Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 3)...

By MrAladdin

11.7K 416 46

The Boys are back again, but this time they have more than they can physically or emotionally handle. Zak Is... More

It's Over
Magic Hour
Wish On A Star
HeartBreak City
Gods of Our Lives
We All Scream For Ice Cream
"Hell Can Not Have Thee!"
Resident Goddess: After Love
Sleeping With The Enemy
Gossip Greek
G3: H2O
Finally Married
Runaway Witch
Exit Strategy
The "Patch" of Cold
Tough Enough
War On Olympus
Break Open Hell
Season 4!


634 19 0
By MrAladdin

In The SunRoom

The cousins were sitting at a table having breakfast. When Trizusor burst through the door. He threw an energyball but Pete froze it. Zak levitated kicking Trizusor, and he fell into the table. Heath swung his arm using his telekensis to throw Trizusor into a wall. Trizusor tried to swing at Pete but Pete used a knife to slice.

"Ow!" Jeremy glamoured back into himself. Mark walked in and smiled, while putting alcohol on Jeremy's wound.

"OK, Zak a little more force on the kick and Pete faster with cutting. Again?" Heath smiled.

"No, I want my smuggler left after this is all over with." Mark said, using smuggler as a nickname for Jeremy.

"Yeah, and the castle is being sworn tonight as the White House of Magic Community." Zak said.

"Oh yeah, how is that going." Pete asked.

"Bruce is a wreck, and the community is having a hard time adjusting to being ruled by vampires and the vampires are worried about the city surrounding the castle." Zak sighed.

"Wait, the house party is tonight." Heath pointed to a calender.

"No it's not." Pete read the calender in disbelief.

"Great, now Pete can't cater at the ceremony." Zak stated.

"Excuse me, who said I was going to cater your ceremony and I am not going to do this party by myself." Pete said.

"I got that big date with Tremaine." Heath jumped to defense. "And I have to go to Egypt afterwards."

"Egypt!?" Zak and Pete yelled.

"Yes, part of my tour... hints World. Tour." Heath said in a duh voice.

"I can't believe you two." Pete sighed.

"What if you postpone the party." Mark suggested.

"Can't because the owners of the city will be in attendance." Pete sat down.

"Well I can stay, Mark would to but he has to be at the ceremony." Jeremy rolled his eyes.

"I told you my bosses set it up." Mark tried to explain.

"Yeah, whatever." Jeremy stated.

"What's wrong." Zak asked them.

"He's missing out on his parents anniversary dinner just for his stupid ass bosses." Jeremy snapped at Mark.

"Watch your tone." Mark glared at Jeremy.

"Or what you're going to tell on me to your boss?" Jeremy spiced his voice with sarcasm.

Mark didn't reply, he just stood up and left the room.

"Okay guys got to go, Oh and Zak can you do some pastries and cookies for the ceremony please." Zak asked grabbing his keys.

"Yeah, sure." Pete internally groaned.

At The Castle.

Zak was running around making sure everything was OK.

"Uhm sir?" A servant called to Zak.

"Yes, what is it?" Zak asked.

"Bruce is hyperventilating and he needs you to calm him down." a servant said.

Bruce's and Zak's Suite.

Zak walked in to see Bruce smashing a mirror and yelling.

"Bruce, what's going on?" Zak asked.

"I can't do this, I'm not fit for this and I'm already feeling under judgement and condemnation and I'm not even in office yet." Bruce sat on a stool by the mirror.

Zak kneeled by Bruce and caressed his hands. Bruce hung his head in defeat, but Zak sat next to him and held Bruce's head to his chest.

"You know I was scared for you at first, but then I stopped, guess why." Zak said.

"Why?" Bruce was defeated and not wanting to try again.

"Because I know you can handle this, there is no doubt in my mind whatsoever that you can't handle this." Zak kisses Bruce's forehead. Bruce lifted his head up as if Zak was his saving grace.

"Really." Bruce looked up to Zak.

"Yeah." Zak said with a lot of emotions.

"OK, sorry about the mess." Bruce said to the broken glass.

Heath's Room

Heath, who just got out the shower, was admiring a white dress robe with black diamonds and silver rhinestones.

"Nothing could ruin this." Heath sighed and laid down in bed.

In Manor Kitchen.

Allen was soothing Pete, who was still highly upset.

"I mean they always assume I have nothing better to do." Pete was ranting.

"Well Jeremy said he would host the party." Allen said, "and I'll be upstairs with Miles and X."


"Go enjoy yourself at the ceremony." Allen smiled.

"I want the boys to come." Pete said.

"Well we can arrange that." Allen kissed Pete.

Tremaine's House.

Tremaine was doing an evil worship ritual, as another demon teleported into the room.

"Metious what do you want." Tremaine said in a monotone and nonchalant voice.

"Everyone is worried that you won't fulfill the job in killing the Charmed Ones." Metious stated.

"So they sent you." Tremaine laughed.

"Just to encourage you, and more so spy." Metious said.

"Oh, okay. Well what would be perfect would be if you shut the hell up." Tremaine turned back to the ritual.

"So what you have plan for them tonight." Metious sat on the couch and crossed his leg on the other.

"None of your business." Tremaine said.

"WHY THE HELL ARE YOU JUST SITTING THERE, YOU ARE ONE OF THE MOST POWERFUL DEMONS IN THE UNDERWORLD." Metious stood and yelled. "You have power to kill the Charmed ones and you're wasting it on a damn ritual."

"Metious, you overestimate me, but I didn't know you cared so deeply." Tremaine stated.

"I don't but if you don't vanquish them, bounty hunters will be after you." Metious said. "And the Source is waiting to send Shax after them."

"He wouldn't." Tremaine was genuinely concerned.

"And why not?" Metious sat down.

"Heath's his mate." Tremaine turned away from his ritual.

"You've been obsessing and falling in love with Him, but you didn't know he rejected the Source for you." Metious fake yawned.

"If I was you I would have already dumped cum in that, then stabbed him in the heart later." Metious said.

"Shut The Hell Up." Tremaine threw and athame at Metious. Metious dodged it and smiled at Tremaine.

"So everyone was right." Metious laughed.

"About what?" Tremaine asked.

"You being in love with that WITCH." Metious growled. "Who has and will kill many of our ancestors."

"Leave or I will break your neck." Tremaine growled lowly. Metious stuck his hand up in surrender, and teleported away.

At The Castle.


There were over a hundred rows filled with 500 chairs and more on the side. Decorations were being brought out by werewolves.

"Maybe we should wait, because it's still moist and wet in the ground from Dew." the werewolf leader said.

"OH sorry about that." Zak said and his eyes turned white this time. Winds came through and the sun shined through the clouds. The wolves in their human forms let our little rumbles of excitement out as the wind went through their hair and beards.

The dew and moist soon cleared up and it was beautiful and breezy outside.

"Thank you." The leader said still taking aback.

"No, Cynthia the banner goes on the other wall." Zak yelled walking away.

At The Manor.

It was almost time for the party. Pete was in the kitchen instructing Jeremy on how to do the food.

"Pete you need to get dressed!" Allen yelled.

"Oh right, and remember Jeremy take those out in twenty, and can you put these pastries and Cookies in separate boxes. I already have em categorized." Pete said.

"Pete calm down its going to be okay." Jeremy smiled.

"Right" Pete agreed and ran upstairs.

Heath's Room.

Heath was in the bathroom mirror trying to decide how to do his hair.

"Oooh!" Heath went to work.

He came up with a Mohawk in the front and top of his head, without cutting off his hair, and he put one braid on each side to guide the back of the Mohawk.

Heath then went to put on his robe, when Hades was standing there smiling.

"Hi, Dad." Heath smiled and hugged his dad.

"Is this the part of the movie when I say you look just like your mother." Hades smiled and joked. "I'm so proud of you."

"It's just a date dad." Heath smirked then slipped into his robe.

"Yeah but he's a de..." Hades realized Heath didn't know so he stopped his sentence.

"A what?" Heath turned to his dad half paying attention.

"He's a decent guy." Hades sat down on Heaths bed.

"Right!" Heath sort of fan girled.

"Well be careful baby boy." Hades kissed Heath's head and teleported away.

At The Castle.

Bruce and Zak's suite.

Zak was putting gel in his white hair for a spiked style that was pointing right. Bruce was doing his tie while looking in the mirror.

"Bruce, stop looking nervous honey." Zak rubbed his shoulders.

"What if I mess up while ruling, or I make a bad decision that cost the community something." Bruce sighed.

"Well we can correct it." Zak smiled.

At The Manor.

X and Miles were arguing over a toy animal.

"Boys, stop it." Pete pointed.

"Papa, I had it first." Miles whined.

"But it's not yours, Miles." Pete was lacing up his dress shoes.

"X! let's get dressed. Now." Allen commanded in a father figure voice.

"Yes, sir." X snatched the toy and ran to Allen.
Heath's Room.

Heath was checking himself in the mirror while doing poses.

Ding Dong.

Heath rushed to do finishing touches before going downstairs.

Front Porch.

Tremaine was waiting at the door. Metious teleported by him with a antagonizing smile.

"What Metious." Tremaine sighed while looking at his watch.

"I just want to know how you are going to kill him." Metious smirked.

"Metious, leave." Tremaine was being nonchalant.

The door was opening, so Tremaine pushed Metious into bushes.

"...Heath." Tremaine smiled in awe.

"Hey, Tremaine." Heath smiled.

"Ready to go..." Tremaine is still speechless.

Metious watched with a scowl on his face. He was coming up with an evil scheme.

Tremaine opened his truck door for Heath to get in.

"Thank you." Heath blushed. Tremaine closed the door and got in on the driver's side.


Pete watched Heath and Tremaine drive off. Pete was mid-level jealous and angered. Metious saw this and shot Pete with a red ball. Pete was instantly pissed. Metious smiled and sat back and watched.

"Ready." Allen came downstairs.

"I'm not going, fuck Zak and his stupid ass event. I will not be attending." Pete growled.
Allen who didn't want to get yelled at nodded and agreed.

"Come on boys." Allen yelled as he held the boys' hand and teleported away.

An Empty Restaurant.

"Where is everyone?" Heath asked.

"I bought it out for the night." Tremaine smiled. Heath mood couldn't be any better than this.

"Beverages?" a waiter smiled.

"Rico?" Heath called.

"Yeah, I also hired your crew to serve us." Tremaine said shyly.

"Uhm can I have a root beer." Heath smiled more.

"And you sir?" Rico asked.

"Your most elegant red wine." Tremaine nodded.

"OK I'll be right back with that." Rico left as the lights started to dim. They heard soft singing on the background. They turned their heads to see Heath's three male and three female back up singers harmonizing together.

Heath turned back to Tremaine with eyes that held high appreciation and strong love. And what's against Tremaine's nature, as a demon, was that he felt the same way.

"Thank you for all of this." Heath spoke lowly with sincerity.

"Your drinks." Rico smiled as he sat the drinks down.

At The Castle.

Zak was sitting on the couch with X in his lap.

"Allen where did you say Pete was?" Zak asked as he fixed X's hair.

"He became pissed and decided to stay home." Allen said while him and Miles were eating some hot wings.

"Hmm." Zak hummed but he stood up, letting X gk sneak in a wing before Bruce comes.
"I'll be right back."

At The Restaurant.

The backup singers were sing Love Dances With The Devil... Ironically Heath and Tremaine were dancing to it. Their plates were already have eaten and know they were enjoying each others presence.

Tremaine did the dip on Heath and took his breath away with a deep and passionate kiss that lasted forever.

At The Manor.

The party was in mid-flow when homeowners started arguing with each other.
"That's it everyone go the fuck home!!!" Pete yelled. The homeowners looked surprised and shocked at the Pete.

"What nerve." One of the homeowners said grabbing her purse.

"I will be sure to tell your cousins about this." another yelled.

"Oh yeah, well here's another thing you can tell them." Pete thought pastries at them, causing them to rush out of the house.

Zak walked in and glared at Pete.
"So you have a new attitude I see."

"What the hell is it to you anyways, Mr. Incredible." Pete snapped.

"I'm going to pretend you aren't being a fucking Bitch right now so that I don't have to kick your ass." Zak said lowly.

"I dare you." Pete slammed a tray on the ground as it shattered into tiny pieces. Metious shot a red ball into Zak. Zak slammed the grandfather clock onto to the ground.

"You're not the only one who can get pissed." Zak snapped back.


"That was the greatest time of my life." Heath looked Tremaine into the eyes.

"I am glad you enjoyed it." Tremaine grabbed Heath's chin and gave him a hungry but passionate kiss. Tremaine eyes sagged with love as he looked at Heath.

"Bye, Tremaine." Heath got out and walked inside the manor. As soon as Heath walked inside Metious got into Tremaine's truck.

"You love the witch!" Metious said as if Tremaine was a traitor, then got out the car and slammed the door. Tremaine droved away.


"Oh look who came home from his little date." Pete picked on Heath.

"Yeah always being fucking careless while we do all the work." Zak growled.

"I'm confused is it national Hate on Heath day." Heath said innocently.

"Breaking News but the world doesn't revolve around your selfish ass." Pete asked.

"Or you're crappy singing." Zak added. Metious threw a red ball into Heath too.

"What's matter Zak, being a locked up bitch for a blood sucker draining you of your fun." Heath snapped.

"Very cute, we can't all be irresponsible like you." Zak said, Heath just nodded and agreed in sarcasm.

"Oh shut up you stupid son of a bitch, at least I can get out instead of being boring." Heath said back.

"Yeah, because everything is always about having fun." Pete snarked.

"No, sir you're just to fucking coward to experience the world, what's the matter Pete scared to fight your own battles." Heath growled. "I'm am so sick and tired of you two always judging and persecuting me on every choice in life that I make."

"I am sick and tired of saving your asses." Zak said.

"I am sick and tired of being taken for granted..." Pete said looking at Zak's wrist ",and that's mine."

Pete ripped a bracket off of Zak's hand.

"Ouch, you dumb fucker." Zak went to a heel kick on Pete but Pete ducked and pushed Zak into Heath, but Heath swung Zak into a wall. Zak tackled Heath onto the floor, Pete pulled Zak up but Zak punched him in the cheek.

Heath kicked in the back of Zak's knee causing him to fall though a coffee table. Zak stood up and shot a energy-lighting bold at Heath, Heath waved his hand and the bolt went towards Pete. Pete froze the bolt before it hit him. The bolt unfroze and shot into a mirror, sending shatters everywhere.

The cousins where in a circle, until Heath left breaking the circle. The book of Shadows, which was in the attic, had lithe up on the triquetra part and the triquetra separated.

At Tremaine's House.

Tremaine was doing some ritual and devotion when a knock came on the door.

"Tremaine..." Heath said with a broken voice. Tremaine put an athame in the back of his belt.

"Heath?" Tremaine answered the door..

"Can I come in, please?" Heath was on the verge of tears.

"Yeah come in." Tremaine moved out the way and followed Heath to the couch.

"What happened?" Tremaine questioned Heath who was really quiet.

"My cousins and I had a physical altercation, which we never do." Heath said. "An-nd we all said things that were pretty harsh." Heath cried into Tremaine's shoulder.

"That's just the way of life." Tremaine rubbed Heath's back. Heath looked up at Tremaine and kisses him with every emotion he could conjure. Tremaine pulled out the athame to stab Heath, but he couldn't do it

"Heath, go home." Tremaine said.

"Why?" Heath said stubbornly.

"You need to make things right with your cousins." Tremaine said trying to prepare him, because he knew what Metious did.

At The Manor.

Pete was cleaning up the glass from the mirror when he went to get the dust pan...

"I got it." Zak said holding the dustpan as Peter swept the broken glass into it.

"What the hell happened today?" Mark and Jeremy rushed in.

"We had a little dispute." Pete answered.

"It's more than little, because magic community is on alert." Mark replied.

"OK well today our emotions and nerves were haywire, but we shouldn't have been as mad as we were." Zak stated.

"Heath came home, we got into a heated argument and then we fought." Pete finished.

"Ohhh, no." Jeremy sighed.

"Did you use your powers." Mark asked carefully. Pete nodded shyly, Mark and Jeremy reacted as if their favorite team lost.

"No that's separates your bond as the Charmed Ones." Jeremy stated.

"Huh." Zak asked.

"Try to freeze this." Mark held up a glass vase and dropped. Pete tried to freeze it but it didn't and the vase shattered to pieces.
Zak lifted his arms up and tried to change the weather but nothing happened.

"What the hell." Zak said.

"Book of Shadows." Jeremy orbed the book into his arms.

"What happened to the triquetra?" Pete asked.

"It's symbolic to your Charmed bond and separates when you three do." Mark replied.

"So we need to find Heath..." Zak was saying as Heath walked in.

"Oh thank God." Pete sighed.

"Where'd you go." Zak asked.

"To Tremaine's, but he told me tell come back and work things out with you guys." Heath smiled barely, then looked at the vase.

"We broke the Charmed Bond and now our powers are gone." Zak said.

"So demons know." Heath stated, as Mark and Jeremy nodded.

"We'll leaved you three to make up and get the bond back." Jeremy pulled Mark away.

At Tremaine's House.

Tremaine was still holding the athame and thinking. Metious snuck behind him and possessed his body turning until Trizusor. Tremaine tried to fight for control but ultimately lost.

At The Manor.

"Heath, I didn't mean anything I said earlier." Pete said.

"And you know I don't think that of you, I admire you so much." Zak smiled.

"I know, but I do never tell you guys how much I appreciate you and how much I wish to have families like you guys."

Trizusor kicked through the side door and came in.

Mark tackled him and kicked his ribs but Trizusor grabbed his leg and through him into the China cabinet.

"Mark!" Jeremy yelled.

"Jeremy stay back!" Zak yelled.

"We apologized, now can we get our powers." Heath yelled to the sky.

"You guys go, I'll hold him off." Zak said.

"No way, we aren't leaving you." Pete said.

"Guys look the book." Zak said. Heath stood in the middle of his cousins. Heath waved his finger, and the athame in Trizusor's hand flew into the wall. Trizusor threw am energyball at them, Heath stuck his hand up and the energyball bounced back as Heath said "Ok."

As the energyball hit Trizusor, Metious fell out of him.

"Uh... A demon under demonic possession?" Pete said.

"Don't cross me.." Trizusor growled lowly and vanquished Metious with an energyball.

"No!" Metious yelled as he blew up. .

Trizusor grabbed the athame from the wall and turned back to the cousins.

"Positions." Heath yelled as the three was still stunned from the scene.

Zak went up then levitated kicking Trizusor square in the face. The impact threw Zak onto the floor but only caused Trizusor to back up a little. Trizusor threw the athame at Pete, but Pete froze it. Heath snuck up behind Trizusor and kicked him in his back, Trizusor hit a cabinet. Trizusor saw Pete and tried to punch him but Pete ducked sliced some of Trizusor flesh off with the athame.

Trizusor clutched Pete's neck and threw him into a door. Heath swung his arm and Trizusor free out the side window. Heath went to help Zak up.


Trizusor shifted back to Tremaine as Tremaine's cut proved to be a serious injury to him. He touched it and hissed. He heard footsteps and teleported away.

Zak and Heath were looking out the window and saw nothing.

At The Ceremony.

Bruce was standing on a balcony with Zak to his right and Kion to his left.

"We know crown and place Bruce Colin King as the President of The Magic community." An elder of the magic community said. Fairy dust lithe up the sky.

Pete, Heath, and Zak nodded at each other. The crowd got silent. Heath threw up a string of fire into the sky. Pete blasted it making it sparkle and Zak used winds to give it designs, then Heath made shadows to give a glow affect. The magic community clapped and cheered. Bruce engulfed Zak in to a deep passionate kiss.

Picture of Tremaine aka Trizusor



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