Heartbroken (Fairytail Love S...

By natsudragneel1020

189K 3.8K 1K

Lucy missed her best chance in the world, Natsu confessed to her, but didn't give him an answer. The next da... More

Heartbroken (Fairy Tail Love Story NaLu Fanfic)
Chapter 1: My home
Chapter 2: Job
Chapter 3: The Dangerous Path
Chapter 4: Love rival appears
Chaptet 5: Confession
Chapter 6: Confused
Chapter 7: Who are you?
Chapter 8: Disaster
Chapter 9: Plan A
Chapter 10: The dream (Part 1)
Chapter 11: The dream (Part 2)
Chapter 12: The broken heart
Chapter 13: The anger and the happiness
Author Note
Hold: A sweet time
Chapter 14: The truth (Part 1)
Chapter 16: The truth (Part 3)
Chapter 17: Plan B
Author's note

Chapter 15: The truth (part 2)

4.6K 142 61
By natsudragneel1020

Hi guys, I'm really sry for taking so long to update, there were something's I had to take care of, and if took me long.

Now I have summer vacation, but it doesn't feel like it. Everyday passes so fast that I don't even have time to do my schedule. So boring, anyway my cousins from London are going to visit us soon, looking forward to it, I haven't meet since 2006 it 2007 I don't remember exactly, Anyway you guys wants to read the story and doesn't want my boring author note (lol).

Perviously chapter:

Everyday was fun and we became friends. I started to have feelings for her and wanted to confess when he came. I don't know who he was but that day was the day everything changed.

Chapter 15:The truth (part 2)

****Continuing flashback****

Natsu's POV:

As usually, I came to play Lucy, it was first a sunny day, when suddenly it started raining. It was nice, the rain was cold, but somewhere deep inside my heart. It felt sad. My thoughts were interrupted by Lucy's maid, who came out of the house in order to get Lucy.

"Ojou, Came in otherwise you will get a cold". Her maid said.

"Hmm... Ok". Lucy answered.

I was about to say goodbye to Lucy when her mother came outside and asked me if I wanted to stay for a dinner and of course I accepted. Lucy smiled at me, and as usually she looked cute when she smiled. I wanted to protect her smile because, first I loved her and for the second I didn't wanted to se that sad experience she had when we first mate it each.

When we were about to go in the house,


There was an explosion behind me and Lucy, and both of us fell to the ground. Luckily no one got hurt badly and Lucy's mother, Layla and the maid run toward us.

"LUCY, LUCY". Layla called Lucy, while holding Lucy head up.

"A-aww, Mom" Lucy coughed.

"Are you ok" The maid asked me.

"Y-yeah" I answered.

"What was that?" I asked while looking around. I was shocked of what I say. There was a big hole in front of us. I couldn't know how big it was cause of the smoke.

"I don't know" Layla answered. All for of us were looking around when suddenly we heard:

"HAHAHAHAHA" It came behind the smoke. We all looked, first I couldn't see anything, but slowly, I saw a big shadow. Then two wings, big mouth, big feet and so on. When the thing came out if the smoke, I was shocked.

It was a dragon and the top of the dragon, there was someone standing on it.

"Surprise" The man said. "Remember me, Layla."

"What are you doing here, Kioshi?" Layla asked the man, and she looked angry at him.

"What do you mean by that? You know why am here." The man called Kioshi answered.

"No, I don't and LEAVE MY HOME IMMEDIATELY, KIOSHI." Layla screamed.

"Don't play dumb, Layla. You know exactly why am I. It because of what happened 10 years ago. You and your best friend took everything away from me. And do you guys even know how I felt when you two took everything I worked so hard and you guys even took my left arm and my right eye. Do you guys even know how miserable I felt. My wife asked to divorce, she took my baby, and it took me 5 years to take back my son. But those 5 years were the coldest five years I have ever felt. I was in the darkness all alone. And those days were the days I decided that I will let you two feel the darkness and the coldness I felt those days. When I got back my son, I looked for you two, and the first person I found was your best friend."

*****Flashback, Flashback******

Kioshi's POV:

I remember how she loved her brother, I beat her first then tied her on a tree. After that, it was when the fun began. I took her brother and cut his fingers on by one in front of her. Her brother started screaming and she told me to stop, but I just continued cutting his fingers. Hearing both of them screaming, one in pain and the other one seeing her beloved brother being cut into pieces. I was so excited.

"STOP, please stop, I beg you please stop. Don't hurt him anymore. You hate me, so take your hatred against me, don't my brother. I will do everything so please STOP." Layla's best friend, Akane said

"HAHAHA" I laughed. "As if I would do that. Do you know how long I was waiting for this day to came. AND, there is no where I can stop, when it's so fun." "And Akane, the fun is has just started, there is no way I can stop" I continued.

"NO, PLEASE STOP, I DON'T WANT TO SEE MY AKI GETTING HURT ANYMORE, SO PLEASE STOP" Akane cried. I just ignored her and continued. I cut her brother, Aki's two arms and legs.

"AWWWWWWWWW" Aki screamed again while crying. His screamed made me more exciting and then I came up with an idea. I opened his chest until I could se his heart. First I toughed it then I cut it into pieces. Aki was still crying, but when I started cutting his heart, he slowly started breathing heavy then died. I was sad when I saw him laying there lifeless. I was sad cause I couldn't have fun anymore.

"YOU BASTARD, HOW COULD YOU DO THAT TO AKI, YOU WILK PAY FOR THIS." Akane got more angry. But she couldn't do anything. Because I tied her up with a rope that absorb magic, so the more she tried to use magic the more tired she was getting. I was toward to her, she looked pale and I could guess that she didn't have much magic left to use.

"This is what happens when you make me angry. Did you enjoy your-" Akane spat on me and it made me more angry.

"YOU WILL PAY FOR THIS KIOSHI, EVEN IF IT IS THE LAST THING I DO." Akane said while having the same face I had when I lost everything.

"Sorry Akane, but that won't happened cause you are going to die here and now." I laughed.


There, She was dead too. My first revenge was done and now for my second one. I'm so excited to see Layla's face, when she lost everything. I will make her pay more than Akane did. Just you wait Layla. Your happiness is going to end soon so be happy while you can.

**End of flashback, flashback***

Natsu's POV:

What? That is so heartless. Why did he have to go that far. I don't know what happened between them, but he is still alive. Why didn't he kill her and her brother? Was it just to take a revenge or was it more than that.

"....could you? How could you do that to Aka-chan? Layla screamed at him. "Why did you have to go that far? Wasn't it me who took everything from you? Aka-chan didn't have anything to do with you. BUT, you went to far, killing Aka-chan, and Aki. You will pay for this KIOSHI." Layla continued.

Layla took out some keys. Some were gold and some were silver.

She looked angry. The face Layla had was a new face to me.

"That's the face, but it's still missing something. Ah, I know." He looked at Lucy.

"No you don't" Layla said while standing in front of Lucy.

I couldn't follow there conversation. But I knew one thing, that this battle wasn't going to end well.

~To be continue~

***End of chapter 15*****

*Author note*

Sry for taking so long to update, and thx guys for supporting me.

I will try updating more often. I don't have much time wen though it's sonar vacation:(

The truth (Part 3) will updated soon.

Tell me what you guys think about this chapter. I would love to hear you guys feedback. Thx again for reading my story. Oh yeah, Don't forget to Comment, Like.


Love Natsudragneel1020

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