Horan's Runaway (Niall Horan)...

By ElizabethStylesxoxo

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Niall is in big trouble! A good boy with a bad image. He escapes and runs as fast as he can. FIRST STORY!!! More

Horans Runaway


127 22 38
By ElizabethStylesxoxo


I couldn't sleep last night. I was wide awake and excited that I am going home today. I miss my mum, Olivia, and my friends. I stood at the front of the jail cell smiling near five o'clock this morning. An officer came and got me at six o'clock on the dot and tossed me around till we got outside. He threw me out and I landed on my knees. He slammed the heavy door behind me and I stood up on my feet.

"I'm free." I said lightly to myself. "I'm free!" I said again skipping around the parking lot. "I gotta get home and see everyone."

I started walking back to my mums place.


"My baby is coming home today!" Maura cried as she ran out of her bedroom.

I stood up off my place mat on the floor in Niall's room. I folded my blankets and set them on the mat. I walked out of the room and went to the living room.

"Good morning." I smiled.

"Niall's coming back home!" She repeatedly said as she squeezed my shoulders.

"I know, I can't wait to see him."

She skipped away from me and started making breakfast.

"Mmmm. What are you making?" I asked as she cracked an egg into a pan.

"Omelets." She answered looking at me over her shoulder.

Zayn and Elizabeth walked out of Niall's room.

"Good morning." They said simultaneously in there deep morning voices.

"Morning." I answered.

Maura looked back.

"Oh dear, you need to get washed up everyone. Niall's coming home."

I took my hand and breathed on it then brought my hand to my nose and smelt it. She's right we need to get cleaned up. What if Niall comes and smells our body oder.?

I quickly ran to the bathroom and got washed up. When I came out everyone was already awake. Zayn went in after me.

"Woah, it's so nice in here." I looked around the living room and dining room. Over the front door, Elizabeth and Harry were hanging a big red sign from the ceiling. They unfolded it more and I read it:

Welcome home Ronald.

"Welcome home Ronald??" I questioned.

"We crossed out Ronald and put Niall." Maura shoved me.

I heard a automobile pull in the drive way. I thought it was Niall so I ran out there to go hug him. I ran out there and realized it was just some guy.

"Hello?" I questioned him.

"Well hello there." He said as he walked closer to me.

"Who are you?" I asked.

"I'm one of Niall's friends, he's my home boy. Just a question, who are you?"

"I am also a friend of Niall's." I crossed my arms.

"How come of never seen you before. Your gorgeous." He threw one of his arms over my shoulders.

"Get off me." I struggled train to get his muscular arm off me, but I failed. Luckily I niall walked up the drive way.

"Michael Clifford?" Niall stopped and questioned.

"Well well well, I didn't know you were in jail Mr. New Rebel." Michael said as his dark black boots clicked against the drive way every step towards Niall.

"I'm not a new rebel." Niall said in a deep thought.

"I also didn't know you had a girl by your side." Michael smirked as he looked at me over his shoulder, immediately looking back at Niall.

"So?" Niall stood there in a still position. He looked as if he wanted to punch Michael but he also wanted to hug him.

Michael stopped that look by hugging Niall and giving him a slight pat on the back.

"Get off of me." Niall pushed him off leaving him to fall the opposite way, still on his feet.

"C'mon... Bro, give me some love." Michael smirked at Niall with the same devilish smirk he gave me.


"Oh, do you still miss Jessy?" Michael rubbed off his shoulder knowing this is where I'd jump in.

"Who's Jessy?" I asked.

"Jessy is-" Michael cut Niall off.

"Jessy is his girl friend he had after Darlene died." Michael said as he slowly walked closer to me biting his lower lip.

"But? I'm just confused." I clutched my fist together.

"So, your a two timer now. I didn't know you could be worst than me." Michael looked back at Niall and stood beside me.

"I'm not worst than you." Niall said as he looked down at the pavement.

"Well, all I did was make Darlene feel even worst for herself. And you've gone to jail for killing a girl, having a gun in your work space, and your cheating on women. Poor innocent girls." Michael made a fake sad face at me as a tear drop ran down my face.

"Jessy is out of the PICTURE!" Niall sudden screamed.

"Niall?" My bottom lip started to shake.

"No, Olivia. Don't cry baby." He walked closer to me.

"Back off." I pushed his chest and ran inside to Niall's room, face planting into his pillow.


"Why do you need to ruin everyone's life?" Niall shouted.

"Because." Michael smirked and slipped on his black leather gloves. "That's what I do." He smiled and walked to his small black motor cycle.

"Your a jerk!" I shouted as I picked up a pine cone to throw it at him. It was a wimpy toss. It landed right beside his foot as he put on his helmet and drove out of the drive way.

"He always knows when to come to me and ruin my life!" I shouted as I held in my tears and ran inside.

I flung open the door to see a party thrown just for me. I'm definitely not in the mood. My mum came up to me and hugged me.

"Hun I missed you.!" She gave me a big kiss on the cheek. She pressed her face against my cheek so hard it hurt the bruise I got from the jail. Luckily she didn't notice.

"I need to go get cleaned up." I slightly smiled and walked to my room.

"Olivia!" I ran to her and patted her back. "Olivia, I have no relationship with Jessy anymore. She was only a close friend that I had a miniature crush on. She didn't like me back it would've never worked anyway."

"Niall." Olivia looked back up at me.

"Olivia, I love you more than any girl on this planet."

Olivia smiles as Niall helped her sit up into his arms.

"That guy was scary." Olivia explained.

"I know baby, I know." I rubbed her upper arm. "I need to go get cleaned up."

"Okay, take your time." Olivia said as I stood up, grabbed new clothes, and took them to the bathroom. I started my shower and brushed my teeth.


I sat on Niall's bed and rummaged through his night stand drawer. Right on the top was a small white bag with a small silver blade. "Niall has a blade in his night stand."

Again I cried.

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