DYW2KMS: Jessi Casket (Book 1...

By The_Revenant_King

1.7K 205 20

(This book needs to be rewritten. If you read it before I do please try to ignore the grammar. It is ad thoug... More

1.Change Happens
2.Madness is Contagious
4.It All Begins Now
8.Time Out!!!
9.Nightmare Pt. 2
10.Wait What?!
11.Welcome Home
12.Just A Piece Of The P.I.E
13.Uh Oh, Spaghetti O's.
14.Who knew videos could keep secrets
15.Psycho Moment
16.New Arrivals
17.An Old Friend
18.Now a Spookster
19.Enemies Appeared
20.Nightmare Pt.3
21.A change in Perspective (Ghost)
22.Nightmare Pt. 4 (Ghost)
24.Transfer (Ghost)
25.What's with this QA? (Jimmy)
26.Acid Blood (Toast)
27.Black Veins (Ghost)
28.JOHNNY!!! (Toast)
29.A Heart to Heart (Toast)
30.Silver State (Ghost) <End>
Alters: Darks Manor


33 7 0
By The_Revenant_King

I could feel the chains before I even opened my eyes. I was chained to the wall like some freak. The silver handcuffs burned against my skin, marking where it touched. I tried to focus so I could break it but the burning intensified causing me to cringe. Out of everything I put myself through, I never even thought about silver. I am such an idiot.

"Oh, I see your up, kitten." I launched at her with an inhuman growl, but the chains stopped me before I could get to her. I reeled back as the silver dug itself further into my wrists causing immense pain. This is ridiculous, there is no way she knew I was a paranormal entity. I didn't even use any of my abilities. 

"Where's the kid?" I moved back against the wall so the silver was looser around my wrists. The woman just laughed and went about her work. If only these chains weren't silver, I would have snapped her pretty little neck by know. No, stop Jessi. You just going to get yourself riled up, and the best thing right now is to stay calm.

"Where are the rest of your team?" I gave her the dirtiest look I could. She just walked over and took out her knife. It to was silver. That must have been the burning I felt before she kicked me. she took the knife and ran it down my cheek. I tried to be as still as I could but it was hard, the burning was immediate and painful. "Where are the rest of your team?"

"By now their probably halfway across the country." She frowned, raised her hand, and brought it across my face with such force I was thrown two feet over.

"Do not lie to me. You won't like what happened." I just smiled and spit out the blood that formed in my mouth. I could already feel my blood boiling, and the silver did not make it any better at all. If this keeps up, I could lose it completely.

"What do you want them anyway?"

"Their paranormal investigators, What entity doesn't want them?" Is she paranormal? Is that why she's wearing gloves. She wouldn't be able to touch any of the silver either.

"You underestimate them. Neither one of the Johnnys' are just going to fall at your feet." The look she gave me sent fear right down my spine. She knew something we didn't. Otherwise, she wouldn't be so confident. I looked around the place hoping maybe I could find something to help me escape. That's when I noticed it. This was the place from my dream. The place I was going to die in. Thinking back to it, she had caught them. I had gotten out and then somehow Jimmy as well. but... HOW?

"All we need are the last three. We already have you, Spooker, and now Colon." Colon? I never heard of him. Of I never heard of Spooker either. Who's the third one? There was Ghost and Toast. Is Spencer a member? I remember him saying something about monitoring for the boys. 

"Where. Are. They?" I was getting to my breaking point. The pain from the silver, the look on her stupid face, and the fact that she probably hurt another of my teammates. Just because I may not have met them doesn't mean I don't care. They are my teammates, they're' just as important as the boys are.

"I wouldn't worry about them."

"Why not."

"Because I haven't even started with you yet. You're much stronger than you look, aren't you?"

"Want to test your theory?" I ran again, but this time I was prepared for the pain. The silver dug itself deeper and pulled against the chains. You could hear as the chains strained, pieces of the wall falling as cracks appeared. next thing I know, I'm slammed up against the wall, the silver chains cutting into my back burning me. I ripped off my jacket and stood there in just my tube top and jeans. I threw my jacket on the ground, blood covering the back of it. My rage hit its boiling point. My hair and eyes turned red, as my vision blurred. I turned around and grabbed both chains with my hands despite the agony and pulled with all my might. The chains broke apart from the wall, and the women's smile faded slightly. She hadn't expected me to paranormal as well. Which sucks because she had me in silver for no reason then. I stood tall, staring daggers at her. I cracked my neck and the handcuffs fell into a shattered mess at my feet.

"Like I said, I am not a kitten." I launched at her again, this time free to move around. She had no issues dodging my punches and kicks. I wasn't getting anywhere with her, and if I used my knife now it would be taken from me. Crud, why can't she just die? I screamed out in frustration. It was monstrous and demonic. It rang through the room making it louder and echo. 

The women pulled out her knife and I tried to dodge, but she knicked me and I fell back, wracked with pain. She grabbed a syringe from her desk filled with a metallic liquid and I drowned in fear. I knew exactly what was in it.  I attempted to run but the pain from the cut made it hard to me. She got on top of me and grabbed my hair pulling my head to the side. She then stuck the syringe right into my neck and emptied the whole thing into my bloodstream. 

To say I felt like I was dying would be an understatement. The silver ran through making my blood itself burn. I felt like I was exploding and implodeing at the same time, frozen in time in perpetual agony. I was in so much pain my body was stiff. I was stiff, unblinking. You would've thought I was in fact dead. I couldn't hear anything but my blood literally boiling from the silver. I couldn't see anything but black and soon the pain took over completely and I was out.

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