Do I Miss You? | Jimin x Read...

By Kimin_ARMY

105K 3.1K 722

"Did you miss me?" he asked. "You wish." I said to him. Do I miss you? Yes. I did. I asked myself this ev... More

1 - Best Friend
2 - Mail
3 - Ddu-du Ddu-du
4 - SM
5 - CO ED
6 - Meeting trainees
7 - Debut
Author Note
8 - Problems
9 - Something Exciting...
10 - Thanks
11 - Surprises Surprises
12 - Say Yes
13 - Songs
14 - Past
15 - What Is Going On?
16 - Lovely Date
17 - Issues
18 - Why
19 - His Mistake
20 - What He Thinks
21 - New Friend's
22 - The Box
23 - Album
25 - Too Many Thoughts
26 - It's true
27 - Accidental
28 - Missed You
28 - Worst Friend
29 - It Happens
30 - Moment?
31 - Time
32 1/2- Getting Ready (Y/N)
32 2/2 - Getting Ready (Jimin)
33 - Final Day

24 - Not Ready

1.5K 57 19
By Kimin_ARMY

"So, as a Lighn', I would like to know what your song 'Falling Time' is about please." V said.

"Mm, its about..."


"No it's about- WAIT WHAT?!?" I looked up at V and he was looking at the door. It was Joshua.

"Hey." He said while coming to me and V.

"Uhm, hey." I said to Joshua with a straight face.

"Sorry Taehyung, but-" Joshua said, but got cut off.

"Y/N!!!!!!!!!!!!!!" shouted DK as he came running into the room and hugged me.

"Thank you very much DK. I owe you." I whispered in his ear.

"Don't worry about it." He whispered back.

"I.. will just take my leave. Bye." Joshua said awkwardly while doing a small wave and walked away.


It is now winter time and I'm still drinking boba tea. I came here with Sehun to talk about my problems. I'm not the type to rant on people, but he told me that if I had things to talk about to talk to him when he's free. So I took this chance.

"Hello Y/n!" said Sehun walking into the building.

"Hey Sehun." I said back. He sat down in front of me after he ordered his usual.

"So, what did you want to talk about?" he asked after taking a sip of his drink.

"Uhm.... so, it's about Jimin. He keeps asking me to be his girlfriend. I'm NOT ready for another relationship. And I just don't know what to do!" I said to Sehun.

"Well. I have never had a girlfriend so I wouldn't know or have experience. Have you told him to like, back off or something?" He said while chuckleing a little.

"Yeah. Well, I didn't tell him to back off. I just told him that I was not ready for another relationship." I said while sipping the last bit of my drink.

"Well, that's all you have to do... I guess." He said shrugging.

"The thing is... I don't like him that way either." I said to him. "It's just kinda weird because he keeps on wanting to be my boyfriend."

"I know you keep pushing him away, but do you really not want him to be your boyfriend? I mean did you like him back then?" asked Sehun.

Did I like him? I don't know. I don't wanna be in a relationship with him though. No. I never did. "No. I never did. I always thought of him as a brother. I was sad that he left like how I was mad and sad when Youngjae left me."

"Just try to avoid him until your ready."

"Thanks Sehun, but I gotta go to practice." I said while looking at my phone for the time.

"Sure thing."


I stayed later than usual in the practice room. I needed to work more on our next comebacks choreography. I went to go grab my water bottle when I felt a pair of hands cover my eyes. And I know who this person is by their scent.

"Jimin. Now is not a good-" I got cut off by Jimin.... KISSING ME?!?!?!


This is a short update. I'm sorry. I am busy packing for my trip!

I will NOT be updating until August.

Thanks for reading.

- Author

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