No Power? No Problem! (An OC...

By BogeyHaHa

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*Based In an Unspecified Point in BNHA* Tadashi Yamano is one of the few quirk-less people in the world, espe... More

Quirkless, Yet Not Lucky As Deku!/The Quirkless Hero Emerges!
An Explosive Personality/Birth of Uno
This Probably is The Worst Day/Downtime, with a side of Napalm
A Literal Blind Date/The Villain Emerges, Center Stage!
Going Beyond!/Simulated Mission Start.
He's a Hero?/Grades Be Damned
This Is My Reward For This?
Training Tapes/Villainous & Furious
First Come, First Serve/Another Way to Make Friends...
Food Fight!!/Sharon's Terrifying Quirk?!
Physical Midterms Exam/Who Will Take Yamano?!
The Dorms Have Become A Thing/Tadashi Yamano Makes a Choice
Uno Vs. Class 1-A/Beach Training Session
Episode of Mink
The Stage is Set/Yamano V. Yamano!
Uno Can Endure!/Silver Venom's Last Ditch Attack!
Mt. Lady and Her Sidekick, Uno!/Kaiser Strikes Back?!
Returning to the Academy/The Warrior of the End, Fenrir!
Another Academia/ Grape Juice Steals The Spotlight?
Road to The Games/May The Best School Win!
Run & Gun!/The Games Shall Commence!
Last Straw.../Save Headphone Jack!
Early and Out/Free For All!
Power Coursing Through Us!/ Here It Is, Uno v. Nijima!
First Plane Ride, Then The Beaches.
Hell/The Water Resort Filler! Sorta'...
Reach For The Skies!/Rematch: Kaiser!
Kaiser Und Kite/The Plans Take Hold!
The Fenrir Conspiracy/Is This My Limit?!
Gone To Burn.../Enter Assassin Shade!
BNHA: The Christmas Special
Thailand Down/A New Hero Killer?!
If You Know His Name.../Terror in The World.
And All The Dead In The World
Academia Siege!/Shade's Real Plan...
Beyond Our Human Limits!/Shade Vs. The World?
Interlude: Test
Camp! Camp! Camp!/Yeah, This is Happening...
Old Wounds/Sharon's Desire For Strength?
Night Terror Pt. 2
Night Terror Pt. 3
Night Terror Pt. 4
It's The End of The Line...?/Save Him, Yamano!
My Hero!/Yamano Rescue Team!
Red Hot Rumble!/ Hideout Raid Commences!
He is Here.../All-For-One Debuts.
Forward/Perhaps We Must Change?
Interlude: Room Contest
Supporting Rather Than Confronting/ Help Surpass Their Limits, Uno!
Other Students And New Rivalries/UA vs. Everyone?!
It'll Be Only 100!/Eliminate Class 2-2!
Rescue!/Investigating Shiketsu's Camie.
Vampire Queen...?/Nothing Short of a Miracle!
Rabid Rocketeers!/True Vigilante Justice...
Darker Justice.../Helping Vigilantes?!
The End (Of Part One)

Weird Crushes/Night Terror Pt. 1

78 1 0
By BogeyHaHa

Shade POV

"So, that happened because they act like celebs? You do know crazy people took your ideals to do whatever they want right?" I told him eating the food given to me through a port in the wall.

"Like you?" Stain replied.

"Ha! True, true. But I have to hand it to you, you are right in regards. People have forgotten the meaning of being time in the Villain League...I can't help but feel like you chose the wrong targets..." I swallowed, tapping on the bars of my holding cell.

"What? You suggest kill villains? *sigh* still don't know..."

"I know I don't, but it doesn't matter. Killing Bieber isn't going to change nothing, but how about a Bin Laden? Less crazies around the streets, and definitely worth it," I told him, placing the tray on my bed.

Standing up, I stared at the noseless man. He only scoffed at my idea.

"You are out of your damn mind kid..."

"Hey, not like I can be a legal hero anymore. I was an angry person, lashing out. Heh...that Yamano kid. He knew he'd be a rarity, that his kids are more likely to have Quirks. Yet he continued...I am 18 and dying each time I have a birthday. I also had time to think. Stain, while some of it comes from're an idiot thinking that heroes should still arrest people that destroy towns for a living,"

"Oh...and tell me? How is that going for you?" And with good timing in mind, my cell opened. I waved at him, walking right out.

See, this place is old as fudge. The system can be messed with if you want to. And so I did, along with others I met in the hole.

"See ya'. I enjoyed our chats," I headed down the hall, but not before turning to him. "Think what you will, but you aren't exactly clean,"

"Heh...that we can agree on..." And finally, I made my exit.


Normal POV

"Why'd you have to do that, Yamano? Couldn't you let one go by?" Ashido chastised me.

"Mina, let it go, it happened," Momo told her, but it was clear she wasn't having it at all. Sighing, she left to see what her cooking partner, Tokoyami. Right now we all were preparing for today's meal before training. Me being partnered with the pink xenomorph right here.

"Why do you care? You have a crush on him or something?" I chuckled at her. However...she didn't say anything. No fucking way. "What...? That's real? I was joking!"

"Sssssssshhhh. Heard of privacy?" Ashido turned around to check if anyone was listening, especially the ones who have quirks with hearing enhancements. "Okay, I admit it. He is kind of cool,"

"But he is Bakugo. Angry, aggressive, and a somewhat vile human being,"

"Don't be so negative. Like you said, he is the smartest most capable classmate. And most of his threats are just him a tsundere," Ashido clasped her hands. Well, true...but I hate Tsunderes, especially hyper-violent jackasses; don't deny that fact.

Yet, anyone liking this guy? Anyone? And the bubbly one is the secret admirer? I can't...I just can't understand. But, regardless, it happened. I know that America usually goes for wild cards for...some reason.

Actually glad I am Japanese born, and not American. But politics from the past aside, I am not exactly mad, or jealous in anyway.

In fact, the fight before, where I got even, we both barely got at each other's throats, other than minor Bakugo slander. There was a degree of respect, if tiny in the amount. And a bubbly, energetic, pink girl? That could mellow him out more, lord knows that if Midoriya and Uraraka finally became a thing, he'll lose it.

"Heh. Do you, Pinky. careful, Kay. But...erm, just in case, why?" I asked again, still unconvinced.

"He is a pretty reliable guy especially when we formed a team. Oh...right you never went to a Sports Festival, right? I guess you only saw the highlights," Ashido replied to me as I nodded.

"Y-Yeah. I guess the screen time he got was enough to show some discipline...too much," I still am in shock for hearing this from her, but I guess things happen. Hell, no one thought Mineta would have a girlfriend like List, but it happened.

At this point, money could rain from the sky. Hopefully...


"So, you want to train more? We have time after curry...if that's alright with you?" I told her, surprised afterwards when she already finished a bowl. Wow, she must be serious. I never would have guessed that from somebody like her. "So...what do you want to do? I only saw your Quirk used a few times,"

", Uraraka! Could you come here a bit?" Oh, that's right, we haven't spoken much about anything. But why would Sharon need the airhead? "I need you to use your quirk on me, if things go out of hand too quickly. And a towel..."

"W-Why?" Uraraka asked her, holding a large, basically a blanket at this point, towel.

"You'll find out soon...anyway. This has been a lab. Months ago. God..." She breathed as Uraraka had her quirk placed on her. The Pussycats, mainly Pixie-Bob and Ragdoll,

"This is so exciting! A training between individual students! I can't wait!" Ragdoll shook around, ADHD an obvious factor here.

"Okay....100% Hell Demon!!" Suddenly as her shout, the air around her burst forward. As her body literally erupted from within in an intense dance of flame and cinders, our came a completely different Sharon.

This Sharon was actually quite scary, compared to before, and she was a hardcore pervert. This's body was the blackest void, sinews of her muscle fibers just barely noticeable. Her hair ironically was not black anymore, but an orange-glowing mane.

The horns also seemed to grow bigger somewhat.

So...this was 100% of 'Raging Demon'? If so, what kind of power would she be packing?

"S-Sharon?! That's scary, but cool at the same time! Uh...Sharon," Uraraka noticed not a single response from her.

Replying with a snarl, I immediately grabbed Uraraka out of slashing range, as the area before her turned into a noticeable crevasse that even students from beforehand had to move out of the way.

"Uraraka! Quirk! Now!"

"Oh!" Placing her hands together, forcing the demon to float helplessly around.

Aizawa was already present, looking at the flailing ball of fury that was tearing up the general area.

"Goddammit...and I just started to rest my eyes...ah, well," Activating his Quirk, the furious demon that was Sharon started to form back to normal.

"Release!" Uraraka groaned. "Uh, Yamano?"

"What? Oh..." I was still holding onto her...must have been pretty awkward. "Sorry,"

"N-no worries...oh...oh god..." Here it was the rainbow vomit that comes after overexerting herself. Guess Sharon was harder to keep in place, now a tiny crater formed where Sharon landed.

"And I see why she asked for a towel..." Aizawa looked away. I knew that look.

I grabbed the large fabric, and covered her immediately. She only laughed.

"Hee Hee...I guess I went what you see~" She winked at me, just making me snicker at how much she continued to be that kind of person. Lewd to the end of time.

"Get some clothes on, kid. This ain't a nudist camp," Aizawa interrupted us, shaking his head at our antics.

However, or luckily, depending, I left the job to Tooru. This in turn lead me to Midoriya, who had been absent for awhile. From his facial expression, he had thoughts going through his mind.

"Hey Midoriya? You okay?" I asked him as he just nodded.

"I-I just was seeing the place, you know?" God, you are bad at lying. "Okay, I went to check on Kota. That kid...I tried to tell him about Quirks, the reality of it...indirectly told him my story..."

"*sigh*...I guess some people hate the truth. Let me...he seems to tolerate my presence a little," As we agreed, I tried to look for him. However, try as I might, He was not present.

This wasn't huge of a property, so how could a kid like him sneak off. I could ask Ragdoll, but that seemed too obvious. And after walking around for so long, I couldn't help but feel tired.

Soon, I asked Ragdoll anyway, her saying that he is still in the grounds, just unwilling to talk with people. I can respect that, but said I wanted to speak if he was willing.

Finally, I headed back, still wondering about today's events. I can't really do much, this is Quirk training, so being Quirkless was not meant for this. I guess I could hit the springs, especially since they literally let me do what I want. Without other people's junk surrounding me, and the girl's creating a potential anime scenario (double-check, just in case, with a few people to standby, like the Pussycats keeping tabs, the male one specifically), it was good for peace and quiet.

I had a lot to think about...the hero fights, the constant threat of the League of Villains, All Might apparently dying, Shade being in prison. Yet the one thing that continued to persist; Kyoka Jiro.

Why of all people did she suddenly pop up? Why? I dealt with rejection before, my dad being one. However this felt...well, worse. Dad rejected me because of my genetics, something that Midoriya and I have experienced, one of us getting a boost luckily. Yet, this was rejection due to me, personally.

My whole thought process. My entire identity was hurting her, and in turn, she pushed me aside. I hate that my own self, somebody very few naysayers get to see because the 'Quirkless' aspect exists, was the fault.

I can't blame genetics. Not on this one.

"Why now? Why now, when I am just starting to-" I muttered.

"You talk a lot, eyebrows," Wait, What?

Turning to the source was Jiro, literally right there in the water with me. How did she get past the big guy?

"And just in case. TL;DR, eye poke," Answered my question. "C'mon, ain't the first time you saw my body before,"

"Yep...I-I guess. But why now? We aren't a thing, like you said, right?" I looked at the walls, out of politeness. I could feel the water moving as she was now back to back with me.

"Yeah. But...I guess we have our own things. I get want to do more. But you do know you have others around you right?"

"Really? I noticed,"

"Do you?" Huh? That was slightly stern, even for her. Like she was trying to get me to see something so simple. "You say it, but everything you do is on your own. Even in a 'team' setting, you always have to be the first one in, and the first one out. That really scares barely acknowledge others, even in those situations,"

"I...I...heh, I am such an idiot,"

"You are, but that's not the discussion. The point being...don't try to be a messiah to mean something. Not every battle you have to come out a mess to let everyone else live," Jiro told me, as I began to put the pieces together.

Before, I already said to others I didn't care how well they received me. Yet, I made a declaration, continued as my body was half scorched and nearly stopped living just to prove a point. A walking contradiction.

I don't seek attention, but I do things that catch people's eye. I want the recognition, I guess. I crave that...maybe...maybe I have yet to come to terms with that. I can't be a savior, not all the time. Unlike Christianity, I have no respawn. The one life is there to waste, and my reckless self-endangerment is in opposition to everything I assumed I stood for...

"Are you crying?" Kyoka noticed, giggling for an odd reason. "I never saw you do that as much..."

"I didn't want to appear weak to anybody..." I choked, as my tears were streaming in full force, all those pent up emotions suddenly coming to prominence. "No wonder you *sob*...left..."

"If I did, would I be here with only a towel between us? Trust me, I don't plan to commit to that," I am sure I continued to cry that evening. As I sobbed, the thought of having to hide anything I felt was washed away.

But...why, after all of this...coming to terms, and having her actually talk to me again...why did I feel such dread?


Toga POV

"Right there...we strike here, tomorrow evening..." I shuffled next to Dabi, uncomfortable with my gear.

"This isn't's a bulky mess...this isn't going to impress anyone..." I whined.

"It was meant to be functional not a fashion statement. If it works, don't complain on how rough it looks...Twice. Copy this...we'll need to set a perimeter,"

"I can only make two at a time, dude,"

"Make it work. These are gas-mines. Shigaraki took Shade's ideas and put it into motion. This will help spread the substance for one of our allies,"

"Whatever, I want to find that Yamano bastard! I want to kill him so badly~"

"Be quiet. Unless you want to fail, and report to him in bodybags..." Eh, whatever jerk. I have my own little mission to complete as well~.

That damn bowl cut will regret putting my soul mate in the slammer!

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