Almost Lover (Harry Styles)...

By Posh777

1.6M 50K 8.6K

Ava McCain An aspiring song writer living in London with a secret past. Harry Styles A famous singer who mak... More

Cast & Story Info
Chapter 1: This is what I was born to do
Chapter 2: Hair or Tattoos
Chapter 3: Everybody Hurts Sometimes
Chapter 4: No Harm Love
Chapter 5: Literally Frozen
Chapter 6: Opportunity Knocks
Chapter 7: Memory Lane & Text Messages
Chapter 8: Change Your Life
Chapter 9: Lover-Boy
Chapter 10: Wrecking Ball
Chapter 11: Barfights and "Goodnight"s
Chapter 12: Saturday Hangover
Chapter 13: Sunday Brunch
Chapter 14: Friends
Chapter 15: "Goodbye London."
Chapter 16: Falling
Chapter 17: A Confession and A Wager
Chapter 18: Evening the Score
Chapter 19: Let Her Go
Chapter 20: "Stop Thinking."
Chapter 21: "Not a Chance."
Chapter 22: The Not So Great Escape
Chapter 23: Inspiration and Pub Brawls
Chapter 24: When I Was Your Man
Chapter 25: Karaoke and A Huge Step Forward
Chapter 26: Text Messages and Twitter Pics
Chapter 28: "We sort of have company."
Chapter 29: A Not So Good Start
Chapter 30: The Truth
Chapter 31: Breakfast and....
Chapter 32: "It was bloody amazing."
Chapter 33: Toasts and Secrets
Chapter 34: "I Love Cereal."
Chapter 35: No Going Back
Chapter 36: "Tell me."
Chapter 37: "Keep going."
Chapter 38: She was Right
Chapter 39: Words of Wisdom
Chapter 40: Sheet Music and Shaving Cream
Chapter 41: Hiking
Chapter 42: "I dont know."
Chapter 43: The Plan
Chapter 44: Waiting
Chapter 45: "I want revenge."
Chapter 46: Heartbreak All Over Again
Chapter 47: "You know."
Chapter 48: "Over."
Chapter 49: Jokes Laughs and Racing Hearts
Chapter 50: Love Looking Back
Chapter 51: Love The Way You Lie
Chapter 52: Fan-girling and Extra Pressure
Chapter 53: Lies and Bets
Chapter 54: Testing Testing
Chapter 55: To Do or Not to Do That is the Question.
Chapter 56: "Okay."
Chapter 57: "I'll stay with you every night."
Chapter 58: Halo
Chapter 59: Secret Plans
Chapter 60: Friday
Chapter 61: "I'm with Kelsey Worthington."
Chapter 62: "You need to go. Now."
Chapter 63: Estates Holdings and Threats
Chapter 64: Emotional
Chapter 65: Stalker or Romantic?
Chapter 66: Tweets
Chapter 67: Making Plans and Saying Sorry
Chapter 68: Surprise After Surprise
Chapter 69: A Bad Day
Chapter 70: "I am afraid."
Chapter 71: Images
Chapter 72: Whatever It Takes
Chapter 73: "It's called love."
Chapter 74: A Night Out
Chapter 75: "I'm Yours."
Chapter 76: "I'll go get him."
Chapter 77: Wise Advice or a Drunken Rant?
Chapter 78: Signing Shopping and Sighing
Chapter 79: A Perfect Dress and A Decision?
Chapter 80: Girl's Night or Plans?
Chapter 81: "A french saying."
Chapter 82: A Secret
Chapter 83: A Beautiful Dress a Present and a Castle
Chapter 84: Three Words
Chapter 85: "What did you do?"
Chapter 86: "Make me not feel anything."
Chapter 87: Heartbreak and a Text Message
Chapter 88: "Let me go."
Chapter 89: A Punch in the Face and A Plane Ride
Chapter 90: I can move on.
Sequel: All of Me

Chapter 27: Soundcheck Revenge and CPR

18.6K 576 107
By Posh777

-Ava's POV-

I can already hear the crowds outside the venue.

They are singing What Makes You Beautiful. I know it's only going to get louder as the guys start sound check. Tonight they are expecting over two hundred thousand in attendance, and the guys are, as Niall says 'stoked!!' I have to give it to them, they really do have awesome fans. Well, except for the crazy obsessive ones.

Lou and I walk out and take a seat in some of the chairs to the side of the stage. To me sound check is so much better then the actual concert. It may be because I've seen the concert dozens of times now, but they are just all so goofy during sound check, I love it.

There's probably about 1000 girls down in front of the stage, lucky fans who snagged sound check tickets. They already start screaming when the band comes out and starts tuning their instruments. But that's nothing compared to when Louie runs out yelling with Zayn on his back. The girls literally lose it. Niall prances out behind them, reminding me of a little pony. Liam and Harry follow, as the screams get even louder.

"Hiiiii!" Harry calls out to them, "We are One Direction, nice to meet you all. Welcome to our sound check party. First of all we are gonna do a song, then we are going to take questions from you guys."

"You all alright?" Liam asks, getting a scream in response.

Niall grabs his guitar and plugs it in. Zayn picks up an iphone that was thrown on stage and hands it down to security to pass back to its owner.

"Are you having a good time?" Louie asks. Another very loud scream breaks out.

Harry spots Lou and I, pointing at us. "You're sat down, so you can't be having a good time."

We have played this game with him before so we jump up and scream like fan girls.

"There you go!" Harry laughs.

"They're paid to do that by the way." Niall adds, getting a laugh from the crowd.

"We're gonna start with Teenage Dirtbag." Zayn informs the crowd as the music starts and the boys start spreading out on the stage.

Harry starts singing and awkwardly dancing across stage. How can he dance so badly but still be so hot? It's almost frustrating.

The crowd starts singing and dancing along with them as the song goes on and when it ends they of course get another round of screams as Liam thanks the crowd.

"So who has seen the video for Best Song Ever?" Harry asks, getting a large squeel from the girls in response.

"So what did you think? Did you like it?" He asks, receiving a quite a few Love its and It was Awesome.

Niall interrupts him and they all began mumbling incoherently to each other before going into the questions portion of sound check. All the questions are usually the same from one concert to the next, until they call on one little girl up front.

"Hi! I love you guys so much!! My question is for Harry.. Are you and Ava dating?" She excitedly asks.

I feel my body tense as Harry glances at me.

"Cause you totally should be, you guys are so so cute together!!" She adds, getting a few screams from the girls in agreement.

Lou snickers next to me and I want to melt into my chair and disappear.

Harry chuckles and a grin takes over his face as he replies to her, "Well, no we are not dating. But.. she does have a hard time keeping her hands to herself."

All the guys, including Lou bust out laughing as the girls laugh and scream, with a few whistles thrown in. I cover my face with my hands, he so did not just say that!

Harry does his stupid little laugh into the mike, "Come on Ava... that was a good one!"

I take my hands away from my face and narrow my eyes while shaking my head at him. I try not to, but I can't help laughing. He shoots me a dimpled smirk before turning back to the crowd and announcing the next song they are going to sing.

He glances up at me during the next song and I mouth 'You're dead' to him. He puts a fake scared expression on his face, eyes wide and mouth in an o before jumping back across the stage.

"Come on." Lou pulls me up. "I know exactly how to get your revenge!"

We head backstage and she ducks into a food room, coming out with a carton of eggs. "Okay, so you're going to hide behind the stage door and I'm going to stand next to it. When the lads come through it, I'm going to call for Harry so he will turn around and come back. Then you strike!"

I laugh, loving the plan immediately.

We take our places as we hear them finish the last song, Lou next to the open door and me hiding behind it, out of sight. We hear screams and seconds later the guys jog thru the door laughing. Lou waits till they are a little ways down the hallway before calling out. "Harry, come here!"

He turns back as the rest of the guys head on and into the dressing room.

"Lou," He jogs up to her. "Ava's not sore at me is she? God, I'm such a wanker. I should of kept my mouth shut!"

"Oh, I think she'll be getting you back for that." Lou laughs.

Before Harry can respond I throw the door closed and pelt him with an egg, hitting him smack in the chest. The shock on his face almost makes me fall on the floor laughing. When he sees me raise another one in the air, he takes off down the hallway making the egg hit him in the back of the leg. I chase after him, following him around a corner and chucking another one at him. It smacks him on the back and he yells and runs faster. We head down a long hallway. I think I could actually catch up with him being he keeps tripping over his own feet, but I'm laughing so hard I know I can't.

I grab two out of the carton and throw them, one missing him and the other hitting the top of his head. He yells again and ducks into a room down the hallway. I check the first room, finding it empty. When I get to the second room, I find windows covering one whole side of it, and fans are lined up right outside the window, screaming and pointing towards the back corner of the room. I look back towards the corner, where stacks of chairs sit.

I laugh, tossing an egg up into the air and catching it. "Oh Styles, I do believe your fans have turned on you."

"Have not!" I hear a grunt from behind the chairs.

"Do you not understand the concept of hiding?!" I bust out laughing.

"Shit." I hear him curse before he starts laughing.

As I get closer to the chairs I chuck two eggs up and over them. I know I've missed him when I hear him yell "Ha!"

The screams coming from the other side of the window get louder as I grab three more eggs and hold them up so the girls can see. I toss them them over the chairs and I know victory is mine when he curses.

I turn around and give a thumbs up to the girls outside, letting them know I hit my mark. My boasting is interrupted by the sound of Harry's voice. "Good aim McCain, good aim."

I turn around to find him now standing behind the chairs, covered in eggs. I bust out laughing at the sight in front of me.

A smirk sweeps over Harry's face as he glances down at the carton in my hands, "So if I counted right.. you've only got two left."

I freeze, quickly glancing down. Yup only two. I look up to find him jumping over the chairs. Crap! I take off out of the room and down the hallway. I know I'm doomed as I hear his laughter behind me getting louder. I grab another egg and throw it behind me, missing him completely.

Just as I go to grab the last one, I feel an arm around my waist. Harry pulls me back into him and over to the side with one arm while he uses the other to yank the carton out of my hands.

"No Harry no!" I scream, trying to squirm out of his grasp.

He laughs and swiftly throws me over his shoulder, keeping a tight grip on the back of my thighs as I smack his back to let me go.

He turns around and heads back down the hallway, entering the room we just came from. The girls outside go into hysterics as they see us enter, me thrown over his shoulder like a rag doll.

He carries me over to the windows, and sets the carton down on a table next to us. Letting me down, he turns me around putting my back to his front so I'm facing the windows. He keeps a tight grip on my waist and arms as he takes the last egg out of the carton.

"Harry. Don't you dare!" I scream.

He laughs and smashes the egg down right on top of my head. The girls outside scream and bang on the windows as it drips down my face.

"See they are on my side." Harry points out, giving a thumbs up to the girls outside.

His grip loosens on me and I take the opportunity to make my escape.

"Oh no you don't!" He yells, grabbing me once again and throwing me over his shoulder.

"Harry put me down!"

"Nope." He laughs, walking out of the room and down the hallway. We pass the boys and Lou who are all dying laughing.

"Yeah, great idea Lou!" I yell as we pass them.

I squirm in his hold but soon give up. I know I'm only getting down when he lets me.

"Harry where are we going!?"

I get a chuckle in response as he heads outside.

"Harry!" I grab onto the back of his shirt and move myself to the side enough so I can see what he's walking toward. You have got to by kidding me. How does this venue have a pool?!

"Harry Edward Styles, don't you even think about it!"

"What? Don't you want to get the egg out of your hair?" He laughs.

As we get closer to the pool he starts sprinting towards it.

"Harry stop!" I plead him, but it's to late.

He jumps into the pool with me still over his shoulder. We seperate and I decide it's payback time. I see him swim up. I follow him and I soon as I hit the surface I scream and thrash around, pretending I can't swim. I hold my breath and let my body just sink to the bottom. I know this is mean, but he so deserves this.

I quickly feel his arms around me pulling me to the surface. As soon as we hit it he starts yelling my name.

"Ava! Ava!"

I let my body go limp in his arms as he pulls me towards the deck. Im surprised at how easily he holds on to me and jumps out before pulling me right out after him. He lays me out on the pool deck and I try very hard not to laugh.

"Ava! Oh my god. Ava! Help!" He shouts. Thankfully no one else is outside, and his panic really sets in.

He shakes my shoulders yelling my name one again. He places his hands down on my chest and I almost flinch before realizing he is doing CPR. He pumps my chest three times and I feel him start leaning over me. I have the urge to just let him and grab him into a kiss. But instead I blow water out of my mouth right as his face comes over mine.

I open my eyes and bust out laughing at the shocked expression on his face.

"What the fuck?!" He yells at me.

I'm still laughing as he jumps up. "Are you fucking kidding me Ava! I thought you were fucking dying!" He angrily yells, making my laughter come to an abrupt stop. Okay, he is pissed. Really pissed.

He leaves me on the ground and storms off towards the building.

"Harry!" I call after him, but he just ignores me.

I get up and run after him. I feel terrible. I took that way to far.

"Harry!" I catch up to him and pull at his arm, turning him to face me. It's then that I see his eyes are red. Oh god, he was crying. He thought I was dying and he was crying. You are so stupid Ava!

"Dont touch me... and don't follow me." He yanks his arm away from mine.

I'm left standing alone as he walks inside the building, slamming the door behind him. He has never spoken to me like that before and he's never pulled away from me before.

I feel the tears come to my eyes as I push my hair back off my face and stare at my feet.

What have you done Ava?


A/N: If you are enjoying the story, please vote! I spend hours and hours writing this and it only takes a second. It would mean so much to me and to getting my story out there! Thanks!! ;)

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