Naruto: Soldier of earth and...

By mickol93

105K 1.2K 509

Naruto has been neglected by his parents and godparents over his twin sisters, Mito and Naruko. He couldn't t... More

Chapter 1: F.N.G.
Chapter 3: Blackout
Chapter 4: Hunted
Chapter 5: Regret
Chapter 6: Safehouse
Chapter 7: Alien vs. Predator
Chapter 8: Alien vs Predator part 2
Chapter 9: Alien vs Predator part 3
Chapter 10: Alien vs Predator part 4
Chapter 11: Alien Vs Predator part 5
Harem 2
Chapter 12: Alien Vs. Predator part 6
Chapter 13: Alien Vs. Predator part 7
Chapter 14: Alien Vs. Predator part 8
Harem 3
Chapter 15: Alien Vs. Predator part 9
Chapter 16: Alien Vs. Predator final part
Chapter 17: Heat
Chapter 18: The sins of the father

Chapter 2: Crew expendable

10.1K 127 37
By mickol93

Day 1- 01:23:40. Somewhere near the Bering Strait. Corporal Naruto "Fox" Uzumaki, 22nd SAS Regiment. 

Over the Pacific Ocean, a helicopter flies through the rainy night. Naruto, Price, Gaz, Soap and their team are on their mission to the cargo ship. 

Price: Bravo team, the intel on this op comes from our informant in Russia...the package is aboard a medium freighter, Estonian registration number 52775. There is a small crew and a security detail on board. 

Gaz: Rules of engagement, sir? 

Price: Crew expendable. 

Naruto smirks as he cocks his gun. He sits by Soap. They both look at Price, who smokes his cigar. The pilot up front speaks.

Hammer Two-Four: Baseplate this is Hammer Two-Four. We have visual on the target. E.T.A. 60 seconds.

Baseplate: Copy Two Four.

Naruto looks outside and he sees the ship just ahead of them. 

Hammer Two-Four: Thirty seconds, going dark. 

Everyone looks at the ship as the chopper flies around it. 

Hammer Two-Four: 10 seconds. Radio check. Go to secure channel. 

Price smokes one more time and tosses his cigar out. Then everyone puts their masks on as they approach the bridge. 

Price: Lock and load.

They fly over the bridge. Then red lights turn on in the chopper. 

Hammer Two-Four: Green light! Go, go, go!

Naruto, Soap and Price grab the rope and they slide down. They land down to the windows of the bridge. They see four men inside.

Price: Weapons free.

They open fire on the bridge. The men inside all scream as they get shot. Luckily, the team has silencers on their guns. 

Naruto: Bridge secure. 

Price: Hold your fire. Gaz, stay in the bird till we secure the deck, over. 

Gaz: Roger that.

Price: Squad on me!

Price kicks open the door and they all go inside. They go down the stairs.

Price: Stairs clear. 

They arrive at the crew quarters. As they come downstairs, they see a drunk man holding a bottle. He's speaking in Foreign Language as he walks funny. 

Price: Last call.

Soap aims at the man, who looks at them. He fires and shoots him in the face. The man falls down on the floor dead. 

Price: Hallway clear! 

Naruto walks into a room. He sees two men sleeping on bunk beds. He smirks and aims at them. He fires at them and takes them down quietly.

Naruto: Sleep tight. 

Price: Crew quarters clear. Move up.

They all walk out of the deck and back outside. 

Hammer Two-Four: Forward deck is clear! Green light on Alpha, go!

Naruto looks up and he sees Gaz and the rest of the team coming out of the chopper. They all run further down the ship. 

Gaz: Ready sir. 

Price: Fan out. Three metre spread. 

As they walk, Gaz spots two guards on the platform ahead. 

Gaz: Got two on the platform. 

Price: I see 'em.

Soap aims his silenced weapon at them and opens fire on them. They both drop down. 

Soap: Targets neutralized. 

Price nods at him and they continue onward. As the make it to the platform, they go under it and approach the next deck. Gaz looks at it and he spots more men, getting ready to open fire. 

Gaz: We got company. 

Everyone gets behind cover and the enemies open fire on them. They fire back at them. Naruto manages to take down two of them. 

Price: Hammer Two-Four, we got tangos on the 2nd floor. 

Hammer Two-Four: Copy, engaging. 

The chopper moves in on the deck. It open fires on the enemies with machine gun power. The enemies inside all scream as they get shot. The chopper takes them all down. Naruto smirks at the chopper's work. 

Hammer Two-Four: Bravo Six, Hammer is at Bingo fuel. We're bugging out. Big Bird will be on station for evac in ten. 

Price: Copy Hammer. 

The chopper leaves out of sight to head back to base. The team approach the door to the deck. 

Price: Wallcroft, Griffen, cover our six. The rest of you, on me. 

Gaz: Roger that.

Naruto: Copy that. 

Soap: Yes, sir. 

They stop at the door. Gaz then takes out his shotgun. 

Gaz: I like to keep this for close encounters.

Naruto: Too right mate.

Price: On my mark. (Opens the door) Go. Check those corners! 

Gaz, Naruto and Soap goes in first. They all look around for ambushes. 

Gaz: Clear right.

Naruto: Clear left.

Price: Hallway clear! Move up!

They proceed down the stairs. Soap follows Naruto. 

Soap: Stairs clear. 

Naruto: Movement right. 

They go to the right and more enemies arrive. They open fire on them. Naruto and Soap take them all down.

Naruto: Tangos down. 

Price: Hallway clear! Check those corners! Move up!

Naruto reloads his weapon as he advances. 

Naruto: Clear left. 

They go to the left and approach a door. They stop by it. Naruto peaks, but jumps back as gunfire fires on him. 

Naruto: Sir, we got tangos inside. They're protecting something in there. 

Price: Copy. (Takes out a flashbang) Standby. On my go. 

Naruto: Standing by. 

Price: (Tosses flashbang through door) Flashbang out.

The flashbang goes off, blinding the tangos. 

Price: Go. 

They all run inside, firing at the tangos. The tangos drop down dead on the floor. 

Price: Squad on me! 

They run down the stairs and enter the cargo hold. Naruto looks around and sees a lot of containers and equipment. He looks around for more tangos, but don't see any. 

Naruto: No tangos in sight. 

Gaz: Forward area clear. 

Price: Move up! Keep it tight. 

They move up, looking around. 

Gaz: Zero movement. 

As Naruto moves up, a tango comes out, yelling and is about to shoot him, but Naruto grabs his hand and twists it, breaking it. The tango screams in pain. Naruto grabs his Desert Eagle and shoots him in the face. Naruto smirks and keeps the Desert Eagle as it puts it in his pistol holder. Price and Gaz looks at him and nod at him. They continue onward. They come to another door. 

Price: Stack up. 

They all stand ready as Price prepares to kick open the door. 

Gaz: Ready sir. 

Price: (Kicks the door open) Go. 

Gaz goes in first, followed by Naruto and Soap. They enter the other side of the cargo hold. 

Gaz: Clear left. 

Price: Move. 

They go up the stairs to the catwalk. 

Gaz: Movement right. 

As they go to the right, more tangos are on the other catwalk. They open fire on the team. The team ducks down and return fire on them. They take them down and go downstairs. Naruto spots three more down below. He takes out his grenade, pulls the pin and throws it down. The tangos see it and try to move, but the grenade goes off and explodes, killing them. 

Naruto: Forward area clear. 

Price: Move. 

They move up. Naruto and Gaz look around. Naruto looks at the left and sees an opened door to the room of the cargo hold. 

Gaz: Clear right. 

Naruto: Clear left.

Price: Stack up. Standby. On my go. 

They run to the door and stand ready for a fight. 

Gaz: One ready.

Naruto: Two ready. 

Soap: Three ready.  

Price takes out another flashbang as everyone reloads their weapons.

Price: On my mark. (Tosses the flashbang in) 

The flashbang goes off. They hear the tangos inside groaning in pain. 

Price: Go. 

They rush in and duck behind cover. A big fight begins. The team open fires on the tangos, taking down some of them while the rest tries to fight back. Naruto runs up the catwalk and open fires on them from above. Soap then tosses another grenade and it blows, killing two more. The remaining tangos run to the back to a container. Naruto sees this and he fires at them. They drop down as the bullets hit them. One is still alive. He reaches for his pistol. Naruto was faster. He pulls out his Desert Eagle and kills the tango. 

Naruto: Tango down.

Price: Report-all clear?

Gaz: Roger that.

Soap: All clear, sir. 

Gaz: (Looks at his tracker) I'm getting a strong reading sir. You might want to take a look at this. 

They all approach the container. Gaz opens it up and inside, is a box full of radioactive stuff with a Arabic flag by it. Price looks at it. 

Price: Hmm... It's in Arabic...(Talks on his radio) Baseplate, this is Bravo Six. We've found it. Ready to secure package for transport. 

Baseplate on radio: No time, Bravo Six. Two bogies headed your way fast. Grab what you can and get the heck outta there. 

Gaz: Fast movers. Probably MIGs. We'd better go. 

Price: Soap, grab the manifest in the container. Move. 

Soap nods. He walks in and grabs the manifest. 

Soap: Got it. 

Price: All right. Everyone topside! Double time! 

They all run and make their way out of the cargo hold. 

Price: (Talks on radio) Wallcroft, Griffen, what's your status? 

Wallcroft on radio: Already in the helicopter sir. Enemy aircraft inbound...crap! They've opened fire! Get out of there! Now! 

As they run, something explodes on the side of the ship. The explosion knocks the team down on the floor. Just then, water begins to pour in the cargo hold. Everyone groans and coughs. Naruto looks and sees a big hole in the wall, letting the water in. 

Big bird on radio: Bravo Six! Come in! Bravo Six, what's your status?

Soap: Crap! What the heck happened?!

They all slowly get up as Soap is still trying to clear his head from the explosion. 

Gaz: The ship's sinking! We've got to go, now! 

Big Bird on radio: Bravo Six, come in, dang it! 

Price: (To Big Bird) Big Bird this is Bravo Six we're on our way out! (Helps Soap up) On your feet soldier! We are leaving! Get to the catwalks! Move move move! 

Everyone runs up the stairs. Water pours in fast. Naruto looks around as the ship begins to tilt. Stuff begins to fall.

Gaz: Watch your head! 

They keep their heads down as they continue running. They see the exit ahead and they run faster. As they do, the catwalk begins to break off. 

Naruto: It's breaking away! 

Price: Come on, come on! 

They gain more speed and they make to the exit as the catwalk finally breaks. They run down the hallway as water starts to flood the area. The pipes break off the walls.

Gaz: Watch the pipes!

Big Bird on radio: Talk to me Bravo Six, where the heck are you?! 

Price: (To Big Bird) Standby. We're almost there! 

They run up the stairs and start making their way back outside. 

Naruto: Which way?! Which way to the helicopter?! 

Price: To the right! To the right! 

More stuff falls on the floor and rolls on the right. More pipes break off the walls as water pours in the hallways.

Gaz: We're running outta time! Come on! Let's go! 

They finally make it back outside. Naruto sees the ship is still tilting on its side on the left. 

Price: Keep moving! 

Gaz: Where the heck is it?! 

The helicopter comes up from below and the hatch is open. Wallcroft and Griffen are waiting for them. Price, Gaz and Naruto jump in and make it. Naruto looks behind and sees Soap is still coming. 

Naruto: Jump for it!

Soap jumps for it and lands on the ledge of the helicopter. But then, he begins to slip off. Naruto and Price see this and they both grab his arms, stopping him from falling off. 

Both: Gotcha! 

They both pull him in the helicopter.

Price: We're all aboard! Go!

Big Bird: Roger that, we're outta here.

The helicopter flies off. Naruto looks outside as he hears another explosion. The ship then sinks into the ocean. 

Big Bird: Baseplate, this is Big Bird. Package secured, returning to base. Out. 

Naruto watches as the ship finally disappears from his sights. He sighs and sits down. Price looks at him and smiles at him. He nods at him and he nods back. Naruto then takes out a journal from his pack and he begins to write on it. Price and Gaz watch him. They know he's writing about his life and the missions he's done. Naruto then thinks about his family. He sighs as he wonders if they do miss him or they have continued on their lives. He continues writing on his journal as the helicopter flies over the ocean and back to the base.             

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