Dark Blood

By AmberLeeH13

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{Completed}Lila has a secret. She has a muddy blood line that has her dealing with a deformations, ones that... More



16K 961 89
By AmberLeeH13

© Amber Kalkes 2014



“Alright come at me, Punk.” I taunt with a smirk at my twin brother.

He rolls his eyes, “Really? Who are you Clint Eastwood?”

I grin freakishly, “Yes, how nice of you to notice.”

A pebble comes flying at us and we both flinch back before looking over at our audience consisting of Edie, Nora and Orin. Orin high-fives Nola who gives him a toothy grin in return. Shooting them both my nastiest glare I’m suddenly hit in the chest with another pebble. I look up to see Edie with a taunting grin on her face.

I need new family members, I grumble to myself.

“Get to the sparing! Your boring!” Edie yells at us.

“We’re not here to entertain you.” I yell back.

She rolls her ice blue eyes, “of course you are, why else would we come?”

“Because you a pain in the ass?”

Another pebble but this one hits me in the boob. “Wrong answer!”

“I’m about to impale you with a shadow.” I warn.

Edie smiles serenely, “I’d haunt you until you died.”

I think about it for a second. Ah screw it; it’s not worth it.

Turning back to Gideon I don’t hesitate to release my agitation on him. Flexing my fingers and feeling the cool tickle of power crackle across my flesh I use my shadows to shove him away from me. He flies across the room arms and legs flailing until he hits the farthest wall in the factory from me with an echoing crack. Smiling to myself I don’t have time to reach as one of barbed shadows whips around my ankle making me fall on my ass with a yelp.

Now I am getting really annoyed.

“Kick his butt, Lala!” Nola cheers from her Barbie lawn chair.

Orin is standing against a support beam next to her smirking with amusement at the little monster. Edie is on the other side of her in her own hunter green lawn chair eating sunflower seeds like this is a baseball game instead of demon training 101. I told her to just stay home but my nosey sister wanted to come watch. Nola begged to tag along and you try saying no to a face that adorable.

I dare you.

I rise to my feet rubbing the landing zone on my ass, “Oh I will.”

Gideon rises to his feet on the other side of the factory and smirks, “Come at me, Punk.”

Unfurling my wings I watch with a smug smirk as Gideon drops all his guard at the sight of the expanse of my wings. I also hear two other gasps that also make me drop my guard. Oops, I forgot we had company. Folding my wings behind my back though not letting them slide in so they don’t brush the dirty floor I try to hide them behind me while facing my sister and niece. I should have been careful with Nola here. I don’t want her to be afraid of me.


“Lila, they’re so pretty.” Edie says with tears in her eyes and her hands cupping her mouth loosely. “I don’t remember them being so large.”

“It’s been awhile since I let them grow.” I shrug.

“Grow?” Gideon asks with a furrowed brow, “What do you mean? Weren’t they always there?”

I shake my head, “No, I usually…cut them off.”

“What!” he thunders, “You cut off your wings?”


“Why the fuck would you do that? Are you a masochist or something?” he demands with his hands on his hips.

“No,” I mutter with an eye roll.

“Doesn’t it hurt?” he prods.

“Yes but normal people don’t have wings and these aren’t the easiest to hide.”

“Neither are my horns but I never cut them off.”

I lift an eyebrow incredulously, “Never? You just walked around with them out?”

He shrugs, “People don’t like it they can suck my ball sack.”

I make a disgusted face, “Thanks for that visual.”

“What’s a ball sack?” Nola’s innocent asks with a scrunched up nose, “Is that were balls are kept or something?”

Gideon grins cheekily at her, “Gold star for miss Nola!”

“I want one!” Nola exclaims.

I face palm myself while Edie growls, “Thanks a lot ass wipe, now I’m going to get her out of saying that!”

“Momma you said a naughty word!”

Edie sighs and nods, “I did but Gideon is being a naughty word so I can call him it.”

“Can I call him it?”

“No.” Edie and I snap at the same time.

Orin is in downright hysterical laughter by now as he holds his abs while he laughs. I give him a pointed glare but he is doubled over not even looking at me as he waves his hand at me telling me to ignore him. yeah, not so easy when he’s laughing like a mentally defective donkey.

“What are you twelve?” I snap at him.

He shakes his head straighten up, “This is just such a shit show.”

“Oh shut it.”

“Yeah, what she said.” Gideon says with his arms crossed on his chest.

Orin raises a dark brown eyebrow, “She says that it feels good while I fu—“

“Whoa, kid present, why is this so hard for you guys to grasp.” Edie yells cutting him off mid-vulgar remark.

“I told you not to bring her here.” I grit out.

Edie shrugs one bird like shoulder, “Well you trying saying no to that face.”

I follow her pointed finger with my eyes and see a devastatingly cute puppy dog look on Nola’s face. I melt a little and she’s not even at full force using. It’s unhealthy. I’m starting to think she’s got some siren blood in there or something. Hell, she even has Orin wrapped around her finger and that man is close to a sociopath.

“It is a hard face to say no to.” Gideon agrees with a fond smile on his face in our niece’s direction. Oh no not him too!

“Whatever.” I mumble feeling petulant, “Lets just get back to the task at hand.”

“Right, me kicking your ass.”

Suddenly I feel like I just got hit in the chest with a cinder block as I go flying backwards. I flap my wings and slow myself down enough so that I can skid back on my feet before a collision with the wall. I feel another smirk pull at my mouth while I see everyone’s fairly impressed looks.

Oh yeah, I’m a bad ass.


I hate life right now.

I’m sitting in a relaxingly warm bath right now trying to sooth my muscles. I haven’t used my wings in so long my body feels battered and bruised from literally using them all day. Orin insisted I get used to it since if he has anything to do with it the additions are staying.

I’m not sure how to feel about that quite yet.

Grá mo anam?” Orin calls through the door.

His accent makes me shiver, “Y-Yeah?”

“I’m coming in.”

I roll my eyes. Of course he wouldn’t ask to come in. that’s be too gentlemanly for the like of Mr. Orin...yeah I don’t know. I don’t even know his last name, I think with a dejected sigh. That’s kind of fucked up if you think about it. Here I’m in love with this guy and I don’t even know his last name. Though it’s not like he tells me anything like that. The little things like that he seems to keep to himself. In fact I don’t think he knows any little things about me either. That makes me not knowing fair right?


“What’s got you in such deep thought, Grá mo anam?”

I flinch back realizing how close Orin is to me. He’s sitting on the outside of the tub, his lily pad green eyes trained on me while he frowns in confusion and curiosity. He looks as handsome as ever. He’s wearing his plain black plug gages, and his Mohawk is messy and damp from his own shower a little while ago. He’s dressed plainly in black and gray plaid sleep pants and a light gray t-shirt.

I lick my lips instinctually.


“See something you like?”

“What did you just call me?” I ask avoiding his question.

He already has on hell of an ego and I’m not going to inflate it anymore than I have to.

“What? Grá mo anam?” He asks with a playful glint to his eyes.


“It means ‘Love of my soul’ in Gaelic.”

I smile a little. “Am I?”

“Of course, Angel.” He replies with a small smile of his own. He dips his hand into the bath water searching for my hand before his fingertips find the skin of my thigh. I stiffen and his hand stops mid-stroke at the sound of my uneven breathing. I lift my eyes to see a wicked little smirk taking over his adoring smile as his fingers walk across my bare thigh towards the apex in between.

“Orin.” I whine breathlessly.

“Yes, Angel?”

I moan softly as he begins to rub me under the water, “I’m too sore for his.”

“I could give you some of my blood.” He offers casually as he lays feather light kisses on my shoulder. “Then I could do this all I wanted without you feeling discomfort.”

“I—“ I’m cut off my own moan as he fingers push my legs open wider so he can delve into the place he’s claimed more times than I can count. “You—“

“I what, Angel?” he nearly purrs in my ear.

“You are so mean.” I sigh wiggling my hips closer to his hand.

He chuckles huskily, “But you enjoy my cruelty don’t you, Angel?”

I moan again, “God yes.”

“Lila, yes or no to the blood because I don’t think I can hold back from taking you on this bathroom tile if you keep moaning like that.”

I bite my lip and look at his hungry gaze as it falls on my mouth, “Then stop.”

“I think it’s safe to say both of us wouldn’t like if I did that.”

I let out a hoarse cry as my back arches as he moves faster under the water.

“Come on, Angel, yes or no?”

“Yes.” I breathe.

A crunch echoes in the bathroom before his wrist is at my mouth. I immediately take to it like a starving infant. He tastes perfect, rich like cherries with a bit of bitterness. I can’t stop myself from raising my gaze from his pale wrist to his face. His brows are furrowed in a mixture of pain and pleasure that makes him look like a breathing temptation. His lips are parted as I hear hurried breaths escape the space. I bare my own teeth and bite a bit at the offered wrist at the entrance of my mouth making his eyes shoot open as he groans.

His wrist is abruptly taken from my mouth and replaced with his devouring mouth. The water splashes over the edge as he climbs into the bathtub with me fully clothed. His hands are everywhere and his mouth follows wherever his fingers left a trail until he’s where we both want him to be. More water splashes onto the floor below but we pay it no mind as we both climb the dangerously blissful peak we so seek to conquer.

My back arches even more and his hand angles me up as he speeds up before we both cry out. As we both fall back to earth I can’t help the gooey feeling spreading in my bones making me smile. I feel really good and from the panting and still adoring mouth Orin has gliding across my skin I think the feeling is mutual.

“You’re going to kill me one of these days.” He mumbles against my shoulder.

“Don’t the French call it the little death anyway?” I laugh.

He chuckles as well, “Well who am I to argue with the French?”

“I love you.” I whisper against the shell of his ear.

He pulls back to rub his thumb across my lower lip, “I love you too, Angel.”

A banging erupts on the bathroom door making us both scowl at it.

“Open up, guys! I gotta piss!” Gideon yells through the door.

I sigh. As the French would say, ‘l'ambiance est mort’

Yes, the mood is dead, indeed.


Kind of boring I guess but there was some sexi time and you got to see how the dynamics between everybody is kind of playing out. So yeah...


Anywhoo, to the right is Edie----------}


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