Smart // Luke Hemmings

By idekkhemmo

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"And in that moment, I found out Luke Hemmings is the perfect example of a bad boy." Daniela Gray's world is... More

Chapter 1 // The New Neighbors
Chapter 2 // Maths
Chapter 3 // Babysitters
Chapter 4 // Halloween Bash
Chapter 5 // Mall
Chapter 6 // Skipped
Chapter 7 // Sleepover
Chapter 9 // Avoiding
Chapter 10 // Absent
Chapter 11 // Vistors
Chapter 12 // Homecoming
Chapter 13 // Here & Now
Chapter 14 // Rumors
Chapter 15 // Dinner
Chapter 16 // New Years
Chapter 17 // Drama Class
Chapter 18 // Lunch
Chapter 19 // Tutor
Chapter 20 // Valentine's Day Studying
Chapter 21 // Overslept
Chapter 22 // Take out
Character Q&A
Character Q&A Answers
Chapter 23 // Tutu
Chapter 24 // Test
Chapter 25 // Lunch with Luke
Chapter 26 // Party Time
Chapter 27 // Midterms
Chapter 28 // Lazy Day
Chapter 29 // Office Party
Chapter 30 // The Real Date
Chapter 31 // Date Night
Chapter 32 // Finally
Chapter 33 // Ex-virgin
Chapter 34 // Photography
Chapter 35 // Nominees
Chapter 36 // New Guy
Chapter 37 // Prom
Chapter 38 // Road Trip
Chapter 39 // Graduation
Chapter 40 // The End

Chapter 8 // Outside Meetings

26.5K 664 1.1K
By idekkhemmo

Chapter 8 // Outside Meetings

From: Hemmings

Come outside

I got up from my bed and walked to my window. Luke was standing in front of my house, looking at his phone. I looked down at my PJs. I was wearing sweatpants and a tank top. I grabbed a sweatshirt from my closet and walked downstairs. As I opened the door, the cold night air greeted me, making me shiver. I closed the door quietly, making sure not to wake up anyone up. My mom is at work taking the night shift as usual. I walked towards Luke who was also in his PJs. He was wearing sweatpants and a t-shirt.

“If I knew it was this cold, I would of brought a sweater.” Luke chuckled. His sleepy voice was so noticeable. I nodded, not knowing what to say. “So.. Hi.” He whispered.

“Hi.” I whispered back. “So we’re outside why?”

“I wanted to talk to you. Without distractions this time.” Luke said. I nodded for him to continue. “So, as I was saying. I think we should hang out.”

“Is this a trick to make me babysit with you?”

“No.” He chuckled. “I meant like alone. You and me. No one else.”

“Isn’t that a date?”

“If you want it to be Gray.” He smirked. “Just me a chance.” He grabbed my hand and intertwined our fingers just like he did a couple of hours ago. “Please.” He whispered. He kissed my hand softly. “I don-“ He pulled me closer to him, leaving no space between us. He started to lean in as I found myself leaning in also. Before our lips can meet, someone’s coughing interrupted us. I turned my head and saw my mom standing in the driveway. I felt Luke let go of my hand. “Hey mom. Whatcha doing home?”

“I live here. Hi Luke.” She waved to the blonde kid behind me.

“Hi Ms. Gray.” He replied. “Lovely evening isn’t it?” He said. I had to put a hand over my mouth to cover my laugh. My mom eyed us suspiciously. “Daniela by the time I put my bags down in my room and change out of my work clothes. I expect you to be inside.” My mom smirked at me then walked inside. I can’t believe she just let me be with Luke. She gave me about 5 minutes with Luke.

“Your mom is pretty cool.” Luke let out a small laugh.

“I guess.” I smiled, turning back to Luke.

“So what’s your answer?”

“To go on a date with you?”

“If you want to call it that.”

“My answer is..”


“Sure. Why not?” I smiled up at Luke. My answer caused him to smile. “I’ll pick you up tomorrow at 2.”


“I’ll see you tomorrow.” He kissed my forehead then gave me hug. His shirt smelled like the good cologne. We both pulled away slowly. I saw his eyes flicker from my eyes to my lips. Our faces were an inch away from each other. “Daniela!” My mom called. I rolled my eyes. “I’m coming mom.” I replied. I whispered a bye to Luke then walked towards my house.

“So what was that about?”

“He was asking me on a date.” I said, unable to control the smile that crept onto my face.

“Aw really?” My mom replied. I nodded. “Okay, alright. Well since you were out late, and you left your friends upstairs, I have to ground you.”


“Just for a week. You can’t go out of the house during this week.”

“But my date is tomorrow!” I replied. She stayed silent for a second. “That’s the only exception. After your date you can’t go out.”


“Bye guys!” I waved to Ashton and Violet from the door.

“Have fun on your date Dani!” Violet called out.

“Don’t let him try anything!” Ashton called out, earning a slap on the arm by Violet.

I ran upstairs to get ready for my date with Luke. I changed into my red and black plaid flannel and my black jeans. I put my hair into a ponytail and did my makeup. I slipped on my black combat boots and waited for Luke’s text.

From: Hemmings

Meet me at the park (: I have a surprise for you x

I smiled down at my phone. “Mom! Can I borrow your car?!” I yelled.

“Yeah! Just be careful!” My mom yelled back from her room. I walked downstairs to the garage and got in the car. I pulled out of the garage and drove to the near by park. Our town’s park is also a dog park; baseball field, track field, playground, and it also had grills for bbqs. I parked my car then texted Luke.

To: Hemmings

What part of the park are you at? (:

From: Hemmings

Meet me by the benches. (:

To: Hemmings

Right along the lake?

From: Hemmings

Yep see you there xx

I got out of my car and started walking on the trail. I stopped at a bench that was under a tree. I sat down and texted Luke.

To: Hemmings

Just sat down at a bench near the lake, it’s under the blossom tree. (:

From: Hemmings

Be there soon, I’m running late sorry x

To: Hemmings

It’s fine, see you soon (:

Luke’s message was sent about 10 minutes ago, where was he? I was earning strange looks from joggers and mothers with their children. I didn’t want to text him. It would make me look needy and desperate. After another 10 minutes, I texted him again.

To: Hemmings

Where are you? I’ve been waiting for like half an hour.

It was not long until he texted me.

From: Hemmings

Dani baby I’m sorry, I have to take a rain check. My mom decided to make me do a whole bunch of chores. ):

I let out a breath I didn’t know I was holding. I stood up from the bench and walked to my car.


“How did your date go, honey?”

“Woah, you had a date?!” Sammy exclaimed from the table.

“Yes Sammy I had a date. Well sort of.”

“What did you get stood up?” Sammy said, trying to contain his laughter. I looked down at my feet, not wanting to answer.

“Luke stood you up?!” My mom exclaimed. I nodded my head slowly. “Honey are you okay? Do you want me to go smack him?”

“No, mom. I’m fine. He had a good reason. Melanie had chores for him to do.” I replied.

“Are you hungry?” My mom asked. I shook my head no. “I’m just going to take a nap.” I walked upstairs and locked myself in my room. I knew it was stupid to cry. I shouldn’t cry because it’s Luke. Luke Hemmings. He’s nothing more than my yearbook partner, my neighbor, and my classmate. My phone rang, interrupting my thoughts.




“Listen Gray, I’m so sorry. My mom made me do chores and she didn’t let me out.”

“It’s fine.”
“Can we reschedule?”

“I gue-“


“What was that?”

“What was what?”

“I heard someone talking and you shushing them.”

“What? You’re hearing things. So can we reschedule?” I swear I heard someone’s voice. In the background I heard some muffled noises. I chose to ignore them. “I guess we can.”

“How about tomorrow? We’ll hangout at my place?”

“Oh crap. I forgot I’m grounded. I can’t go out.”

“How about I come over? We’ll hangout in your backyard!” Luke exclaimed.

“I’ll ask.”

“Alright. Text me.”

“Alright bye.

“Bye gorgeous.”

I hung up before he said anything else. Did he just call me gorgeous? I must be dreaming. I walked downstairs still in shock. “Mom?”

“Yes sweetie?”

“Can Luke come over tomorrow? He wants to reschedule and I told him I’m grounded and he said we can hang out in my backyard.” I said.

“I guess it’s okay. I’m taking Sammy to his soccer game tomorrow so I won’t be here from 12-4. After the game, he has the team pizza party.” My mom rolled her eyes, causing me to giggle. “Thanks mom.” I walked up the stairs and went to text Luke.


I changed from PJs into a t-shirt and light blue jeans. I put my hair into a braid after brushing it.

From: Hemmings

I have a surprise for you. (: Go to the backyard then text me when you’re there. x

I followed the instructions given by Luke then sat on my swinging chair.

To: Hemmings

Just come through the side gate. I’m here. (:

From: Hemmings

Close your eyes for the surprise x

I was scared for what the surprise is but I trust Luke. I closed my eyes shut and waited. I heard footsteps walk towards me.


“You can open your eyes now.” I opened my eyes to see Luke standing in front of me with a rose. I heard some chuckles and giggles from the other side of the deck. Calum and Michael were standing there with their phones. “What is going on?” I said standing up.

“Honey did you really think Luke was going to date you?” Calum said.

“Yeah smartie, Luke won’t go for a downgrade like you.” Michael snickered.

“Luke?” I asked. “Is this true?” I was on verge of crying.

“You fell for it Gray. I told you. You are too gullible.” He smirked.

“We got all of it on video. I think it will make a great video to present to the senior class right? Once this goes out, smartie here won’t show her face at school ever again.”

“What do you mean ‘all of it’?” I asked.

“We have pictures of you sitting alone, looking for Luke. He stood you up for a reason.” Michael replied.

“Luke you were right. She is gullible. So gullible.” Calum spat.

“Let’s go.” Luke replied.

“Be prepared for the presentation tomorrow smartie.” Michael sneered.

“Bye loser!” Calum called out. I watched them walk away then I went inside. I ran into my room started crying. How can I be so stupid? Of course Luke would never like me. God why am I so damn gullible. The video tomorrow. No no no no. I’m going to be humiliated, just like Mason. Oh god no. My heart started to pound just thinking about tomorrow. My palms were getting sweaty and I started to take quicker breaths. I sat down on my bed, trying to calm myself down.

“Dani, I’m home. How di- are you okay?”

“No.” I said, feeling the tears form once again in my eyes. My mom sat next to me, letting me cry on her shoulder. After explaining what happened with Luke, I started crying even more. “Honey, get some sleep. I’ll come back up to check on you.” She whispered. My cries came out more choked out coughs. After returning to my normal breathing, I shut my eyes and eventually fell asleep.




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