Cliche sucks.

By capsized_

258K 7.2K 1.3K


Chapter 1
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chappie numba 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapyer 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 2

17K 515 92
By capsized_


Lunch came surprisingly quick today.

As I walked into the lunch room I tripped on the table, due to my clumsiness, and smacked my forehead off of it.

'Oh great, now I have a headache'

'Well maybe if you weren't so goshdang clumsy'

'Shut up!'

'Whatever. Get to the line I'm hungry.'

When I arrive to our table, Nickie and Kalie are already there.

Dylan doesn't sit with us because he has other friends.

"....algebra is too complicated for me!"

"If you try harder then maybe it wouldn't be."

"Well not everyone is as smart as you, Nickie."

"Are you asking for my help?"


I think I should intervene before they go too over board.

"Guys, calm down. Both of you need to stop....doing whatever you're doing. We need to talk about what happened this morning." I state.

"But- oh, okay your right Vannah." Kalie says.

"Thank you. Now what in the world happened in the hallway this morning? We need to stay away from them at all costs."

Nickie decides to speak up; "I agree. We need to take different routes to classes, and take the back stairs. And if we have classes with them, sit as far away as possible."

Kalie simply nods.

"Good so we've got this all worked out?" I ask.

"Yep!" They chirp.

The rest of lunch was kinda boring. Not much happened.

The walk to 5th period was pretty eventful, though.

I had to go to my locker to retrieve my English book for 5th period, right?

And I was just closing up my locker when it slammed shut, almost taking off my fingers.

"What the-" I yelled as I turned around.

And there stood Braxton.


He was smirking his annoying little face off.

So naturally, I punched him. Right in the stomach.

As he cowered over in pain, I asked him why he did that and what he wanted.

But he didn't answer my question.


He merely glared.
So I walked away.

And I got a total of 4 feet away, before Braxton grabbed my arm and slammed me against the locker.

'What is his problem'

"What is your problem?" I scream whispered at him. Sue me, I speak my mind.

In response; he got even closer to me than he was before.

He pressed his body up against mine causing me to be pinned up against the lockers.

I tried to push him off, but let's face it. It was no use.

Braxton is freakin on me and I'm pushing him off?

What is wrong with me?

Oh that's right.

It's Braxton.

He whispers in my ear, "I'm sorry for pushing you over earlier. I really am sorry."

I snorted.

"Are you apologizing?"

"Well yes I did say sorry, didn't i?"

"Yes but I can't believe the great Braxton is actually taking responsibility for Something. And apologizing!" I say, in mock shock.

"Maybe youre changing me." Braxton whispers.

I snort yet again. He probably thinks I'm a pig.

"Oh, get the hell off me and feed another pig your bullshit."

"What the hell is this?" A voice screams.

I look over Braxton's shoulder only to see Dylan, storming over to Braxton and yanking him off of me.

"Dylan, I can handle him. But thanks anyway."

"No. I want to know what the hell this douche bag is doing all over you?" Dylan seethes, looking from me to Braxton.

Well I'd like to know that too.

"For your information, I was apologizing for knocking her over this
Morning." Braxton says in what I can't help but notice is a smug tone.

I feel a hand on my arm. I look down to see Dylan's muscular hand, wrapped around my little wrist. And then I'm being yanked down the hallway.

And then a hand on my other wrist.
Which would be Braxton's hand.
And now I'm caught in a tug of war.

"Let her go!" Dylan screeches.
"You let her go! You're not her dad." Braxton shoots back.

Dylan's face goes red with fury, and I know I have to get in there before he blows.

"Guys, will you both just stop? Has it ever occurred to you that I'm not a piece of meat!?" I say sort of calmly.

Both their headssnap to me instantly.

Their eyes bulge and I finally get my wrists back.

"Now I'm leaving, and if either one of you follows me, I will not hesitate to knee you in your balls. So leave me alone. I'll see you later Dylan."

And with that, I walk off leaving them dumbfounded and staring after me.

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