Runaway (A Zayn Malik fanfict...

By exquisites

5.7M 198K 91K

"You are the best and worst thing that has ever happened to me, you bastard. I need you but I can't have you... More

Chapter 1 ♡
Chapter 2 ♡
Chapter 3 ♡
Chapter 4 ♡
Chapter 5 ♡
Chapter 6 ♡
Chapter 7 ♡
Chapter 8 ♡
Chapter 9 ♡
Chapter 10 ♡
Chapter 11 ♡
Chapter 12 ♡
Chapter 13 ♡
Chapter 14 ♡
Chapter 15 ♡
Chapter 16 ♡
Chapter 17 ♡
Chapter 18 ♡
Chapter 19 ♡
Chapter 20 ♡
Chapter 21 ♡
Chapter 22 ♡
Chapter 23 ♡
Chapter 24 ♡
Chapter 25 ♡
Chapter 26 ♡
Chapter 27 ♡
Chapter 28 ♡
Chapter 29 ♡
Chapter 30 ♡
Chapter 31 ♡
Chapter 32 ♡
Chapter 33 ♡
Chapter 34 ♡
Chapter 35 ♡
Chapter 36 ♡
Chapter 37 ♡
Chapter 38 ♡
Chapter 39 ♡
Chapter 40 ♡
Chapter 41 ♡
Chapter 42 ♡
Chapter 43 ♡
Chapter 44 ♡
Chapter 45 ♡
Chapter 46 ♡
Chapter 47 ♡
Chapter 48 ♡
Chapter 49 ♡
Chapter 50 ♡
Chapter 51 ♡
Chapter 52 ♡
Chapter 53 ♡
Chapter 54 ♡
Chapter 55 ♡
Chapter 56 ♡
Chapter 57 ♡
Chapter 58 ♡
Chapter 59 ♡
Chapter 60 ♡
Chapter 61 ♡
Chapter 62 ♡
Chapter 63 ♡
Chapter 64 ♡
Chapter 65 ♡
Chapter 66 ♡
Chapter 67 ♡
Chapter 68 ♡
Chapter 69 ♡
Chapter 70 ♡
Chapter 71 ♡
Chapter 72 ♡
Chapter 73 ♡
Chapter 74 ♡
Chapter 75 ♡
Chapter 76 ♡
Chapter 77 ♡
Chapter 78 ♡
Chapter 79 ♡
Chapter 80 ♡
Chapter 82 ♡
Chapter 83 ♡
Chapter 84 ♡
Chapter 85 ♡
Chapter 86 ♡
Chapter 87 ♡
Chapter 88 ♡
Chapter 89 ♡
Chapter 90 ♡
Chapter 91 ♡
Chapter 92 ♡
Chapter 93 ♡
Chapter 94 ♡
Chapter 95 ♡
Chapter 96 ♡
Chapter 97 ♡
Chapter 98 ♡
Chapter 99 ♡
Chapter 100 ♡
Author's Note

Chapter 81 ♡

42.9K 1.4K 798
By exquisites

Chapter 81:

(Kat's POV)

"Where are we going?" I asked Carlee once Jack backed out of the driveway.

"To the hottest new club in town," she said, using the mirror in front of her to touch up her lipstick. "The Wild."

"Oh I heard of that place," Zayn chimed in, "I hear it's pretty sick."

"You heard right," Carlee chimed.

Zayn leaned back against the seat and smiled to himself. I placed my hand on his leg and looked at him, "what?"

He sighed in bliss, "just happy to have left without getting caught."

"Yeah," Jack spoke from the front seat, "that was a close one."

"I seriously though you guys were going to get caught," Carlee added.

I shrugged, "we're really good at hiding, I guess."

"For how much longer?" Jack asked, throwing both Zayn and I off.

Zayn grabbed my hand in reassurance and said to Jack, "as long as it takes."

I stared at him, noticing his jaw tightened. His hand was wrapped tightly around mine, holding on so that I wouldn't drift apart. His stare was fixed on Jack, but Jack didn't notice. It took one second for Zayn to realize how I reacted to that question, and he did everything he could to reassure me that everything was going to be fine. Even when he wasn't talking to me.

"Whatever you say, boss," Jack said, dismissing the subject rather quickly. "Is Drew going to be there?" He asked Carlee.

"Duh," she beamed.

Jack nodded, "so is Melanie."

"Who?" Both Carlee and I said at the same time.

"Melanie," Jack repeated as if it made total sense. "The girl you guys made me talk to at that frat party once."

My eyes widened, "really Jack! That's great."

He shrugged, "well, yeah. I guess it is."

Carlee slapped his shoulder, "I knew you could hit it off with her. I think I'm phsycic."

"From just this once?" Jack chuckled, "I don't think so."

"No," Carlee placed a hand on her heart, pretending to be hurt. "Just so you know, Kat and Zayn wouldn't be together if it weren't for me."

Zayn chuckled as I said, "that's true."

"How?" Jack asked, suddenly curious.

"I invited him to my birthday party and they met there," she grinned. "I guess you can call me The Matchmaker."

I giggled as Jack parked in front of the club. It was packed because it was a Friday night. Once we got out of the car and walked towards the club, Drew stood outside and saw us, meeting with Carlee before wishing me a happy birthday. Then, we walked inside after showing our IDs.

Once inside, Zayn placed a protective arm around my waist, like always. I stayed by his side as we charged through the crowd. At this point, we had lost everyone else in the mass of dancing bodies around us. But once Zayn and I had made it to the bar, everyone was there; including Melanie.

Jack introduced her to everyone, and she just smiled and said hi to us. She seemed like a nice girl, and I was happy to see that Jack was moving on from me.

Once we ordered our drinks, I was surprised by when Zayn tapped his glass, yelling over the loud music, "can I have your attention, please?!"

I looked up at him, confused. He wasn't one to draw attention to himself. When I noticed people stop dancing and look over at him, I realized what he was about to do. My cheeks turned red as I grinned up at him.

"Zayn," I said.

The music was still loud and obnoxious, but not everyone had their attention on us, just the people who were nearby. But I still felt flattered as Zayn said, "I'd just like to inform everyone that today is my beautiful girlfriend's birthday."

After he said this, people cheered, some even whistled while others shouted "Happy Birthday!" in a scattered sync. I giggled as Zayn continued, "can we all raise our glasses and give a cheers to the love of my life and wish her another wonderful year."

I watched as people raised there glass and yelled "cheers!" before continuing to dance.

I laughed and grabbed Zayn's arm, digging my face into his chest, my cheeks red. Zayn chuckled and put his drink behind him on the counter. He pulled me back so that he could look into my eyes, "happy birthday sweetheart."

I smiled as he turned me around and pressed my back to the counter. He placed his hands on either side of my and leaned into me. I placed my hands on both sides of his face and pressed his forehead to mine.

"Thank you for that, babe," I smiled.

He leaned in and pressed a kiss on my lips, "I felt the need to let everyone know."

I bit my lip, "I love you so much."

He chuckled, "I love you more, baby."

He leaned in and pressed his lips to mine for a deep kiss. I let myself get lost in his touch, wrapping my arms around his waist as I wrapped mine atound his neck. He pressed his body to mine, and for a moment, we both forgot where we were.

Until I felt something wet on the back of my dress.

Zayn pulled away from me and pulled me away from the counter. We both saw that Zayn's drink had fell sometime when he had been kissing me. I sighed, now the back of my dress was wet.

"Oh, I'm so sorry baby," Zayn mumbled, picking up the glass. He spun my around so he could see my dress. I heard him say, "shit."

"It's bad, isn't it?" I asked, regretting to have worn a new dress.

"That was all my fault," he said, spinning me to face him again.

I smiled, "it's okay, babe. Accidents happen."

He didn't look pleased with my answer. Or himself. Either way, I felt bad for making him feel bad. His face fell as he said, "I have a jacket you can wear. It's in Jack's car. Hold on." He turned around and tapped Jack's shoulder, who was too busy flirting with Melanie, and asked for his keys. Jack gave it to him, not even needing an explanation.

Once Zayn got the keys, he turned around and took my hand, guiding me out past the crowds. I hoped nobody noticed the back of my dress and I hoped Zayn didn't feel bad. Once we made it to the car, Zayn and I sat inside of it. Zayn rummaged through the back before he finally found the jacket and handed it to me.

"Thank you," I smiled at him and slipped it over my shoulders.

We were supposed to go back inside after that, but as Zayn's frown got deeper and deeper, I decided that it was better to help cheer him up.

"It's not your fault," I spoke, pressing myself against him.

He sighed, looking down, "I messed up your dress."

I shrugged, "I don't care. Your jacket is better anyways."

He still didn't look up at me, so I brought my hand up to his mouth and began to trace his lips. His eyes met mine as I said, "the kiss was worth it."

He chuckled lightly, making my heart flutter. At least I cheered him up a bit. He leaned against me and whispered, "I wasn't even near finished with that when the bloody drink ruined it."

I wrapped my arms around his neck and smirked, "I don't mind continuing."

A devious smirk formed upon his perfect lips as he moved me so that my back was pressed to the car door. He brought his hands to my thighs as he helped me wrap my legs around his waist. His hands moved up to my neck as he gathered my hair to the side and smiled at me. I stared at him as his fingers moved gently above my collarbone, his full attention on me. His fingers moved father up as they traced along my jawline delicately, his eyes seeming to acknowledge everything about me. My eyes fluttered shut when his fingers moved over my lips smoothly, tracing over the figure he was so familiar with.

"You're so beautiful," he whispered. "It's making me insane."

I tilted my head to the side once I felt his hot breath come in contact with the skin on my neck. Soon, his lips were on my neck, moving up along the lines he traced, leaving goosebumps on my skin.

"Zayn," I whispered as he kissed my neck, "you are going to make me mental soon."

He chuckled against me, "that's it. Our love is going to make both of us insane about each other one day."

I sucked in a breath, "I think it already has."

He moved his hands to my legs as he moved up, pressing me closer against him. His body trapped me against the door, and I couldn't have asked for anything better than this moment right now. I felt his heart beat against mine madly, matching my heartbeat.

As his lips hovered over mine, he whispered, "promise to love me until the very end."

I opened my eyes to meet his. I breathed heavily, placing my hands on the back of his neck. "I will love you until long after."

And with that, he pressed his mouth to mine. I moaned as his teeth tugged my bottom lip, parting my mouth slowly. His tongue went inside my mouth, his kiss full of so much passion.

"Mmm, Zayn," I mumbled into his mouth.

He kissed me harder, causing my lips to react with the same amount of passion.

I didn't know where our love was headed, or if it was even going anywhere, but all I knew is that it wouldn't end. I wasn't going to leave Zayn no matter what happened. Not for anything or anyone.

Zayn pulled apart once there was a knock on the car door. He looked out the window as I straightened my dress, blushing wildly as Zayn opened the door.

"I can't stay here any longer," Carlee said with Drew behind her. "Let's ditch."

"Agreed," I heard Jack said, holing his hand out for the keys.

Zayn handed it to him before asking, "what happened?"

Carlee shrugged, "some bastard messed with Melanie and I when Drew and Jack went to get some drinks."

I raised my eyebrows, "so we're just going to leave?"

"Hell yeah," Drew said. "Just ask Zayn how he'd feel if someone touched you."

I turned to face Zayn who's jaw was tightened. "You know who it was?" He asked, "let me go teach him a lesson."

"Relax mate," Jack said, "we took care of it. We just aren't in the mood anymore."

Carlee leaned down and gave me a hug, "Drew's driving me home so I'll see you later."

I shrugged and said, "alright."

"Happy birthday," her and Drew said as they began walking to his car.

"Yeah I better be going too," Melanie spoke. "It's getting late."

"Oh come on, we haven't even been here a solid thirty minutes," Jack insisted.

She grinned at him, "I'll see you tomorrow babe." She leaned forward and kissed his cheek before walking back to her car, wishing me a happy birthday one last time.

Once Jack sat inside the car, he sighed heavily. "Sorry about this, Kat. It wasn't at all how Carlee and I imagined."

I smiled, "that's okay. I enjoyed it."

Jack backed out of the driveway and began on the road. "I'm sure you enjoyed making out in my car."

Zayn laughed along with me, saying, "we did enjoy that."

Jack chuckled before asking, "where to?"

"Just head to Caroline's restaurant," Zayn declared. "My car is still there."

Jack nodded and drove. Once we arrived at the restaurant, we thanked Jack and left the car. He wished me a happy birthday as we sat in Zayn's car. Once he drove off, we began to drive towards Zayn flat.

"That was one hell of a birthday," I sighed happily.

He took my hand, "wait till we get home."

I giggled as he smirked deviously.

Once we arrived into the flat, Zayn shut the door behind him and said, "finally, we're alone."

"Finally," I smiled at him, taking his jacket off my body. "But I need to go take a shower."

He walked towards me, a smirk played on his lips, "mind if I join?"

I giggled, "normally, I wouldn't. But since I smell like beer, I think I should shower alone. Because whenever we shower together, we tend to get a bit distracted and I never get cleaned well."

His face fell, but I stood on my toes and pressed my lips to his. "But I promise we'll have fun once I'm out."

He smiled at me, leaning in and placing a kiss on my forehead. I smiled as I walked backwards and into the room, getting ready to take a shower.

I grabbed clothes from a his cabinet that I could wear once I'm out. I also grabbed a towel before walking into the bathroom and stripping my clothes off my body. I ran a hand through my hair before walking into the shower.

I sighed happily, warm water running down my back. I hummed quietly while running my hands through my hair, conditioning it well.

But as I stood in the shower, I heard noises coming from outside. My humming stopped when I heard things smashing. My heart skipped a beat as I quickly turned off the water, getting out of the shower and slipping on my clothes and running out of the bathroom, not even caring to brush my hair.

I opened the room door to see what was on the other side, making my heart stop.

Dad was standing in front of Zayn while pointing a gun at Zayn. My eyes widened as I realized that none of them took notice that I was there. Dad was too busy yelling something at Zayn that I didn't give one fuck about, all that I could think about was what the hell was happening.

Dad took aim at Zayn's chest, but before he could've done anything, I yelled, "Dad, stop!"

It was as if my words caused Dad to pull the trigger on Zayn. Tears fell down my cheeks as I realized that it was too late.

Dad had shot Zayn.


So at the moment, you're probably thinking one of these four things.

1.) what the hell how did this happen this is bullshit and very random

2.) NO!! Zayn's been shot. My poor baby, help him!

3.) I'm going to kill Mark.

4.) all of the above

I think I'm a 4.

I promise everything will be explained in the next chapter. Don't worry, I'll be updating soon and everything will be cleaned up.

Talk about plot twist//cliffhanger.


Follow me on Twitter! @mindofballoons

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