Strawberry Pocky // Nomin

By CheongSolhee

329K 17.2K 21.3K

"You eat like a girl!" "Does that make you a pig then...?" Jaemin, a sweets maniac with glasses has just move... More

Ch. 1: "Glasses Boy"
Ch. 2: The 17 Princes
Ch. 3: Whispers
Ch. 4: Heartbreaker
Ch. 5: "Prince-ly"
Ch. 6: Until The Party...
Ch. 7: Before The Party...
Ch. 8: At The Party...
Ch. 9: Party Games
Ch. 10: Ending The Party...
1K Update!
1K Special Pt. 1
1K Special Pt. 2
1K Special Pt. 3
1K Special Pt. 3.5
Ch. 11: After The Party
Ch. 12: ...don't touch my Nana!
❀ 3K! ❀
🌐 Q&A 🌐
Just a Quick Mention...
Ch. 13: Crush
Ch. 14: Clothes
Ch. 15: A Little Change
Ch. 16: Food is Life
Ch. 17: Deeper Dreams
Ch. 18: Stuck
Ch. 19: Unworthy Grace
Ch. 20: Blankets
10K Special Pt. 1
10K Special Pt. 2
Ch. 21: Wait, What..?
Ch. 21.5: Meanwhile...
Ch. 22: Precious
Ch. 23: Date?
Ch. 23.5: Window of Stars
Ch. 24: School Snacks
Ch. 25: 404 Purity Not Found
Ch. 25.5: And Then I Found My Way To You
Ch. 26: I, Who You Found
Ch. 27: Sleeping Cutie
Ch. 28: A Day With You
Ch. 28.5: What Are We..?
Ch. 29: Pretty Boy
Ch. 30: Love Square? (1)
Ch. 31: Love Square? (2)
Ch. 32: Love Square? (3)
Ch. 33: Love Square? (4)
✨ πŸŽ‰ 50K UPDATE πŸŽ‰βœ¨
Ch. 34: How to Make Your Friends Hate You
πŸ”ΈπŸŒΈ Tag! πŸŒΈπŸ”Έ
Ch. 35: A Mess of Emotions
<< 50K: Shout Out! >>
<< 50K: Voted Story! >>
πŸ’πŸŒΈ Tag! (Again) πŸŒΈπŸ’
Ch. 37: Fun Night And Fright (FNAF)
Ch. 38: Cold
Ch. 39: What A Weird Twist...
Ch. 40: Plan It! (1)
Ch. 41: Plan It! (2)
Ch. 42: Folding
πŸŒŸπŸŽ† 500 Follower Story Up!πŸŽ†πŸŒŸ
Ch. 43: Strawberry Pocky
Ch. 44: An Epilogue

Ch. 36: Part The Fog

3.3K 206 488
By CheongSolhee

Poll Results:

Jisung- 4
Chenle- 3
Both- 13

'Both' wasn't an option, but it was fun to see you all give some input.

Sadly, I can't write this chapter for both Chenle and Jisung. But even so...

Be quiet, don't cry. 😉

Oh, and there's gonna be no Renlesung.

Or will there...?


[Jaemin POV]

You know those moments you realize that you're an unhealthy fatass?


That was half of Jaemin's brain while running after the thin Chinese boy.

Jaemin didn't regret it though.

Who regrets eating good food unless they're paying?

Jaemin mentally screamed in demonic chants to not die at the moment. Since when was Renjun such a fast runner?!

He should've volunteered for the campus relay instead of letting Taeyong throw in Johnny and Ten.


Jaemin wove through the maze of hallways and lockers, trying his best to keep the speedy older in his sights. Jaemin only got more tired as Renjun seemed to speed up.

"Renjun... WAIT...!"

Renjun took a sharp right turn.

Jaemin gasped for air.
His lungs were heavy, and his mind screeched at him to stop running.

That pretty much explained why he did a slight double take after abruptly stopping for air after taking the sharp turn Renjun had.

The caramel-haired boy saw the place Renjun had run to: The boy's bathroom a good ways away from the lunch room.

Jaemin inhaled a bit more before opening the door to the boy's bathroom, expecting sniffs and tears.

The younger braced himself for the worst. Chenle looked really upset, and Renjun probably wasn't ready  for Jisung and Chenle to kiss yet... right?

The silent bathroom greeted him.

White tiles shimmered slightly with the lights above, and the bathroom was almost visibly vacant.

A shuffle came from a stall.

"Renjunnie...?" Jaemin softened his voice as he walked over to the first stall.

More shuffles.

"Junnie, I'm sorry this happened. I'm here to listen if you need me, okay?" Jaemin worriedly said to the white stall door, wondering if Renjun was alright behind it.

Jaemin gently tapped the textured stall door, hoping Renjun would give him a reply.



Jaemin shoved the stall door open as a  dazed Renjun was sitting on the floor.

The stall door was unlocked..?

"Junnie, are you oka--"


The Chinese boy was flushed pink, and was smiling like an idiot. He was so giddy, it was like watching a happy toddler celebrate. He just couldn't sit still.

--That probably explained why there was a bump on his forehead. Jaemin  guessed he was trying to contain himself but his body was just too excited.

The fuck.

"Renjun..." Jaemin sighed.

"Yes..?" Renjun was still high on Chensung.

"I'm hungry as fuck and we're wasting valuable time to eat food by hanging in this literal dump," Jaemin rolled his eyes. "Save your gay-ass fanboying episode for later. Lets get back before I get my ass beat by Jeno."

Renjun gathered himself and stood up, "I'm pretty sure Jeno does it regularly though."

"oH sHuT uP!"


Jaemin would have LOVED to say that  he untied the whole misunderstanding and RenLeSung  was now a thing.

Sadly, cause they're oddly comical and dramatical teens, the whole situation was as rough as Youngjae and Doni's neck hair. (According to Jackson.)

Heading back to the cafeteria together seemed to be a bad idea since once Jaemin sat down with Renjun, Chenle  went silent.

Something was wrong.

What dolphin doesn't screech?

The group didn't really want to touch their food as an unusually uncomfortable since took over the table. Luckily, the older hyungs decided to go out for lunch today. Otherwise, they would surely had broken the silence with some sort of life lecture.

Renjun decided that this plan was foolish afterall. Maybe Jaemin was right. Maybe he could just talk.

The older chinese boy broke the silence.

"不管怎... ...你生我的气吗?"
(By any chance... ...are you mad at me?)

The Korean boys all swerved their heads in a unified swoop at the two Chinese boys. It was their first time hearing the two talk in their own language. Despite the bleak situation... the language difference was a bright fascination.

Chenle was looking smaller than ever. He was looking down at his shoes, and his blonde bangs completely covered his eyes. The bright pink hoodie he was wearing didn't match his somewhat sad aura. He had barely touched his food, and his fists were still balled up adorably. Whether out of confusion, stress, or fear, no one knew why the always loud Zhong Chenle was in deathly silence as of now.

Despite not understanding what they were saying, the Korean bunch held their breath.

Chenle's lips slightly opened, frantically whispering the next words  in Chinese.

(...its not that...its just...I really don't know. Sorry.)

Renjun ran a nervous hand through his hair, "我们得谈谈。但不是在这里。"
(We have to talk. Just not here, though.)

(But why...)

(I need to tell you something...)

Chenle let a small sniffle escape. "对不起......我不是故意的 --"
(I'm sorry... I didn't mean to--)

Renjun stood up and placed a warm hand on Chenle's head, patting it softly. "听着,没关系。我认为我们需要谈论的是非常重要的。所以放学后见我,好吗?"
(Listen, it's okay.  I think what we need to talk about is very important. So just meet me after school, okay?)

Chenle just nodded, face still hidden by his fringe.

The Korean group mumbled in curiosity.

Renjun didn't want anyone to misunderstand that he was angry at Chenle.

He carefully walked over to Chenle, eyes gentle and sincere. Renjun's dainty but firm arms wrapped around the dolphin, engulfing him in a cute hug.

Softly, the older said something  all the Korean boys could understand.

(Lele, I love you.)

Out of understanding, the Korean bunch cheered and cooed at them.

Chenle suddenly jolted in his seat, putting his hands on Renjun's arms and looking up at the older in an adorable, wide-eyed, flustered face.

Renjun smiled.

But the cute scene also had it's own problem.

This time, it was Jisung's turn to run from the table.

[Jisung POV]

If Jisung didn't partially agree that he was a baby chick, he would've been screaming profanities at himself for a long while now.

The bell for the next period had already rung and here he was, in a random empty classroom, looking out a large glass window.

Jisung didn't bother to turn the lights on.

The young boy shivered as he rubbed away his arms. The classroom was very cold.

Smoothly walking past the desks arranged prestinely, the blonde approached the large windows  of the room.

Outside, the sky was filled with ashy  blotches of gray. The windows were beaded with drops of water.


"Well that's just fitting... isn't it..?" Jisung sighed sadly.

The coldness of the room and the rain seemed to perfectly sum up his feelings.

Suddenly, the heater in the room blasted on.

Jisung jumped out of his shoes.

After chanting, 'OUTTA THIS HOUSE!' for the duration of his near heart attack, Jisung calmed down.

The windows were starting to fog up.

And just like that...

...Jisung broke down.

The tall young boy slid to the ground, crumpling in searing tears. The beige tiles of the floor  were no longer visible as Jisung's vision was now crystallized and glazed.

The boy sniffled uncontrollably.

I ruined everything...
Chenle and Renjun love each other so much...
Why didn't I reject Chenle's kiss..?
Renjun must have forgave me but...

Jisung sighed.

He was confused himself.

The minute he saw Jeno talking to Jaemin, he knew he wanted to protect Jaemin. He even tried to fall in love with Jaemin with a kiss.

Sadly, that didn't change the fact that he was hurting.

Acting innocent when both of your crushes get together is really hard...


Jisung fell in love with both of them.

Chenle had always been his partner-in-crime. They spent so much time together, and it seemed natural to love the dolphin. Jisung wasn't talkative, but Chenle made up for that and made Jisung feel like he was loved.

Renjun shared his passion. The older was so kind and gentle. He was an amazing dancer and Jisung loved to watch his emotions flow out while he danced. Renjun made him feel like a kid, but that's what Jisung loved about him. Jisung felt safe with him.

But would they ever look his way?!

Jisung cried, remembering their smiling faces.

To add to his pain further, the rain brought back a memory.

A few weeks before the two got together, it had rained. Chenle forgot his umbrella so Renjun offered to share with him. Jisung had brought his own. He didn't think much until he saw Renjun overlap his hand over Chenle's holding the umbrella handle. His heart fluttered madly as he blushed over the two at a decent distance behind them, walking the long way back home just to watch over them.

Then, Jisung's umbrella decided it had a mind of it's own and soared out of his hands and into the air. The younger screeched  in panic.

Then, he screeched in embarrassment  as Renjun and Chenle turned to him, laughing.

"Come here, Jisungie!" Renjun looked at Chenle, then moved them both to walk to him.

"Ji, let's go together!" Chenle smiled.

"W-well um..."

Jisung didn't finish as Renjun  pulled him close, yanking him out of the cold rain and into their arms.

The oldest swept Jisung's bangs away lovingly. Chenle fixed his shirt collar.

"Lets go home," Renjun had said as they walked under the umbrella with  intertwined hands.

How could he ruin a relationship like that? They were his friends.

That was the first time Jisung felt something, not just for Renjun, but for Chenle as well.

Convincing himself to like Jaemin was almost torture even though Jaemin was a nice guy. Jaemin never really looked at Jisung like he did at Jeno.

Jisung's face became red with dryness as he wiped his tears away. He swore at himself because his face was probably swollen by now.

Renjun and Chenle would never love me...
It's just... impossible.

Jisung stayed there for a while. Before he knew it, bells had rung many times and it was probably the last period by now.

Shakily, Jisung rose from his crumpled position on the floor and looked out the window.

The large windows had a foggy film over them now, and the rain had died down to a small shower.

Feeling a bit lonely, Jisung decided to write on the windows since no one was here to listen to him. But, his fingers didn't know what to write. The guilt and confusion was too much, and nothing seemed to organize itself into words on the window.

Instead, Jisung wrote the only thing he knew as he sang a song to calm himself down. Slowly, his index fingers touched the cold window and started to slowly trace the words he never said to anyone.

I caught myself dreaming
On sliver and gold
Like a scene from the movies
That every broken heart knows

We were walking on moonlight
And you held me close
Split second and you disappeared and then I was all alone

Woke up in tears, you by my side
Breath of relief, and I realize
Oh, we're not promised tommorrow...

Jisung heaved a deep sigh.
The words written in the foggy window stared back at him.

'I love Huang Renjun and Zhong Chenle.'

A bell sounded, announcing the end of the day.

Jisung was debating on how he would explain why he skipped half of the school day when a familiar pair of voices came from the hall.

"So what did you want to talk about..?"

Chenle and...

"Well... I have something I want to say..."


Jisung's heart did acrobatic flips as the voices were right outside the classroom door.

Oh no.

"What is that?" Chenle asked.

"Well..." Renjun sounded  a bit nervous. "About Jisung... '

Jisung gulped.
They were talking about him?!

"I'm sorry! I didn't mean to kiss him..." Chenle's  words stung Jisung's heart.

"That's a lie."

Jisung almost tripped.


"Lele, I know you like Jisung..."

"I'm sorry! I love you I promise! It's just that I was mad at you and Jaeminnie for stupid reasons and then..."

"No no no," Renjun giggled. "It's not that."

"Then what is it?"

"I like Jisung too."

Jisung tripped over a squeaky desk.

...wait, they both like me..?

Jisung didn't have enough time to react as the voices came into the room, pushing the door open.

The youngest boy squealed as he was pulled up from the ground and wrapped in a warm hug.

Renjun and Chenle.

"Jisung... did you hear...?" Renjun whispered.

Jisung didn't know what to do.
You tell me.
If Huang Renjun and Zhong Chenle hugged you, would you know what to do?

"U-uh... I-I...."

"Junnie, look," Chenle's eyes pointed at the window.

Oh no.
My confession...

Renjun and Chenle looked at the window and then let him go. Jisung was so flustered he didn't know what to do. He couldn't bare to watch as the two Chinese boys walked closer to the window.

After a moment, they called out to him.



Jisung turned stiffly to them.

His heart raced at what he saw.

Chenle and Renjun stood by the window, looking at him warmly as the window had a new set of words written underneath his.

'We love Park Jisung.'

Jisung broke down again.
This time, in too much happiness.

Was this really happening?

The two boys hugged Jisung tightly and kissed away his tears.
Jisung blushed madly.

"I love you Jisung," Renjun smiled.

"I do too!" Chenle squeaked.

"Ugh, you guys!" Jisung croaked. "...I love you too."

"YASSS BITCHES. IT'S ABOUT TIME!" Haechan and the rest of the crew burst in the room.

"Congrats!" Mark shouted.

"I'm glad you guys worked out," Jeno softly said.

Jaemin didn't even say anything comprehendable as he screamed in fanboy gibberish and proceeded to take a photo of the window. He then screamed in gay call as he took a photo of them hugging.

Jisung felt embarrassed but happy at the same time.

"Everyone, get in the picture!" Jaemin put the phone on a nearby shelf.

The dreamies surrounded the trio and got into position.


Renjun looked at Jisung.

" 2..."

Chenle looked at Jisung.


They both kissed him.




FINALLY! Did I scare any of you?


Here is the RenLeSung  because you all have been dying to see it.
I actually didn't plan for them to be together but I somehow ended up here...

Oh well.

I found them cute, and so I write what makes me happy.

Back to the Nomin!

Heehee... there's still a roller coaster up ahead, my lovelies. 😏😏😉😉

Question: Your Ultimate Bias in NCT?

Answer: Haechan currently.

See you next chapter my lovelies! ❤)

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