Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 3)...

By MrAladdin

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The Boys are back again, but this time they have more than they can physically or emotionally handle. Zak Is... More

It's Over
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Gods of Our Lives
We All Scream For Ice Cream
Resident Goddess: After Love
Sleeping With The Enemy
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G3: H2O
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Exit Strategy
The "Patch" of Cold
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Season 4!

"Hell Can Not Have Thee!"

546 18 3
By MrAladdin

At A Cemetery

Two people rose out of a grave. They were very monstrous and had yellow eyes. They sniffed the air in search of something.

The triad appeared in front of them.

"You two have a mission of destroying AND vanquishing the Charmed Ones." the leader said.

"But today is the day that their Godly callings will be stronger." One of the demons hissed.

"Which they can't handle and that when you two go in for the kill. " A second member of the triad said.

At The Recording Studio.

Heath was sitting down with Sam Smith, and they were writing a song.

"So far I got,

You were my first, you were my heart,

You were some one I was supposed to love.

And now that your gone

I am broken,

Like luck with out a tokennnnn. " Sam sung. "So I want you to go high, from strong to a head whisper."


You were my FIRST, you were my HEART,



"OK, so when we sing it, well harmonize together and then since you can sing higher and louder than me, you can go back in and do high notes." Sam smiled.

"OK." Heath nodded while singing the song lowly to himself.

At The Manor.

Pete and Allen were watching Miles play with his electric train.

"So when are we calling the wedding planners" Pete asked while snuggled up to Allen.

"When ever you want baby." Allen kissed his forehead. Miles ran up to them and looked a Pete.

"Papa?" Miles called to Pete.

"What is it?" Pete sat up.

"Are the cupcakes done." Miles asked shyly.

"Yeah, come on let go get us and daddy some." Pete stood and picked up Miles and went to the kitchen. Allen chuckled and went back to watching TV.

At The Castle.

Zak was walking around with a servant fulfilling his duties, Bruce was in his lair doing paperwork.

"So, do you two plan to have the wedding here? " the servant asked.

"I never thought of that, I just knew we couldn't have it in a church. " Zak smiled. "But thanks for the idea, I will talk to Bruce about it."

"Zak!? " Bruce walked out the room.

"What is it, honey. " Zak walked to him.

"The magic community wants me to be the President of it." Bruce was excited and scared at the same time.

"That's great isn't it?" Zak saw Bruce's facial expression.

"I have no idea, it's going to be a lot more demanding and I won't have time for us really." Bruce said.

"Well we can spare a little time from each other for you to fulfill your jobs." Zak offered.

"I don't want that." Bruce whined a little.

"Well don't do it." Zak kindly suggested.

"I'm stuck at a crossroads because it would be great for the castle to have that surrounding it." Bruce stated sitting down.

"Bruce maybe you could be Head of the community and maybe Kion could govern it." Zak stated.

"You're right, but I will still have a lot of duties to execute." Bruce pouted.

"Then I'll make you feel better, every night." Zak smirked.

"SOLD" Bruce smiled. Luke and Tyler ran into the room as an alarm blared.

"Attack and these guys are extremely powerful." Lucas and Tyler ran back.

Zak and Bruce followed suit. They saw demons were spitting fire.

"JEREMY, BRING HEATH AND PETE. " Zak yelled in the air. Jeremy orbed in with Heath and Pete.

"Oh my god " Pete froze fire that was about to kill a servant, everyone froze except the demons.

"Crap." Heath sighed. Zak levitated into the air and winds rushed into the castle. Lighting was charging the walls of the castle. Heath made shadows that grabbed charge from the walls, the shadows chocked the demons with the electricity charge.

"Pete, maybe you could manipulate the spit in their throats to stop their fire" Heath yelled as they ducked from fire.

Pete manipulated their saliva, one demon tried to spit fire but mucus clogged up his throat causing it to back fire. And this happened to all the demons causing them to explode.

"Those are Spitters, I read about them in the Book, and they work exclusively for the Triad." Zak growled.

"OK, well now we have to really focus on the Triad." Heath sighed.

That Night.

Bruce had closes up the training room so only Zak, Heath, and Pete could use it, as he, Tyler, Lucas and Kion looked on.

"Ok so we need a plan." Pete said.

"The triad have a period where they meditate to rejuvenate their powers... " Tyler said and looked at Lucas.

"So if you guys could catch them off guard then it would be a good help. " Lucas finished.

"But how do we vanquish them is the problem." Heath stated.

5 spitters appeared, Tyler and Lucas combated with two of them. Zak was dodging random fire.

"HEATH." Pete yelled. Heath closed his eyes and fire burned the demons from the inside causing them to explode.

"Go Heath" Zak smiled.

"OK, I'm beat, so we sleep and tomorrow we go after the Triad." Pete sighed.

"OK, goodnight guys." Zak hugged his cousins before they teleported away to the manor.

At The Manor.

"I'll get the kitchen, you go rest. " Heath told Pete.

"OK, goodnight." Pete went upstairs. "Miles Jonathon Striker, BED NOW! "

In the Kitchen.

Heath was doing the dishes when a voice startled him. He felt the person's hot breathe on his neck. Heath spun around quickly and saw a smirking Vincent.

"Vincent.. What are you doing here. " Heath looked around to make sure no one saw him.

"I came to see you, unless you don't want to see me. " Vincent put on an adorable puppy dog face.

"No! I just don't want my cousins to see you because they'd try to vanquish you." Heath rubbed Vincent's cheek.

"But you can bring Tremaine around?" Vincent dropped his head with his puppy face.

"..." Heath was speechless and felt guilty.

"I'm going to go back." Vincent started walked away.

"No, stop don't leave." Heath hugged him to stop him.

"Why?!!! So I can watch Tremaine love on what's mines." Vincent growled pulling away from Heath.

"Vincent don't be like this." Heath eyes teared.

"Thi-" Vincent chocked up. "This is our last encounter and meeting." Vincent teleported away. Heath sat in a chair and cried his eyes out.

Next Day.

In the practice room.

Zak was a mess from taking care of X and being the side piece to Bruce and his position as King. Pete was a mess from taking care of the manor and P3, and Heath was still stinging from rejection by his soul mate.

"You guys look like crap." Kion joked.

"Shut the hell up Kion." Zak snapped.

"OK the Triad won't wait for you to make a move, as we speak something will be on its or their way to attack you." Lukas stated.

Heath started turning into his dark form.

"Heath?" Pete looked shocked.

"The Underworld is calling for me." Heath grunted.

"What does it want? " Zak ran to his cousin.

"I don't know but my dark form knows." Heath was now transformed. Everyone was in awe over the beauty and flawlessness of the dark form.

The dark form raised a hand and everyone in the room was knocked out. The dark form teleported away through shadows as Heath's body was left behind.


The dark form was searching for something but it didn't know what.

At The castle.

Everyone was on the ginormous couch. Kion had carried Heath into a guest room and watched over him.

"OK so we know the dark form isn't Heath but what... OK I'm like all the way confused." Pete said.

"Me to..." Zak was saying when the two demons from the graveyard busted into the room.

"OH. MY. GOD." Pete yelled. Tyler and Lucas went to attack but the demons just snapped their fingers and they were thrown into a wall and knocked out.

"The Agency... " Bruce gasped.

"You know them? " Zak asked as they ran into another room.

"Yeah, my uncle created them and they are impossible to beat." Bruce sighed.

"You guys go upstairs and I'll defend them off." Bruce said taking an attack stance.

"I'm not leaving you." Zak stated. They heard the servants screaming in a distance.

Bruce and Zak ran to check on their servants.

Zak threw bolts at the demons, but it did nothing.

"Are they immune?" Zak panicked.

"No, they are just that powerful." Bruce face transformed into a full a vampire.

The sky's outside became a bright color, and you could hear the oceans rumbling from miles away.

"It's time for us to rule." Zak said in a robotic way. The demons stalked to them. Zak stuck his hand up and the most ferocious lighting blew up one of them. Water burst open the front doors with Pete surfing on them and grabbed the other while eroding his skin.

The water sat Pete down gently and went back to the oceans.

"Was that Pete??" Zak faked shocked.

"It was a distressful moment and it took over me." Pete said. "the waves told me that Heath was in the Underworld."


The dark form was still searching until he turned one corner and a bunch of demons were staring at him.

"Hell, wants you." they said.

"Hell, Can Not Have Thee." the dark form growled.

"We want you to rule us." one demon stated.

"I will." the dark form glared.

"This way Ruler." they bowed.

At The Castle.

Zak was holding X, when he turned into a dark aura. Zak was now wearing A metal plated version of the popular Hellraiser coat and red leather pants. X was now in a dark and red torn long sleeve polo shirt with black cargo shorts.

"Zak.. " Bruce was speechless. Miles pointed to Bruce and a shot of lava charged at Bruce. Bruce ducked and looked shocked and hurt.

Zak rolled his eyes and used winds to slam Bruce into the wall.

At The Manor.

Pete was baking pies and cookies. The dark aura came over him and he was in a black poncho cape jacket with leather pants that had chains wrapped around the legs. Miles came downstairs wearing a white dress shirt, a red tie, a leather jacket, black skinny jeans with a yellow with black stripes skirt that what cut down four sides.

Allen walked in and looked flabbergasted at what they were wearing.

"Pete?" Allen called slowly.

"What." Pete was much more rude than normal.

"What is going on?" Allen walked to them slowly.

"he's going to try to change us. " Miles said from his psychic powers. Pete blasted at Allen but he teleported away.

In The guest room (At The Castle)

Heath was lying down as Kion watched. Heath's face changed to a dark mass of beauty. His attire changed into a black studded hood punk rock jacket, with white pants that had demonic symbols on them.

"Heath.." Kion walked to Heath but the dark form blocked his path.

"YOU'RE NOTHING TO US." the dark form growled.

"That's a lie, you two love me." Kion snapped.

"Heath." the dark form commanded and smirked. Heath swung his arm and Kion flew into a mirror on a dresser. The dark form took Heath's appearance and made Heath sleep again.

An Expensive Manor.

Vincent was doing paperwork at his desk in a computer room.

"Vincent." Heath appeared looking sad.

"Leave dark form. " Vincent sighed.

"No, We need you." The dark form was at tears.

"I refuse to have my emotions played with, I AM NOT EVEN SUPPOSED TO HAVE FEELINGS." Vincent roared.

Vincent's assistant came in and the dark form waved his arm using telekensis to through the assistant into the wall.

"...your my mate so you are going to have to deal with your 'feelings'" the dark form kneeled by Vincent.

"I feel rejected and that hurts." Vincent looked Heath in The eyes.

"No this does." The real Heath appeared and threw Vincent through his work desk.

"You're the one who walked out on us, remember?" Dark form growled. "And I just tried to make amends and join forces with you."

"You are not yourself right now." Vincent forced out as he stood up.

"Does it matter, I still am here for you, to be your mate." Dark form softened up.

"Heath... I want to talk to you not your powers." Vincent snapped ignoring Dark Form and looking at Heath.

"I am Heath!" Dark Form pushed Vincent into a wall.

"Stop." Heath said to his Dark Form.

The Dark Form looked at Heath and sighed.

"Are you sure?" Dark Form asked. Heath nodded and the form went back onto Heath. Heath turned to leave the mansion.

"Heath.." Vincent sighed and called lowly.

"Stay the hell away from me." Heath turned and glared at Vincent. "We are not meant for each other and I'm done with us."

"You're not..." Vincent had tears in his eyes. Heath walked to Vincent and faced him.

"Yes. I am." They both looked torn, heartbroken, and broken in whole.

"Don't do this." Vincent stepped closer.

"I have to, like we said weeks ago our worlds just don't mix together." Heath held tears in for dear life.

"You're ruler of the Underworld and I live there." Vincent said as if he was out of luck.

"I don't want to Rule the Underworld." Heath snapped. "I'm not doing this." Heath kissed Vincent's cheek and left.

Vincent smashed and slammed things around in the room.

At The Castle.

"I think it's time for us to go after the triad." Zak said as Heath sat on the couch.

"Ditto." Pete said.

"But won't they see it coming?" Heath asked.

"No, because they think we are battling the two demons they sent after us." Zak said.

"Let's go." Heath nodded. Allen, Bruce and Kion walked in.

"We just want to help." Kion said looking at Heath.

"What makes you think we need it?" Zak glared.

"Because you will need a distraction from all the guards the Triad have." Allen bargained.

"And because we fucking love you." Bruce snarled. This seemed to tear away the evil aura that they had.

"Why do we look Goth?" Heath examined himself.

"You guys are back." Bruce sighed and went to hug Zak, as Allen and Kion did with Pete and Heath.

"OK we are going to have to a be quick on our feet." Zak said.

"Bruce, you and Kion distract the demons." Pete said.

In Demonic School.

The triad were meditating in a circle with their hands lifted up and a giant fireball in it.

"Vampires are in the building, and they are kings." A lead demon said and all the demons ran out the room.

Allen teleported in with Pete, Zak, and Heath.

"What now?" Allen asked.

A triad member seen them and broke the meditation. He through a giant fireball at them, before it could hit them Pete blew it up, but it caused an impact that slammed Heath, Pete, and Allen into a bookcase, while Zak was thrown in the hallway.

"I'll distract this one and y'all get them." Zak ran as a member of the triad followed him.

"No don't split up." One member yelled, then through a giant fireball at Allen, but he teleported away. The third member threw one at Pete, before he could throw it Pete froze him but he was in slow motion.

"ALLEN NOW!" Pete yelled. Allen teleported in and use his powers to teleport the second triad member in front of the one who was throwing a fireball.

Pete waved one hand and the two unfroze. The third member shot the fireball onto the second one who turned around to face him. The second member blew up while yelling, NOO!

"Intensify my blast with your fireball." Pete told Heath. Heath stuck his hand up creating a fire atmosphere.

Pete blasted the man one, he only stepped back, Pete blasted again and the man stepped back again, this time Pete blasted with all his might and he blew up.

They looked down the hall and saw Zak whipping the first member with lighting. The triad man yelled and shot fireballs out both hands. Heath waved his hand to manipulate the fireballs, with his fire powers, and the fireballs shot back at the man and blew him up.

"Pete kicked ass today." Heath smiled to Zak.

"Bout time." Zak joked.

Bruce and Kion walked in smiling.

"...I know right." Kion laughed.

"What's so funny?" Allen asked.

"They're 'army' sucked." Bruce laughed.

"Like a bunch of kindergarten kids doing laps." Kion joked.

"Wow." the cousins mouthed to each other as Allen, Kion, and Bruce died of laughter.

At P3.

The cousins were in the V.I.P area with Allen, Bruce and Tremaine.

" I missing something." Tremaine asked as everyone was laughing from vanquishing the triad.

"Let's dance." Heath pulled him to the dance floor.

"So meeting with wedding planners tomorrow?" Bruce and Allen looked around.

"We know you two aren't going to be there.." Pete smiled.

"So you can go to the game." Zak smirked.

"Yes!" Allen and Bruce high fived each other.

Pictures of Vincent Starter aka The Source of all Evil.

End of Episode.

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