Alabama Boys (Discontinued)

By buymesushi

28.9K 630 96

Calypso Richards is best friends with her next door neighboors. They're cute, sweet, loving, been their since... More

Chapter One (Pic of Calypso)
Chapter Two (Pic of Zack)
Chaper Three (Pic of Xander)
Chapter Four
Chapter Five
Chapter Six (Pic of Chase & Connor)
Chapter Seven (Pic of Damon)
Chapter Eight
Chapter Nine
Chapter Ten
Chapter Eleven (Pic of Damon)
Chapter Twelve
Chapter Fourteen
Chapter Fifteen (Pic of Selena)
Chapter Sixteen
Author's Note
New Beginnings

Chapter Thirteen

1.3K 34 0
By buymesushi



Chapter Thirteen


Settle down with me
Cover me up
Cuddle me in

Lie down with me
And hold me in your arms

And your heart's against my chest, your lips pressed in my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with a feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love 
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Settle down with me
And I'll be your safety
You'll be my lady

I was made to keep your body warm
But I'm cold as the wind blows so hold me in your arms

Oh no
My heart's against your chest, your lips pressed in my neck
I'm falling for your eyes, but they don't know me yet
And with this feeling I'll forget, I'm in love now

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love 
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Yeah I've been feeling everything 
From hate to love
From love to lust 
From lust to truth 
I guess that's how I know you
So I hold you close to help you give it up 

So kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love 
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Kiss me like you wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
You wanna be loved
This feels like falling in love 
Falling in love
We're falling in love

Kiss Me, Ed Sheeran


“Guys what should I wear?” I asked in frustration as I raked my fingers roughly through my hair.

The guys had decided to spend the night yesterday and Damon had called to remind me of the date we had scheduled for today. I had showered and eaten but was having trouble finding what to wear. I raked my fingers through my hair once again and turned around for their opinion to find them lazily lounging around and ignoring what I had been saying.


They all looked at me and smiled sheepishly.

“Sorry, what?” Xander asked with an innocent smile.

“What should I wear?” I said with frustration.

“Wear something comfortable.” Chase said.

“But he never told me where we were going! So how am I supposed to…” I trailed off.

“You guys know where we’re going for our date!” I realized and yelled in accusation.

“Yup,” said Connor.

“Tell me where we’re going!”

“Can’t sorry, we promised Damon.” Zack said.

I groaned and started to riffle through my messy closet for a decent pair of clean clothes. After about five minutes I lost my patience, sighed loudly, and plopped on my bed next to Xander.

“Here, let me pick your clothes.” Zack offered and began to rifle through the mess and search for clothes.

I sat back and watched as he pulled out a pair of small jean shorts, a brown belt, a white tank top, and a gray light overall sweater with sunglasses. I looked over the outfit and nodded in appreciation.

“Nice choice,” I praised as I slipped out of my pajamas and put on the clothes he had chosen. I looked at the guys for their opinions and they looked at me with their hands under their chins with concentration. I laughed at their expressions but waited for their opinions.

“Put your hair up in a messy bun.” Connor ordered. I did as he said and looked at them again. 

They all slowly nodded their heads while Chase quickly pulled out a pair of sneakers and ordered me to wear them. Once I finished they all gave me a thumbs up to show their approval. Suddenly the sound of the doorbell rang throughout the house and the boys rushed downstairs while pulling me along with them. We reached the main entryway when Xander opened the door dramatically and pulled a surprised Damon inside the house. Zack, Chase, and Connor pushed me roughly towards Damon who automatically caught me before I fell and chuckled.

“Hello to you too, beautiful.” Damon said with a chuckle.  

“I’m sorry about the idiots; they were all dropped as a baby.” I said with a laugh and he laughed along with me. We were soon cut off when they pushed us out of the house and onto the porch as they all yelled out their well wishes.

“Be careful now, children!” Xander, Chase, and Zack yelled with a wave and a smirk.

“Don’t do anything I wouldn’t do!” Connor screamed as the door began to close. He sent us a fingered wave, a wink, and a childish giggle as he made kissy faces at us while the door shut.

“Again, their idiots.” I said with amusement as Damon laughed at all of them.

He took my hand and escorted me to his car and opened the passenger door for me. I seated myself as he closed the door behind me and waited as he got in. He reversed and drove skillfully through the streets and I finally took the time to look at him. He was dressed plainly in a black v-neck and jeans yet he still looked very good looking.

“So where are we going?” I asked after a few moments of comfortable silence.

He took his eyes off the road for a few seconds to look at me, flashed me a smile, and replied mysteriously, “It’s a surprise.”

I laughed at his expression but stayed in silence as music filled the silence of the car. After a few minutes we were parked at a strip mall at the top of a very large hill. He pulled the car in park and got out to quickly rush to my side to open the door. I smiled my thanks and looked around to find a semi busy strip mall with only a few cars driving in and out.

“Are you hungry or can you wait?” he asked.

“I can wait.”

“So what are we doing here?” I continued with curiousness.

“We’re going to do something that Seth and I used to do when we were bored.” He said with excitement.   

((Reminder: Seth is his best friend in the beginning chapters.))

I nodded and watched as he opened the trunk and pulled out various knee pads, elbow pads, shin guards, fingerless gloves, helmets, and two long boards.

“How are you with long boards?” Damon asked with excitement once he had pulled out everything he needed.

I laughed and pulled the long board from his hand and with a smirk replied, “Amazing.”

Damon guided me towards the sidewalk and put on the knee pads, shin guards, elbow pads, helmet, and fingerless gloves. Once he finished with his gear he helped me with mine and once we were finished he grabbed his long board next to him and stood up straight.

“Okay, so what are we doing?” I asked with excitement.

“Okay so I knew that with you, you wouldn’t want a typical dinner and a movie date, so I decided to take you something more adventurous than that. This is a game that Seth and I used to play,” he explained. I nodded my head with agreement and listened as he continued to explain.

“Since Alabama has so many hills we came up with this game. First, you wait for a car to past and bend over on your long board to grab the back fender of the car. The car will go left and keep going down the hill since this is a one way exit so you hold on to the car while it speeds down the hill. There won’t be many cars driving here because this is mall on the outskirts of the city so you won’t have to be worried about hitting a car. Once you get halfway down the hill, let go of the fender and just stand up and ride all the way to the bottom. After the hill it’s just smooth plains so you’ll eventually slow down enough to stop. It may take a while to stop but its all smooth plains for another six miles. Just be careful on the sides of the roads. There are bushes there that you don’t want to run into of fall into, trust me they hurt so just be careful. I know this is dangerous and you don’t have to do this though.” He finally finished with a look of concern.

I smirked in excitement and said, “I’m game!”

He smile at my excitement and was shocked that I had decided to go along.

“Are you sure?” he asked again.

“Positive, let’s go!” I said.

“Okay, I’ll go first to show you how it’s done.” He explained as he got into position by the road.

I nodded my head in anticipation and watched as a car slowly drove by and he bent over just as the car pulled to a stop. He grabbed the fender of the car and the car pulled forward and dragged him along with it.  I watched in fascination as the car began to drive down the near empty street and once he had gotten a good enough distance he stood up fully and glided skillfully away from behind the car and cheer loudly as he sped faster and faster. He glided easily along the long barren streets and cheered all the way. After a few minutes past and he had gotten a far enough distance he skidded to a stop and picked up his board. He jogged the long distance back and after a few minutes he finally reached me at the top of the hill in the parking lot, sweating and panting for breath.

“So, you ready?” he asked once he had finally caught his breath.

“Yeah, sure!” I said excitedly.

“Okay, you know what to do then?”

I nodded and bent over to get into position. After a few moments a car began to pull past us and stopped at the sign. I slowly crawled towards it and set myself into position and grabbed on to the fender.

“Remember be careful!” Damon called as the car began to pull forward. I gave him a one handed thumbs up and gleefully enjoyed the small ride. The wind blew past my face and my legs began to cramp for squatting so long.

“Okay, let go!” I heard Damon shout. I let go and stood up fully and skillfully skated past the car. I glided easily with the long board and enjoyed the beautiful view of the rolling hills and the refreshing breeze blowing across my face. After a few moments I skidded to a stop skillfully and turned to head towards the hill. After a few minutes of jogging up the tall hill towards Damon he gave me a bright smile as I panted. I wiped off the sweat on my forehead and gave him a bright smile in return.

“That good?” I asked.

“Good, you were amazing! You really can long board.” He said with a look of appreciation.

“Want to do it again?” he asked mischievously. I nodded eagerly and we both got into position and decided to try together.

Once a car began to drive past we grabbed the fender then skillfully skated past and laughed and made jokes along the large hill. We continued to skate along the large hill for hours.

Although I was gross, sweaty, and tired, it was by far the best date I had been on. It was a simple and adventurous date, yet the moments together were funny and full of laughs. The whole time we skated down the large hill we made jokes, cheered, and even took pictures. Somehow Damon had gotten the idea of buying two disposable cameras at the strip mall and take pictures while we skated. It was a genius idea and I took plenty of great pictures of Damon joking around, laughing, and making faces. I even sneakily captured an amazing photo of Damon long boarding skillfully while looking into the sunset.

After a few hours of long boarding Damon asked, “One more then you want to eat?”

I was sweaty and hungry so I agreed quickly. We grabbed onto the next cars fender and then quickly zoomed past the car.

“Hey, wanna hear a joke?” Damon called once we finished zooming past a few cars.

“Sure.” I yelled back.

“Are you related to Yoda?”

I looked at him in confusion to find him chuckling lightly.

“Cause yodalicious!” he exclaimed with a loud laugh. I laughed loudly along with him.

 But suddenly Damon’s laughter ceased he called out, “Calypso, look out!”

I looked in time to just narrowly avoid a random armadillo in the middle of the road. I skidded towards the right to just have enough space to miss the armadillo.

“That was close.” Damon said with a sigh of relief.

“Damon, car!” I yelled.

We both skidded around a car we had not seen that was in front of us.  Damon skidded roughly towards the left but righted himself just in time to get his balance back. But I couldn’t say the same for myself. Since I was already near the right side of the road when I skidded away from the armadillo I veered sharply more to the right, to skate just off the side of the road into a large bush. I was thrown off the board roughly towards a bush. I thought I had enough momentum to land on my feet, but unfortunately I didn’t. I tried to land on my feet but I was thrown so roughly I landed badly on my right ankle and tumbled forward to run into the large bush while the long board landed ungracefully next to me.

“Shit!” I hissed once I had finally landed and pain began to shoot up my leg.

“Calypso!” Damon called worriedly.

“In the bush!” I yelled.

He hurried towards me and bent down to assess the damage, “What hurts?”

“Ankle, knees, forehead, and arms.” I said in between gritted teeth.

“Shit.” He cursed.

“What is it?” asked worriedly.

“You’re bleeding a little bit on your forehead, you must have cut it. But it’s not too bad, a band aid and some rubbing alcohol will be fine. You’re legs, arms, and knees are pretty scratched up though.” He assessed as he sat next to me and held my hand worriedly.

“What about my ankle?”

He finally looked down at my ankle and his eyes widened, “Double shit.”

“What is it?!”

“Are you sure it doesn’t hurt as bad as you think it should? Because I don’t think your ankle is supposed to bend that way.” 

I sucked in a breath of air and hissed out sarcastically, “No of course it doesn’t hurt that much. After I fell I just decided I wanted to stretch my ankles because I’m secretly a gymnast and I want to join the Olympics.”

“Wow seriously becau-“

“No, dipshit I broke it!”

He chuckled at my anger and picked me up swiftly, left the long boards on the side of the road, and began to take the long walk up the hill.

“You know you’re adorable when you’re angry.” He commented after a moment of silence.

I glared at him angrily and clenched my teeth in pain as he laughed louder. He kissed my cheek and continued, “Don’t worry; I’ll take you to the hospital.”

I nodded and breathed in and out to concentrate on anything but the pain.

“You know that was a nasty fall.” Damon commented once again after another moment of silence.

I glared at him icily and replied, “Stop being a jackass.”

He chuckled and shot back, “Stop being a bitch.”

“Quit being a douche.”

“Stop being adorable.”

I glared at him icily and he laughed even louder. After a few minutes we finally made to the car and he gently set me into the passenger seat. He jogged to the driver’s seat and quickly drove towards the nearest hospital.

“What about your long boards?” I asked after a few minutes of silence.

“I’ll grab them later; right now let’s worry about you.” He responded. He placed a hand on my knee and squeezed it in comfort.

After a grueling twenty minute car ride to the nearest hospital he pulled into a parking spot haphazardly and jogged to the passenger seat. He easily carried me into the lobby of the hospital where he helped me fill out the papers needed. After a few minutes of waiting a doctor finally called us in and he gently picked me up and followed the doctor as I wrapped my arms around his neck for balance. Once we were in the room Damon carefully placed me onto the bed, sat next to me, and wrapped his arm around my shoulder.

“Good afternoon, my name is Dr. Rick.” The elderly doctor introduced and shook both our hands.

“Calypso.” I said with clenched teeth.

“Damon.” He said with a bright smile and grabbed my hand to squeeze it reassuringly.

“Okay well it seems you’re in great pain so let’s get past all the details and bring you to get an X-ray to double check. Would you like anything for the pain?” Mr. Rick said.

“Strongest thing you’ve got.” I muttered.

Dr. Rick chuckled and left to quickly retrieve the medication. Once I had gotten all my medication and I finally went through the X-ray I was returned to the room. It was confirmed I had indeed broken my ankle. The medication was pretty strong so I was tired and giggling once I finally arrived to the room. I was seated in a wheel chair and giggling madly once Dr. Rick wheeled me inside the room. There Damon sat on the seat next to the bed waiting patiently. Once he heard us enter the room he stood up and offered me a small smile. His brown hair was mussed and messy, his clothes were rumpled, and his hands were tucked into his jean pockets. His small smile gave me reassurance and I began to giggle wildly.

“She does have a broken ankle so we already put her into a cast. Her medications are sort of heavy so she may have a range of emotions from giggling and happy to depressed and crying because of the pain.” Dr. Rick informed Damon.

Damon nodded and helped me into the bed carefully.

“Will she be staying overnight?” he questioned.

 “No there’s no need. But you’re welcome to stay until her medication wears off.” Dr. Rick offered.

“Okay, thank you.”

“So how did she break her ankle?” Dr. Rick questioned.

Damon chuckled nervously while scratching the back of his neck in embarrassment before replying, “Well I wanted to take her on a first date so I took her long boarding down some hills. Yeah, it wasn’t the best idea now that I think about it…”

Dr. Rick laughed loudly and nodded, “I suggest a different type of date next time.”

“Agreed.” breathed Damon embarrassingly.

“Okay I’ll be on my way, be careful next time, and please pick a safer date.”

“Okay, doctor, thanks again.” Damon said with a blush.

“Bye, Dr. R-rick!” I screamed with a stutter and a loud giggle.

He shook his head and laughed before leaving with a wave.

“So how are you feeling?” Damon asked.

“Gooood!” I slurred with a giggle.

He chuckled and settled himself comfortably in the chair next to me and turned on the television. After a few minutes of silence I was getting bored and I grabbed Damon’s shirt and pulled him closer.

“Daaammon…” I trailed off while I ran my fingers through his hair.


“You know, you’re pretty hot.” I giggled.

He shook his head at me and chuckled, “You’re pretty hot yourself.”

“No, I mean not just hot, you’re like, daammnn hot.” I slurred seductively while running my hand slowly through his hair and slowly trailing my finger down his chest. He shook his head at me and clenched his jaw.

“Even when you’re on drugs you’re still unbelievably hot…” he muttered. I giggled in response and proceeded to kiss his cheek.

“Okay enough of that!” he stood up quickly and gently pried my fingers off of him. I pouted in retaliation and watched as he began pacing the floor in front of the bed. He walked to my side and carefully tucked me in and kissed my forehead.

“Why don’t you get some rest?” he suggested.

“But I’m not tired.” I pouted but yawned right after.

He chuckled and waited until I finally drifted off to sleep.


Hahaha sorry guys, I don’t like how in some stories they have dates where they go on picnics, a movie, or something, and instantly fall in love. It all seems… boring to me. So of course, I had to add a cool twist to their date so I hoped you enjoyed it!

*****WARNING: PLEASE DO NOT TRY THAT ACTIVITY AT HOME OR ANYWHERE ELSE! I DO NOT WANT TO BE HELD ACCOUNTABLE FOR INJURIES! But if you decide to ignore this warning and try it anyway & you get injured, well… sucks cause I warned you!*****

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