Beach

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Spencer's POV

I woke up and I took a shower. I put my outfit on for the day. It was a blue shirt with the Raven logo and white jeans. I went downstairs to get breakfast. I got a tea with cream and sugar. It was really good. I saw the other Ravens all sitting at a table. Hayley across from Jackie , Max next to Jackie, Emma across from Max, Leo next to Max and Bailee next to Emma (I'm going add "extras" in). There was no seats and everyone was talking and laughing. I decided not to intrude so I went to the music room. I wanted to work a song. After around 30 minutes the door opened and Hayley came in.

"Hey." She said

"Hello..." I was confused on why she was talking to me.

"I would like to say sorry."

"What?!" I was dumbfounded

"I had no right to talk to you that way the other day and I'm sorry for that."

"Thank you." I couldn't tell if she was lying or not.

"Anyway whatever you and Leo do treat him right." There it was. She cares so much about me and Leo because she still likes Leo. I'm pretty sure. I picked up the violin and started to just play around. Another 30 minutes passed and my louie went off.

"Raven meeting in 5." It was from Leo.
I headed over and we all stood waiting to get what he had to say.

"We are going to be having a party to show our main donators why they should keep donating. This is going to be a fancy dance so dress nice. The Ravens and Eagles will get along. We'll be working together to make the dance nice. It will be in 2 days. If you want to help decorate or anything help just go to the ball room on the day of the dance."

My louie started ringing it was my mom. In the middle of his speech.

"I really sorry I have to take this."I left the room and went into the hallway


"Honey, did you here about the dance?"

"Yeah, Your coming aren't you?"

"Of course. Your father and me. Oh and even Kennedy is coming." Kennedy is my older sister. We are like the same person. She was my best friend growing up.

"Really?! That's great!" I was excited now.

"Well I got to go talk to you later."

"Okay, bye."
I walked back into the room and the meeting had ended.

"Hey Max, what did I miss?"

"Not anything that was the end of the meeting really. Who was that on the phone?"

"My mom she was saying that my family was going to be at the ball thing."

"That's cool I guess."

"Who are you bringing to the ball tomorrow?"

"...Idk....Jackie she's my girlfriend I'm pretty sure."

"Okay then. Want to play chess together." 

"Sure but I'm going to win."

"Keep telling yourself that."

We sat down and started to play after a half an hour and I knew I was going to win. I was going to win in three moves and I knew what he was going to do. I finished the my last move.


"Seriously, how are you so good?"

"I don't know?" I laughed a bit

"Good game. Rematch?"

"Another time. I was to go t the beach I have't got to yet.  You want to come with?"


We both got up and headed for the door. He held it open for me.

"Thank You." he nodded.

We sat down on a bench facing the water. It was a beautiful day. The sun was shining but there was a nice wind. I love the smell of the sea.

"Didn't you say you have to meet up with Jackie."

"Oh yeah, I totally forgot."

*Ding* Max's louie went off

"Who is it?"

"Jackie, I was supposed to meet her 5 minutes ago."

"Don't make her wait any longer go."

"Yeah, Bye."

I just sat there looking out at the beautiful ocean. Then I noticed Hayley she was at the beach. I think she was crying. I walked down.


"Hey" she said wiping the tears away

"What's wrong?"

"Why would you care. I've been so horrible to you."

"I haven't to you so why would I start now?"

"Good point." she said laughing crying

"I'm just wondering if I choose the right guy."


"I know I must seem crazy but seeing the way Leo looks at you made me go a bit crazy."

Wait what?! What way was Leo looking at me

"Hayley I don't 't now what your talking about we barely have anything in common."

"You both love music."

"That's really all and anyway you have Daniel."

"Yeah your right he's great. I'm sorry I've been awful to you."

"It's alright why don't we get back and get something to eat."

"Definitely, I'm starved."

We walked back and she told me all about her mom and this girl named Aspen who didn't seem very nice. Went back to the house and got ready for bed.

"Today went well." Hayley said

"yeah, I have to study so..."

"Okay night."

I went to the table and took out my text book ad started taking notes. We had a test tomorrow. An hour or so passed and I finally finished. I got Ito bed and went to sleep. Today went really well.

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