Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 3)...

By MrAladdin

11.7K 416 46

The Boys are back again, but this time they have more than they can physically or emotionally handle. Zak Is... More

It's Over
Magic Hour
Wish On A Star
HeartBreak City
Gods of Our Lives
We All Scream For Ice Cream
"Hell Can Not Have Thee!"
Resident Goddess: After Love
Sleeping With The Enemy
Gossip Greek
G3: H2O
Finally Married
Runaway Witch
Exit Strategy
The "Patch" of Cold
Tough Enough
War On Olympus
Season 4!

Break Open Hell

564 19 21
By MrAladdin

"What is it?" Bruce asked.

"We just saw him." Pete said.

"He's going to send Shax." Zak growled.

"He's my mate..." Heath said silently.

¢Opening Credits¢

"What!" Everyone in the room yelled at Heath.

"You didn't tell me he was the Source." Pete said. Heath ignored them and just walked away.

Everyone was still shocked and looking around.

"What the hell are you all standing around looking luke dumbasses for, obviously he didn't know." Zak blasted every one eardruma with his raging fit. "Shax, the only demon to kill a Charmed One, is going to be coming after us."

"He's right, so we need to prepare." Bruce stated. "But first we need to leave Olympus so that we don't endager the other here."

At The Manor...

Heath was in the attic studying the Book of Shadows, preparing for Shax's. Zak and Pete walked in with sympathetic looks on their faces.

They sat on the couch by Heath.

"I'm officially screwed." Heath sighed wiping away tears. "My crappy ass destiny is to be with a demon, actually the Source of all Fucking Evil."

"Heath, maybe it will work out, you just have to try." Pete rubbed his back.

"What about him sending Shax after us." Heath sniffled.

"He knows we are prepared for Shax. Since Prue Halliwell, every group of Charmed Ones should have been prepared but they weren't. And all the training we went through from Kion and Bruce, to even way back with Dusk, we are not going to fail. Not now we aren't." Zak said with much emotions from his heart and soul. "Now after we kick Shax's ass then you go get your mate, because from what the winds keep telling me, He loves you."

"Ok." Heath smiled at his cousins and they all hugged each other.

They heard a gasp from downstairs and ran down to see Allen clutching his heart.

"Baby, what's wrong." Pete rushed to him.

"My clairvoyance power gave me a vision, and Shax is going to kill Kelly." Allen said out of breath.

"Ok, we are going to change out of these costumes and go to the castle." Zak instructed.

"She... at a graveyard not the castle." Allen was still reeling from the vision. "I felt her pain as he killed her."

"It's ok, baby." Pete held Allen to his chest. "We'll be right back."

The cousins ran upstairs to get dressed in regular clothes.

In Heath's Room...


"Patch!" Heath spun around quickly and he was staring Patch in the eyes.

"I need your help, the Brotherhood has me under some type of spell and its going to cause me to do something very bad." Patch pleaded.

"Ok, but I need to save Kelly first then I will come get you." Heath promised.

"Thanks, Angel." Patch held Heath's hand to show how desperate he was. Patch then disappeared, he was in astral form.

Heath ran downstairs to meet his cousins.

"Wait, why is Kelly at the cemetery at night?" Pete asked.

"Who knows, lets just go before something happens." Zak said grabbing his car keys.

The three went out the door and were on their way.

"NO!" Allen yelled to them but they were already gone.

"Whats wrong?" Jasper asked with fake worry.

Jasper, Mario, and Patch all teleported into the room and looked down evilly at Allen. Patch uppercut Allen, and Allen smashed through the coffee table.

At The Cemetery.

The cousins were walking around.

"Zak, make it foggy so it will distract Shax when he comes." Heath said as they were walking. Zak eyes turned blue and fog started surrounding the area.

"Zak!" Kelly yelled from somewhere on the cemetery because she knew that the weather had changed from Zak's powers.

"Over here, Kelly." Zak said back.

They followed her to her spot and looked at her.

"Why the hell are you at the Cemetery at night." Zak asked her.

"Today's my father's death anniversary and I like to visit him at night, because he loved the cool breezes and the sound accommodated with the night." Kelly gave a sad smile. Winds started whipping all of their hair.

"He's here." Pete said.

"The spell?" Zak looked at Heath.

"Right...." Heath looked away sheepishly. Zak groaned and pulled them all.

"Okay, I'm going to fight him off and you all run to the car." Zak said as the winds got stronger. Zak levitated into the sky. The others ran, but Pete hid behind a tombstone.

Shax appeared in the area and saw Zak in the sky. Shax shot a blast of an Air Blast. Zak dodged it and shot lighting at Shax, but the lighting was deflected into a tombstone vey Shax's winds.

Shax used the current in Zak's winds to knock him in the ground. Shax stalked up in Zak, and he was about to deliver a lethal air blast.

"Hey, you fat bitch!" Pete called and blew Shax up.

"Okay, that was only temporary so we have got to get on the move." Zak ran to Pete and they ran to the car.

"Take us home, Heath!" Zak yelled, Heath drove the car to the manor.

At The Manor.

"Pete, go get the spell." Zak said. Pete ran upstairs to get the spell.

"What's going on?" Kelly asked.

"The Source has his hit man after you." Heath said.

"Shax?" Kelly gasped.

"Yes, now you are going to do something that they don't like so they want to take you out." Zak said.

"What can I do, I don't even have powers." Kelly whined.

"Yeah, but it won't stop you from doing something that they don't want you to do." Zak stated. Zak paused all of a sudden as if he felt something.

"What is it?" Heath asked.

"I just feel...." Zak was saying. "Heath!"

"Yeah, yeah, yeah, I'm coming!" Pete yelled from the attic.

Winds blew open the door.

"PETE!" Heath yelled. Shax's winds knocked them down into another area. Shax was about to blast Kelly, but Heath pushed her out the way and the blast shot him through the wall. Zak ran up and tried to strike Shax with lighting but Shax was a little faster and blasted Zak through the edge of the wall.

Heath had a pool of blood by his head, and Zak has blood pouring from his noise, and they both were knocked out. Shax turned to Kelly and was about to blast her.




DEATH TAKES YOU WITH THIS SPELL." Pete chanted, the spell wasn't so strong, but Shax blew back where he came from.

"Oh god." Pete said as he saw his dying cousins. "JEREMY!"

Jeremy orbed into the room and saw the cousins.

"What happened?" Jeremy asked as he went to heal the cousins.

"No questions, just heal." Pete begged, then he saw the living room. "Allen?"

"Ohh." Zak and Heath grunted. Zak cracked his neck.

"Let's go." Zak sighed standing up with Heath.

"Where we going?" Heath asked.

"To finish off Shax, he needs two or more Charmed Ones to say the spell." Zak pulled Heath along.

They were holding hands and running through the the neighborhood looking for Shax's. A little boy was staring at them.

"Jimmy, stay away from them." The boy's mom said. Heath looked at them confused.

"Heath... hey!" Zak called for Heath's attention. Zak stopped and felt a shiver. Shax came towards them in his winds.

Shax appeared out of the winds and shot a blast at them. Zak stuck his palm up and the blast reversed back to Shax, but it had little effect on him.

"Bitch." Zak shot Shax with a lightning bolt amd Shax blew up.

The cousins looked around to see if it was safe, then walked back to the house.

"Holy shit, you guys are witnessing these, whatever they are, again. First the cemetery and now the park. We need to know if they are friend or foe." A newscaster called to the camera.

At The Manor...

Bruce, Kion, Kelly, Jeremy, and Pete were in the living room. Heath and Zak walked back into the place.

"We only wounded him again." Heath growled.

"Allen is missing guys, and I have now idea where he could possibly be." Pete was in a fit of sobs.

"Patch." Heath gasped. "He told me he was under a spell and he felt the Brotherhood was going to make him do something bad."

"You think he could have taken Allen?" Pete asked.

"Possibly." Heath frowned.

"Ok, well Kion, you go with Pete to the UnderWorld." Zak instructed. "Bruce, you have your meeting to go to. And Kelly, you can go back to the hospital to work, because Shax won't attack there."

Every one departed. Max walked in the house looking pissed Zak and Heath.

"What's wrong?" Heath asked drinking a glass of water.

"Check the news." Max pointed to the tv in the living room. Zak turned on the tv to the news.

Zak was levitating into the sky and changing the weather. Then Pete blew up Shax. Then it cut to Heath reversing a blast, and Zak blowing Shax up with lightning.

"Ooh." Zak dropped the remote, as Heath dropped his glass of water, and it shattered on the floor. They heard a noise outside, people were surrounding the house and the newscasters were outside.

On the news:

"We are approaching the house where we have found the unknown species of people. Supposedly Zak King, Pete Striker, and Heath Halliwell are all part of an cult that we have witness today with supernatural powers." The newscaster reported. "And if you're wondering, yes I am talking about the famous 'I Vow' singer Heath Halliwell is one of these species. Who knows if he has used his powers to rise to fame."

"Is he fucking serious right now?" Heath asked with a growl. "I can't stand them."

"Oh my god Heath, look." Zak looked out the window.

"What?" Heath looked out the window.

"There is seriously a church holding up repent signs." Zak laughed.

Max walked in with a walkie talkie.

"Joe, make sure no one enters." Max yelled into the walkie talkie.


Pete and Kion were walking around. They saw Allen and Patch talking. Kion supersped into the room, and fought with the two. Pete blasted Patch, causing him to hit the wall.

"Pete, the potions." Kion grunted while he was fighting Allen.

Pete threw a potion on Patch and then Allen. They went into a trance then shook it off.

"Pete?" Both Allen and Patch called.

"All of you can't be here." Patch said in panic. Two bounty hunters came.

"The Source wants to see you." One said. Patch nodded and followed.

"Let's go." Kion said in a rush.

"We can't, because we need to stay for Patch." Pete sighed.

At The Manor...

"Have you seen the letters from our fax machine?" Heath asked.

"What is it?" Zak asked as he searched the book for a solution.

"Interviews for: The Real, The View, Oprah, Good Morning America, and Dr. Phil." Heath said comically.

On The News:

"We are trying to disclose what the Halliwells are, maybe they are wizards, witches, or even mutants. Because as we seen Zak King has displayed powers similar to Marvel's Storm." The reporter said. "Now, as we report the house has been very quiet so I don't know if they are nervous or working in another murder."

"We need to go help Kelly." Zak intuition told him.

"Okay." Heath put on his coat.

At The Hospital.

Heath and Zak rushed into the hospital.

"Kelly, come on. I have a feeling that Shax is on his way." Zak said and they rushed out with Kelly. Shax appeared and knocked Zak and Heath down.

There was a crowd of people watching on and the hospital staff were also. Shax stalked towards Kelly as he prepared to shot an air blast towards her.

"Evil Winds that blow
Which forms below
No longer may you dwell
Death takes you with this spell."

Zak and Heath chanted the spell and Shax was vanquished for good this time.

"HEATH. HEATH. HEATH. HEATH." the crowd cheered as others cheered. "ZAK. ZAK. ZAK. ZAK."

"Oh shit." Zak pointed to the news people.

"Oh boy." Heath sighed.

In The UnderWorld.

Patch walked back into the room where Pete, Kion, and Allen were.

"You and your cousins have been exposed as witches." Patch stated monotonous.

"What! How?" Pete gasped.

"News reporters were the cemetery and when Heath and Zak went after Shax two times." Patch ran his hand through his hair.

"Oh can't he reverse time." Pete stated.

"He doesn't just do favors, Pete." Allen said.

"But since Heath's his mate that should mean something." Pete said desperately.

"I'll check with him." Patch went back.

At The Manor...

Zak and Heath were sitting in the living room with Max.

"I wish we had the powers to erase or wind back time." Heath said.

"Their is a demon with that power." Zak said.

"Doubt they would help us." Max sighed and sat down.

"Heath, your mate is the freaking Source, can't you communicate with him." Zak stated.

"He's in a battle with Him self against the Evil Essence that is the source." Heath sighed. "And if I call him the Evil Essence might takeover and kill us."

"Yeah, but that Essence should have absorbed the mating bond that you and Vincent have." Max stated.

"We haven't bonded or fully recognized the mateship yet." Heath said.

"So when you do mate with Vincent, the Evil Essence will be all yours?" Zak questioned.

"Yep." Heath nodded.

"I'm going outside to check on things out there." Max grunted as he got up.

The UnderWorld...

Demons threw a knocked out Bruce and Jeremy down there.

"What the hell are they doing here!" Pete growled at the demons.

"Your welcome." The demons walked away.

"Bruce? Jeremy?" Pete called trying to awake them.

Patch walked back into the room.

"He said he can get Tempus' son to rewind time in exchange for your Rule Over The Sea." Patch said.

"And why would he think I would give him that." Pete glared.

"To save your cousin..." Patch said, not knowing which cousins, looking at Pete.

At The Manor...

Zak and Heath were boarding doors, so no one could run into the house.

"Zak, this is starting to get out of hand. I'm kind of scared, because this isn't natural or normal." Heath said.

"Heath, you're a celebrity you should be use to this." Zak said in a monotone voice.

"Zak, this isn't laughing matter. Miles and X are going to need us in the future and we can' there for them if scientists have us on a surgery table as a lap experiment, or if they burn us at stake." Heath said holding the book. "Everything we worked hard for for the last three years can be stolen away like that."

When he said that, a gunshot went off. Zak did a little jerk.

"What?" Heath asked. Zak moved his hands and he was shot through the chest. "Oh my god."

Zak fell to the ground in Heath's arms.

"JEREMY!!" Heath called.

"They aren't coming." Zak spoke out in a shaky voice.

"Its going yo be ok, baby, I promise." Heath rubbed Zak's head.


A preacher was ontop of a car witb a sniper gun.

"I killed the illuminate!" The priest yelled stupidly. The SWAT team took the man down and arrested him.


"Let's get you to the hospital." Heath was crying.

"Heath, I fell coldness." Zak was still shaking.

"No baby, that's just the air conditioner." Heath lied to keep Zak calm. Heath has never seen Zak like this.


Heath was struggling to get Zak to the car. The crowd outside was roaring, and the reporters kept asking them questions. All of them ignored the sight of the injured Zak. Heath laid Zak down in the backseat. Heath got in and tried to drive, but people with a banner blocked his path.

"MOVE!" Heath honked the horn. Heath then got out the car. "I have to get him to the hospital. Move!"

Heath's voice was drowned out by all the noise, and a helicopter that was flying around.

"BRUCE!" Heath called for support. But no one came or attempted to help. Heath ran his hand through his hair and pulled. Heath crossed his arm over his body and swung. The rv reporter and camera man flew back and landed with grunts.

Heath swung again and fire shot towards a woman with a repent sign, she fell back on trashcans. Heath swung his arm and two men went flying through the air. Heath swung his arm again and shadows attacked the church people. He swung some more and a man trying to hid flew into a police officer.

Heath looked around breathing hard. Heath swung his arm again and shadows with fire attack people. Lighting and thunder started going off. Heath knew he was losing Zak by then. Heath swung his arm one more time and a man was thrown in his back onto a car.

Heath got into the car a swerved to the hospital.

At The Hospital...

Zak was on bed and they were rushing him to a room. When they got to the room the nurses were hooking Zak up to all types of machines. All the while Heath held Zak's hand.

"Heath, I can feel anything." Zak cried a little.

"It's going to be fine, I promise." Heath kissed Zak's forehead.

"Heath.... I love you..." Zak said and then immediately after all wad heard was a flat line.

"No." Heath whined. They moved Heath out the way so they could charge Zak.

"Clear." The doctor called. When they did it Heath sobbed louder. "Clear..." Heath sobbed louder this time. "Clear!"

"No!" Heath fell to the ground.

They turned off the machines and looked at Heath.

"We're sorry." The doctor said to Heath.

"GET THE HELL OUT, ALL OF YOU." Heath growled. As the doctor and nurses left they saw the S.W.A.T team sneaking into the hospital.


"Your cousin is dead, now is time for the decision." Patch stated.

"I don't believe you." Bruce stated.

"Go check." Patch dared, only so he could know if it was Heath or not.

Jeremy orbed Bruce out to the hospital.

They saw Heath sitting in a chair, holding Pete's, hand with his head on the mattress.

"No..." Bruce cried.

"THEY did this." Heath said with so much hate as Bruce cried. "To them we are the demons now."

A SWAT member walked in trying to reason, Heath stood up and glared at them. Heath kicked his leg counterclockwise and knocked his gun out his hand. Heath then palmed his face and the man flew back out of the room.

"HEATH, NO DON'T!" Jeremy called. While Bruce snarled "Ripped their fucking heads off."

Another member rushed in, Heath swung his arm and the man flew out the room onto the others. Heath locked the door and turned off the light.

"You guys know what to do." Heath said to Bruce and Jeremy. "NOW!"

Jeremy orbed away with Bruce.


Bruce was still crying his eyes out.

"Zak." Kion and Pete gasped. Pete looked at Patch and nodded. Patch went to the Source.

Source's room was dark and red. The Source was a monstrous red with black nails attached to claw like fingers.

"They have agreed, sir." Patch was looking at the ground. The Source, in a fast motion, moved his sword to Patch's throat.

"You, Trizour, think I'm stupid. You're fighting hard for this so you can try to get my mate." The Source laughed.

"No, sir.." Patch was saying, but the Source pushed the sword into Patch's neck to shut him up.

"I don't like liars. Get out my presence and tell the witch it shall be done." The Source pushed Patch away with thw sword, all without moving a muscle.

"Yes, sir." Patch nodded and left.

The Source waved his fingers and lighting went off behind him.

"Guard, delay the time that the witch goes back. And hold off the other peasants."

"Yes, master." The guard left.

"So be it." The Source laughed.

At The Hospital...

The saw team was preparing a gun that shot through walls to kill Heath. When they shot it, time rewinded.

Back At The Cemetery (From This Morning)

Zak and Heath were walking around and felt weird.

"Where is Pete?" Zak asked.

"I don't know, I don't sense Kelly either." Heath said.

"Pete!" Zak yelled, but they received no answer.

"Kelly..." Heath asked out loud. All of a sudden strong winds came.

"Heath, look out." Zak called, as a super fast and surprise Air Blast hit them. They feel in to and empty open and wooden coffin. And when they fell into it, the coffin burst into pieces.

Zak and Heath were dead from the impact.

Shax rolled back with winds and left.

"Jeff, why is it so windy. We aren't going to get nothing with this footage." The reporter said just arrivinf with the camera man, and they left. They didn't see the scene, because they came late, and now they were leaving so they missed Zak and Heath's bloody, battered, and dead bodies.

At The Manor...

Pete and Kelly were randomly looking around.

"I was just at the cemetery, how hell did I get here?" Kelly yelled.

"I can ask the same question." Pete said, but the. Shax blew into the house.

"RUN, KELLY!" Pete shrieked. Shax blew an air blast and Pete went threw the wall. The impact broke his leg and burst open his head. A portal randomly slammed Pete in the coffin with Zak and Heath.

"KION!" Kelly yelled and looked around. Shax shot and Air Blast at her and she flew face first into the grandfather clock and died as a shard of glass penetrated through her head.

Shax smiled and swirled out in a mini tornado.

At The Cemetery...

The Source was looking down in the bloody and dead Charmed Ones. He place three different color roses in the grave.

He then stuck his hands up by his sides and the dirt and grass started covering the casket. Now it looked like nothing ever happened. He used his powers to make the tombstone say:

Here Lies the CHARMED ONES
Zak Halliwell-King
Pete Halliwell-Striker
Heath Halliwell

After the Source teleported away in fire. Winds blew around leaves and flowers.

The End

Picture of The Source, which is the Evil Essence not Vincent, and Shax.

Well, Minions we have reached another peak in our CHARMED journey, sorry it had to end that way. Comment, and vote the whole season.

And COMMENT your favorite:
SUPPORTING STAR...(Bruce, Allen, Kion,.and Vincent)


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