Fallen Angel *Ghirahim x Re...

By Gambit2002

13.2K 427 140

For as long as The Surface has existed, there was another realm that was hidden from all living beings. It wa... More

Chapter one
Chapter two
Chapter three
Chapter four
Chapter six
Chapter seven
Chapter eight
Chapter nine
Chapter ten
Chapter eleven
Chapter twelve
Chapter thirteen
Chapter fourteen
Chapter fifteen
Author's Note
Chapter sixteen
Chapter seventeen - Part one

Chapter five

814 25 0
By Gambit2002

When the hatted girl and the Demon Lord returned to the castle, the female went to her room, leaving Ghirahim alone with his thoughts. He found himself, again, in the library, thinking about the conversations he and (Y/N) had during their walk. She was able to sense that dying adventurer, sense his emotions. Ghirahim has never met nor heard of someone being able to sense emotions as clearly and continuously as (Y/N). The small possibility of what she truly was nagged in his mind, bumping into any  thoughts of his. A low sigh left his lips and he stood up. He walked over to another bookshelf and scanned through them until he found what he was looking for. Spirits of The Fade.

          Due to the small amount of information on The Fade, there is not a great deal of information about its inhabitants. It is uncertain of how many types of spirits there are but there were bits of information on the temple walls. A Spirit of Vengeance is known for its way of deciding  whether someone should be punished and how much. The downside though is that these spirits can become merciless and are rarely summoned as they are one phase shift away from becoming a demon. 

Ghirahim let the information process. By the way that (Y/N) acts and behaves, it is unlikely that she is a Vengeance Spirit. 

          The Compassion Spirit is possibly one o the more rare yet fragile spirits recorded. Their gentle and caring nature separates them from the other spirits and makes them (possibly) more of a target for demons. 

He stopped reading. A gentle and caring nature is what (Y/N) possesses, the way how she could hear emotions,the evidence was there and he knew it.

          Demons from The Fade normally enter this world by possessing something living. In their true form, they appear bizarre and monstrous.

Ghirahim thought for a moment, (Y/N) has not possessed anyone otherwise she would know she was not human, and yet she appears human in all respect. He set the book down and flicked his hair. (Y/N) as a Compassion Spirit, there was too much evidence and similarities to prove it. Just as he rose from his seat to find the hatted girl and tell her what he had discovered, a bokoblin opened the door and bowed, its strange language informed him of a visitor waiting to speak with him.

Ghirahim appeared in a flurry of diamonds in the throne room to greet his sudden visitor. The moment his dark eyes landed on the visitor, a scowl painted his face. Shoulder length black hair that made her fiery snake-like eyes glow somewhat. Her peach coloured skin was consumed by a layer of small reptile scales that would harden at will to protect herself. Her teeth were two rows of sharp blades that could sink into and tear flesh, but her extended fangs that harboured a fast acting poison was what worried people. From her lower back a thin tail swayed. Her armour, no including her skin, was a simple set of dark blue cloth that covered her under clothing leather, it allowed her stomach and right shoulder to be expose. Her knee-high boots made an annoying click sound when she walked on stone flooring that made the Demon Lord want to stab her with her own boots if she was not Master Demise's second servant.

"Lord Ghirahim? I still don't understand why Master Demise let a sword watch over his castle." the woman spoke, spitting out the word Lord like a piece of spoiled food. Her tone was harsh due to her hiss that showed when speaking with the letter S.

"Mileena. What do you want?" Ghirahim growled through gritted teeth. After Master Demise's imprisonment, they both split paths to find some way to break the Goddess's enchantment and free their master. There was one little problem though: they both despised each other. Mileena walked over to Ghirahim, an old worn book in her clawed hand.

"I've found a way to bring Master back." she said with a smug smirk on her lips. "We use the pure essence of a spirit." Ghirahim for a split moment felt a small shock of worry strike his nerves but quickly suppressed it.

"We have already attempted that, imbecile." he hissed as he crossed his arms over his chest. A low hiss was heard and Mileena's tail jolted a little, swaying faster as a warning that did not intimidate him.

"No. It has to be a pure spirit. Like the Goddess's reincarnation-"

"That has yet to be born." Ghirahim cut her off. For some reason, he was slightly concerned about the pure spirit Mileena may be referring to.

"Or a spirit from The Fade, like a Spirit of Compassion." Something stirred in the Demon Lord's stomach like a stone rolling around in his stomach. It left a bit of a bitter taste in his mouth. He placed his hands on his hips.

"The Fade is a fairy tale. Made up by pathetic humans who were too idiotic to actually leave any indication or information of the place. It's. Not. Real."       

From Mileena's hateful glare, he could tell he has proved a point. He placed his hand on his temple and huffed, "Now, get out and come back when you have something that will help, not a fairy tale." Mileena walked past him, hissing at him and walking out the castle. Ghirahim turned to his minions.

"Do not let her back in without my permission." he turned his heel and walked away.

The (H/C) haired female sat on the window ledge, listening to the whispers when she spotted someone storming out of the castle. The great distance between her and the individual did not stop the shiver that raked down her spine by the person's aura. (Y/N)'s body swarmed with uneasiness and she climbed back into her room. She walked out the room and wandered down the hall. As she walked past a window, she stopped. Something unusual caught her attention, forcing her to look out the window towards Faron Woods. Strange whispers filled her head, different from the other whispers she has heard before. These were difficult to understand, possibly in another form of language. A faint pulling sensation pushed her to go and investigate.

The woods seemed quieter than usual, the birds were silent and the squirrels were gone. (Y/N) had wandered off the path into the more shadowed part of the forest. The whispers were increasing, becoming louder, telling her that she was getting closer to the source. They led her to a large ditch in the ground, preventing her from continuing forward. Looking around, there was no alternative route to cross apart from teleporting. In the blink of an eye, the (E/C) eyed girl appeared on the other side of the ditch, leaving a small puff of smoke in her wake.

Hidden among the trees, a soft light green glow peeked through the trees. The whispers were somewhat more clearer but not completely understandable. (Y/N) slowly walked towards the glow, carefully pushing some leaves out the way and stopped at the source. A light green glowing orb hovered in the centre of the small clearing. This was the source of the whispers. (Y/N) felt drawn to the orb like a moth to flame. The area around seemed to be pushed away, the green glow was all she could focus on, nothing else mattered. She took one or two steps closer to the orb, her pale hand outstretched slightly, before she could touch the orb, it vanished. The trance broke the second the glow disappeared. (Y/N) blinked a couple of times then glanced around, there was no trace of the glowing orb anymore and the whispers had faded. The forest returned to its usual, lively state. That had never happened before and it confused her. What was the glowing orb? She brushed it off and teleported to the entrance of the forest and walked back to the castle. Her teleporting ability only allowed her to go so far.

Walking through the training area, her eyes landed on one of the weapon stacks. The weapons were made from wood so they did not cause much damage unlike the ones from the armoury. She approached one and picked it up. It was light but blunt, more like a form of club rather than a sword. She set it back and thought for a moment. (Y/N)  pulled out one of her long daggers and stood in the centre of the training area. A small breath left her lips before she sliced the blade upward, her mind clear and calm ad she rapidly sliced the air with fluency. Her feet pushed her off the ground, flipping forward and landing with a slice across which would have sliced an enemy's ankle. A sharp turn and her blade was centimetres from Ghirahim's face. The tip of the blade was between two of his fingers, his hand emitted a low crimson glow.

"Quite skilled wit this blade, aren't you?" he commented with his dark eyes on her rather than the blade. (Y/N) gave a gentle tug of the dagger and Ghirahim released his hold on it.

"I'm sorry. I didn't see you appear." she said as she sheathed her dagger. Ghirahim waved it off then snapped his fingers, forming a deadly sword with a similar appearance to the daggers he had. 

"Allow me to give you a  demonstration my incredible swordsmanship." he spoke with a smirk. He snapped his fingers again and a target appeared. Its body was covered in armour and it held a sword in its hand. Before the target could react in any way, Ghirahim charged at it, his sword aiming at its abdomen. (Y/N) watched as it went to block the Demon Lord's attack but it fell into his trap as Ghirahim teleported behind it and slashed at its back. This sent it stumbling forward. He darted towards it and sliced its head off. (Y/N) was actually impressed by his fighting skills. Ghirahim placed a hand on his hip as his sword disappeared. A confident smirk on his white lips.

"Swift with the wind and strong with the blade. You're powerful in the battle, driven by the passion to fight." she said to him. He gave a small chuckle and flicked his hair.

"Right you are." he turned on his heel and motioned her to follow him.

As the hatted girl followed the Demon Lord, she could sense a thin string of anger wrapped around his body. It was dull but easily reignited if given a bit of fuel. The memory of the odd glowing orb replayed in her mind, it was as if it pulled her towards it and she found it difficult to resist. Maybe she should tell Ghirahim? No, it was not important.

He stopped and turned to face her suddenly,

"A piece of advice: if you meet a foul, repulsive reptile woman, get back here as fast as you can. Understand?" he asked, his gaze matched his serious tone. The dull anger glowed a little, clarifying there was possible danger with this woman. She gave a nod,

"Yes, Ghirahim." she said. (Y/N) noticed how his lips twitched into a faint smile.

"Good. At least you can understand a warning." she glanced out the window of the hall and saw the sun start to hide under the horizon. "It's getting late. We should get some sleep." Ghirahim said as he also looked at the disappearing sun. (Y/N) nodded.

"Good night." she said before leaving for her room. Ghirahim's dark eyes were on her as she walked away.

"Good night." he whispered even though she did not hear him. 

Again, (Y/N) found herself trapped in a place that she recognised but there was no familiar name to give it. The cracked stone that supported her sitting form felt real, too real to be a dream. Thick air that was difficult to breathe for her yet she could. A cold shrill echoed in the distance, snapping her head in every direction to pinpoint where it originated from but failed. Her mind was foggy and fuzzy, unable to think clearly. The atmosphere felt hostile, damp with warning and tension. A deafening roar that almost made the ground shake filled her ears, she instantly turned to try and run before the monster found her. She curled up into a hole in the stone wall and remained silent. Fear consumed her as she covered her mouth to silence her breathing. Its thudding footsteps came and stopped dangerously close to her hiding spot. It sniffed the air for her and a low growl was heard. Carefully, she peeked her (E/C) eye open to catch a glimpse f it. Was it possible for this form of haunting monster to actually be real? How could her mind conjure such a demon? Before she could react, the demon's bone-like claws scarped at the entrance of the hole, trying to break the stone open and grab her. She couldn't move, all she could do was watch as the demon desperately attempted to get her to devour her. The hole split open and the demon's claws reached towards her.  

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