Charmed: Demi-Gods (Season 3)...

By MrAladdin

11.7K 416 46

The Boys are back again, but this time they have more than they can physically or emotionally handle. Zak Is... More

Magic Hour
Wish On A Star
HeartBreak City
Gods of Our Lives
We All Scream For Ice Cream
"Hell Can Not Have Thee!"
Resident Goddess: After Love
Sleeping With The Enemy
Gossip Greek
G3: H2O
Finally Married
Runaway Witch
Exit Strategy
The "Patch" of Cold
Tough Enough
War On Olympus
Break Open Hell
Season 4!

It's Over

1.3K 22 1
By MrAladdin

In The Manor- In The Attic...

Heath was in the dark reading the book of shadows. The attic door slammed open, Heath quickly swung his arm and whoever it was went flying into a couch.

"OUCH!" Pete yelled.

"Oh, oh, oh..." Heath ran to help Pete up.

"You just wait til I get my blast power back." Pete cleared dust out of his face. "One, why the hell is it so cold, did you forget to pay the gas bill."

"No, its your month." Heath said.

"It is? Oh, I guess with Zak being gone and taking care of the kids, it's kind of hard." Pete said as they walked down the stairs.

"Where are the little monsters?" Heath smiled.

"They are at Allen's mom's" Pete rolled his eyes.

"Lovely..." Heath smiled.

"MM" Pete groaned. The phone rang and the two jumped. They walked slowly to the phone. Heath looked at the caller id, it was Max.

"Hello?" Heath said while holding the book and walking.

"Heath, I see the perp and I'm going in." Max stated.

"No, Max this guys is covered by a demon it could be very dangerous for you." Heath instructed.

"He's fighting demons now?" Pete asked.

"No, he believes one of the prime suspects has something demonic in him." Heath said. "And he leaves a mark of snakes like this guy does in the book of shadows."

"Oh.." Pete said lamely.

"I'm going in." Max said following the guy into an alley. "I lost em." The guy jumped behind Max and knocked him out.

"Max?" Heath panicked. The perp hunged up the phone and pulled out an athame and was about to carve Max.

"Come on its only like 10 minutes away." Heath ran grabbing his keys and jacket followed by Pete.


A drunk jock was walking then saw the guy over Max with an athame. The jock ran back but the perp got him and pulled him back, the jock slammed the perp on the ground, but the perp tripped the jock face first onto the ground and the jock busted open his mouth. The perp carved a three headed snack symbol into the jocks head and sucked up his soul. The perp went back to Max. Heath and Pete were walking and saw the jocks body.

Pete turned around and saw the perp about to carve the symbol onto Max.

"Heath!" Pete yelled and pointed to the man. Heath swung his arm and the man landed onto a beatdown car. They ran to Max to make sure he was still alive. A demon with a head made of snakes appeard hovering over the perp.

"Heath!" Pete yelled again. Heath saw a saw and swung his arm and the saw decapitated the demon, but it didn't do anything.

"Uh Heath?" Pete panicked.

"I think I might have misread that part in the book." Heath guessed.

"I'm sorry, what?" Pete said as the demon was about to shoot a huge energyball at him. "The snake symbol!"

Heath swung his arm again and a crowbar went into the snake symbol causing the demon to blow up. They walked back to Max.


A Few Minutes Later...

The cops, paramedics, and detectives were at the scene. One paramedics was patching up Max then he spoke to the cousins.

"You guys must be Gods, because you save this man's life." he smiled.

"We didn't really do anything." Heath said.

"Yeah but you defended him from the perp and he could have ended up like that drunk kid back there." the paramedic said again.

"Oh, it really was nothing." Pete smiled.

"If i was him, I would owe you guys my life." he concluded packing his kit up and leaving.

"Can we go now?" Heath asked looking panicked.

"No, you guys are witnesses to a crime." Max looked them in the eyes.

"What are we going to say Max, that we used our powers on him." Pete scowled and they looked at the perp who was smiling at them.

"Look, no one is going to believe a lunatic like him, all you have to do is get you stories straight" Max said simply.

"You mean our lies." Pete corrected.

"Here comes a Detective and some guy." Max pointed out, as soon as Heath turned around he was in love. Pete nudged him with his elbow.

"Gentlemen, this is Tremaine Smartino, and this is his building that we're behind and he would like to say a few words." the detective said.

"Thank you two for your acts of bravery and .... Heath?" Tremaine said abruptly looking Heath up and down.

"The singer?" The detective snapped his head up.

"Uhm yes?" Heath smiled a little but not a real smile.

"We have to get you two out of here, with you owning Saturn and him being Heath, the press is going to blow up." the detective called some of his workers to get the cousins and Tremaine out of the area.

In Court.

Tremaine was sitting down by his lawyer as Pete and Heath sat behind them. The session went on for about two hours but ultamitely Tremaine's lawyer lost.

"I'm sorry about that." Heath stated sincerely and shook Tremaine's hand.

"No, it's not like there is something I am missing, is there?" Tremaine smiled.

"No, nothing at all." Heath let go of his hand then left with Pete.

Next Day- At the manor.

Heath and Pete were sitting on the couch searching the book of shadows for the demon from last night.

"They are the grandchildren of Medusa." Heath stated simply from the book.

"That's it??" Pete asked.

"Yeah that what the book says." Heath sighed leaning back on the couch.

"When does your tour start?" Pete asked.

"In a month or so, but it won't if Zak doesn't come back." Heath stated.

"I don't think he went away I think he is missing and I wish I could find him." Pete said.

IN a exotic forest.

Zak was running around with some people and they were having fun from the looks of it. Zak was carefree and happy. He wasn't worrying about demons, being a god, his cousins, his mate, or his son.

At the Manor.

Pete was scrying for Zak as Heath was taking a nap on the couch.

In Heath's Dream.

Heath was laying in his bed and he was too helpless to get up. A man with all black eyes started approaching him. Heath was terrorfied but at the same time turned on like never before. The man black eyes penatrated through his heart and soul. The man started caressing Heath's feet, up to his thighs, circled around his penis and then dipped into his belly button.


The man leaned in close to Heath's face, Heath could see his reflection through his dark eyes and he looked like he was wanting more of this man... this monster. The man was still leaning in closer for a kiss, before he could brush his lips Heath jumped awake.

"Another bad dream?" Pete asked still scrying.

"No another dangerous dream." Heath sighed running his hand through his hair. "Its a man with pitch black eyes."

"So, some people eyes are pitch black and what?" Pete said getting tired of scrying.

"No, his entire eyes were pitch black, but he turned me on soooo bad, I wish I could meet him in person and have him forever." Heath said. "Maybe he is my mate."

"Heath, from what you said his eyes looked like you just described a total demon! And not some lower-level weakling, but an Alpha male demon."

"Well maybe that's what I belong with." Heath sighed. "Why is life so crazy right now?"

"Because without Zak here, we have to prepare for the triad ourselves and move on with only ourselves." Pete said, when the crystal landed on the map.

"It's the parking lot of Tremaine's buliding." Heath said and they rushed to the car.

In Heath's Car.

Pete was driving while Heath pulled out his phone to call Tremaine.

"Hello?" Tremaine picked up the phone while he was leaving his office.

"Tremaine, its me Heath!" Heath rushed.

"Oh, hey I was just about to call you, isn't that weird." Tremaine smiled. "Well what are you doing tonight?"

"Tremaine, I have a feeling you are in danger." Heath ignored him.

"That ridiculous." Tremaine said, but he heard someone running in between cars behind him in the parking lot.

"Pete, step on it." Heath growled. "Tremaine, were are you?"

"I'm in the parking lot of my building. Heath what's going on?" Tremaine asked, but the perp from earlier knocked him out. Heath's car came speeding through the car way and the perp jumped out the way as Pete sped to hit him. Pete stopped the car and both of them ran out. Heath went to fight the perp while Pete helped Tremaine.

The perp threw a knife at Heath, Heath jumped back and the athame hit the ground. Heath swung his arm and the perp flew and landed ontop of another car. Another demon with a medusa head came out, Pete gasped from trying to freeze them and the demon blew up.

"Oh...." Pete looked around. Heath had a big grin on his face. They helped Tremaine up and he looked hell of confused.

"What happened?" Tremaine asked.

"The perpatrator knocked you out and tried to stab you." Heath smiled.

"Did you get em?" Tremaine rubbed his shoulder. He pointed to the perp who had fell from the car roof to the floor.

At The Castle.

A portal opened and it spat Bruce out onto the floor. The servants went into a panic and tried to help him up but he was too heavy for them.

"He came back from the reality trap." one servant said.

"How long do you think the others will be in there." another asked.

"Forever if they don't ever find out they are in there." one answered.

In courtroom.

Tremaine was now about to go against the perp in court for his attack.

"Ok Pete, you are going to freeze them and as soon as you do we will get the perp and take away the guardian." Heath said.

"Ugh ok." Pete groaned.

Tremaine looked at them because he heard mumbles coming from them. Heath and Pete smiled widely at him then acted as if they were ignoring him by facing the judge.

Pete stuck his hands up for a freezing motion, but nothing happened.

"You haven't been practicing your powers!" Heath lowly growled. "Try again."

Pete tried freezing again, and Tremaine, Allen, Tremaine's lawyer, Max, and Carl all frozed.

"Its the damn judge!" Heath yelled.

"No its everyone!" Pete grabbed Heath and hid in a room.

"Ok, any plans?" Heath asked.

"You're asking me?" Pete yelled. Everyone was banging on the door.

"No, I asking Casper the fucking friendly ghost!" Heath growled.

"Well, let's fight." Pete said.

"Ok, on three." Heath extended his palm. "... three"

"WAIT!" Pete yelled but Heath had already shot the door open with telekensis. Heath and Pete went to war.

Heath was fighting three officers. One officer tried to punch Heath, but he did a carthwheel out of the way and kicked an officer in the mouth.

Pete kept trying to freeze them but it didn't work.

"DON'T BLAST PETE. They are still humans!" Heath yelled as he reversed some black energy that the judge sent flying towards him.

"But the judge is a demon!" Pete said trying to keep up in a fight against the perp.

"I know, but we don't know if we can vanquish him without the power of three!." Heath said tripping a third officer and palm slapping the second one, through his palm slap he used telekensis and the officer went flying into the wall and was knocked out.

Pete tripped the perp and hit him in the head with a officer's bat.

"Good going." Heath high fived Pete. The judge walked to a back room and called all the guardians that were possesing the Humans.

They followed through the back door. The were in a well-landscaped yard. The saw the body skin of the judge's as if the demon had stepped out of it.

"Ok, I think Medusa is back." Heath stated.

"How?" Pete asked running to catch up with Heath.

"Who else can control the spirits which are her grandchildren, like that?" Heath asked. "Ok, we will split up and you don't look her in the eyes."

"What about you?" Pete asked intently.

"My dark form protects me from her." Heath smiled.

The ran seperate ways, they were trying desperately to find her.

A Couple of Feet Away.

Tremaine shimmered in front of Medusa making her come to a halt.

"Who are you!" Medusa yelled.

"Don't worry about, and I appreciate the help for trying to kill the Charmed Ones, but I got it from here." Tremaine threw an fireball at her and Medusa blew up with a yell.

Heath and Pete bumped into eachother, as they saw Medusa exploding but they were too late to see Tremaine shimmer out.

"Ok let's just go before Tremaine unfreezes." Heath and Pete ran back.

Back In The Court Room.

"Ok, you hit his lawyer and I'll get him." Heath said giving Pete the officer's stick. Pete wacked the laywer who was knocked out and Heath wacked Tremaine.

Tremaine fake grunted at the wack and looked at Heath.

"MM what happened." Tremaine groaned rubbing his head.

"The perp attacked and the officers all took him to jail again." Heath lied terribly.

"Are you sure?" Tremaine asked.

"Tremaine can't you just accept that something good happened for once." Heath smiled. Tremaine looked off in the distance being extremely confused.

At P3.

Pete was behind the bar talking with Heath and Allen.

"All I am saying is I know something bad is up and that our cousin isn't in a well off place right now." Pete said sipping some beer.

"Well, maybe he will turn up somewhere." Heath said.

"With the Triad on our case and not to mention The Source of All Evil, and any other powerful demon that lurks around us." Pete was semi-panicking.

"Pete, this is all just going to blow over." Heath said drinking a margarita.

"And if we die?" Pete asked.

"I'm going home." Heath ignored Pete and told Allen.

"Allie, I'm serious." Pete sat on a stool.

"Petey, you will just have to wait, both you and Heath's powers are advancing, you both are full upper-level witches so anything that comes your way will be a piece of cake." Allen held Pete's hand, but Pete still wasn't convinced.

A Mansion in The Underworld.

A man with pitch black eyes was looking into a mirror and he saw Heath's sleeping form and his gaze never broke from it.

"Sir," a servant called.

"What is it, Lion." The guy growled.

"You have a meeting with the other demons." Lion stated.

"Give me a second." He growled, still looking longingly at Heath. The guy then smashed the mirror, while his spirit cried MATE.

The guy walked down to his meeting with various demons, new and previously vanquished, were waiting on him.

"GREETINGS, SOURCE OF ALL EVIL." the all smiled, growled, and mumbled.

The man just smiled a smug smile at them.

End of Episode for the season Premiere. Theopeningcreditswon'tbethatlongpromise. This season has a lot to bring as far for the Charmed Ones..

To The top, side or whatever is the Season Trailer. I will post Opening Credits on all Chapters and let you know when in the story to PLAY it.

Oh p.s in the Trailer, Heath = Prue, Pete = Piper, Zak = Storm/Pheobe.


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